How many active members high level are we talking about here? I'm curious about this situation, more context would be better.
How many participated in your attacks to capture those said Sites?
This dude is trying to dramatize their situation on eu1, when in reality it all depends on the day, sometimes they take 2 gates, sometimes 5+, and I can easily provide ss to prove that, especially that the last few days they've divided into multiple clans to drain easier, and with that each clan had at least 3 gates PER PHASE, so if we summarize it there's certainly more than 2-3 per day.

- This is one clan divided in 2, and there's also 3rd.
Yesterday they took 2 gates in the first 5 minutes of one of the attack phases, and just kept going up and up.
In my honest opinion Eu1 attackers are nothing but drama queens desperate for changes that will actually give them free gates, not an advantage.
-As you can see, they complain about people using carno/rex vs brachios/para, so I guess we're suppossed to do tank vs tank and give them extra 20 minutes before one of us finally dies.
-They complain about getting spawn killed (with the untouchable effect that lasts 10s and they can freerly TP away from the gate in that time or run and heal their HP) - yet will claim they don't afk drain while in reality they place their alts on different gates and afk till they decide to attack so I don't know what else they expect.
-Then they complain that they deserve for free attacks because smh attackers have it harder to hunt dd (cap) - they're just mostly alts or too lazy to hunt dd
-Then they will complain about pretty much everything, and when the rates were even -20 / +5, they'd come here and complain yet again that they cannot take any gates (also a cap) - but then 2 Eu2 attackers were able to take up to 5 gates / phase against pretty amounts of defenders (with -25/+5) - so i supposse the issue was with Eu1 attackers and the lack of tactics from their part rather than the update.
But yeah, they still have the audacity to say they aren't using alts (pretty obvious they are since as an example, there's 3 accounts / ''attackers" in the circle draining, each one will shoot you one by one, but only 1 would move, then when the moving one dies, another one suddenly moves, then when the second dies the third starts to move)
They have the audacity to say they aren't afk-draining or passively draining but in most of the situations they actually are. And to top it all off I'm pretty sure they'll fo after me saying that I am lying, but there's more than enough ways of proving it and they cannot deny it.
So devs, how about you just mark whole 5 maps with FEKETE LOVAG name as the clan holding it, and make it so we're unable to drain? JUSTICE FOR FEKETE LOVAG (they'd still whine for more).