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Feedback Wanted: Site Conflict Adjustments (3.2)

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Jun 30, 2020
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Came also from me^^ but it is also not just a fire and forget thing, as with the suggestion it would always default to the lowest drain factor currently in the circle per clan
This dynamic drain system based on dino class has the potential to solve 2 problems with one feature. Truly the best idea at the right moment. I think it should be further explored.

It forces attackers to not use only Tanks but to do a variety of combinations. It also can make combat much more lively in a way.

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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I am interested in one thing regarding that drain based by what dino class we use tho like which class would have highest draining rate if it was implemented for example


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
I am interested in one thing regarding that drain based by what dino class we use tho like which class would have highest draining rate if it was implemented for example
I believe it should be the highest strength dino which drains faster than other classes so we’re talking Rex & Carno, I may be also wrong about how Alewx thought about this


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Feb 28, 2024
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-J- S I N N E R -J-
omg stop talking about eu1. i don't care. i don't care what goes on in eu1. i'm sharing my experience from my server. not everything is about eu1. eu1 is not the center of ds.
Yeah, not everything is about e1, yet e1 had been mentioned here multiple times by devs and the attackers as the server who SHOULD struggle the most due to end game update (so not about e1 but still lowkey is).


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Feb 28, 2024
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-J- S I N N E R -J-
This is a complicated one. In a way, this breaks the PvP part of the gameplay. Keep in mind, we all here are complaining about the Branchio because it's very unfair in PvP, in the Site Radius.

Now, if you're adding a third-party attacker to the PvP, it's just complicating things and making things not fun. This is only theory and my view.

Imagine I am not using a Tank to drain, this will be a big disadvantage for me. By contrast, this idea itself forces the enemy to use Tank to stay alive the longest.
This could only work out if there's no fight activity in a gate that had been attacked, for example it wouldn't make sense if the gate was emitting damage to the gate that's healing especially in the matter we're discussing here.

But If it was about a gate that had been attacked and there is no fight activity in it, then yes it might work out, unless attackers decide to attack each other so I think that the ''fight activity'' should only include attacker Vs defender kinda activity, not attacker vs attacker or attacker vs a non attacker neither defender.


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Feb 28, 2024
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-J- S I N N E R -J-
This dynamic drain system based on dino class has the potential to solve 2 problems with one feature. Truly the best idea at the right moment. I think it should be further explored.

It forces attackers to not use only Tanks but to do a variety of combinations. It also can make combat much more lively in a way.
Just imagine they give tanks the highest drain rate instead :ROFLMAO:
But seriously, that should also work the other way around but with repair rate in my opinion

For example : The stronger the dino is the higher the drain rate is BUT the more tanky the dino is the higher is the repair rate (If you get my point) So for example carno, rex etc would make pretty high drain rate, and brachio, centro, anky etc would make a pretty high repair rate. (and it wouldn't give the attackers less chances of winning since most tanks are easily killed by carno for example - if one knows how to use it).
I'm not talking about max +41 tho, it's lowkey a joke in my opinion especially compared to the drain rate and the gate's HP. It should be fixed since there's barely any chance to even heal the gate before enemies decide to come back tofinish their draining.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
As Promised we have the first batch of planned changes ready to show you.

Fist we want to adress the main issue that also affect other issues mentioned here before we change to many things at the same time. We think the main issue is that site attacking can get very passive if you just place you dino inside the circle without fighting back against the defenders.

For that we have planned the following changes:

Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
  • Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)
Passive Extra Power Chargeing
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
  • The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner

What do you think? Will it help to improve the issue with passive drains and makes the pvp fights more?
If that is the case it will most likely also help that defending will get a bit easier side owner defenders are present to protect their site.
ok i would like to actualy give feedback on these changes since it seems to be a very rare thing now ill split it into points based on the categories above
1.Stability changes
this one is straight up terrible idea im sorry for the harsh words but the rng is not your friend and the game stats are lies the rexes suposed 50% miss chance is a lie since its closer to a 90% one in reality while paras dodge is basicaly invulnerability while reflectors activate once a year and your be lucky to have it happen once in a fight and ill skip a bit here but the new extra power gaining ways have a new problem with them regarding this a term called chain cc in other games where they just continue spaming this hard cc (stun and confusion) making game unplayable in pvp since the worst king of pvp is the one where you cant even fight back since rng wouldnt give you stability you can end up getting stuned forever since even a single player can get two hard ccs one from gun and second from dino not to mention multiple players that way a solo player wont be alowed to even play the game in pvp not to mention pve balance will be thrown out of the window while yes there is no ai with two forms of hard cc the lvl 55 ai especialy is on crack dealing way more damage then players by the time the para bandits confusion on you is gone your dead and buried 6 feet under the ground
my proposed solution: if stability trully has to change i would be in favor of just reducing the implants efectivenes (kinda similar to heats) so its not instantly gone but also not completely game ruining not to mention rexes roar doesnt even need ep for it its already op enough dino and no just because most rex players that got it served on a silver plater by just waiting in line like their trying to check out at a cashier in tesco suck ass (sorry for all the swearing) doesnt mean its a bad dino so please dont turn this game into a stun fest where its just about who brings more stuns
2. the ep changes:
this one is sounding pretty good it will have a posstive effect and i personaly didnt play the game when that used to be a thing however it sounds interesting and in the heat of combat should function similar to how it used to while giving the guys fighting afking statues which are not just attackers i saw like 10 times more so called defenders afk so hard i could dance in front of them and they wouldnt even notice it some wont even react when you attack them peak defense right there and they try to complain about stuff increadible anyway i think this part is good in my honest opinion but please feel free to react to this so we talk about the actual topic instead of personal grudges or whatever i spend several hours reading today
my proposed solution: no need for changes there
3. the manual extra power skill usage
i dont like this idea im just gona be honest here personaly i use the keyboard to activate my skills and you need the mouse to turn the camera around not to mention in the heat of a battle i dont have a year to read an entire manual on how to use my skill the right way or have to press 5 buttons on my keyboard to use a single skill all those people complaing about pvp being too long only fight in groups or like fools a pvp between two none tank dinos ends withing seconds and is decided by reaction speed i have no time to try and figure out how to even use a damn skill while moving the camera with the said mouse noone is standing in one spot during an active fight
my proposed solutions: i would just forget this one its a nice idea but the mouse being needed for that makes it seem chaotic to me when enemy is spining around you and your are trying to keep your camera on them while also attempting to figure out how to use a skill not to mention seems straight up unusable for those using keyboard shortcuts to use skills
4. no adrenalin buff for sites without owner
this one is a very needed change its radicilous and i speak from the possition of a sucesful attacker in those situations i dont need a tank to take that site all i need is my carno and since theres no defender noone can really kill me before i do ireversable damage and just eventualy finish it off it brings out the worst parts of the adrenalin change which is not bad in itself but its that the side clans use it to make themselfs invulnerable to attackers draging out fights to incredible lenghts and then complain fights are too long
my proposed solution: no need this one is good aswell

and now a bit of personal thing so hello my name is Nebulon Galaxus i am an eu1 kos at this moment and i do agree the complaints from aliance defenders here are unnecesary and dumb but unlike others ill directly explain why by doing an anylysis of something mentioned a bit above by a feket member it was when me and 4 other players all of which were related to feket in a way drained a gate in gold fields (redwood) i want you all to do some calculating with me and figure out why said "defense" was not very efective as already mentioned the number of true attackers (attackers that actualy want to take the site and not just the buff) was 5 total while the number of "defenders" was 9 right away it seems defenders should have easily won that however there this pesky litle problem called side clans which everyone forgets are a role commonly present so the 9 defenders (i dont perfectly remember the number) were made up of 5 beloved and hated members 2 dark gods of war members and the rest was related to invicto i think meanwhile the owner of said gate was dark gods of war imidiatly we can see a problem here but lets do the calculations now are you ready? ok lets go see how many people failed primary school tell me the exact number of attackers, defenders and side clan memebrs in this scenario and then give me the ration between true attacker and true defender (gate owners) the intial ration is about 2 to 1 for so called "defenders" everyone done? good the answear is 5 attackers, 2 defenders and 7 side clan members giving us the final ration between defender and attacker of 2.5 to 1 for the attacker and those people complain its too hard to defend when they have these ratios in their defense and this is a common thing i have seen my fair share of draining to make that statement and so i end my feedback on the curent situation of defense on eu1 and mainly the propesed changes for the game

disclaimer: as an eu1 only player i have no right to judge situation on other servers as i dont know anything about it i also do not wish to discredid the feedback of anyone from said servers their situation and data is different from mine and i accept that i hope we can all find the best results for everyone togethere im just letting everyone know that my data and feedback will be based on eu1 server since thats where i play


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Nov 3, 2016
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I- NoLimitsArg -I
-Supreme Resistance-
How about we add a mechanic that would ensure that players can not just stand around and that be it. Something like:
  • During Conflict Phases buildings will emit in regular time intervals a fear effect to all players within the circle
  • The healing Effect of all players within the building circle gets impaired to 50% effectivness
  • the Building themself emit in regular time intervals damage to the players within the circle
League of Storm


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Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
Can there be a way to make the owner clan lose fame in such a way that if the gate is red , owner clan loses some part of the fame because alliance clans just tries to mark red all buildings preventing attackers to spawn at camps and forcing them to spawn at dv gate where they all camp.
So this would actually cost defending alliance not to mark red but. Instead have fair fight and not keep the game boring.


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Feb 1, 2021
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-I- Mercy -I-
Peace Walkers
Can there be a way to make the owner clan lose fame in such a way that if the gate is red , owner clan loses some part of the fame because alliance clans just tries to mark red all buildings preventing attackers to spawn at camps and forcing them to spawn at dv gate where they all camp.
So this would actually cost defending alliance not to mark red but. Instead have fair fight and not keep the game boring.
mine output is low as it is with most clans keeping their buildings at basic. they would produce pretty much no fame. marking sites red is a decent way to deal with the tank afk drain issue.


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Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
Doesn't matter , if the gate is successfully taken over then the full fame goes to the new clan while if ally clans just try to block tp of attackers which makes the game play boring and whole attack phase is wasted so that should cost the defending alliance.
It's surprising how every trick of alliance isn't considered as loophole while every trick of attackers is considered as loophole trying to find solution.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
mine output is low as it is with most clans keeping their buildings at basic. they would produce pretty much no fame. marking sites red is a decent way to deal with the tank afk drain issue.
i see where your coming from but my data from eu1 doesnt align with this before you got on a rampage or something about me speaking about things on a different server i want you to consider the possibility i only play on said server so i can only judge the situation there now back to the point
almost all gates and especialy the ones which were not recently lost are all maxed out giving an actual decent amount of fame but yes i do agree that 50% yeald gates give absolutely nothing as for the strategy of making whole maps red is nothing new but it feels kinda exploit like however it is nothing new it was going on for a long time also i dont think the proposed solution by the feket member you reacted to is the right thing to do either since if just making the gate red would reduce the amount of medals which would make the reward go from garbage reward for actualy taking it to even more garbage reward (on low yeald sites atleast)


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Jun 30, 2020
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If it works, why not; if things are well working and accepted, then no shame in adapting them.
Will there be some adjustments to prolong the war?

Wars are ending in less than 30 minutes nowadays. And I can't ignore the fact that it's due to the one-takeover mechanic. This is the 2nd biggest problem in my opinion. In the long term, if we imagine a situation where 2 clans are constantly swapping sites, it will make the overall gameplay boring and push players to not even bother, and eventually leave.

I've gotten a taste of that and I'm keeping my hopes up that this will be addressed since this Dev Shack is not done yet.

It's quite frightening that in 24 hours of gameplay, I only get to interact with the Site for about 30 minutes each phase before all Sites are taken over.


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Apr 29, 2022
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I still believe splitting battle into 4 quarters can be the foundation to pro long battles....

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
How about we add a mechanic that would ensure that players can not just stand around and that be it. Something like:
  • During Conflict Phases buildings will emit in regular time intervals a fear effect to all players within the circle
  • The healing Effect of all players within the building circle gets impaired to 50% effectivness
  • the Building themself emit in regular time intervals damage to the players within the circle
i see this proposition has been brough up again so i might aswell try to speak about it i read a bit below this would also affect none pvp protected players as such i believe some more details will be necesary to fully judge the situation stuff like how often would the intervals happen? what changes will be done to the stability implant by the time this would come out? or more importantly how will the damage be determined?

since i feel it could go into both extremes very easily i am not sure if it would be possible to make the intervals deal damage based on the targets hp instead of a set amount so ill asume its gone be a set amount of damage since most a pvp contributors are high lvls this would make lower lvls completely incapable of doing gate pvp since if the damage is too high for them they would get one shoted not to mention the few inocent low lvls or new players that could get cought up in the crossfire or one shot by the gate since i dont think i quite understood what would have to happen for this proces to start if the gate has to be attacked or just in the vulnerable phase but either way what if the interval is short and someones escort quest goes through the gate ring and they dont have protection on well they wont be able to get through because the gate will kill them then the transport gets killed by quest ai and the poor guy wouldnt even be able to revive it

ofcourse theres the other extreme where the damage would be so low for high lvl players and especialy tanky ones where they dont even notice it

or worst of all it will be so strong the defenders dont even need to be there because the gate will either protect itself or force everyone to use those aparently so hated brachis to even survive for some time

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
It took us three 15 minutes to take down one guy with Brachi!! Now imagine if there were more than one Brachi in the zone.

View attachment 47921
It took us three 15 minutes to take down one guy with Brachi!! Now imagine if there were more than one Brachi in the zone.

View attachment 47921
i would like to use this screenshot and coment to talk about one more thing brought up in this coment section very often which is stuff about brachi being too strong but first i need to say this

disclaimer: i dont wish to directly make fun of anyone in this picture or those related to them i dont know any of them so even if i say something which could be seen as insulting i dont want anyone to get ofended by it since its not my intention im just gona use this to objectively analyze the situation unless your one of those who used to kill me in 3v1s or more and then laught at me for it in which case you absolutely deserve this i aint gona name anyone specificaly you know who you are

so now lets get on with the analyzis the point being brought up is that brachy is too strong and needs a nerf to which i dont agree and hold your fire please i never really played brachy im just saying it being acused of things that are not its fault or are its core mechanic is not fair i dont want to end up seeing even more dinos in the game becoming basicaly unusable especialy when there are clear and easy solutions to those problems one of which was already proposed by the developers themselfs at the moment of writing this feedback

so first lets get this screenshot analyzis done we can see 4 players present 3 on a centro with different weapons and one on a brachy well imidiatly those that have keen observations can see why it took them 15 minutes to kill that brachy the reason is their all side clans none of them is a defender their all abusing the attacker buff to become unkillable and drag on fights to radicilous extends this imidiatly throws the already low chance of reaching the dps check out of the window since their doing 25% their original damage in this case this has absolutely nothing to do with brachi but the fact those present in the picture didnt quiet get the memo of who is a defender and who is a side clan resulting in so called unkillable brachys while the only reason for that in this case is a situation that shouldnt even happen if they were all true defenders i can asure you in a 3v1 that fight wouldnt not be 15 minutes long

now an over all anylysis of situations in which the proposed ep changes would not help is in the ones similar to the one in the screenshot but different imagine there was just one centro in a 1v1 with that brachy and the brachy is afk since an actively fighting brachy is very easy to kill and those that say no ill speak about in just a moment those with proper knowledge can imidiatly notice one thing which is a sub optimal build on all the people present (on the defender side) all of them brough this games equivalent of a hybrid build which is a cross between a tank and a damage dealer where they have better dps and speed but lower hp then tanks and the oposite towards damage dealers that being said it is radicilous to me to see someone think they can meet the dps check on the highest lvl tank in the game you cant possibly expect to kill the strongest tank with a mediocre damage dealer and thats all thanks to a dps check

what is a dps check? well thats simple its the amount of damage you need to deal in a set amount of time to break your enemys tank there are skill effects and implants/techs to help with reaching that check just like there are things to reduce the enemies likely hood of reaching it theres nothing wrong with that this is the most basic way tanking vs damage works in almost any game dino storm has two different dps checks a hard dps check and soft dps check the hard dps check is if you can deal more damage then your target can heal back with heals if you cant even reach the hard dps check with your build you shouldnt expect to get any results because frankly you cant and the soft dps check is how long it takes you to kill your enemy it can be 20 seconds or 5 minutes that all depends on by how much your dps is higher then the enemies hard dps check

so knowing this it makes sense that strongest tank possible in this game wont fall to a mid lvl dps that would make no logical sense from what i can see in the screen only the centro ss guy would be able to reach the hard dps check alone with the defender buff and thats when the brachy would fight back however the ep changes will fix that still he wont get past that check by much while the other two could hardly dream of even getting past that check im sorry but you aint gona break a full tank brachy with a centro yager or hammer (meh damage potential) so if someone wants to say brachy is too op i would first advise checking your own build you might realise you cant even kill it in general which even the ep changes wont fix thats not the games fault but the players one when fighting such a strong tank you shouldnt look for a hybrid build you need damage otherwise it will take forever to kill the tank the dps check you cant reach with a centro, yager would get smashed into pieces by rex, colt or gatlings vulnerability so please stop blaming poor strategies and lack of game knowledge on the games balance i end my case and thank you for your atention


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Apr 29, 2022
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How about we add a mechanic that would ensure that players can not just stand around and that be it. Something like:
  • During Conflict Phases buildings will emit in regular time intervals a fear effect to all players within the circle
  • The healing Effect of all players within the building circle gets impaired to 50% effectivness
  • the Building themself emit in regular time intervals damage to the players within the circle
For building themselves immiting damage can there be a duration long enough and radius big enough the tank and slow dino get damaged more than the fast and squishy dino... So maybe it last for 8 seconds, but squishy dino could evade and escape and only get damaged for 2-3 seconds while tank dino getting damaged for at least 6-7 seconds.... Something along those lines


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Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
i see where your coming from but my data from eu1 doesnt align with this before you got on a rampage or something about me speaking about things on a different server i want you to consider the possibility i only play on said server so i can only judge the situation there now back to the point
almost all gates and especialy the ones which were not recently lost are all maxed out giving an actual decent amount of fame but yes i do agree that 50% yeald gates give absolutely nothing as for the strategy of making whole maps red is nothing new but it feels kinda exploit like however it is nothing new it was going on for a long time also i dont think the proposed solution by the feket member you reacted to is the right thing to do either since if just making the gate red would reduce the amount of medals which would make the reward go from garbage reward for actualy taking it to even more garbage reward (on low yeald sites atleast)
Yeah most of the sites are in 400% , I just wanted to make the exploit which u also spotted to cost the alliance because this just ruins the game play just like allies get the buff. Agreed to you :)) if there is any better way to avoid the exploit always welcome because u spoke facts.
Last edited:

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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I wanna see how long it takes to kill tanks when players who are attacking it are actual site holders and not when their allies/side clans decide to help them by fighting it i haven't seen screenshots here that show actual site holder fighting tank only their allies/side clans so far.


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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I wanna see how long it takes to kill tanks when players who are attacking it are actual site holders and not when their allies/side clans decide to help them by fighting it i haven't seen screenshots here that show actual site holder fighting tank only their allies/side clans so far.
We could provide that opportunity with another public PTR over the weekend, so that some suggestions and ideas could ready get tested.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
ok i would like to actualy give feedback on these changes since it seems to be a very rare thing now ill split it into points based on the categories above
1.Stability changes
this one is straight up terrible idea im sorry for the harsh words but the rng is not your friend and the game stats are lies the rexes suposed 50% miss chance is a lie since its closer to a 90% one in reality while paras dodge is basicaly invulnerability while reflectors activate once a year and your be lucky to have it happen once in a fight and ill skip a bit here but the new extra power gaining ways have a new problem with them regarding this a term called chain cc in other games where they just continue spaming this hard cc (stun and confusion) making game unplayable in pvp since the worst king of pvp is the one where you cant even fight back since rng wouldnt give you stability you can end up getting stuned forever since even a single player can get two hard ccs one from gun and second from dino not to mention multiple players that way a solo player wont be alowed to even play the game in pvp not to mention pve balance will be thrown out of the window while yes there is no ai with two forms of hard cc the lvl 55 ai especialy is on crack dealing way more damage then players by the time the para bandits confusion on you is gone your dead and buried 6 feet under the ground
my proposed solution: if stability trully has to change i would be in favor of just reducing the implants efectivenes (kinda similar to heats) so its not instantly gone but also not completely game ruining not to mention rexes roar doesnt even need ep for it its already op enough dino and no just because most rex players that got it served on a silver plater by just waiting in line like their trying to check out at a cashier in tesco suck ass (sorry for all the swearing) doesnt mean its a bad dino so please dont turn this game into a stun fest where its just about who brings more stuns
2. the ep changes:
this one is sounding pretty good it will have a posstive effect and i personaly didnt play the game when that used to be a thing however it sounds interesting and in the heat of combat should function similar to how it used to while giving the guys fighting afking statues which are not just attackers i saw like 10 times more so called defenders afk so hard i could dance in front of them and they wouldnt even notice it some wont even react when you attack them peak defense right there and they try to complain about stuff increadible anyway i think this part is good in my honest opinion but please feel free to react to this so we talk about the actual topic instead of personal grudges or whatever i spend several hours reading today
my proposed solution: no need for changes there
3. the manual extra power skill usage
i dont like this idea im just gona be honest here personaly i use the keyboard to activate my skills and you need the mouse to turn the camera around not to mention in the heat of a battle i dont have a year to read an entire manual on how to use my skill the right way or have to press 5 buttons on my keyboard to use a single skill all those people complaing about pvp being too long only fight in groups or like fools a pvp between two none tank dinos ends withing seconds and is decided by reaction speed i have no time to try and figure out how to even use a damn skill while moving the camera with the said mouse noone is standing in one spot during an active fight
my proposed solutions: i would just forget this one its a nice idea but the mouse being needed for that makes it seem chaotic to me when enemy is spining around you and your are trying to keep your camera on them while also attempting to figure out how to use a skill not to mention seems straight up unusable for those using keyboard shortcuts to use skills
4. no adrenalin buff for sites without owner
this one is a very needed change its radicilous and i speak from the possition of a sucesful attacker in those situations i dont need a tank to take that site all i need is my carno and since theres no defender noone can really kill me before i do ireversable damage and just eventualy finish it off it brings out the worst parts of the adrenalin change which is not bad in itself but its that the side clans use it to make themselfs invulnerable to attackers draging out fights to incredible lenghts and then complain fights are too long
my proposed solution: no need this one is good aswell

and now a bit of personal thing so hello my name is Nebulon Galaxus i am an eu1 kos at this moment and i do agree the complaints from aliance defenders here are unnecesary and dumb but unlike others ill directly explain why by doing an anylysis of something mentioned a bit above by a feket member it was when me and 4 other players all of which were related to feket in a way drained a gate in gold fields (redwood) i want you all to do some calculating with me and figure out why said "defense" was not very efective as already mentioned the number of true attackers (attackers that actualy want to take the site and not just the buff) was 5 total while the number of "defenders" was 9 right away it seems defenders should have easily won that however there this pesky litle problem called side clans which everyone forgets are a role commonly present so the 9 defenders (i dont perfectly remember the number) were made up of 5 beloved and hated members 2 dark gods of war members and the rest was related to invicto i think meanwhile the owner of said gate was dark gods of war imidiatly we can see a problem here but lets do the calculations now are you ready? ok lets go see how many people failed primary school tell me the exact number of attackers, defenders and side clan memebrs in this scenario and then give me the ration between true attacker and true defender (gate owners) the intial ration is about 2 to 1 for so called "defenders" everyone done? good the answear is 5 attackers, 2 defenders and 7 side clan members giving us the final ration between defender and attacker of 2.5 to 1 for the attacker and those people complain its too hard to defend when they have these ratios in their defense and this is a common thing i have seen my fair share of draining to make that statement and so i end my feedback on the curent situation of defense on eu1 and mainly the propesed changes for the game

disclaimer: as an eu1 only player i have no right to judge situation on other servers as i dont know anything about it i also do not wish to discredid the feedback of anyone from said servers their situation and data is different from mine and i accept that i hope we can all find the best results for everyone togethere im just letting everyone know that my data and feedback will be based on eu1 server since thats where i play
Based on your eu1 comment about not having real defenders that’s why it’s taking too long to kill tanks I’d like to remind you that clans which held 5+ sites were losing their sites in about 4 minutes, so clans were forced to split into smaller ones, now if you look closely there’s 3-4 clans instead of 1-2 clans holding sites on each map, devs did this to force big clans into splitting in order to make it easier for attackers

Then the buff feature came and it became really unfair for these small clans holding 3 or 4 sites to kill 10-15 tanks.
But now here’s the thing… attackers aren’t 10-15 attackers in one clan… they’re 3-5 clans draining you with insane speed, so just like how big clans split into small clans, attackers split into multiple clans to drain faster, and the draining doesn’t affect them considering third-parties who plan to help the defender can’t anymore, but multiple clans draining can help the attacker
Now maybe if we make attackers also spend DDs in order to attack, as suggested depending on the site’s yield, this will make it a bit harder for them to create clans and put funds to drain, they will be forced to farm in order to drain, same way defenders farm to hold their site

Also to point out something, the clan “fekete” you talk about was offered 4-5 sites with peace and elections, they refused to hold and requested half a map at least, which is also funny
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Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Based on your eu1 comment about not having real defenders that’s why it’s taking too long to kill tanks I’d like to remind you that clans which held 5+ sites were losing their sites in about 4 minutes, so clans were forced to split into smaller ones, now if you look closely there’s 3-4 clans instead of 1-2 clans holding sites on each map, devs did this to force big clans into splitting in order to make it easier for attackers

Then the buff feature came and it became really unfair for these small clans holding 3 or 4 sites to kill 10-15 tanks.
But now here’s the thing… attackers aren’t 10-15 attackers in one clan… they’re 3-5 clans draining you with insane speed, so just like how big clans split into small clans, attackers split into multiple clans to drain faster, and the draining doesn’t affect them considering third-parties who plan to help the defender can’t anymore, but multiple clans draining can help the attacker
Now maybe if we make attackers also spend DDs in order to attack, as suggested depending on the site’s yield, this will make it a bit harder for them to create clans and put funds to drain, they will be forced to farm in order to drain, same way defenders farm to hold their site

Also to point out something, the clan “fekete” you talk about was offered 4-5 sites with peace and elections, they refused to hold and requested half a map at least, which is also funny
my apologies if it was too offensive but i was just pointing out that only those with the defender buff deal full damage to attackers ofcourse when they go full tank and dont fight back this makes it hard to get through said tank however the proposed changes to ep generation are pretty good and should help with this problem while a brachi you fight without ep might last 2 minutes or so depending on what they use the one you fight with ep wont and thats in 1v1s i did kill brachys solo in less then a minute when i was doing full damage and i dont have a rex laught at me for that if you want but i feel like if i had a rex colt there i would melt brachys in seconds i dont want the already low pvp dino variaty atleast on eu1 to get even works like be honest with me more then half of pvpers are rex users

and yes your right the clans did split and i can understand the incentive for it i really do and i know you all didnt have an easy time dealing with that however i think you also realise that now you did get the situation where yes gates die slower but so do the attackers since there is not as many people doing the normal level of damage i hope its not considering ofensive for stating that but it is how it is based on the adrenalin system and the way it functions so yes now there are smaller clans but it makes me wonder was it really that necesary? like you got very quick response times wouldnt just merging back to one clan while yes making draing faster also greatly increase your chances of killing the drainers in time and thus reduce the need to relly on outside forces as much as before? idk i feel like someone should start focusing on how to either bring the old players back into the game or find new ones since honestly even eu1s large clans look kinda understaffed like there are many that used to have 80 members but only 15 to 30 actualy play the game you get where im coming from? while the number of accounts is high number of active players is not which makes things seem boring and a bit empty atleast on eu1 i feel like that is the case

i can understand your concern with the third parties being unable to do anything but then i would say if they could judging from how many can come there since as many other people including some from other servers stated eu1 is a different server where majority of the player base that is still playing are all great friends and help one anothere which means unless some members of those clans provoke each other and start an inner war there is none that can pose any form of threat to the combined might of said clans again pointing at the lack of players since there general isnt enough players on the server to be a threat even if everyone for some reason united to stand against the aliance they would still be greatly out numbers i feel like we as players should start also providing feedback on how new players could be attracted to the game and how to make them stay/improve the game even more i think thats in everyones best interest ofcourse not necesary here even my feedback is oriented largly toward the proposed game changes but i feel like its being ignored just because of something else i said at some point in time im not asking anyone to like me hate me if you want i know some of you do but none of you can ever hate me more then i hate myself

anyway i agree with where you are going with that i feel like to make things balanced attacking should indeed not be completely free however i hope if something was implemented for that it would not be a gold coin costing item since idk about you but i dont miss the supply charges at all since dd farming was made easier i feel like it should be dd based if it were to happen

and i am aware of that i might be a smoth brain dumbass (sorry comunity manager please dont ban me) but even i understand that information is important thing so i know of that aswell doesnt mean its important info to me but i do know some stuff


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
my apologies if it was too offensive but i was just pointing out that only those with the defender buff deal full damage to attackers ofcourse when they go full tank and dont fight back this makes it hard to get through said tank however the proposed changes to ep generation are pretty good and should help with this problem while a brachi you fight without ep might last 2 minutes or so depending on what they use the one you fight with ep wont and thats in 1v1s i did kill brachys solo in less then a minute when i was doing full damage and i dont have a rex laught at me for that if you want but i feel like if i had a rex colt there i would melt brachys in seconds i dont want the already low pvp dino variaty atleast on eu1 to get even works like be honest with me more then half of pvpers are rex users

and yes your right the clans did split and i can understand the incentive for it i really do and i know you all didnt have an easy time dealing with that however i think you also realise that now you did get the situation where yes gates die slower but so do the attackers since there is not as many people doing the normal level of damage i hope its not considering ofensive for stating that but it is how it is based on the adrenalin system and the way it functions so yes now there are smaller clans but it makes me wonder was it really that necesary? like you got very quick response times wouldnt just merging back to one clan while yes making draing faster also greatly increase your chances of killing the drainers in time and thus reduce the need to relly on outside forces as much as before? idk i feel like someone should start focusing on how to either bring the old players back into the game or find new ones since honestly even eu1s large clans look kinda understaffed like there are many that used to have 80 members but only 15 to 30 actualy play the game you get where im coming from? while the number of accounts is high number of active players is not which makes things seem boring and a bit empty atleast on eu1 i feel like that is the case

i can understand your concern with the third parties being unable to do anything but then i would say if they could judging from how many can come there since as many other people including some from other servers stated eu1 is a different server where majority of the player base that is still playing are all great friends and help one anothere which means unless some members of those clans provoke each other and start an inner war there is none that can pose any form of threat to the combined might of said clans again pointing at the lack of players since there general isnt enough players on the server to be a threat even if everyone for some reason united to stand against the aliance they would still be greatly out numbers i feel like we as players should start also providing feedback on how new players could be attracted to the game and how to make them stay/improve the game even more i think thats in everyones best interest ofcourse not necesary here even my feedback is oriented largly toward the proposed game changes but i feel like its being ignored just because of something else i said at some point in time im not asking anyone to like me hate me if you want i know some of you do but none of you can ever hate me more then i hate myself

anyway i agree with where you are going with that i feel like to make things balanced attacking should indeed not be completely free however i hope if something was implemented for that it would not be a gold coin costing item since idk about you but i dont miss the supply charges at all since dd farming was made easier i feel like it should be dd based if it were to happen

and i am aware of that i might be a smoth brain dumbass (sorry comunity manager please dont ban me) but even i understand that information is important thing so i know of that aswell doesnt mean its important info to me but i do know some stuff
Noo not at all I didn't say I find your post offensive not at all... I'm giving you my point of view as a defender that's all about it, I'm glad we're able to agree on the same things

And yes attacking shouldn't be free at all, there's still many things that needs exploring with this update especially the dynamic draining depending on dino class.

Matter of fact, making draining cost DDs will solve more than 1 issue with one feature, including allies closing each other's sites. In the past we used Supply Charges, which costed Gold Coins and none used to close their ally sites because it would be costy, now if it becomes with DDs, it'll give almost the same outcome no? To hold you already need to spend DDs, and to attack you should spend DDs.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
Based on your eu1 comment about not having real defenders that’s why it’s taking too long to kill tanks I’d like to remind you that clans which held 5+ sites were losing their sites in about 4 minutes, so clans were forced to split into smaller ones, now if you look closely there’s 3-4 clans instead of 1-2 clans holding sites on each map, devs did this to force big clans into splitting in order to make it easier for attackers

Then the buff feature came and it became really unfair for these small clans holding 3 or 4 sites to kill 10-15 tanks.
But now here’s the thing… attackers aren’t 10-15 attackers in one clan… they’re 3-5 clans draining you with insane speed, so just like how big clans split into small clans, attackers split into multiple clans to drain faster, and the draining doesn’t affect them considering third-parties who plan to help the defender can’t anymore, but multiple clans draining can help the attacker
Now maybe if we make attackers also spend DDs in order to attack, as suggested depending on the site’s yield, this will make it a bit harder for them to create clans and put funds to drain, they will be forced to farm in order to drain, same way defenders farm to hold their site

Also to point out something, the clan “fekete” you talk about was offered 4-5 sites with peace and elections, they refused to hold and requested half a map at least, which is also funny
I asked my Clan why we didn't agreed:you guys offer 4 gate for 2 Clan before war fekete had half map you guys asked kick members from fekete and my leader said it's unfair to stop fighting after Alot good update. And if you guys have skill issue that u can't kill brachio not my Clan mistakes and you guys greek spilt into 5 Clan attacking when free? Most of Time we get Spawn kill


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
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-I- Mercy -I-
Peace Walkers
i see where your coming from but my data from eu1 doesnt align with this before you got on a rampage or something about me speaking about things on a different server i want you to consider the possibility i only play on said server so i can only judge the situation there now back to the point
almost all gates and especialy the ones which were not recently lost are all maxed out giving an actual decent amount of fame but yes i do agree that 50% yeald gates give absolutely nothing as for the strategy of making whole maps red is nothing new but it feels kinda exploit like however it is nothing new it was going on for a long time also i dont think the proposed solution by the feket member you reacted to is the right thing to do either since if just making the gate red would reduce the amount of medals which would make the reward go from garbage reward for actualy taking it to even more garbage reward (on low yeald sites atleast)
that's so crazy i've said like 5 times that i don't care about eu1. ds doesn't revolve around eu1.

an exploit is abusing bugs or things you're not supposed to. if kos players can sit afk on tanks and drain then their enemies can turn their own maps red to prevent that from happening in the first place. if one is a strategy, then so is the other. besides, there are ways around it. just load into the map before combat phase and then drain whatever is turned red. it won't automatically go to whoever turned it red.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
I asked my Clan why we didn't agreed:you guys offer 4 gate for 2 Clan before war fekete had half map you guys asked kick members from fekete and my leader said it's unfair to stop fighting after Alot good update. And if you guys have skill issue that u can't kill brachio not my Clan mistakes and you guys greek spilt into 5 Clan attacking when free? Most of Time we get Spawn kill
There's no clan on the server that has split into 5 clans, max 3 but alright, you got spawn killed you say? Brother do you realize when you teleport to a site you have enough time to teleport to a different one or even a different map? You're basically saying you teleported to a site to drain but you stood and waited till we killed you, were you planning to afk drain it or what I'm curious I don't get your point


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
There's no clan on the server that has split into 5 clans, max 3 but alright, you got spawn killed you say? Brother do you realize when you teleport to a site you have enough time to teleport to a different one or even a different map? You're basically saying you teleported to a site to drain but you stood and waited till we killed you, were you planning to afk drain it or what I'm curious I don't get your point
I see you dont understand English if we Spawn with 20% hp and you guys already there we wasted the dd and the Time and thats why attacking cost dds.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
I see you dont understand English if we Spawn with 20% hp and you guys already there we wasted the dd and the Time and thats why attacking cost dds.
if 2k dds (idk how much it is for a level 32) is a lot for you and you're gonna complain about it then i don't know what else to say
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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2016
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- Eternal -
Can there be a way to make the owner clan lose fame in such a way that if the gate is red , owner clan loses some part of the fame
Then what would stop someone from hopping on a Coel and visiting every single site to make it red and drop it's fame production out of spite?

because alliance clans just tries to mark red all buildings preventing attackers to spawn at camps and forcing them to spawn at dv gate where they all camp. So this would actually cost defending alliance not to mark red but. Instead have fair fight and not keep the game boring.
It's nothing new - both defenders and attackers would do this during the big wars to gain an advantage, the only difference being that they had to pay a Supply Charge to do so. Don't forget that no one, not even the site holder, can teleport to an attacked site. This means that if your players are already gathered in an area, or if you can teleport there via other means (without Duelist - the players that attacked those sites will have Duelist active, so you get the advantage for teleporting), you can drain pretty safely.

And honestly, you are quite lucky that this is all that they are doing. In all other servers that I am familiar with, the allies are draining each other's sites instead of trying to defend them. What options do you think there are for attackers in that case? Just as the "side clans" of an alliance are struggling to defeat your Brachio and defend, the attackers on other servers are struggling to kill alliances that are draining their own sites. After 20 minutes all sites already have a new owner and you can just log off - your only option was to join right at the start of the Vulnerable phase and search for a site that either the alliance 1) forgot to assign a player to drain (/not enough players joined the phase) or 2) assigned someone with a lower drain rate than you.
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