As Promised we have the first batch of planned changes ready to show you.
Fist we want to adress the main issue that also affect other issues mentioned here before we change to many things at the same time. We think the main issue is that site attacking can get very passive if you just place you dino inside the circle without fighting back against the defenders.
For that we have planned the following changes:
Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
- Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)
Passive Extra Power Chargeing
- Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
- Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
- Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
- Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
- Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
- Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
- Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
- Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
- The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner
What do you think? Will it help to improve the issue with passive drains and makes the pvp fights more?
If that is the case it will most likely also help that defending will get a bit easier side owner defenders are present to protect their site.
ok i would like to actualy give feedback on these changes since it seems to be a very rare thing now ill split it into points based on the categories above
1.Stability changes
this one is straight up terrible idea im sorry for the harsh words but the rng is not your friend and the game stats are lies the rexes suposed 50% miss chance is a lie since its closer to a 90% one in reality while paras dodge is basicaly invulnerability while reflectors activate once a year and your be lucky to have it happen once in a fight and ill skip a bit here but the new extra power gaining ways have a new problem with them regarding this a term called chain cc in other games where they just continue spaming this hard cc (stun and confusion) making game unplayable in pvp since the worst king of pvp is the one where you cant even fight back since rng wouldnt give you stability you can end up getting stuned forever since even a single player can get two hard ccs one from gun and second from dino not to mention multiple players that way a solo player wont be alowed to even play the game in pvp not to mention pve balance will be thrown out of the window while yes there is no ai with two forms of hard cc the lvl 55 ai especialy is on crack dealing way more damage then players by the time the para bandits confusion on you is gone your dead and buried 6 feet under the ground
my proposed solution: if stability trully has to change i would be in favor of just reducing the implants efectivenes (kinda similar to heats) so its not instantly gone but also not completely game ruining not to mention rexes roar doesnt even need ep for it its already op enough dino and no just because most rex players that got it served on a silver plater by just waiting in line like their trying to check out at a cashier in tesco suck ass (sorry for all the swearing) doesnt mean its a bad dino so please dont turn this game into a stun fest where its just about who brings more stuns
2. the ep changes:
this one is sounding pretty good it will have a posstive effect and i personaly didnt play the game when that used to be a thing however it sounds interesting and in the heat of combat should function similar to how it used to while giving the guys fighting afking statues which are not just attackers i saw like 10 times more so called defenders afk so hard i could dance in front of them and they wouldnt even notice it some wont even react when you attack them peak defense right there and they try to complain about stuff increadible anyway i think this part is good in my honest opinion but please feel free to react to this so we talk about the actual topic instead of personal grudges or whatever i spend several hours reading today
my proposed solution: no need for changes there
3. the manual extra power skill usage
i dont like this idea im just gona be honest here personaly i use the keyboard to activate my skills and you need the mouse to turn the camera around not to mention in the heat of a battle i dont have a year to read an entire manual on how to use my skill the right way or have to press 5 buttons on my keyboard to use a single skill all those people complaing about pvp being too long only fight in groups or like fools a pvp between two none tank dinos ends withing seconds and is decided by reaction speed i have no time to try and figure out how to even use a damn skill while moving the camera with the said mouse noone is standing in one spot during an active fight
my proposed solutions: i would just forget this one its a nice idea but the mouse being needed for that makes it seem chaotic to me when enemy is spining around you and your are trying to keep your camera on them while also attempting to figure out how to use a skill not to mention seems straight up unusable for those using keyboard shortcuts to use skills
4. no adrenalin buff for sites without owner
this one is a very needed change its radicilous and i speak from the possition of a sucesful attacker in those situations i dont need a tank to take that site all i need is my carno and since theres no defender noone can really kill me before i do ireversable damage and just eventualy finish it off it brings out the worst parts of the adrenalin change which is not bad in itself but its that the side clans use it to make themselfs invulnerable to attackers draging out fights to incredible lenghts and then complain fights are too long
my proposed solution: no need this one is good aswell
and now a bit of personal thing so hello my name is Nebulon Galaxus i am an eu1 kos at this moment and i do agree the complaints from aliance defenders here are unnecesary and dumb but unlike others ill directly explain why by doing an anylysis of something mentioned a bit above by a feket member it was when me and 4 other players all of which were related to feket in a way drained a gate in gold fields (redwood) i want you all to do some calculating with me and figure out why said "defense" was not very efective as already mentioned the number of true attackers (attackers that actualy want to take the site and not just the buff) was 5 total while the number of "defenders" was 9 right away it seems defenders should have easily won that however there this pesky litle problem called side clans which everyone forgets are a role commonly present so the 9 defenders (i dont perfectly remember the number) were made up of 5 beloved and hated members 2 dark gods of war members and the rest was related to invicto i think meanwhile the owner of said gate was dark gods of war imidiatly we can see a problem here but lets do the calculations now are you ready? ok lets go see how many people failed primary school tell me the exact number of attackers, defenders and side clan memebrs in this scenario and then give me the ration between true attacker and true defender (gate owners) the intial ration is about 2 to 1 for so called "defenders" everyone done? good the answear is 5 attackers, 2 defenders and 7 side clan members giving us the final ration between defender and attacker of 2.5 to 1 for the attacker and those people complain its too hard to defend when they have these ratios in their defense and this is a common thing i have seen my fair share of draining to make that statement and so i end my feedback on the curent situation of defense on eu1 and mainly the propesed changes for the game
disclaimer: as an eu1 only player i have no right to judge situation on other servers as i dont know anything about it i also do not wish to discredid the feedback of anyone from said servers their situation and data is different from mine and i accept that i hope we can all find the best results for everyone togethere im just letting everyone know that my data and feedback will be based on eu1 server since thats where i play