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Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update"

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Jul 13, 2020
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- Family Crazzy -
Hello Dino Rangers

The next big Dino Storm update " #10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs smoothly and we could incorporate your feedback, the testing phase will conclude with the live release to follow shortly after.

: informação: Please Read This Before Joining the Test:
  • The PTR ("Public Test Realm") is exclusively used for testing.
  • The server is running a fresh new state without any players on it. After you create your avatar, it will automatically be given the items etc. which are required for testing the new update.
  • Many elements you will see on the PTR are still work in progress and might change during testing & live release.
  • Only the english language is available for the client.
  • To gain access to the PTR you may need to register a new Splitscreen Games account. Access to register and play on the PTR is here: https://ptr.dinostorm.com/

:!: Design Changes Only for the Public Test:
The changes below are only applied during the testing phase and will be reverted/not take place when the update goes live.
  • New players will be prepared for testing after creating their avatar (takes a few seconds)
    • Each player will be set to max level
    • Each player will get all dinos at max level
    • Each player will get all weapons at max level
    • Each player will get all modules & implants at max level (5x per item)
    • Each player will get a clothing/skins at max level & quality for each slot and for each attribute
      • color coded by attribute (some colors are duplicated as we have more attributes than base colors)
    • In the end the player will be moved to dinoville near the gate that leads to goldfields
  • All Claims & Supply Camps are automatically supplied by dinoville
  • First test phase will only allow PVP combat, while PVE will come at later
    • all PVE mobs & group quests are disabled so that no unit spawns
    • all playes are locked into the PVP engaged status
  • Disabled that clothing & skins will expire/worn out
  • Disabled damage booster
  • Maps & icons are automatically discovered one entered them.

:?: Questions to the Community
Seria ótimo se você pudesse usar as seguintes perguntas como uma diretriz ao fornecer seus comentários aqui.
  • O que você acha da sensação de cada dinossauro em comparação com o antigo equilíbrio?
  • Os dinossauros fornecem uma variedade útil para você?
  • Os implantes e módulos encorajam combinações diferentes?
  • Você gosta do rebalanceamento e por quê?
  • Você mudaria seu dinossauro e por quê, quando a atualização for ao ar?

Você pode ler o changelog completo do ptr público aqui => Changelog
Divirta-se e poste seu feedback aqui e ali => Fórum de Bug
:comemoro: :)
eu souI'm a little disappointed with how Carnotaurus got, his healing was reduced, and now with extremely high life, he literally doesn't cure anything, he's my favorite dinosaur and I was really sad how he got, Will there be any changes ?, Having only life in the dinosaur does not make it strong, it would be interesting to change how the carnage became, and buff the percentage.


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Jun 29, 2020
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- Cobra -
Asian Fighter
PvP is fine just needs some tweaks like increasing gun and dino damage,
. The Coelo, Parasaur, brachi and anky are a little too tanky
And that's it,
Everything else is lookin good


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Feb 2, 2021
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[QUOTE = "Alewx, postagem: 52127, membro: 1113"]
se você estiver em uma luta com vários jogadores ou mobs, isso lhe dará mais poder e, portanto, mais efeitos para conter o ataque de vários inimigos. usar os próprios ataques como fonte de extrapoder era apenas explorador e não era realmente equilibrado.
[/ QUOTE] Nao creio que seja explorador ja que as habilidades quando usadas com poder extra tem um tempo de recarga. Se o problema for juntar muito poder extra quando em combate com vários inimigos ao mesmo tempo, basta diminuir a % de poder extra que o jogador recebe por ataque. Por favor so queremos ajudar afinal todos amamos dino storm.


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Jun 30, 2020
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Is it normal that Rex can't even kill Tanks like Brachi or Anky?


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
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How many times did you kill brachy with rex? one pvp doesnt say much, it could be just luck.
I only had to prove that it is possible not probable and it was clear win with massive heal points difference.

Stability implant was used as Anti-Confuse & Anti stun as opponent used Showstopper.

Penetration tech was used an Anti-Absorb

Strength implant, Damage Tech & Strength clothes, Bleed & Burn effect with T-Rex & Burning Colt. All were used together to lower Brachiosaurus heal points by overpowering its healing.

Recovery, Dino Defense, Agility & Dino Reflector were used to Defend T-Rex Heal Points.

Victory was assured before even start shooting, as choosing your equipments carefully is all what matters now.


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Jun 30, 2020
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The second skill of Parasaurolophus produces 75% Dodge change when activated with Extra Power. Combine that with Agility implant and it almost dodges 85% of the skills. It's near impossible to counter that on a 1vs1.

That 75% Dodge needs to be decreased. It's kind of annoying when even 3 dinos against Parasaurolophus, the latter still gives difficulty in combat against 3 opponents.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
The Peacemaker is designed as an Anti-Hit & Run Class.

If you are a Damage Dealer, it is better option for you to play in Melee combat due to your Strength and endurance that allow you to catch.
  • Paralyze effect can be activated in Far & Medium Ranges, it will help you pin down opponent and force it in Melee combat.
If you are a Tank, it is better option for you to play in Ranged, as you have high wall of heal points, and your Weapon Damage is stronger than your Strength, besides your endurance will not allow you to catch your opponent anyway.
  • Range Up effect can be activated in Far Range, it will help you have a better grasp on opponent whom shooting you from far Range and help you overpower them by your heal points difference.
In the test, I saw how most of the players continued to play remotely .. with dinosaurs that are for melee .. how to solve that?


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
if you are in a fight with multiple players or mobs, this will provide you more power and so more effects to counter the attack of multiple enemies. using the own attacks as a source of extrapower just was exploitive and not really balanced out.
Yes, maybe it wasn't balanced but we got used to that a lot xD


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
The balance is a little bad. Brachiosaurus is very strong / tank. Peacemaker and meat are great, except for them .. you have to fix the rest of the dinos and weapons
The brachi is not bad, it fulfills its role .. endure a long time, it is supposed to be a giant dinosaur difficult to kill


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Oct 16, 2015
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Issues related with joining and testing staff:
  1. In test server it seems that positions of players are less synchronized while walking and running, it makes hard to fight in close-far range and catch somebody who is running, since its impossible to use skills and it looks really stupid when players kind of are close to each other, because guns don't shoot, but there are still no dino hits.
  2. While joining test server, sometimes players are rolled back in queue, for example: i'm in 20th position and after some time i'm at 77 position
Me and some other people noticed it since yesterday.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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Victory was assured before even start shooting, as choosing your equipments carefully is all what matters now.
This part, i really do not like. Of course equipment should matter, but changing everything constantly for every single enemy becomes frustrating really fast. And there is no way to change equipment quickly, you have to go through your profile every time which is fine if you only have to change 1 implant or tech, but not all four+weapon/dino. This statment also suggest that you should have every dino, gun, imp, and tech upgraded to level 55, which is very time consuming to do and should not be expected from anyone.

These are some of the reasons why i liked the idea of having some necessary items that you always have to use (Like vitality, recovery and shield in case of my beloved old system when ccv was added), and some that are less important and only used in certain situations. While this is not "balanced" by definition of sheer numbers, it might give the players a more enjoyable experience, since they don't have to change stuff constantly and have a chance against everyone based on what they do in a fight.


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Apr 25, 2020
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[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 52086, membro: 15481"]
Você deve ter cuidado ao aumentar o Dano, pois não queremos que os combates corpo a corpo ou à distância se superem e há uma série de fatores que são direta ou indiretamente afetados por eles.

Ajustar a cura é a maneira mais justa e eficiente de lidar com a duração do combate "Infinito".

Se você quiser ver quanto tempo levaria para Dano vencer os pontos de cura sem cura, então divida os pontos de cura pelo valor do dano e você perceberá o grande papel da cura nisso.

O combate normalmente pode durar 1 minuto ou pouco mais, mas se você adicionar a cura, isso se tornará de 1 minuto a 1 hora ou mesmo infinito (pvp para sempre)
Well, in my view the damage that is more essential than the cure in a pvp does not last for a long time, if the cure is reduced legally but we will not continue to do damage, so continuing the same thing now with the reduced cure, understand if you want 1 pvp in an average of 1 minute you have to have damage to kill your opponent, and guess what is missing in this update? Exact DAMAGE neither of dinosaur nor of weapons. The att itself is good but the pvp is ridiculously bad for the phallus that we don’t damage the dinosaur and weapon. I really hope that at least 1 little damage will be done to make it more fun, as the cure has no role in 1 dinosaur with 1 Million life. If it is possible to review just that and increase the damage so that it is actually BALANCED in terms of life and damage it would be great. Thank you very much in advance.


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Apr 25, 2020
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My last notes of what I saw on the test.

The pvp is fun, but it is very long, but ways to fix it would be to damage the damage of dinosaurs and weapons, of course a maximum of 10 to 15%.

I don't know if the "Carnage" meat's ability was altered or nerfed but it's not making any difference, I don't know if it's the lack of damage or something else.

Stability implate is immoral strong, a breath of 1 Rex has virtually no effect and much less stuns that are reduced to almost nothing.

Don't you think the rex is slightly bad? Good Many people spend a lot of money to get 1 rex, so in the end he is kind of bad in combat, his breath for example now you can just cancel with a stability implant, you are not doing the damage that you are supposed to do among other things. Of course it is not because I have a rex that I have to have advantages over others, but the price of getting a rex is very difficult and laborious and time consuming, taking over 2 years.
So the rex should have a certain value, shouldn't it?

Maybe a few more things are missing but this is what I think I should change. The att is super interesting but it has a lot to fix and fix, I hope you liked my last feedback, Bye!


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
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This part, i really do not like. Of course equipment should matter, but changing everything constantly for every single enemy becomes frustrating really fast. And there is no way to change equipment quickly, you have to go through your profile every time which is fine if you only have to change 1 implant or tech, but not all four+weapon/dino. This statment also suggest that you should have every dino, gun, imp, and tech upgraded to level 55, which is very time consuming to do and should not be expected from anyone.
i was thinking about this just now actually and its a really good point. if you attune your equipment for a certain kind of enemy, then if you get attack by two enemies with vastly different styles or even just one enemy that you weren't expecting, then based on what thround said you're just kind of.... out of luck. and once again, that means combat comes down to luck. i remember back in 2013/2014 you could change your loadout on the fly, even while in pvp, and i've been starting to feel like that was a better decision than what we've got now, especially because of how long it takes for the game to register you as out of pvp.

I only had to prove that it is possible not probable and it was clear win with massive heal points difference.

Stability implant was used as Anti-Confuse & Anti stun as opponent used Showstopper.

Penetration tech was used an Anti-Absorb

Strength implant, Damage Tech & Strength clothes, Bleed & Burn effect with T-Rex & Burning Colt. All were used together to lower Brachiosaurus heal points by overpowering its healing.

Recovery, Dino Defense, Agility & Weapon Reflector were used to Defend T-Rex Heal Points.

Victory was assured before even start shooting, as choosing your equipments carefully is all what matters now.
and you don't think this is a problem for pvp? if everything is supposed to be viable against everything else, having to choose exact implants/techs/gun/dino to use against one specific enemy is going to lead to problems down the line. pvp should be mostly based off of skill, not using one specific loadout to kill one specific type of other loadout. thats not using skill and its definitely not fun. its just luck based as to whether what you're using at any one time is the right thing to use.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Issues related with joining and testing staff:
  1. In test server it seems that positions of players are less synchronized while walking and running, it makes hard to fight in close-far range and catch somebody who is running, since its impossible to use skills and it looks really stupid when players kind of are close to each other, because guns don't shoot, but there are still no dino hits.
  2. While joining test server, sometimes players are rolled back in queue, for example: i'm in 20th position and after some time i'm at 77 position
Me and some other people noticed it since yesterday.
The first is a question of latency, if your latency is 50ms you will have no problems for melee pvp, if your latency is 300ms .. it is already a problem. This can be solved by moving the servers around, but I don't think they get that far.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Thanks for all the Feedback so far. We actually are quite releaved and happy that the update is well received so far. Sure it needs adjustements in the final steps.

While joining test server, sometimes players are r
olled back in queue, for example: i'm in 20th position and after some time i'm at 77 position
Sorry mate. This happend when we need to reduce the amount of people allowed to play at the same time on the server when the load got to high.


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Oct 22, 2020
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The second skill of Parasaurolophus produces 75% Dodge change when activated with Extra Power. Combine that with Agility implant and it almost dodges 85% of the skills. It's near impossible to counter that on a 1vs1.

That 75% Dodge needs to be decreased. It's kind of annoying when even 3 dinos against Parasaurolophus, the latter still gives difficulty in combat against 3 opponents.
3 dinos?
Yesterday I made a 1x7 (believe it or not) to last more than 10 minutes, this being only 10-20% of life, using the dodge of the extra without stopping. The skill itself is good but I believe that it doesn’t suit Parasaur well. Holding 7 players for so long is a function of a tank, not a damage-focused dino. Something that gives such a long survival must be reduced in time or the same system that exists today in relation to consecutive stuns, where each consecutive attack decreases the time of the skill.


Jun 24, 2020
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Murder and mayhem
Minha expêriencia com o Teste foi bem negativa. pvps super longos, dinos como o rex e carno não tem muito dano, habilidades que mostram estar prontas mas não saem, dinos corpo a corpo com experiência bastante desvantagens, Coelo super rápido, e habilidades de controle muito Tão longo quanto, mudanças que ninguém pediu nas armas, e os ícones dos efeitos que não da pra enxergar e nem adivinhar oque elas fazem.
O que nós queríamos era uma atualização de balanceamento e não o oposto, deixou o jogo bem mais quebrado e uma mecânica confusas,


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Oct 16, 2015
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Positive sides of balance
  • Reflection implant and reflection tech work nice, their effects activate often enough and nice that they reflect 50% of damage.
  • Freez tech works a lot more often than it was, what is good, time of slowdown seems to be good too.
  • Penetration tech penetrates whole armor implant, what i see nice.
  • Shooting speed is nice, clock seems to work even with gatling, no need to increase shooting speed more, because who knows, it may lead to lags again, but it seems to not cause much of lags in test server.
  • Claws implant hit additional targets often enough to be useful, but not sure how it would show itself in wars.
  • It's nice that shield, armor implants and dino defense tech block 25% of damage at max level, its easier to calculate how much it would block damage.
  • Stability and heat regulator implants seem to do their job great.
  • Effect icons look nice, it's hard sometimes to understand what effect is activated, but you can get used to it.

Negative side of balance and what could be changed
  • Currently rex is worst dino, its mine and many other people opinion. It's seems to be mostly because of either tankers have too much hp or rex doesn't have enough strength to beat them, similar problem is with some guns in close range. I have been told what to use in order to kill player with brachy, but it didn't really work, moreover i had killed enemy with rex, which had strength, agility, recovery and stability and i had same, except strength, guns were equipped same and i still won. Furthermore, when same player tried just to do as many damage as he could, for me it was enough to not attack him to not charge his extra power and for me only use healing with extra power, after that it looked that enemy didnt attack me at all.
  • Carno seems to be better than rex, but still isn't good enough to beat anky or brachy(i managed to kill centro so i don't know could it be counted as some kind of tank too).
  • Agility implant gives little bit too high dodge chance, skill miss too often, it's worst for dinos whos affecting skill's affect targets, not themselves, because of it rex is often unable to hit with brutal bit using extra power, same rex is often unable to defend himself, because it can't hit enemy with battle cry to make it miss hits.
  • Not sure, but it seems that battle cry skill's hit chance down effect even for 50% doesn't lower hit chance much.
  • Coelophysis's speed up effect is little bit too high and as for me endurance implant give little bit too much speed. Coelophysis's speed up effect should be reduced to 50% for sure and endurance implant's attribute or speed lowered about 10%.
  • Parasaurolophus is too op and reason for that is it's kick attack skill's dodge effect lasts too long and has way too high dodge chance, its almost impossible to hit. Time should be lowed to 10-12 seconds and dodge chance at least to 50%.
  • Not sure if it's intended or it's bug, but yager's brust fire's skill has same range as peacemaker's prey maker skill, even though in description it's said that for yager it's far range and for peacemaker its medium range, because of that in most situations its hard to win with yager against enemy with peacemaker in medium or either far range, still not sure if it's intended or not since both guns are far ranged class.
  • Not sure if it's intended, but it makes less sense for guns to have their roles since as far as i have noticed any gun with range tech have same range, except maybe peacemaker after using canyon rey skill with extra power. As for me tech should grant less range that there would be difference between using it with far range and close range guns.
  • Effect icons are little bit too small, size should be increased maybe about 25-50%.

Overall, balance seems to be interesting and promising good gameplay, but it still has issues.


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Oct 16, 2015
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Is it intended that using shock on colt and affecting enemy with burn, burn hits have chance to deplete extra power too?


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Apr 25, 2020
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podrian devolverle ha habilidad de enfoque a la show topper seria mejor que s equeda esa habilidad en esa arma ya que nadie la uso antes y mas parece un efecto para arma que para dinosario (pachy)
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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx
Minha expêriencia com o Teste foi bem negativa. pvps super longos, dinos como o rex e carno não tem muito dano, habilidades que mostram estar prontas mas não saem, dinos corpo a corpo com experiência bastante desvantagens, Coelo super rápido, e habilidades de controle muito Tão longo quanto, mudanças que ninguém pediu nas armas, e os ícones dos efeitos que não da pra enxergar e nem adivinhar oque elas fazem.
O que nós queríamos era uma atualização de balanceamento e não o oposto, deixou o jogo bem mais quebrado e uma mecânica confusas,
(in my opinion) we realized that the balancing update was a very, very radical update, but, I think it was incredible, it will take a long time for some players to get used to it, I believe this is the point, but we want the balanced game right? I think this balancing update made the pvp really long, the way I like it, with many more styles of combat effects (combinations) dinosaurs tanks like anky vs anky or anky vs brachi, or brachi vs brachi, should have the faster duration like the x1 of a Carnotaurus vs rex or rex vs rex or Carnotaurus vs carnotaurus because both dinosaurs (anky and brachi) are tanks, you have to take out the infinite durability in some cases, but apart from that the rest of pvp duration became much cooler and for melee and wars take the opportunity to report the errors that are missing, so that later, leave the game balanced and healthy to have more playable combinations, this is my opinion about the balance. it all has to be worth it

what do you think? Okay, it may not have been that conviction, but if some things are fixed, based on constructive criticism from the communities, the game will undoubtedly be incredible, if you know what I mean, Dino Storm has great potential ....
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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
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In test server it seems that positions of players are less synchronized while walking and running, it makes hard to fight in close-far range and catch somebody who is running, since its impossible to use skills and it looks really stupid when players kind of are close to each other, because guns don't shoot, but there are still no dino hits.
Please create a report in the bugs report section.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
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and you don't think this is a problem for pvp? if everything is supposed to be viable against everything else, having to choose exact implants/techs/gun/dino to use against one specific enemy is going to lead to problems down the line. pvp should be mostly based off of skill, not using one specific loadout to kill one specific type of other loadout. thats not using skill and its definitely not fun. its just luck based as to whether what you're using at any one time is the right thing to use.
I think that it is better if every dino and weapon have a clear advantage & clear weakness. That way no single combination will assert dominance and you wouldn't have to look at a server full of players using same type of items and same tactics.

Do not forget the role of team work, as you do not have to prepare for all scenarios but you can specialize for few and let the rest of your team handle the rest.

Do not also forget the advantage Hit & Run class added to the table, once you understood that you are not winning, unless you change your items in particular way, you can evade combat, change your items to more prepared combinations and charge again.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
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Agility implant gives little bit too high dodge chance, skill miss too often, it's worst for dinos whos affecting skill's affect targets, not themselves, because of it rex is often unable to hit with brutal bit using extra power, same rex is often unable to defend himself, because it can't hit enemy with battle cry to make it miss hits.
Currently the only valid counter for dodge is Easy Target effect, but we wouldn't want players to use Pachycephalosaurus every time they see someone use Agility implant, do we? I believe that this one among other things that needs to be looked into. Thanks for your detailed Feedback
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