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Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update"

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Dec 5, 2015
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This is my experience so far:

-The time to finish a pvp takes way too long, even with two damage dealers, players will struggle for 4-5 minutes or even more. Two tanks can fight until eternity(or until one of the players falls asleep). This way we can't really see what different skills do, since everything does so little damage that it's barely even noticable. Same with implants and techs, the ones that don't have a specific effect don't really make any significant difference. With stronger dinos(brachi, para) you will win no matter what you use, with weaker ones (rex,carno) you will lose regardless of what implants are in them.

-Tanks are way too tanky, especially brachi. I used it against several other dinos and guns, nothing could harm it. When i tried to go against a brachi, same thing happened.

-Supposedly coelo and pachy should be the counter against tanks, but in my experience they get destroyed by them. Also, i won against a coelo in a long range fight with a carno(with stregth imp) which is complete nonsense, since long range is the coelo's niche.

-Para is too strong, and only pachy can counter it's dodge ability, while i feel like every dino should have a chance against any other dino, equipped with the proper implants of course. While i used para, i was able to hold up against 3 players for 6-8 minutes and i even stopped fighting when i had 20% hp left.

-With rex and carno i couldn't really find a way to beat anything but other rex/carno and coelo. These don't really inflict higher damage than any other dino and get destroyed in close combat.

-The gun that worked best for me was definitely showstopper, with other ones i didn't have any success against any dino.

My suggestion on what to do next: Lower all the dinos hp to around 80% of how it is now, except brachi and anky, which should be around 65-70%. Or make dino and weapon damage higher, and try to differentiate the classes more, since right now nothing fills their intended role, except tanks which are way too tanky. Also lower para's dodge effect duration or %. With every new change i suggest making new test servers and going from there, figuring out a direction step by step. Do not rush this process and implement this system as it is, because pvp will be boring and NOT BALANCED. This way you can see what the community likes and at least there is still a chance to improve on things.

And if this new update fails: Just implement the system that was added with Coldclaw Valley, except the gun damage slowdown and a bit of buff to some dinos and guns. In my experience the game was most enjoyable in that state so far, and the number of active players in that era also suggests this.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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I have a suggestion that requires your opinion.

Considering that Recovery work with percent system, and percent system is typically balanced with all Dinosaurs.

Also since Strength implant & Vitality implant works by adding fixed value of attribute that works differently depends on the Dinosaur it is used with. (Strength better with Brachiosaurus & Vitality better with Tyrannosaurus Rex)

How about we switch the function of Vitality & Strength so that they increase Dinosaurs existing attributes by a percent instead of by fixed value?

Example, Strength implant increases Strength attribute by 10% at level55.

Brachiosaurus will gain less fixed value of Strength attribute than Tyrannosaurus Rex, but in terms of balance, that would compensate T-Rex for its lack of Vitality and Recovery fixed values.

The opposite is true for Brachiosaurus whom will gain more fixed value of Vitality attribute by Vitality implant than Tyrannosaurus Rex, but that would compensate it for its lack of Strength.
I feel like tanks don't need more vitality, they already have an insane amount. While strength(or any damage overall) is pretty low even on dinos and guns with supposedly high damage.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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I have a suggestion that requires your opinion.

Considering that Recovery work with percent system, and percent system is typically balanced with all Dinosaurs.

Also since Strength implant & Vitality implant works by adding fixed value of attribute that works differently depends on the Dinosaur it is used with. (Strength better with Brachiosaurus & Vitality better with Tyrannosaurus Rex)

How about we switch the function of Vitality & Strength so that they increase Dinosaurs existing attributes by a percent instead of by fixed value?

Example, Strength implant increases Strength attribute by 10% at level55.

Brachiosaurus will gain less fixed value of Strength attribute than Tyrannosaurus Rex, but in terms of balance, that would compensate T-Rex for its lack of Vitality and Recovery fixed values.

The opposite is true for Brachiosaurus whom will gain more fixed value of Vitality attribute by Vitality implant than Tyrannosaurus Rex, but that would compensate it for its lack of Strength.
I haven't been able to log into the server yet to test the update but I agree with that idea. And why not expand to all attributes? Like the clan boosters. But for that it would have to change some dinos, anky for example would have to have its life reduced to be an armor tank, while the brach would be the life tank (in the style of malphite and cho'gath, lol champions).


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Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx
[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 52029, membro: 15481"]

Perguntas para a comunidade:

Você acha que deveria haver mais métodos para aumentar o dano de Dino no PvP? (Excluindo Booster)

Você acha que Weapons DpS (Damage per Second) é bom o suficiente em sua taxa atual ou precisa de um pouco de aumento / diminuição?

Eu consegui entrar no teste, a atualização trouxe o corpo a corpo, achei muito legal, mas não, não acho necessário mais alguma coisa para que o Dinossauro dê mais dano, já basta o booster, não concordo com a ideia, mas, se você ver o caso das armas, tentem trazer uma forma em que elas dêem um pouco a mais de dano no PvP, para que ele acabe um pouco, somente um pouco mais rápido, o PvP está legal, mas o excesso de tempo deixou um pouco entediante, mas se vocês concertarem o caso das armas, acredito que um PvP bom poderia pegar a duração em cerca de um minuto, em média.... Mas só pelo fato de vocês trouxerem o corpo a corpo de volta, já deixou a atualização incrível, só dêem um pouquinho (só pouquinho) mais de utilidade as armas...

• Sobre o Dano por segundo, acho que aumentar a frequência das armas(diminuir o dano por segundo) seria mais legal, menos para a Showstonpper e Pacificadora, por que ambas esxcedem o realismo de armas, pacificadora como sniper, Showstonpper como uma 12, e se aumentarem o dps de ambos as armas, o som do carregamento iria se bagunçar com o som do tiro, então, todas as armas, exceto a Showstonpper e Pacificadora, ficariam legais se tivessem mais frequência....

Mas posso admitir que o esforço dos desenvolvedores valeu a pena, porque agora possui mais combinações para te dar confiança que possa fazer você ganhar uma batalha, Todos nós gostamos da atualização mas ainda sim temos algumas críticas, no bom sentido é claro....




Well-known member
Aug 6, 2016
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1- Using vitality implant makes no sense for any kind of dino. It's totally useless. Strength implants not worth to use as well. To solve this, they might be a new way for those 2 implants if they could increase The Dino's base strength / vitality. (For example 1 level vitality gives 1.5% bonus HP and the bonus increases 0.5% every level, which makes 29% bonus HP at max. level implant)

2- Rex and carno seems not fun to play, they has no chance to win against other dinos. Their base HP should be increased upto 1.4x.

3- PVP takes so long time, overall HP values should be reduced to %30 or something like that. (Not sure how it would affect PVE side)

4- Endurance values should be fixed. For example max level brachy has 230 endurance while max level Rex has 400-500ish. But Rex does not have 2x speed of Brachy. There should be base endurance values for every dino which represents real rates. And endurance implant should increase the speed by % every upgraded level.

5- Damage Boosters should not have any affect on PVP.

Out out PVP Test; 6- Unlocking new dinos, implants, techs and weapons is hard, the game would be more playable if we were able to unlock them easier. (Maybe doing less quests or changing their related NPCs to lower ones)


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2020
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I have a suggestion that requires your opinion.

Considering that Recovery work with percent system, and percent system is typically balanced with all Dinosaurs.

Also since Strength implant & Vitality implant works by adding fixed value of attribute that works differently depends on the Dinosaur it is used with. (Strength better with Brachiosaurus & Vitality better with Tyrannosaurus Rex)

How about we switch the function of Vitality & Strength so that they increase Dinosaurs existing attributes by a percent instead of by fixed value?

Example, Strength implant increases Strength attribute by 10% at level55.

Brachiosaurus will gain less fixed value of Strength attribute than Tyrannosaurus Rex, but in terms of balance, that would compensate T-Rex for its lack of Vitality and Recovery fixed values.

The opposite is true for Brachiosaurus whom will gain more fixed value of Vitality attribute by Vitality implant than Tyrannosaurus Rex, but that would compensate it for its lack of Strength.
strongly agree, and imp endurance should also happen the same


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Apr 25, 2020
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[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 52029, membro: 15481"]

Perguntas para a comunidade:

Você acha que deveria haver mais métodos para aumentar o dano de Dino no PvP? (Excluindo Booster)

Você acha que Weapons DpS (Damage per Second) é bom o suficiente em sua taxa atual ou precisa de um pouco de aumento / diminuição?

Acho que um almento seria muito bom, para ingualar com a vida dos dinossauros, um almento de 20% a 25% ja seria muito bom para o pvp e pve.


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Apr 25, 2020
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Outra pergunta, é so pra min ou o 2 do carno está totalmente inutil? Não sei se é pq o dino não está dando dano o suficiente ou a arma ou se a habilidade está funcionando.

- Venimeuse -

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Jan 31, 2021
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Elite Anarchy X
Les hp des dinos sont vraiment augmentés, sera-t-il dans la mise à jour ou c'est uniquement pour le test? c'est pourquoi les combats prennent beaucoup de temps, j'ai vu un anky avec environ 1M hp (⊙_⊙)
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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx
[QUOTE = "- Venimeuse -, postagem: 52043, membro: 25689"]
Os hp dos dinos estão realmente aumentados, será na atualização ou é apenas para o teste? é por isso que as lutas demoram tanto, costuro uma máquina com cerca de 1M de HP (⊙_⊙;)
tI also felt useless in the skill, when I deal 4 damage from paci, it doesn't make any difference, it doesn't even go up 10% of life ....


Nov 30, 2015
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Me and other players are facing this problem to enter the PTR, even if the password is correct it appears as "incorrect".
And even if you reset the password, it doesn't work.

View attachment 40220


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Oct 22, 2020
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_Bad BunnY_

Jul 11, 2020
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_Bad BunnY_
- Ascended Amour -
I will give my opinion regarding this first '' Beta Test '' of the update:


1- The 'couldown' of the healing skill is too slow

2- The PvP is too slow, this due to the little damage caused by both weapons and dinosaurs, with respect to the life of each dinosaur it seems perfect, because in this way there is a good difference between one dinosaur and another. Although it seems to me that the 'Brachiosaurus' has more life than it should have.

3- The ability of the 'Coelo' that makes it increase its speed seems to me that it increases more than it should take into account the speed of the other dinosaurs.

4- The 'Peacemaker' has very little damage per shot compared to other weapons that are supposed to have lower damage

5- Quality 10 clothing doesn't seem to make a big difference overall due to the very high attributes dinosaurs / weapons have in the game.

6- The T-Rex seems quite useless compared to other dinosaurs, mainly because of the great nerf it has had with the roar and that even more, it can fail

7- The applied effect icons are too small and even not to my liking, (the previous ones were much better)


1- I like
the fact that you can combine skills in the sense that it is not like before that it was only about using one ability and waiting 10 seconds to use another of the same weapon / dinosaur

2- The game seems to me much more fluid than before, both when it comes to applying skills and in general movement.

3- I like the new extra power skills in both weapons and dinosaurs, it makes for more variety and combinations at the time of PvP

4- When you are attacked by 2 players or more, you have a greater extra power gain. This seems great to me for when you are at a disadvantage you have more gameplay instead of PvP ending after 5 seconds.

* Suggestions *

1- The idea that instead the vitality and strength implant have fixed values, they are by percentage '%' according to the dinosaur to which it is installed seems quite a good idea.

I would like to be able to see in the attributes section the time it would take for each weapon to fire according to the cadence (techno or clothing) which would make everything much more comfortable.

3- The attributes of the clothing should be increased, since it is very little compared to the rest of the attributes (as I mentioned in negative points)

4- The rex's roar ability should be changed to another effect in his extra power, considering that roars are lost or that stability has an effect on him, it is practically useless.

5- The total damage (dinosaurs and weapons) should increase considerably.

Anyway, it's all I've noticed in the short time I've been testing the new PvP system. I will continue until I get more ideas and conclusions.

I think it is an excellent job although there are some things that could be improved. I hope I have expressed myself well, since I use a translator

- Venimeuse -

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Jan 31, 2021
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Elite Anarchy X
For me , the only modifications , was:
- Change the buffs of para (for example):
damageEffet without extra powerEffet with extra power
first skill (tail smash attack)300%chances of dodge (40%) during 4 secondesbleed until 3 targets for 300% of damage dino over 5 secondes
second skill (kick attack)300%noneStun the target during 4 secondes
it's already more reasonable

-About of guns ...... it isn't balanced, it's total mess, first skill of gatl exchanged with the second skill of yager and inversely, it hasn't sens !!! and i don't see why the cooldown was increased when it used with extra power. the update was only to change bad buffs, not to break the gameplay è-é
- et S'IL VOUS PLAÎT, ne changez pas les attributs des dinosaures si c'était dans la mise à jour. tant de gens ne sont pas d'accord avec ce changement
- les icônes sont trop petites pour moi (pour les personnes qui jouent avec un écran de résolution max)
- Je ferai plus de suppositions pour améliorer le jeu, j'ai déjà pensé à un nouveau motif de skin: "Pixel"


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Aug 26, 2020
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.Chaos Sheriff.
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- I definitely like how the visual higher base hp help effect implants and techs shine more, but I think it was an overkill increase. I think the hp didn't need to be increased more than 3-4x from current hp. The base hp difference from dino to dino is definitely too big also. hp overshadows alot of things including dmg in this version.

- I think the decrease in visual dmg was not necessary, as it only help made the hp increase more of an overkill. I do think the dmg/sec comparison of the weapons were more well balanced because of the change in value of clock tech.

- Extra Effects has become more important because of the increase in hp, but I think all or some effect durations should be lowered a little bit. I did feel like a sitting duck for the confuse, rage-down, stun, and slow duration or in combo. I could use the heat or stability implant, but it still feels like a burden trade-off.

- With all the various effects of the dino and weapon, they're alot more even in terms of specialty. Although, T-rex don't feel as special with it's battle cry extra effect change. Overall, I like what a I see in the hour-ish of playing before crash.


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Aug 25, 2020
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Hello Dino Rangers

The next big Dino Storm update " #10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs smoothly and we could incorporate your feedback, the testing phase will conclude with the live release to follow shortly after.

:info: Please Read This Before Joining the Test:
  • The PTR ("Public Test Realm") is exclusively used for testing.
  • The server is running a fresh new state without any players on it. After you create your avatar, it will automatically be given the items etc. which are required for testing the new update.
  • Many elements you will see on the PTR are still work in progress and might change during testing & live release.
  • Only the english language is available for the client.
  • To gain access to the PTR you may need to register a new Splitscreen Games account. Access to register and play on the PTR is here: https://ptr.dinostorm.com/

:!: Design Changes Only for the Public Test:
The changes below are only applied during the testing phase and will be reverted/not take place when the update goes live.
  • New players will be prepared for testing after creating their avatar (takes a few seconds)
    • Each player will be set to max level
    • Each player will get all dinos at max level
    • Each player will get all weapons at max level
    • Each player will get all modules & implants at max level (5x per item)
    • Each player will get a clothing/skins at max level & quality for each slot and for each attribute
      • color coded by attribute (some colors are duplicated as we have more attributes than base colors)
    • In the end the player will be moved to dinoville near the gate that leads to goldfields
  • All Claims & Supply Camps are automatically supplied by dinoville
  • First test phase will only allow PVP combat, while PVE will come at later
    • all PVE mobs & group quests are disabled so that no unit spawns
    • all playes are locked into the PVP engaged status
  • Disabled that clothing & skins will expire/worn out
  • Disabled damage booster
  • Maps & icons are automatically discovered one entered them.

:?: Questions to the Community
It would be great if you can use the following questions as a guideline when you provide your feedback here.
  • How do you like the feel of each dinosaur compared to the old balance?
  • Do the dinos provide a useful variety for you?
  • Do the Implants and Modules encourage different combinations?
  • Do you enjoy the rebalance and why?
  • Would you change your dino and why, when the update goes live?

You can read the full changelog of the public ptr here => Changelog
Have fun and post your feedback here & Bugs there => Bug Forum
:celebrate: :)
very good changes in terms of tell us, the only thing is that the combat is too long and the damage is very little, for example with gat you have 36k but at the time of shooting you do only 5k of damage with quality 10 clothes, I think it's fine For example, the brachi has 1 million life but for this to be more balanced you should do the damage you have per shot taking into account the hours of farming that it would take to be q10 of damage for someone who does not have the possibility of loading gold, This would make the fights a little less long and heavy because brachi against brachi practically loses the first one who falls asleep, I hope and take this observation into account and thanks for reading.

- Venimeuse -

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Jan 31, 2021
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i didn't finish to translate my last message( thanks auto-translation...):
- And PLEASE , don't change attributs of dinos , so many people disagree this change
- the icons of effects are too small for me (for people who play with resolution max screen)
- i will do more propostions to upgrade the game , i already though about a new motif of skin: "Pixel" ( an example of the motif in the previous message from me)


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I love it, it would adjust the duration of the extra of some skills and it would increase the general damage of the weapons by 10%


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Feb 1, 2021
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well for whatever reason i can't get into my account to post so i had to make a new one just to post my feedback.

- like everyone else is saying, pvp lasts way too long and considering how little damage you do and how big the health pools are its very unsatisfying. i do like that the skills don't all share a cooldown anymore, and i think its a good thing that the recovery cooldown was increased to go along with the bigger health pool, but it doesn't do anything to speed combat up.

- close combat fighting still doesn't feel viable. if you're using a dino/gun combo that requires you to be up close against something like a coelo with endurance + peacemaker... you're really out of luck because there's not any way to get close enough to use your skills. they can just run away from you. this would be extremely awful to have to deal with in war. they hit your spawns, lock you in place, and then run. and what can you do? this also presents a problem where i'm sure someone will figure out a good counter to this but then it will be near pointless to try to use anything else. whatever becomes the "meta" will stay the meta for a long time to come.

- rex is STILL near pointless to use. the fact that your extra skills can miss (and seem to more often than not) and the fact its hard to get in close for roar/bite means that once again winning sheriff and getting a rex is only worth it as a status symbol. it should be the end-all be-all to this game. its the whole point of fighting other players and holding spawns and mines. i'm not saying trex should be some unkillable god, but i do think it should have certain power that other dinosaurs don't. it should be something thats feared, not something you use to sit around dinoville and look cool with. at this point it might as well be your starting dinosaur because everything else is better in pvp.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
For those of you who don't like the new look of health bar skills, keep an open mind.
Anyway, developers .. you can add a setting to change the design of the skills: "New design" where the new designs of skills are shown, and "Old design" where the old designs of skills are and that each player choose the appearance of their game.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
- rex is STILL near pointless to use. the fact that your extra skills can miss (and seem to more often than not) and the fact its hard to get in close for roar/bite means that once again winning sheriff and getting a rex is only worth it as a status symbol. it should be the end-all be-all to this game. its the whole point of fighting other players and holding spawns and mines. i'm not saying trex should be some unkillable god, but i do think it should have certain power that other dinosaurs don't. it should be something thats feared, not something you use to sit around dinoville and look cool with. at this point it might as well be your starting dinosaur because everything else is better in pvp.
The roar of the rex should not fail, nor should it reduce its duration with stability. That greatly reduces its potential

-Persus- Ame2

Oct 17, 2017
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Dark Max Retribution

Questions for the community:

Do you think that there should be more methods to increase Dino Damage in PvP? (Excluding Booster)

Do you think that Weapons DpS (Damage per Second) is good enough in its current rate or needs a bit of increase/decrease?
1: I think an alternative source (which is already in the game) not only to increase the damage, but also other attributes, would be the cakes, which could be "forged" like the clothes in a Dinoville installation (with the ingredients being dropped by animals / bandits instead of other useless items like bones, skin, claws, flowers, etc., which besides having negligible DD value, are accumulated in groups of 15. Thinking of another source that is already in the game, maybe clan boosters could also be used to increase damage too.

2: Weapons DpS need to be increased to compete with the greatest amount of life added, as they practically tickle instead of injuring dinosaurs.


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Feb 2, 2021
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Honestly, the longer pvp and the new skills made the game much more fun and dynamic, however I have to say here some things that I think they are overpowered.
The brachy's healthpool is too high, making it consequently heal a lot, I guarantee it is not beatable I tested a lot of different combos of dinos guns techs and the max I did was on a carno-took the brachy to half hp(500k)
The para's 2nd skill extra power is too long, making it overpower, I recommend making for this one a lower percentage of dodge or taking it to 8-10seconds
The pachy's 2nd skill extra power is too long as well, I think it would be more fair if it was 10 seconds, as it gives almost no chance to close-range dinos


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Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx


Effects icons

I am very happy to know that you have taken the trouble to design new effects and change the style of their icons, but I prefer the old ones, but if it stays that way, I hope to adapt to the new icons ....


• Dinosaurs that win the battle: Brachiosaurus and Ankylosaurus. Both have a lot of vitality and a recovery that, helps against other dinosaurs, has people who say that these two dinosaurs face each other, or one of the same species, the battle can even be, who knows, infinite (said by some players)

• Parassaurolophus: It is also an example of an overpower dinosaur, because of its skill number 2, it dodges 75% of attacks in an absurd 16-second interval. Please replace this effect or change it to half the duration ....

•Dinosaurs that take the worst in combat: Everything else, can't deal properly with the combination that has brachiosaurus or Ankylosaurus in the middle .... Especially poor Coelofisis, a dinosaur that can't neutralize most dinosaurs and combinations in the medium distance (which is something that was meant for be your strong point) ...


I liked that they no longer have a leading role in combat, but it turns out that you took a lot, leaving them almost useless in combat now ....

• Weapons that take the best in combat: Showstonpper and Pacifier: both have neither skills nor strengths, but, in general, apart from the skills, their normal damage compared to damage from more frequent and lesser weapons, there is not much difference ... The increased HP of the dinosaurs brought more utility only for the effects of skills, something that I and most players realized ...


The PVP for me, It should last about a minute or a minute and a half ... On average, but the PVP is lasting much longer than that, and it depends on the applications, mainly that it has brachiosaurus and Ankylosaurus ....The functionality of the implants should go according to the percentage of level, or other players mentioned about it and you can know better here on the forum ....

Compliments about the update

I am very, very happy to know, that at least, the game was very fluid, in several things .... And you had the concern and the work of implementing the balancing, but if you postpone the official launch of the balancing, everything is fine well, because we want a perfect and healthy balanced game for all players and to ensure that everything has usefulness mentioned in the comments .... But I am still happy, better the update arrive a little later and give what it promises of missing something that is not implemented in the game and that leaves you unbalanced, I'm happy if you read this far and .. See you, thanks for listening to criticism and praise from me and the community, with a good part resolved ....
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St. Coelo

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Dec 1, 2020
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Clan Steel Romero Mex
My congratulations for that, it was good in some aspects already mentioned.
But from the little that I tested, I saw that there is still no 100% balance, So from my perception I saw that the parasaurolophus dinosaur has an infallible ability in dodging, when the ability is activated, nothing literally reaches it, and it lasts for a long time. , and as life is very big and the damage is small, he recovers in a very fast way, taking advantage of every melee attack, not only that, in a long distance pvp, when using the coelophysis, I saw that yet parasaurus has an advantage, because it has more vitality, coelo would take greater advantage melee against parasaurus, but due to the large amount of avoidance that the parasaurus has, it would be impossible to win with other dinos. It would be very good if it weren't for that detail, and because the PVPs last a long time.
Create a scenario where all dinosaurs have a chance against any other dinosaur regardless of the dino's special abilities, but the player's strategy.


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Apr 1, 2017
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I- UnExPecTeD -I
-Silver bullet-
Coelo's first skill has to be balanced ,66% speed boost is more than enough in itself but giving 66% slowdown to target for 14 seconds as well is unreasonable. That slowdown shld be 2-3 seconds or so that's enough for coelo to slip out of close range .


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Jun 6, 2016
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Let me make one thing clear to you guys.

There are 3 main factors that controls PvP duration:
  1. Damage (Dino/Weapon)
  2. Heal Points
  3. Healing (% of HP per Second)
The reduction of Damage & increase of Heal Points has a direct effect on combat duration, but it is not the reason why it is taking too long, or in some cases is endless.

The main reason why combat duration is endless is the third factor [Healing] which exceeds Damage, the more Heal points you have, the more fixed value of Heal Points is retained every two seconds by healing & if Damage value over time can not exceed that fixed value of healing, then Heal Points will not go down.

Changing heal points have a direct effect on credibility of healing but, that doesn't mean that reducing heal points is the only way to fix this.

How to fix this:
  • Reduce Healing.
Healing can be done by "Healing ability" which can have its instant & overtime healing percent reduced & its cooldown increased, or Recovery implant & Recovery clothes which can have its efficiency reduced.
  • Increasing Damage.
This might not be the most favorable solution, but it still need be regulated. Your Weapon Damage is typically balanced with all Weapons in terms of "DpS", so you must check if Weapons Damage over time exceeds healing. If not, then we can go with the first option or we can increase Weapons DpS a little bit more, while making sure that Dino Damage receive a proper adjustment as well in terms of Strength attribute fixed value and methods of increasing its efficiency like Dino effects.

Overall, the following must be achieved.
  • Heal Points should remain high, while Healing fixed value should remain close to what it used to be in live server regardless of how low the percent of healing might appear to be.
  • Dino Damage should be close to what it used to be but Weapon Damage and its maximum value should not exceed Dino Damage & its maximum value for Parasaurolophus. That's so Melee combat become a reliable option.
In a nutshell that means we added some more seconds to PvP duration without side affects which allow you to have enough time to use your skills & its effect, and prove who is more experienced, not who is more lucky in PvP, without making combat duration taking forever & become endless, even in Brachiosaurus Vs Brachiosaurus case.


Active member
Jun 29, 2020
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- Cobra -
Asian Fighter
Everything else looks amazing but I think PvP is a little too long, maybe decrease the dinosaur's HP?
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