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#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)

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Oct 29, 2020
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Tf did you expect, there's 5 kos total, others got peace and elections, and they made ally combats out of boredom😭😂😂
Basically if there's a problem with someone they kick him out of the clan and let the alliance kill him/she like they don't recognize him/she anymore :ROFLMAO:


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Feb 29, 2024
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-l- Lucho -l-
- Krieger Ascended -
Esta actualización se implementó para * Permitir que los clanes más pequeños puedan acceder a los elementos de fama de los edificios sin la necesidad de ser parte de una gran alianza*, ese objetivo no se logró, en mi servidor Am1 la gran alianza sigue y seguirá, en un juego PvP los jugadores van hacer alianza para logar sus objetivos (ganar cargos), más fácil, sin esfuerzo. No ayudaste al clan pequeño, ayudaste a la gran alianza, ahora pueden defender más fácil y sin esfuerzo

Esta actualización no ayudo a los clanes mas pequeños, beneficio a la gran alianza, ahora hay 5 – 6 jugadores esperando en los únicos portales que tenemos para revivir (Cody, everet,wyatt, holloway y synclar), no podemos plantear estrategia cuando solo podemos revivir en 1 portal por mapa.

Solo tenemos 2h de *guerra *, pierde todo el sentido, la guerra es desgaste, ataques sorpresas, atacar al enemigo en el momento menos esperado. Ahora la gran alianza conecta 2h y destruyen al clan pequeño. No beneficiaste al clan pequeño lo perjudicaste

Además, quitaste el duelista 12h, el clan pequeño no podrá matar en MM para desgastar los recursos de los enemigos, ahora ellos pegan protec o irán off sin preocuparse en defender sus zonas pq están protegidas

Esta actualización no cumplió con las expectativas, estoy muy decepcionado

No se mucho ingles, me ayudo con traductor, espero logren comprender. Gracias por su tiempo

This update was implemented to * Allow smaller clans to access the elements of fame of buildings without the need to be part of a great alliance*, that goal was not achieved, in my server Am1 the great alliance continues and will continue, in a PvP game players will make an alliance to achieve their goals (win charges), easier, effortless. You didn’t help the little clan, you helped the great alliance, now they can defend easier and effortlessly
This update did not help the smaller clans, benefit the great alliance, now there are 5 - 6 players waiting on the only portals we have to revive (Cody, everet,wyatt, holloway and synclar), we cannot pose strategy when we can only revive in 1 portal per map.
We only have 2h of *war *, loses all sense, war is wear and tear, surprise attacks, attacking the enemy at the least expected time. Now the great alliance connects 2h and destroy the small clan. You did not benefit the small clan
In addition, you removed the duelist 12h, the small clan will not be able to kill in MM to wear down the resources of enemies, now they stick protec or go off without worrying about defending their areas pq are protected
This update did not meet expectations, I am very disappointed
Sep 6, 2023
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no america 3 meu clan e meus all ja fala em para de joga este nova att favoreceu para os clan que ja controlava lutamos em mk contra muitos fomos atacca ccv ir mm em todos portai incluindo brancos tinha emtre quatro a dez conta parada ^^^!!

Santi Venegas

Jun 2, 2017
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-I- E V A N -I-
It must be said, people did not like the update, none of the sides that dispute the maps liked the update, it was good that to a certain extent it reactivated the war, you achieved that objective in a certain way and that must be recognized , but with all due respect, you guys can't hide your hunger for players' money. Seriously, a million dino dollars to get fame per building? It is unthinkable. What I would do, first of all I would listen once and for all to what the community says, you never listen to what the players say, and if you are starting to do so now, it is most likely too late. But still that would be the first, the second would be to increase the number of moments to attack the buildings, at least 6 per day, and the third would be to eliminate the need for continuity in the protection of the buildings, that is, whoever wins the building pays a few dinodollars to claim fame and now, the building becomes available again without taking into account the previous owner at all, and for anyone to win the space again, that would almost completely eliminate the domination of the great clans, at the same time make it impossible for them to cover the entire buildings 24 hours a day, and lastly, it would lower the price of claiming fame. A million dollars in total per building until reaching 400% performance is a complete and blatant theft. I hope you understand that you yourselves are going to bury the game in oblivion again. You had done some things and the game was rising but now you are burying it again. You have to make the game simpler, it is very complex, if you want money from the game, the players are willing to spend money on the game always and when the game is fun and light, it is no longer fun and it is no longer light, you have to make it easier to climb the last 10 levels, from 45 to 55 is too long, tedious, and costly in effort expended. In addition, now with all the dynamics of the maps, the game has become very complicated for many players who are discouraged from continuing to play. Simplify it, there are too many things when it comes to attacking and too many things to level up. LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY. THIS GAME HAS BEEN KEPT ALIVE BY THE PLAYERS, NOT BY YOU. YOU OWE IT TO THE PLAYERS, FIX THE ERRORS TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE OPINIONS OF THE PLAYERS.


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Jun 30, 2020
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Attackers draining 20 HP while defenders repairing 5 HP is an important change that allows the small clans to come up with strategies to steal items from Sites. We can give more advantage to attackers by increasing the HP they decrease from the site— This alone solves the main problem that you have stated, I quoted it below.

Allow smaller clans to be able to get access to buildings’ fame items without the need to be part of a large alliance.
But the few other changes that you have introduced have negatively affected the gameplay.

  1. Limiting the travel from Sites that the clan holds.
  2. Condensing the Conflict duration to 2 hours only every 24 hours.

1. Limiting travel from Sites brought a high drawback. @Czarna has explained in detail.

I would like to reiterate my previous statement. This is exactly how things played out from my perspective. While the fights on Asia1 server were quite short, it felt engaging to participate. We had enough Travel Gates to choose from and spawn to continue attacking. Meanwhile this Conflict Phase on Europe1 feels very dull. Compared to the amount of defending clans, there weren't enough attacking players and the attackers gave up quickly because of getting spawn-killed (at least that's the status currently).

2. Needless to say, the game has got quite boring. If you are thinking about making bandits attack Sites, then forget it. This will result in a monotonous fight where in the long term, you will see the player base abandoning the game altogether simply because there's nothing new happening.

When I say something new, it needs to be unique every day. PvP is something unique everyday, because the players does not use the same tactics everyday, not the same attacks, not the same place. It's always unexpected, that it brings a sense of originality to the gameplay.

I am going to propose that you remove the idea of 2 hours conflict phase. As a consequence, the gameplay will not be stale for 22 hours. At every hour, you will see attackers in the game trying to capture a site and its items. And you will see defenders online defending their site.

Yes, it does mean that certain aspect of the update will have to be reviewed. However, it's better to have a clear understanding of what the community wants, so that you move forward with it instead of having to waste effort into creating something that everyone would reject.

- Leyenda -

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Jan 14, 2024
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- Leyenda -
Good morning, what happened to the Easter npc? We thought it would sell a 14-day violent damage booster like every year in addition to the achievement booster. :|

David Moises

Jul 11, 2018
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Mad Bulls
Con esta actualización solo demuestran que no saben ni un poco sobre su propio juego.
Ahora es mucho más fácil que las grandes alianzas dominen los portales, nada ha cambiado.
La única manera de que realmente haya un cambio es eliminar de alguna manera los clanes y hacer que el camino para ganar fama sea independiente. @Highway


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Sep 20, 2018
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Santa Claus
-Dxrk Rise-
@Highway how about re-adjusting goldfields and mokon woods visibility? for ex you should improve npc's colour to be a lil bit more vibrant either by reducing the dust and light in goldfields and the fog in mokon or by making those npc's more visible. You can also(as game devs) discuss about adding a new dinosaur/s aquatic and/or aerial or land based(baryonix, therizinosaurus, spinosaurus). You could improve Silver Lily's Emporium store by actually adding new clothing pieces-saddles for example and offer a possibility to be purchased with gold coins. A saddle example can be red blue or black designed only for sheriffs(a skull here a gun print there). Also you need to re-adjust the dinos as a whole. It's a game but you cant even think of a brachi being attacked by any dino and lose(size weight etc ) therefore you need to make the brachi more tank and less agile and "force" team playing against it. T-Rex didnt had huge bleed compared with other predator dinos of his size but he had the strenght and the bite(you can add strenght to this dino) Pachy was a non combat dino herbie by design so this needs to be "revorked" a lil bit adding defense points in detriment of strenght. Para also a non combat herbie had some speed advantage and weight so as well defense in detriment of strenght. Coe was agile fast but not a lot of strenght due to its size. Centro built for defense and defense attacking so strenght and mass less speed and agility. Carno was never so bulky was speedy agile moderate strenght and medium-high bleed. Anky medium-high mass tanky and strenght in its hammer tail strike but thats it. You(game devs) need to focus on this as well in a game dino based world where there are games as Beasts of Bermuda, Path of Titans, The Isle and many others where realism is really appreciated by players(the proof is the amount of players playing that games). Dino Storm has a HUGE potential but unfortunately it is missed out. Make it attractive. Make a new trailer video(the last one is from ice age). Bring enough things on the table to make new ppl actually say yes bro i wanna play that game. There are still lots of players who started to play this game a long time ago and they don't have sheriff/rex no matter what "updates" are you creating. Destroy the big alliances make the game more Player Vs Player not Alliances Vs Player.


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Jan 28, 2021
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yep this update changes noting for smaller clans/players who wants a gate.
If they attack a dv-gate, the alliances will defend those gates as if its from them...small clans/players dont stand a chance


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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All our past updates were community driven, so we don't think it's fair to state that the devs/we wouldn't listen to your feedback. We ask you to understand that a few things can only be seen live before we come to conclusions to change something for the better to reach the goal. Especially with this update, such an iterative approach is required.
So, let's get to the next design idea we think will solve a few of the issues you mentioned:

Yield Based Building HP
Buildings will get lower HP the higher their yield level is upgraded to. With that we want to increase the attractiveness for attacks on buildings in a way that small clans and single players can fight for buildings due to the increased risk of losing a building when it is sitting on a high yield level.

  • The buildings shall be more attractive for spontaneous attacks to oppose dominant clans, allowing smaller clans to participate
Main Changes:
  • Buildings have different starting HP based on their yield levels for each conflict phase
    • Starting HP decreases with higher yield level (Risk vs Reward)
  • Buildings have an increasing risk that Dinoville will take over the building the longer the same clan is holding it.
    • At the start of the next Conflict Phase random DV owned buildings are released again to again arrive at the number of buildings DV should own based on Townhall activity.
    • The risk will increase based on hold cycles up to a max of 25% chance
    • Risk to lose a building will be applied on a daily basis
    • Remember that "losing a building to DV" does not mean "losing items". These can still be taken out while the building is "Recently claimed".
  • Defender Repair rate will be increased to 1:2 instead of the current 1:4 rate
  • Basic Yield level will be increased from 25% to 50%


Let us know what you think of it!
Last edited:


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Jun 19, 2023
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Drained From Inside
For attackers to gain fame they must win the combat or continue combat inside gate's circle without clear winner. And for that we need multiple vulnerable phase.

In current situation the small group attackers in low populated servers -as the server i am playing- having hard time capturing gates because due to much dv owned gates, we as defenders wait afk in those low numbered gates so they fail.

Even i didnt examine crowded servers, as i understand situation like this:
- Unable to reach gate because of getting spawn-killed due to low number of dv owned gates.

So at the end having more dv owned gates will make defending harder for crowded servers and having less dv owned gates will make defending harder for low populated servers.


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Jan 28, 2021
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its good to see that dv holds gates but other small clans, small players, single lvl55 players dont have a chance to attack those gates and take them.

i understand that you make it easier to attack gates for small players, that sound ok but the problem is. when a small player wants to attack a gate thats being held by dv. the big clans/players (level 55) will kill that small player before he can attack the gate.

And the same for a single player level 55 . they not have a chance to attack a dv gate because the alliance clans work together to kill those players.


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Feb 13, 2021
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eu1 have no enemies, all clans keep the same tower. What about this server???

In that case, DV hold all tower? Since 1 clan has been holding the tower too long?

The risk will increase based on hold cycles up to a max of 25% chance
and what does 25% chance means here? if we translate that interms of hours/ minute?


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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eu1 have no enemies, all clans keep the same tower. What about this server???

In that case, DV hold all tower? Since 1 clan has been holding the tower too long?
They are not held like the ones based on townhall acitivity, but rather they are claimed once like a regular attack and with next conflict phase the same or another building will be released from DV.

But with a server that is completly not changing anything, they would deserve to get no buildings, as with such a scale of backroom agreement there is no real legitimate demand for much fame.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
All our past updates were community driven, so we don't think it's fair to state that the devs/we wouldn't listen to your feedback. We ask you to understand that a few things can only be seen live before we come to conclusions to change something for the better to reach the goal. Especially with this update, such an iterative approach is required.
well, I agree with that, I don't know how the players allowed the idea of attacks at fixed times to be introduced.
I believe that the root of players' annoyance comes from this fixed time mechanic for attacks.
One of the fun of the game was the freedom to attack whenever you want.
attackers should have a way to gain fame, without needing to have portals, whether by stealing, draining or killing defenders.

- T R I G G E R -

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Feb 27, 2024
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Greek Aces
All our past updates were community driven, so we don't think it's fair to state that the devs/we wouldn't listen to your feedback. We ask you to understand that a few things can only be seen live before we come to conclusions to change something for the better to reach the goal. Especially with this update, such an iterative approach is required.
So, let's get to the next design idea we think will solve a few of the issues you mentioned:

Yield Based Building HP (3.1)
Buildings will get lower HP the higher their yield level is upgraded to. With that we want to increase the attractiveness for attacks on buildings in a way that small clans and single players can fight for buildings due to the increased risk of losing a building when it is sitting on a high yield level.

  • The buildings shall be more attractive for spontaneous attacks to oppose dominant clans, allowing smaller clans to participate
Main Changes:
  • Buildings have different starting HP based on their yield levels for each conflict phase
    • Starting HP decreases with higher yield level (Risk vs Reward)
  • Buildings have an increasing risk that Dinoville will take over the building the longer the same clan is holding it.
    • At the start of the next Conflict Phase random DV owned buildings are released again to again arrive at the number of buildings DV should own based on Townhall activity.
    • The risk will increase based on hold cycles up to a max of 25% chance
    • Risk to lose a building will be applied on a daily basis
  • Defender Repair rate will be increased to 1:2 instead of the current 1:4 rate
  • Basic Yield level will be increased from 25% to 50%

View attachment 47368

Let us know what you think of it!
You guys just shot every small clan in the foot an said cope with it.



Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
They are not held like the ones based on townhall acitivity, but rather they are claimed once like a regular attack and with next conflict phase the same or another building will be released from DV.

But with a server that is completly not changing anything, they would deserve to get no buildings, as with such a scale of backroom agreement there is no real legitimate demand for much fame.
Is it really EU1's problem if the enemies aren't coming online or even trying to attack?


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Whos fault is it to introduce KOS lists per server to get rid of any opposition?
Do you know what KOS means or are you just saying it because someone mentioned it here on the forums?

Just like in every server there's allied clans, who stops the enemies from building their own alliance and starting a war? But if they're not even trying then obviously EU1 isn't going to see any incoming threat.


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Mar 20, 2016
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- Black Rose -
I think it would be much better to restore the game to its old self but make supply charges cost dino dollars or clan dollars.
also fix the daily log in rewards, loging in 7 days+ in a row only to get 2500 dd or 1 firecracker is not worth it.


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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Do you know what KOS means or are you just saying it because someone mentioned it here on the forums?

Just like in every server there's allied clans, who stops the enemies from building their own alliance and starting a war? But if they're not even trying then obviously EU1 isn't going to see any incoming threat.
What war shall happen when any opposition was already abused out of the game by beeing killed on sight? i mean the ppl that just introduced that just got what they wanted, a motionless server.

- T R I G G E R -

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Feb 27, 2024
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- T R I G G E R -
Greek Aces
Whos fault is it to introduce KOS lists per server to get rid of any opposition?
KOS has been here since the game opened. Its part of the game. These updates have just made people stop logging.

Do you guys actually log multiple hours and watch fights?


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Feb 13, 2021
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Whos fault is it to introduce KOS lists per server to get rid of any opposition?
what is your problem as a developer with kos list?

we're in a pvp game, so there shouldn't be enemies?

as i have said before, you keep breaking the game for 99% of the player for that 1% of ''kos'' player who dont even give you a penny, makes 0 sense


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
What war shall happen when any opposition was already abused out of the game by beeing killed on sight? i mean the ppl that just introduced that just got what they wanted, a motionless server.
That's how you designed YOUR game, the point was to make wars, the winner holds and the loser doesn't hold, however the side who loses can always prepare and call their members to attack their enemies as well, nobody holds anyone from attacking, and yes enemies are killed on sight obviously because we're enemies? At this point you might as well turn your game upside down and make it a PvE game instead PvP since it doesn't matter anymore
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