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#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)

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Feb 20, 2023
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Did I miss something or they didn't tell us what blue supplies would be worth for yet xdd


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Feb 20, 2023
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Maybe they can bring bandits to clan store and it would be nice if the purchase had a restriction of only using it "for attacking purposes" not defending purposes cuz if big alliances were able use bandits just like small clans but for defending purposes, we are doomed.


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Feb 28, 2024
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- Katsuki
Greek Aces
@Highway have you guys ever considered putting ds on Steam or something of this kind to attract more people and indirectly advertise Dino Storm?


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Red Velvelt
Ok everyone we have some design Ideas ready to adjust/extend the upcoming Endgame Part 3 update. Let us know what you think of them. Especially the "Rescue Protection" one, as it should hopefully keep the rescue options nice without overpowering them as they are right now.

Building Yield Free Auto Upgrade
  • Buildings will automatically upgrade their yield level without the need of clan dollars when the owner is able to keep the building until the next cycle starts (every 24 hours)
  • When Dinoville takes the building the clan is able to take out the current items as long as the conflict cycle has not ended yet
Clan Item Store
  • Adds a new store to Dinoville that only contains clan items obtainable with clan dollars
    • Clan Boosters (Each variant)
  • Only Clan members with the rights to manage the clan fund can purchase items in this store
  • Purchased items get moved to the Clan inventory
Rescue with Protection
Use the invulnerable status effect after rescue to allow users to move to a safe location until they feel safe to trigger healing skills etc. This should keep the instant rescue still a very good option even with lowered % HP heal, but it has the risk that you are not able to move into a safe location in time when tailed by the enemy.
  • Gives all rescue options the invulnerable status effect that runs for ~5 seconds
    • (players can abort it as soon they use a skill or attack a building)
  • As long as the invulnerable status effect is active the auto heal/recovery will not activate
  • Generally lower the healed HP for recovery options
    • Instant rescue to around 5%. (with max gel 10%)
    • Travel gate rescue 15% (with max gel 30%)
    • Dinoville rescue at 50% (with max gel 100%)
  • Change Recovery Gel to work as multipliers instead in absolute percentage that are added on top
    • Currently they add 45% (each 15%)
    • New gels will in total give 100% factor (Double the healed HP on rescue)
As for the amount of conflict phases we will start with one per day on the live servers to test how the dynamics evolve under real conditions. Then we are able to properly adjust if we need more or change the duration of the phase. etc.
Make the recovery implant add some percentage to this update, it would be a great way for him to return to the game. The ideas are good, but could you make a video test about recovery on portals and kits with before and after? or open the PTR again


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Jun 30, 2020
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Throughout the feedback and PTR, I have classified every new additions/ features/ changes as either an advantage for defenders or for attackers.

Honestly, with everything that has been proposed, I have yet to see a scenarios where the attackers is actually able to even do something.

Maybe I have missed an important piece of information that could change my overview of how this update will play out. Only time will tell when it hit the live servers.

Adds a new store to Dinoville that only contains clan items obtainable with clan dollars
  • Clan Boosters (Each variant)
As for now, clan boosters gives a total of 5% boost for every variant. 5% is a tiny drop in the bucket.

Clan boosters are mainly used for farming and very rare for PvP/ war. Now that it has becomes a paid item, I suspect that very less people would make use of it.

Perhaps consider increasing it to 10%? Then the offer would be more attractive.

Will we still receive clan boosters from quests?


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Jun 30, 2020
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As for the amount of conflict phases we will start with one per day on the live servers to test how the dynamics evolve under real conditions. Then we are able to properly adjust if we need more or change the duration of the phase. etc.
Can we get an idea of how soon this will come to live servers?

Weeks? Months?


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Jun 7, 2016
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- Eternal -
  • When Dinoville takes the building the clan is able to take out the current items as long as the conflict cycle has not ended yet
How is it decided which sites get taken over by Dinoville? Is it random or are there some factors that decide which site will stop being player-owned? Do sites with lower yield get taken over first instead of sites with higher yield? Does their location on the map (and required level) matter?

  • Instant rescue to around 5%. (with max gel 10%)
So using a Recovery Kit with a level 55 rex will result in recovering with 21k - 42k hp or 28k - 56k hp with vitality implant. That doesn't sound very appealing. After the 5 second invulnerability period the player would be one shot from any skill dealt by another 55 lvl player. I imagine that this change would further solidify the dominant position of tank dinos in combat.


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Jun 30, 2020
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Regarding the new items in the new shop.

It would be a better alternative to make the Jump Link purchase—able with Clan Funds rather than Silver Crown.

I have stated multiples times before that the value offer for this item is just not that attractive for me to collect fame, try to win an election in order to collect some Silver Crown just for a Jump Link that will be placed in a zone that will be useable only (less than) 4 hours every 24 hours.

This leaves us with more Silver Crown to purchase the wearables items with.

I think the solution to that would be to increase the hours by which it can be expanded each time a new player unlocks it.

For example, at the moment when a player unlocks it, it will extend by 2 hours, but that 2 hours is too small I believe, perhaps it could be 5 hours per player who unlocks it.

With that, the duration would be extended and we would see the value in it.
I also believe that Right Hands and Leaders should be the only role in the clan who should manage clan funds.

Reason below.

I have a suggested change— Remove the ability of the Officer in the clan to use the Clan Fund.

Currently, Officers in a clan have the ability to use the clan fund to expand either clan inventory or member slot.

If we're going to give more functionality to the clan fund, then only Right Hands and Leader should have this special ability to use the clan fund.

Because of how it is in the game currently, a clan may have many members assigned to an Officer role. So we wouldn't want any officer to use the clan fund without the approval of the Leader or Right Hands.

If many Officers can use the Clan Fund, then a rogue officer may deplete the Clan Fund by purchasing items that the leader didn't approve.
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Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Does it mean we get a store in the town center????? I would love it😍
Yes there will be a seperate store in dinoville, most likely in the areas where the other shops are though.

Did I miss something or they didn't tell us what blue supplies would be worth for yet xdd
They will be converted to something useful. Still not carved in store what it will be.

The ideas are good, but could you make a video test about recovery on portals and kits with before and after? or open the PTR again
We plan to make another open PTR run so you can test out the changes. But first we want feedback in it before we can implement them into the game.

Throughout the feedback and PTR, I have classified every new additions/ features/ changes as either an advantage for defenders or for attackers.

Honestly, with everything that has been proposed, I have yet to see a scenarios where the attackers is actually able to even do something.

Maybe I have missed an important piece of information that could change my overview of how this update will play out. Only time will tell when it hit the live servers.
Currently the defence of a building is more difficult than the attack. 4:1 relation in terms of drain vs repair of the HP. These relation we can adjust on the fly until it feels fair for both sides. This will be something we need to fine adjust once it is live. Also the duration of a conflict phase itself will has an effect on this and its hard to replicate this on the PTR. We tried it after changing the conflict phases on the ptr to the 24 cycle with 2 phases but it turned out that no clans tried to defend their buildings.

As for now, clan boosters gives a total of 5% boost for every variant. 5% is a tiny drop in the bucket.

Clan boosters are mainly used for farming and very rare for PvP/ war. Now that it has becomes a paid item, I suspect that very less people would make use of it.

Perhaps consider increasing it to 10%? Then the offer would be more attractive.

Will we still receive clan boosters from quests?
We must see how the boosters are used after they can be purchased anytime for all wanted attributes. (They still drop as group quest reward) As they can run simultaniously for each attribute it can be effective in PVP even with 5%. Might be something clans activate before the conflict will start.

Can we get an idea of how soon this will come to live servers?

Weeks? Months?
As soon as it is ready. All depends on testing results and that the quality is ready to release it live. Right now I would say it should be ready by the end of the month. But it could also take longer.

The PTR though can be ready next week for the next test phase.

How is it decided which sites get taken over by Dinoville? Is it random or are there some factors that decide which site will stop being player-owned? Do sites with lower yield get taken over first instead of sites with higher yield? Does their location on the map (and required level) matter?
Right now its planned that it will evenly distribute taken buildings along all maps. So that it does not happen that goldfields gets fully operated by dinoville :devilish:. Chosen buildings are fully randomized. New buildings are freed or taken by Dinville every 14 days as it is conntected to the townhall activity. As the building does not cost to upgrade anymore a clan will not lose much when DV takes it. The owner also gets one production of items without the need to defend the building from attackers.

So using a Recovery Kit with a level 55 rex will result in recovering with 21k - 42k hp or 28k - 56k hp with vitality implant. That doesn't sound very appealing. After the 5 second invulnerability period the player would be one shot from any skill dealt by another 55 lvl player. I imagine that this change would further solidify the dominant position of tank dinos in combat.
Yes we suspenct that this proposed idea will have most of discussion. Its planned to increase the risk to use instant rescue but at the same time offer the player to judge that risk without adding any penalty timers etc. This is propably best tested on the PTR when the general idea of it is liked so far


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Jun 30, 2020
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We tried it after changing the conflict phases on the ptr to the 24 cycle with 2 phases but it turned out that no clans tried to defend their buildings.
Primarily due to timezone.

It was setup in a way where the attacks would favour the European timezones.

Currently the defence of a building is more difficult than the attack. 4:1 relation in terms of drain vs repair of the HP.
When I say that I cannot think of a scenarios where attackers are successful, it's mostly where attackers are out numbered against defenders.

Such case is very common with every server should I say.

If an existing alliance still try to work around the update and keep a stronghold of their control upon the sites and Town Hall, then still difficult for the small group of attackers.


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Jan 23, 2021
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M O R I A R 3 T Y
quicker voltz
@Highway have you guys ever considered putting ds on Steam or something of this kind to attract more people and indirectly advertise Dino Storm?
lol sinner using her smoll brain insane


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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New Public PTR is coming up soon. Check out the changes from the last public PTR here:


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Sep 23, 2016
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_MaD BullS_
New Public PTR is coming up soon. Check out the changes from the last public PTR here:
uii ty for adding pinky :V now we gotta see how they look on the maps @-Spy-


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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next week :cool:


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Feb 11, 2024
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I think 2 hr morning, afternoon and night session will the best for us


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Jun 30, 2020
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Some of the changes that you are doing, does not align with the end goal of this update— Breaking big monopoly alliances to give the smaller clans a chance.

As example.

  1. Increasing the value of the fame items, you make it impossible for players to catchup with farming fame from wearables. Essentially, increasing the value of these items makes it impossible to catch up to a clan that holds sites from farming fame alone. You will have a player from a clan that will walk around with 5M fame as a new standard.

    Meanwhile, if I am from the attacking team, and I do not have access to towers, it becomes harder for me to catchup to that 5M.

    What was the goal behind increasing those medal values?

  2. The limited conflict phase, as I have said previously, you're basically sending the attackers against a lot of defenders. Same idea as before— a large majority always wins. This idea didn't sit right with me at first, because you propose a chance to help the minority. Meanwhile, the first attacking hours that you proposed were at peak hours. Makes no sense. Big numbers will always win.

  3. Not being able to travel during the vulnerable phase. That's a big miss in my opinion. Because now, I could easily spread my force as a defender, to those towers that Dinoville holds, since Travel is possible on Dinoville-held-sites. Kinda means that the 2015 update about Travel Site has been a waste of effort.

Honestly, when I first read this dev shack, I was entertaining the idea that you want to go back to the 2015 era before the maps were linear.

Now I really see it. With the fact that we cannot use Travel Gate for revive. Why do we not go 1 step further and remove all of those Travel Gate and redo the maps to how they were before being linear? (That's literally what the whole community wants)

Since Dinoville is going to take a large amount of those Sites anyway, rendering most of the zone useless for PvP and PvE. You could make those zones, like maze areas to dupe the enemies.


Screenshot above is taken straight from The Dev Shack #02 – Fast & Convenient Ways to Travel


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Mar 22, 2024
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No pertenezco a ningún Clan. (no clan)
Do you plan to improve something beyond all this? because the game is really boring when you try to level up. I think that's why many people end up leaving the game.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Some of the changes that you are doing, does not align with the end goal of this update— Breaking big monopoly alliances to give the smaller clans a chance.

As example.

  1. Increasing the value of the fame items, you make it impossible for players to catchup with farming fame from wearables. Essentially, increasing the value of these items makes it impossible to catch up to a clan that holds sites from farming fame alone. You will have a player from a clan that will walk around with 5M fame as a new standard.

    Meanwhile, if I am from the attacking team, and I do not have access to towers, it becomes harder for me to catchup to that 5M.

    What was the goal behind increasing those medal values?

  2. The limited conflict phase, as I have said previously, you're basically sending the attackers against a lot of defenders. Same idea as before— a large majority always wins. This idea didn't sit right with me at first, because you propose a chance to help the minority. Meanwhile, the first attacking hours that you proposed were at peak hours. Makes no sense. Big numbers will always win.

  3. Not being able to travel during the vulnerable phase. That's a big miss in my opinion. Because now, I could easily spread my force as a defender, to those towers that Dinoville holds, since Travel is possible on Dinoville-held-sites. Kinda means that the 2015 update about Travel Site has been a waste of effort.

Honestly, when I first read this dev shack, I was entertaining the idea that you want to go back to the 2015 era before the maps were linear.

Now I really see it. With the fact that we cannot use Travel Gate for revive. Why do we not go 1 step further and remove all of those Travel Gate and redo the maps to how they were before being linear? (That's literally what the whole community wants)

Since Dinoville is going to take a large amount of those Sites anyway, rendering most of the zone useless for PvP and PvE. You could make those zones, like maze areas to dupe the enemies.

View attachment 47347

Screenshot above is taken straight from The Dev Shack #02 – Fast & Convenient Ways to Travel
1. The fame value of the new building items has increased to align with the change how the buildings produce items. In the end you get close to the same fame value per day from the buildings as currently live but on less items.

2. As written in the changelog this will be investigated once the update is live to see how it evolved. We also have the ability to balance defence vs attack difficulty to reach the desired outcome. Generally we dont like to have to many conflict phases per day to loose the big event character and also have times where not many players are available to attack/defend. Starting with one conflict per day makes it a lot easier to see how it plays out on the live servers.

3. Just before the conflict phase will start the groups of defenders and attackers can already position themselves on the map and plan out their strategy. Fights will propably emergy already before the conflict phase starts to keep players away from the buildings etc. Like you said the defenders can try to block the entrys on the map from all DV owned buildings or transition points from the map. Many dynamics that are difficult to forsee and we must see how it evolves. Guess you have missunderstood a bug from the ptr, but revives are possible on travel gates if they are DV owned or reclaimed.

Please lets see first how the update really plays out before coming to conclusions early. Final tweaks here and there are certainly required once we have enough info.

- Cause -

Well-known member
Dec 15, 2021
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now hold on a minute. this dv gate thing reminds me of another W gameHelldivers_2_Header_copy.png if you know you know


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May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
Personally i dont think it is necessary to completely remove items that are currently in the lily's emporium shop, just add new ones. Like that we will have more things to buy and also people who join the game later / are not able to collect enough sc till 26 for whay they want will have variety of choices and still chances to get some stuff.


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Mar 30, 2020
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4 years... It took 4 years for Engame to end, it was a long road, full of good things and bad things, no matter what happens, both I and other players will still be here supporting this nostalgic game.

Let's hope the future is promising.

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