Sorry for the long silence on this topic. We had our heads spinning for quite some time and were heads down on a big Pirate Galaxy content update that is getting closer to get finished. (Sidenote: Pirate Galaxy & Dino Storm need each other and also share the same technical foundation. There is no favouritism involved and we try to balance our resources as good as possible between both games with a 6 people strong team

It might not feel like it, but previous updates already paved the way for a few things that we need for the endgame updates to come in Dino Storm (splitting event achievement scores, monstrous dinosaurs spawned by lure cake). Right now we could find a good time slot to continue working on the complex design for the “Endgame Mechanics” for Dino Storm.
The last
outline we have presented here to you was just a basic draft/overview to get your feedback on it. We tried to incorporate it, to make it better so you will hopefully enjoy it. We are planning to separate the Endgame update into three parts, which allows us to release them earlier. Here are the parts in order for their release.
- Part 1 (Jump Gates, ‘Celebrity’ Store, Tokens)
- Part 2 (Townhall & Memorial rework)
- Part 3 (Game building combat rework)
Let me give you a glimpse on what Part 1 will have in store for you:
Jump Gates
Players can build jump gates (map shortcuts) manually by placing entry and exit points on the map where they want them to be (with some restrictions). Jump gate construction kits are obtainable through “Tokens” from the “Celebrity Store”. All players can use these jump gate shortcuts in both directions to quickly traverse the map.
Protection After Map Transition & Teleport
Players will get a status effect that makes them invincible for a few seconds upon entering a map or when teleporting within the same map. The status effect will get deactivated early if the player is engaging in combat by using an attack or skill.
Celebrity Store (Token Store)
Dinoville makes room at the centre of the city for a new store to open its doors. This store will feature only items obtainable through a special currency item we call “Token” (names of store and currency are most likely to change later from our internal naming). Items are exclusive and some of them are locked only for sheriffs to purchase. With part 1 the store will have the new Jump Gate Construction Kits on offer, as well as a few other nice items.
Dinoville Tokens (Exchange Currency)
Tokens represent the currency used to purchase items from the "Celebrity Store". Designed for the endgame, they will ultimately be obtainable through town hall elections. But as this mechanic will be released later in a separate update, we will make Tokens available through other fitting ways that are available with the current game mechanics.
We hope that you will enjoy the use and construction of the “Jump Gates” as they allow you to have map shortcuts (almost) wherever you want them to be. Let us know your feedback and we are looking forward to releasing it to you later this year.