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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
Hello ım a sheriff and ı write here for change trex.. Im used trex but my friend too want use but clan and allys never let that and them never let take a map or take a election... This sytem not fair.. Trex must be change but another not wont that bc them used I will tell for them one something.. You are not the only lıve living in this world anothers too can use trex ofc ı wont too free take this dino... I lıke its can be unlock lıke only 100K GC coins But ı see some players try said its pay to win ... Bro Dino Storm all ıtem can be buy with gc ?? what u talking about ?? I hope the admins to do something lıke this we want a fair road...
Can your friends pay 100k gold? If they say they are not in a position to buy supplies for the map, how are they going to buy rex for 100k gold?


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May 8, 2021
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@Maddy Montgomery i agree to u

Hello ım a sheriff and ı write here for change trex.. Im used trex but my friend too want use but clan and allys never let that and them never let take a map or take a election... This sytem not fair.. Trex must be change but another not wont that bc them used I will tell for them one something.. You are not the only lıve living in this world anothers too can use trex ofc ı wont too free take this dino... I lıke its can be unlock lıke only 100K GC coins But ı see some players try said its pay to win ... Bro Dino Storm all ıtem can be buy with gc ?? what u talking about ?? I hope the admins to do something lıke this we want a fair road...
100k gc crazy XD do u think really everyone is rich and could buy 100k gc? even you can't buy it then why u want it? D:


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Which civilized server, that I'm not aware of, does war without making a single build red?
to be honest ik it was once in eu3 between alliance player ;d


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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Please bring us at least an outline of what you want to change, my team was eliminated from a championship today and I just want some news that makes my night happy... 😪


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
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Which civilized server, that I'm not aware of, does war without making a single build red?
i actually have heard of this happening on am1, but it seems to be very rare and i doubt it would happen without being organized beforehand.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
It seems incredible to me that they do not know what a free war is, or that it seems strange to them. In America 1 this has always been done, wars without killing, friendly wars, etc. Will this be because of the incredible amount of people we handle? Because of the massive alliance that prevents some rival clan from doing anything?
My proposals are to end this entire system that only benefits the greatest number. It's a lot like how things work in Pirate Galaxy. Such a change would give a lot of life to the game.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
And for those same people who are always finding everything, for you the game will not come to anything good. The changes that are coming are crazy and they have to see it from the innovative.


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Jan 26, 2021
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-Dxrk Rise-
It seems incredible to me that they do not know what a free war is, or that it seems strange to them. In America 1 this has always been done, wars without killing, friendly wars, etc. Will this be because of the incredible amount of people we handle? Because of the massive alliance that prevents some rival clan from doing anything?
My proposals are to end this entire system that only benefits the greatest number. It's a lot like how things work in Pirate Galaxy. Such a change would give a lot of life to the game.
"wars without killing" ??????????


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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"wars without killing"
I think that he meant, war without serious consequence. It's a sort of friendly fight that doesn't involve making any gates red. The objectives is purely fun among friends without the worry of losing anything. From what I know, they happen rarely since you need the corporation of a lot of people to do it.

You can talk with your alliance and have a friendly war between the clans, or talk with a clan outside of your alliance and agree on having a friendly fight without touching the towers.

Last time it happened in Eu1 was at the start of 2020 (I think) and that was it. It's hard to make it happen since both sides need to agree on not making build red.
Last edited:


New member
May 9, 2021
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Army Of Darkness
I would love to recommend an opinion about changing how players can achieve T-rex.
When players see this game at first, what they think is about they can ride Dinosaurs and they can get their own T-rex even if it is in a game. First dinosaurs next people start thinking about PVP
But the thing is, no matter who is that person, can be normal player, can be a leader of a big clan, doesnt matter. At the end, everyone is only a '' player '' .. So , letting players to win T-rex should not be upto any other players. Because mostly, It is not happening in fair play. What I mean is, most people help someone to win Sheriff election if those people are close to themselfs no matter if they are new in the server or old, doesnt matter if they help or not. And the other people who dont stand by them, even if they play for 10 years, they can not ride the dinosaur they were dreaming of.
So what I recommend is, achieving T-rex must be about players. Like, reaching a Level, reaching for example 5000 collected achiavement points, or anything that game developers would decide.
So that time people would stop fighting over a Dinosaur and the game will be able to look like a PVP game.
Players must achieve everything with their own hardwork, it shouldnt be decided by any other player.
I hope who see my this comment, would understand what I mean and support my idea.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall


Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list


New member
May 9, 2021
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Army Of Darkness
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
woah.... looks totally different, new system, and feels excited to get work on it


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
Doubt, who is already a Sheriff, will win all the Dino Tokens that the positions offer?


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Main Char
Lucas Apenaz
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
Can you translate this table into Portuguese?
"Items to shape the game world for all players" Can you give me an example?


Active member
Jul 22, 2020
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- Morty -
Since 2013
[USER = 15] @Highway [/ USER] Quem já e xerife vai continuar precisando de fama ou só será necessário para conquistar cargos?


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
"Items to shape the game world for all players" Can you give me an example?
We left most of them out as they are not fixed but here are some examples:
  • Item to construct map shortcuts
  • Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map
  • Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
  • ...
But dont nail us down on them. Its just some examples that this section could offer for the players to shape the gameworld.


Active member
Jul 22, 2020
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- Morty -
Since 2013
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
@Highway A loja exclusiva para xerife será sempre os mesmos itens ou mudaram com o tempo?


Active member
Apr 1, 2017
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I- UnExPecTeD -I
-Silver bullet-
Achievement points should be reset when this update arrives ,since old players have highest achievement points and there's no way for new ones to surpass them if they are still active so it eliminates all chances for new players to hold sheriff monument for a good time .


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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awesome idea!


New member
Oct 31, 2020
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- Ascended Amour -
Me encantó la idea, pero tengo una duda.
AHora todos podrán ganar Sheriff independientemente del tiempo que pase, o seguirá siendo un solo Sheriff cada 15 días como hasta ahora?


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Achievement points should be reset when this update arrives ,since old players have highest achievement points and there's no way for new ones to surpass them if they are still active so it eliminates all chances for new players to hold sheriff monument for a good time .
Yes that would be an issue. But its planned to split out the achievements score between regular and event achievements. So that the achievement score would be always reachable even for new players.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Me encantó la idea, pero tengo una duda.
AHora todos podrán ganar Sheriff independientemente del tiempo que pase, o seguirá siendo un solo Sheriff cada 15 días como hasta ahora?
The sheriff election is planned to remain the same intervall right now. But the T-rex will not directly linked to it anymore. Instead unlocked by the tokens won on elections. Still the Sheriff position will give most tokens and remains desirable including to unlock the new sheriff only items.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2020
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Main Char
We left most of them out as they are not fixed but here are some examples:
  • Item to construct map shortcuts
  • Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map
  • Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
  • ...
But dont nail us down on them. Its just some examples that this section could offer for the players to shape the gameworld.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Main Char
@Highway what about protection? will it still be possible to buy only with fame?
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
Main Char
Greek Aces
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
What about the elections cooldown? It will be more less?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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Main Char
I would need to re-read again to grasp the new concept and craft a good opinion.

Allow re-elections on all office positions.
Meanwhile, why allow re-election? What if a current Sheriff block an upcoming Sheriff?


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Main Char
Lucas Apenaz
We left most of them out as they are not fixed but here are some examples:
  • Item to construct map shortcuts
  • Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map
  • Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
  • ...
But dont nail us down on them. Its just some examples that this section could offer for the players to shape the gameworld.
Would my system that I suggested fit your idea well? After all, everyone would have to do missions, thus completing achievement points. @Highway

Exchanges of items between players
First of all, let's talk about Jobs.

Each job matches what you like to do within the game, we have several systems that can be applied within the jobs, take a look!

Explanation :

You are a level 55 player, you are free to work after a long way. You have chosen to help Norma Rosa with her planting and harvesting, her mission is to help her get supplies for her planting, you must be responsible!
Take 150 earthworms for the compost;
Take 150 mangoes to plant.

After delivering all your supplies, you will generate your salary from

Achievement Points
Dino Tokens (for sheriffs), for help. The more you help NPCs, the more you can generate fame, alone and without spending GoldCoins.

What should be changed:

Items such as worms, crystals, fruits, branches etc ... They must start to fall in their respective places, example: Fruits, you will only find fruits on trees.
Drop's difficulty increased, as it is not an easy job

Main jobs

Markets would be another form of employment, you will help players and get paid for it too! And this is where the form of exchanges between players works. So in events like DinoBall, and Natal you have the option to exchange special items of the event between players.

How would the market job work?

Each map has its respective market, totaling 6. (/)

You want to work as a trader, so you must have several items that are ordered among NPCs, for example: Fruits, wood, fertilizer, etc ...
You will sell them for a fixed price X that DinoStorm will create. You will be helping players and yourself.
Example: Hmm .. I need 25 sleeves but I don't want to have to hunt them because it takes too long or I'm out of patience. You have the option to search for merchant players in the market so see if they have items to sell.


Achievement Points
Dino Tokens (for sheriffs)
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