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Feedback Wanted: Site Conflict Adjustments Part 2

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Mar 17, 2021
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@I1 E 4 E H 9l T 0 P
No sh@t we walk with protection, this is still a whole server vs one clan scenario. The fact that your players are too lazy to defend is not my or the game's problem. If you are outnumbered clan vs clan, make bigger clans, you have enough people to do it.

One of our peace conditions is that we don't have to be allied with anyone, so just because there are more attacking clans it doesn't mean we are an alliance. We just happen to have a common enemy.
by the way, I already forgot whose testimony to start from, indeed, it so happened that the alliance has made enough enemies for itself and now this situation is happening in the game, that the attacker has become much stronger than he was, just the players have more freedom to be independent of the alliance and allowed to take off their masks, all the troubles from the toxic relationship between players, but it's almost always been that basically all the problems are due to toxic relationships. there is no clear line between villains and heroes, every clan will have such a toxic player, regardless of whether the attacker or the alliance


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Dec 5, 2015
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Stop the cap, You've got 4 clans by your side what are you even trying to say here lmao, there is no need to come here with false and empty untrue comments since the devloppers said they're spectating what's going on
If people want to form an attacking clan, they can do it. Joining into another clan would be even more beneficial for them in the current game but they still choose to remain separate. We can't attack at differet times either thanks to the fixed attack time so ofc they are "by our side".

- Venimeuse -

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That + there is no reason to keep farming if you can't join the game during the Vulnerable phase. Fighting for sites used to be the main part of gameplay, for many it still is. Why upgrade your character or farm more dollars if you can't use them anyway? I don't want to play a farming simulator in DS.

And unless you consider "selling your account and buying a new one" (= something that is clearly against the CoC) as a valid option, there is no way to easily start playing on a server that actually suits your personal time schedule. All that time invested into maxxing out your character will be in vain. And don't try to say that "Europeans should play on the Eu servers, and Americans on the Am servers" - many people work night shifts and they can't just spend their evening playing the game. So if the gameplay around the sites is so time-limited, the game better be packed with other content that can be enjoyed during the rest of the day.
i made a suggestion months ago (when devs added mining fame system) for a new feature to make hunting less boring : Bounties, but i guess devs might work on it after they finish to ''adjust'' the new site system.


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I just let some numbers do the talking:

View attachment 48246
Successful defends/attacks across all servers in the last 5 days
Interesting. Are there any noticeable differences in those numbers between the servers?
Also I'm curious on the exact meaning behind those metrics. Are all sites that remained with their previous owner counted as a "successful defend"? Including sites that were not attacked by anyone during the Vulnerable phase? If so, it might be interesting to look at how many sites are successfully defended after they get drained for a significant amount (for example 5-10%, to eliminate sites that are only attacked to keep others from teleporting on top of them). I'm sure that there are some servers where a site hasn't been attacked for multiple phases in a row.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Nebulon Galaxus
So, hello everyone it’s me again I’m here once more as I realised I was being unjust in my feedbacks about some things making decisions and suggestion based on my subjective views instead of objective I still think the new system is better in nature then old (I’m referring to supply charges and so on) but I can see now many changes need to be made site swapping needs to be fixed all fighting stopping in few minutes after the phase starts needs to be stopped as well but that’s not what ill speak about today others already did so and I don’t want to claim their ideas as mine instead ill talk about adrenalin, draining and defending as usual ill leave the biggest thing for the end since I need to get through the rest first so it makes sense so please don’t skip it

Draining: so as I saw someone mention before I think the community made a wrong decision when they desired higher drain rate and while it hurts to admit a mistake its necessary to do here I’m very familiar with that pain but it can’t be helped I think we need to go back to a lower and set drain rate which would stay the same for all gates and targets I’m thinking about 80 drain rate however I think the dino diversity was a good idea and should stay making it possible to reach 160 drain rate while high ill get into why it shouldn’t be too bad later

Defending/healing: maybe a bit controversial but I think it should stay as it is capping at 40 base healing on lvl 4 and going up to 80 with max dino diversity

Adrenalin: this system is highly hated by many and I don’t believe it was made with bad intentions it was supposed to help weaker attacker sides to have a chance fighting stronger enemies and it did so however it did its job too well making them near unstoppable after these weaker attackers became stronger this morning the enemy clan claimed over 30 gates its incredible and so I think there needs to be something done as this system greatly favours one side especially on servers where they were evenly matched already and thus being unbalanced and unfair and so I’m proposing with my new suggested drain rate it would no longer make targets immune to status effect from none defender sources or give the wearer damage reduction instead it would increase drain rate by 10% every 10 seconds capping at 50% making it possible to reach 240 drain rate while big it would reset if all attackers from the same clan left the circle (the same would apply to defender adrenalin making it possible to reach 120 repair rate) and I see it as fair way to punish slow defender response however the defenders allies could now help as well so it wouldn’t be so one sided advantage to the attackers I believe it would be much more fair this way but feel free to leave your feedback about it down below


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May 23, 2024
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in my opinion, making the repair rate as close as to drain rate will solve some problems in defending, because however attacker buff wont be removed according to how devs and @Highway see it but repair rate is very possible and workable


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Feb 29, 2024
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because however attacker buff wont be removed according to how devs and @Highway see it
Maybe instead of removing it, change its purpose to something not so weird 🤦🏽‍♂️ Nebulon have been suggesting about it for a week now and he gets ignored


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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Going back to page 1 and I have to wonder, why does nobody go and point out, there at this point that is why it does not work in this or that way. There is an actual table with data, and it would be easy to just name the spot where things are percived to be off, but what we get is just animosity and anekdotal points.


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May 23, 2024
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Maybe instead of removing it, change its purpose to something not so weird 🤦🏽‍♂️ Nebulon have been suggesting about it for a week now and he gets ignored
look how my messages are getting ignored about repair rate which is very fair somehow they dont listen bro


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Many since weeks are complaining and giving proper feedbacks yet when you added the weird buff system you were listening to one sided players who are asking for an advantage for themselves not for a better gameplay or anything, there’s a reason to why people are demotivated to defend / don’t have energy to log online

Yet people get ignored, even many stopped writing on forum because it’s literally pointless


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Mar 17, 2024
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Many since weeks are complaining and giving proper feedbacks yet when you added the weird buff system you were listening to one sided players who are asking for an advantage for themselves not for a better gameplay or anything, there’s a reason to why people are demotivated to defend / don’t have energy to log online

Yet people get ignored, even many stopped writing on forum because it’s literally pointless
For me the start with the buff sounded like a nice addition, in PTR it seemed pretty cool. However once it came live, I could slowly see how it will become a problem and it did.

Sometimes things can sound nice until you properly try it


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Jun 7, 2016
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Going back to page 1 and I have to wonder, why does nobody go and point out, there at this point that is why it does not work in this or that way. There is an actual table with data, and it would be easy to just name the spot where things are percived to be off, but what we get is just animosity and anekdotal points.
For the Adrenaline buff - it does it's job perfectly in a situation where a small attacking group is fighting against a big defending force. For example, I will mention a situation that has happened not long ago on Asia1. 4 attackers were able to take a site against 4-5 defenders with ~10 helpers from different clans (I am sorry, I do not remember the exact numbers, someone can correct me if they participated in that fight). The attackers were splitting their attacks among 1 whole map, damaging the sites. The defenders were trying to heal their sites and kill the attackers when they reached their targets that were low on hp. The helpers were mostly focused on using CC on the attackers and killing them before they get the Adrenaline boost. Imo, it took a lot of effort from those 4 attackers to take that 1 site - and this is a good thing!

But if the number of attackers was much larger (at least 15), I think the situation would play out differently. Even with 15 defenders, a 15v15 will take much longer than a 4v4. And dying players can keep coming back to the site, extending the drain timer until the battle is over.
Few minutes ago at Kearny you could see 12 Found members trying to defend (Found only has 2 gates). Kept fighting for 30 minutes there, and it was just impossible to defend. It doesn't matter if you have many defenders or not. It doesn't matter if you have a few gates or not. It is just a matter of time until you lose the gate.
I wasn't there, but this sounds like a similar situation to what I am describing (please correct me if I am wrong in this assumption). So, if it is much easier to take sites in a 15(+helpers)vs15 scenario than a 4(+helpers)vs4, I think something is wrong (because the forces are proportionately equal, so the result should be similar imo).

For the table that Highway posted (Defend Rate vs Reclaim Rate) I am just genuinely curious how many sites actually survive a serious attack (on a global scale).

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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For me the start with the buff sounded like a nice addition, in PTR it seemed pretty cool. However once it came live, I could slowly see how it will become a problem and it did.

Sometimes things can sound nice until you properly try it
Ptr is and always will be environment that is very different from the actual live servers tho.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus

again it's best to start another fresh topic where we can discuss the upcoming planned changes as the previous feedback one already has over 50 pages :sweatgrinning:. We want to further improve the Site combat mechanics to make it more fun and fair to play with the following set of changes.

Automatic Yield Increase & Unlocked Site Defense Upgrades

With this change, you can decide more freely whether and how quickly you want to improve the defense of your sites.
  • Yield level increases automatically with every conflict phase you manage to hold the site.
  • Upgrading the site now only affects HP and Repair Level, and you can upgrade directly to the highest level without having to wait between upgrades.

Dino Diversity Boost for Site Drain and Repairs

This change rewards a varied team composition in both site attack and defense.
  • Boost your team's drain/repair rates by up to 200% by having up to five different dinosaurs in the site's perimeter.
  • Example for drain rate:
    • 1 dino -> 100 drain (100%)
    • 2 different dinos -> 135 drain (135%)
    • 3 different dinos -> 165 drain (165%)
    • 4 different dinos -> 185 drain (185%)
    • 5 different dinos -> 200 drain (200%)
    • 6 different dinos -> 200 drain (200%)
    • 7 different dinos -> 200 drain (200%)

Drain Speed Based Only on Number of Defending Clan's Sites

This change simplifies how drain speeds are determined. We are no longer calculating a difference in held sites between clans, only the number of sites of the defending clan counts.
  • The more sites a clan is holding, the faster attackers can drain them.
  • As before, drain speed will change dynamically during conflict when the held sites count of the defending clan changes.

Here is a table on how it will affect the times with the changes on site based drain and the dino diversity boost at different levels. Max attacker boost times are similar on how it is live, while the overall repair power is increased by 100% compared to live on max boost.

View attachment 48120
(5 Attacker = max boost, 5 Defender = max boost, Repair+ means drain is lower than repair rate)

Let me also drop a little refresher here so it is easy to see how much with a single site is worth depending of the yield and when the DV takeover bonus is applied:

View attachment 48119

Let is know what you think and if something is still unclear how it works etc.
as it was requested to speak about data from page 1 ill attempt to explain why there’s problem with the numbers so let’s go through a few scenarios in all scenarios were gona talk about max lvl sites were talk about clans with 6+ sites due to lower server populations including large servers at that where they either hold all or allow enemies to hold which is not desired

1. 3 attackers attack a site

2. 5 attackers attack a site

3. 5+ attackers attack a site

Situation 1:
3 enemy attackers have attacked a site were be generous and say 1 defender was there keeping a watch so the defending side knows how many enemies there are however normally that’s not the case we can assume that in this scenario attackers which just teleported to the site can kill the lone defender before the travel sickness expires and the rest of that time is spend by the defender calling for help and saying the number or enemies assuming response group was already prepared somewhere on a gate and not hunting and that there won’t be environmental hazards on the road mainly in mm with its veteran bandits we can get an average time of 1 minute for the defence to arrive on the scene even in this scenario the gate has already last around 20% of its health before the confrontation even begun now this is where things diverge a bit

Scenario 1: defence arrived in equal numbers to the enemy and the battle begins defence starts the battle in a disadvantage due to enemies barrage of skills and attacks as the approach the site perimeter (larger ring would not help here as the enemy can sit on the edge anyway) as this is happening the site is still loosing heath but now at slightly slower rate (1 more minute and 30 seconds until its dead according to graphs) there’s two possible approaches now either focusing 1 target or fighting each target individually in first case we can assume at lest 30 seconds survival rate for the target in this scenario and in second between 40 seconds to a 1 minute and 20 seconds based on the build on both sides for one target

Scenario 1A: all defenders despite the disadvantage manage to slay all their targets within roughly 1 minute and 30 seconds without any loses which in reality is not possible gate survived with around 50% of its life remaining

Scenario 1B: defenders won the battle in around 2 minutes with lose of at least one member gate survived with 40% of its life remaining

Scenario 1C: attackers crushed incoming defence attempts within 1 minute and 30 seconds roughly 50% of the sites hp remains now with another minute long time to arrive on scene and try again for defenders thx to walking distance needed and respawn timer 30% of the sites hp remains by the time they arrive on the scene by the time battle is done if successful site is either lost or considered lost with at most 10% remaining health

Scenario 1D: attackers won the battle with one loss in 2 minutes due to slightly lower drain rate roughly 60% of the sites health remains with 1 minute delay before next attempt to stop the attacker is made gate would be down to 45% health before battle begins if defence succeeds gate survives at most with roughly 15% to 20% health at most assuming dead attacker did not reach the gate before battles started or after in which case it would be lost

Scenario 2: defence arrived in greater number then offense (not total unlikely in this situation) and as such gained the upper hand on offense increasing with number of defenders available were assume 6 defenders here time to kill in both ways goes down by half

Scenario 2A: gate survives with roughly 60% health

Scenario 2B: gate survives with roughly 50% health

Scenario 2C is not possible

Scenario 2D: is highly unlikely but gate survives with roughly 50% remaining health as it would take longer to defeat the enemies were assume one attacker survived with one minute delay to arrive on scene again gates hp goes down to around 40% and 35% after attacker is dead if the rest didn’t return

Scenario 3: defence arrived in smaller number than offense based on scenario 1 gate is considered lost in all scenarios surviving with minimal health at most

We can already see in first situation that the numbers are not very impressive but let’s continue on to situation 2

Situation 2: same start as in the situation 1 but battle starts after 25% of the site’s health is lost

Scenario 1: defence arrived in equal numbers to the enemy and the battle begins defence starts the battle in a disadvantage due to enemies barrage of skills and attacks as the approach the site perimeter (larger ring would not help here as the enemy can sit on the edge anyway) as this is happening the site is still losing heath but now at slightly slower rate (1 more minute until its dead according to graphs) there’s two possible approaches now either focusing 1 target or fighting each target individually in first case we can assume at least 20 seconds survival rate for the target in this scenario and in second between 40 seconds to a 1 minute and 20 seconds based on the build on both sides for one target

Scenario 1A: all defenders despite the disadvantage manage to crush the enemies within roughly 2 minutes gate survives with 40% of its health remaining

Scenario 1B: defenders won the battle in around 3 minutes with 2 losses the site survives with at most 20% to 25% health

Scenario 1C: attackers crushed incoming defence attempts within 2 minutes roughly 40% of the sites hp remains now with another minute long time to arrive on scene and try again for defenders thx to walking distance needed and respawn timer 15% of the sites hp remains by the time they arrive on the scene by the time battle is done in all scenarios the site is lost

Scenario 1D: attackers won the battle with two losses in 3 minutes due to slightly lower drain rate roughly 45% of the sites health remains with 1 minute delay before next attempt to stop the attacker is made gate would be down to 25% health before battle begins the gate is considered lost or survives with around 5% health

Scenario 2: defence arrived in greater number then offense (unlikely but possible in this situation) and as such gained the upper hand on offense increasing with number of defenders available were assume 10 defenders here time to kill in both ways goes down by half

Scenario 2A: gate survives with 50% of its health remaining

Scenario 2B: gate survives with 30% to 35% health

Scenario 2C is not possible

Scenario 2D: is highly unlikely but gate survives with roughly 40% remaining health as it would take longer to defeat the enemies were assume two attackers survived with one minute delay to arrive on scene again gates hp goes down to around 30% and 25% after attackers are dead if the rest didn’t return

Scenario 3 defence arrived in smaller number than offense based on scenario 1 gate is lost in all scenarios

Oh boy this is looking really rough but lets continue for the fun of it

Situation 3: has identical start to situation 2

Scenario 1: defence arrived in equal numbers to the enemy (can be extremely unlikely) and the battle begins defence starts the battle in a disadvantage due to enemies barrage of skills and attacks as the approach the site perimeter (larger ring would not help here as the enemy can sit on the edge anyway) as this is happening the site is still losing heath but now at slightly slower rate (1 more minute until its dead according to graphs) there’s two possible approaches now either focusing 1 target or fighting each target individually in first case we can assume at least 15 seconds survival rate for the target in this scenario and in second between 40 seconds to 1 minute and 20 seconds based on the build on both sides for one target

Scenario 1A: if the number is higher then 7 the gate is considered lost before the battle is done (on my server there can be up to 15 at a time) at least 5 defenders would survive here but there would be losses

Scenario 1B: gate is lost in all possible outcomes

Scenario 1C: gate is very lost in this outcome

Scenario 1D: gate is lost in all possible outcomes

Scenario 2: defence arrived in greater number then offense (near impossible) and as such gained the upper hand on offense increasing with number of defenders available, we can’t assume a number here since it can be anything

Scenario 2A: gate might survive with roughly 10% health

Scenario 2B: gate is lost in all possible outcomes

Scenario 2C is not possible to achieve

Scenario 2D: gate is lost in all possible outcomes

Scenario 3: defence arrived in smaller number than offense based on scenario 1 gate is lost in all scenarios

As we can see these numbers are very bad and that’s not even taking into account the chance of enemy coming back for the site in which case in situation 2 and obviously situation 3 the gate is lost in 100% of the scenarios in situation 1 it might survive one wave but loss is certain on second or third wave of an attack these numbers are a disaster I calculated all of them with the usage of the graphs above and we can see why defending is so hard the numbers are not good at all


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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Scenario 2: defence arrived in greater number then offense (near impossible) and as such gained the upper hand on offense increasing with number of defenders available, we can’t assume a number here since it can be anything
Why? Because they do not care to lose it, because it was not ever intended to defend it, because we can not save it even it was barley attempted?

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Why? Because they do not care to lose it, because it was not ever intended to defend it, because we can not save it even it was barley attempted?
I dont believe so it depends mainly on how many attackers were talking about thats from 3. situation which has a massive spectrum if its 7 attackers then to effectively kill them 14 would be needed that is doable but if it was 20 Well not that many clans could get 40 members there i also mainly meant twice as many defenders present in scenarios 2 but didnt properly state it in my Feedback but even 1 more would technicaly count for it but its not what i intended as i calculated the Numbers


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Jun 30, 2020
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but what we get is just animosity and anekdotal points.
This thread became a [REDACTED] zoo for Eu1, and you're wondering why you cannot see the trees in the forest.

C'mon Alewx. The majority of the posts here are about Eu1 cat and dog fights— and it's never-ending.

The insightful posts are getting buried deeper and deeper.

You're letting all sorts of people write nonsense here and playing the victim without any veracity and we're wondering why nobody is writing with numbers and data.

I stopped writing here because I got bored of this Eu1 discussion always breaking the flow of good discussion. Perhaps consider putting some rules here so that people start writing meaningful posts before posting.

Force them to support their feedback with proofs or data, or else don't even post anything.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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This thread became a [REDACTED] zoo for Eu1, and you're wondering why you cannot see the trees in the forest.

C'mon Alewx. The majority of the posts here are about Eu1 cat and dog fights— and it's never-ending.

The insightful posts are getting buried deeper and deeper.

You're letting all sorts of people write nonsense here and playing the victim without any veracity and we're wondering why nobody is writing with numbers and data.

I stopped writing here because I got bored of this Eu1 discussion always breaking the flow of good discussion. Perhaps consider putting some rules here so that people start writing meaningful posts before posting.

Force them to support their feedback with proofs or data, or else don't even post anything.
Of course, now everything is a problem and eu1's fault... 🙄

Even though their discussions are quite boring, in the end they are right about several aspects of the update. Both attackers and defenders.

The basis of the discussions are always the same complaints and problems that have already been discussed more than a thousand times and that developers cannot understand or at least do not want to understand.

it all boils down to:

- Defending has become useless and extremely difficult (it is not something exclusive to me1).
- Battles end in a few minutes (it's not something exclusive to eu1).
- Alliances of various subclans exchanging maps with each other (not something exclusive to eu1).
- Adrenaline buff prevents attacker vs attacker competition.
- PvP is boring and limited.

The discussions are always for one of these reasons, it is already clear what the causes of the complaints are...

I can't understand what the developers haven't understood yet


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Force them to support their feedback with proofs or data, or else don't even post anything.
Dont worry we can monitor many aspects and see if the data matches the feedback or not. We dont take any feedback without verifying it. BTW: Already missed your thoughful feedback, but can understand it gets tiring when the same stuff is written over and over here ;)

1. Defending has become useless and extremely difficult (it is not something exclusive to me1).
2. Battles end in a few minutes (it's not something exclusive to eu1).
3. Alliances of various subclans exchanging maps with each other (not something exclusive to eu1).
4. Adrenaline buff prevents attacker vs attacker competition.
5. PvP is boring and limited.
1. Not as difficult as it is stated here. If you upgrade your site HP to max level and keep your owned sites protected with defenders before the conflict starts it can be defended. Most conflicts we watched live were decided by the amount of attackers vs defenders. Many defenders only showed in small numbers when the site was lost. Relying in the ally will not work anymore (it is also not desired by design). (Adrenaline buff is there for this to limit their impact)
But nevertheless defence is a bit to difficult. Something we will fine tune for sure.

2. Jup that is true and we will look at that timings.

3. Yes also not ideal and we are looking into this as well. But we also saw that this is also countered by enemy clans right now to get many sites as well. So in the end it does not help the ally as much.

4. Yes but this is not a big issue as it helps to reduce ally support. Its rare that two clans fight each other for a building. There are plenty on a map and they can target another one. (at least this issue is at low priority)

5. Its what you make out of it. PVP itself is not touched apart from balancing some OP aspects.


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May 23, 2024
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Dont worry we can monitor many aspects and see if the data matches the feedback or not. We dont take any feedback without verifying it. BTW: Already missed your thoughful feedback, but can understand it gets tiring when the same stuff is written over and over here ;)

1. Not as difficult as it is stated here. If you upgrade your site HP to max level and keep your owned sites protected with defenders before the conflict starts it can be defended. Most conflicts we watched live were decided by the amount of attackers vs defenders. Many defenders only showed in small numbers when the site was lost. Relying in the ally will not work anymore (it is also not desired by design). (Adrenaline buff is there for this to limit their impact)
But nevertheless defence is a bit to difficult. Something we will fine tune for sure.

2. Jup that is true and we will look at that timings.

3. Yes also not ideal and we are looking into this as well. But we also saw that this is also countered by enemy clans right now to get many sites as well. So in the end it does not help the ally as much.

4. Yes but this is not a big issue as it helps to reduce ally support. Its rare that two clans fight each other for a building. There are plenty on a map and they can target another one. (at least this issue is at low priority)

5. Its what you make out of it. PVP itself is not touched apart from balancing some OP aspects.
theres no point to max a gate with 4 max health since eventually if u bit late then u will lose it anyway, u dont fix repair even to make it balanced enough to keep a gate so, swapping is the best and hunting ores only


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Aug 26, 2014
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Red Velvet
@Alewx i wanna understand one thing as well?, why each time that update happens bugs happen, i have a bug that i cant the other player which attacks me, and other bug where any dino gets stuck from a rex battlecry? can it be fixed?
These two things exist even before the updates, I forgot that EU1 didn't use to have any pvp in 5 years :ROFLMAO:


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May 23, 2024
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These two things exist even before the updates, I forgot that EU1 didn't use to have any pvp in 5 years :ROFLMAO:
can they fix it XD, i got stuck and smilidions killed me


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Sep 26, 2020
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The truth is that this update doesn't make sense to the game and never will. The only players who liked this update are casual players who don't like competitiveness and those who are getting advantages or just enjoying seeing their enemies lose portals easily.

are been stuck on this update for 6 months and they still haven't realized that it's not going to work?

It would have been much smarter to have made improvements to the old system, the system that made the game stand up for more than 10 years.

"aah, but the old system was unfair", the current system is also unfair and more boring than the old one.

The old system should to be improved to make it fairer to attackers and not be completely modified.

And anyone who says that the majority liked the update is lying. On the forum the majority of comments are negative, in the game the majority of comments are negative, in social media groups the comments are negative.
If the developers carried out an official poll on the forum, Facebook or even within the game the result would be the same.

Well, time will show the obvious and we'll see if those who like (pretend to like) this new system will put up with the repetitive routine that fixed times for attacks will become.


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May 23, 2024
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@Suguygyu Eu3 is open server with many dv gates that are taken, repair rate would help us in this situation

- Venimeuse -

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Jan 31, 2021
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The truth is that this update doesn't make sense to the game and never will. The only players who liked this update are casual players who don't like competitiveness and those who are getting advantages or just enjoying seeing their enemies lose portals easily.

are been stuck on this update for 6 months and they still haven't realized that it's not going to work?

It would have been much smarter to have made improvements to the old system, the system that made the game stand up for more than 10 years.

"aah, but the old system was unfair", the current system is also unfair and more boring than the old one.

The old system should to be improved to make it fairer to attackers and not be completely modified.

And anyone who says that the majority liked the update is lying. On the forum the majority of comments are negative, in the game the majority of comments are negative, in social media groups the comments are negative.
If the developers carried out an official poll on the forum, Facebook or even within the game the result would be the same.

Well, time will show the obvious and we'll see if those who like (pretend to like) this new system will put up with the repetitive routine that fixed times for attacks will become.
I though all the day to find something nice, to help @Highway and rest of the team of finding a solution and integrete the new site system, i will the team may be get inspiration too.

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