Yes, the map needs to have a new update, just like (maybe) the next update will be focused on the maps. (Point1-2)
T-rex is the only dinosaur with a roar of fear, so that already makes him unique and capable, just use the implants / technologies / clothes now, and find a good combination for him, maybe the combination you used was not a good one, but that’s not why it makes you weak. (Point 3)
Remember that we have ranger's on top of dinosaurs, and yes, an ankylosaurus can beat a t-rex (point 4)
The change in the status of skills in general was made to have balance for everyone, this did not make it perfect, just fair ( point 5 )
Each game has its essence ^^ ( point 6 )
Dinosaurs are realistic, I don't see much that can be improved on them in terms of graphics

( Point 7 )
In fact, a certain point. Events are recyclable
View attachment 40700 ( Point 8 )
Players have free will in the game to leave their clans or not, just like there is a 72 hour system after you leave the clan twice ( point 9 )
The leader / right hand already has this power to expel players not welcome from the clan ^^ ( point 10 )
Ticket data cannot be revealed, if your complaint has been accepted by support something will be provided if your ticketed ticket is valid. ( Point 11 )
The GMs of ame_4 (GM evyus) always play with us, at least he helps us to go through alphas, or even the low levels to reach Maujak, listen to our opinions, and they give their opinions on it too. ( Point 12 )