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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Oct 22, 2020
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I agree with you actually, but don't you see that at least 80% of Dino storm players are members of great alliances? Yet not all of them agree with me.
Exactly. For this reason, an update that reduces the influence of it and its leaders is necessary and that is why I defend that each clan must fight for its own objective. For the end of the great alliances that control servers I vote yes.


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Mar 30, 2020
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  • How can we keep the peace.
  • How can we afford war.
the first point, above the comments I wrote a possible solution in this regard.

the second, according to the new "game buildings" format, at least part of it will improve the gameplay of wars a bit and can be related to the solution taht i mention

MX Power

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Exactly. For this reason, an update that reduces the influence of it and its leaders is necessary and that is why I defend that each clan must fight for its own objective. For the end of the great alliances that control servers I vote yes.
That will not only end the influence of major clans but also end the concept of peace itself and put every server in never ending costly wars. which I completely reject.

MX Power

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The first point I gave you a little solution above recently.
Please quote it, it is hard to see a real feedback among these unnecessary discussion by players who wants to undermine our feedback.

the second, according to the new "game buildings" format, at least part of it will improve the gameplay of wars a bit and can be related to the solution you mention
I see not a single detail about that, and if anything it will come after not before or during this update.


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Mar 30, 2020
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Please quote it, it is hard to see a real feedback among these unnecessary discussion by players who wants to undermine our feedback.
Well, to avoid constant wars a serious solution (at least for me), that the trips / claims now take into account the state of production (the system that allows you to see the amount of investment of fame), a system that exists but does not is taken into account.
I mean the status system of: low, medium, high, excellent.

Evidently, this system must be taken into account more and it should be more effective, the higher the production status, the greater the production of articles of a claim / portal, and the lower it is, the less production there will be.

If the "null" status is added, this would allow portals with this status not to generate articles, with this status it would be possible to maintain and strategically control the claims of a map, thus, it would be possible to avoid continuous wars /total server alliance between clans. It will also avoid the excess of objects from a tower; if you don't want a massive war, just leave 2 portals with good status.

To increase the status items will be needed (from games buildigns, new supply etc).

@Highway And another thing that developers need to keep in mind is: Not only letting the new "game buildings" format be the sole source of fame, you must earn fame through clothing (but no wear), special events, events that generate token stores, common missions, etc.

I know perfectly well that there may be a problem about the dominant clans and that the small clans cannot do anything, but it is not necessary to attack, there should be other alternatives.


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Mar 30, 2020
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I see not a single detail about that, and if anything it will come after not before or during this update.
With the new mechanics of "game buildings" basically, it would give much more life to the way you play. The points that I mention highway are a small example. this new format will be the source of fame.

And yes, this idea still needs to be discussed in detail, but overall, it's okay. it could help in the gameplay so wars might not be necessary; In theory these objects could be stolen in the claims, which would allow small clans, with good use, to be promoted little by little, at least that is what I manage to understand, and I think there will be something in relation to the token store, since not only clothes will be sold.

We left most of them out as they are not fixed but here are some examples:
  • Item to construct map shortcuts
  • Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map
  • Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
  • ...
But dont nail us down on them. Its just some examples that this section could offer for the players to shape the gameworld.

MX Power

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the first point, above the comments I wrote a possible solution in this regard.
No you haven't, you fully focused on the second point, which is how to prevent a costly war.

The problem of how we can't keep the peace is simply due to the new reforms which make it impossible for us to find any solution to secure a winning in elections for our member except not trusting anyone and take as much buildings as possible, or at least strategic ones as you recommended and make sure than none else can keep up with you.

We want a foundation for peace. That can be achieved by giving us a small clue about who we are up against, and making it impossible for them to make a sudden investment to prevent elections block. That way we have time to react, and face our competitors head to head if they break our peace terms.


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Oct 22, 2020
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That will not only end the influence of major clans but also end the concept of peace itself and put every server in never ending costly wars. which I completely reject.
Okay, you reject and I approve, it's over. I have only a few doubts and one of them is where "peace" or "diplomacy" enters the gold rush environment (which in the case of the DS is a fame rush). Work and be rewarded or sit back and watch others work while you are being passed over, this is how the world works.

MX Power

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And yes, this idea still needs to be discussed in detail, but overall, it's okay. it could help in the gameplay so wars might not be necessary
I don't think it should only be discussed in detail but also implemented before or at the same time this update is implemented, not after. Because there are millions of reasons to delay an update. Maybe a Developer got hit by a car, maybe they celebrating some foreign holidays as excuse to not work, whatever. We should NOT be forced to have a costly war and waiting for something that might take years to come. And I mean it, The last update was mentioned first in October 2019, and implemented to live servers in March 2021

In theory these objects could be stolen in the claims, which would allow small clans, with good use, to be promoted little by little, at least that is what I manage to understand,
This is a perfect point, and a way to reduce influence over players, because players now can choose to be buildings raiders like pirates and seize only strategic points then use the fame to win some guaranteed and easy elections repeatedly until they unlock T-Rex with tokens.


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Mar 30, 2020
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No you haven't, you fully focused on the second point, which is how to prevent a costly war.

The problem of how we can't keep the peace is simply due to the new reforms which make it impossible for us to find any solution to secure a winning in elections for our member except not trusting anyone and take as much buildings as possible, or at least strategic ones as you recommended and make sure than none else can keep up with you.

We want a foundation for peace. That can be achieved by giving us a small clue about who we are up against, and making it impossible for them to make a sudden investment to prevent elections block. That way we have time to react, and face our competitors head to head if they break our peace terms.
That is why I mentioned that there must be several alternatives to achieve fame, not only the source must be exclusively in claim areas. The more alternatives, the more you allow other players to seek other directions and be calm.

but for there to be no definitive peace, the new fame alternatives must be less compared to those of a clan with reclaims.


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
Exactly. For this reason, an update that reduces the influence of it and its leaders is necessary and that is why I defend that each clan must fight for its own objective. For the end of the great alliances that control servers I vote yes.
After u lose 5-6 elections in row because u will not be abale to know who block go cry for peace and a date to let u win an election bcz if ur clan will not be powerfull then bb to all elections

MX Power

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That is why I mentioned that there must be several alternatives to achieve fame, not only the source must be exclusively in claim areas. The more alternatives, the more you allow other players to seek other directions and be calm.

but for there to be no definitive peace, the new fame alternatives must be less compared to those of a clan with reclaims.

The opposite, the more alternative there is, the more you are under threat, the more you will want to secure your election by capitalizing on every alternative that exist.

What you said help reduce the influence of big alliances and allow smaller clans to win some elections, so I support it but again, it didn't lay any foundation for peace for the reasons I have repeatedly mentioned and not addressed until this moment.


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
If wars start and gates get red all time and not abale to gather or produce ?? How u give fame 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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If wars start and gates get red all time and not abale to gather or produce ?? How u give fame 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
By hard work and activity, like they wanted, and I'm okay with that. Gathering fame will not be as easy as before, but it shouldn't be impossible to have peace at least.


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Mar 30, 2020
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If wars start and gates get red all time and not abale to gather or produce ?? How u give fame 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
when a clan supplies with abb or puts on the area "green", the clan that steals takes everything that was there.

This new mode forces the clans to be more responsible that let the articles wait a long time inside.
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Lead Game Master
Lead Game Master
May 15, 2020
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Hola chicos :)

Entiendo la opinion de los jugadores que quieren guerra y los que no quieren mas guerras
entiendo que hay servidores que no les gusta la guerra y prefieren la paz
otros servidores estan acostumbrados a estar en constantes guerras
Antes habia un mecanismo en el juego que la fama era individual,quien tenia suministro podia tener sus cargos y quien no tenia solo quedaba con las ganas
eso en pocos años se modifico con un mecanismo que el lider puede ayudar a sus miembros ya sea por lealtal,por actividad o por que suma puntos de Abb
creo que ahora volvemos al antiguo mecanismo individual que cada uno luchara por sus logros y su fama ,pero solo su clan aportara la fama con esfuerzo de todos los jugadores sin dependender de una alianza grande
parece algo entretenido este cambio pero a la vez algunas cosas por corregir
y es interesante que todos sigan dando sus opiniones para poder encontrar un balance en todos y conseguir un juego entretenido para todos ;)


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Mar 30, 2020
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The opposite, the more alternative there is, the more you are under threat, the more you will want to secure your election by capitalizing on every alternative that exist.
But you start with something, right? small clans will grow little, but this will not force them to always attack, much less if they are on a server where they constantly dominate the town hall squares. That is why I mentioned the idea of the production status, in addition to avoiding costly wars, it would make enemy clans view less attractive or less sustainable to attack claim areas.

That's why I said the fame alternatives, they will do their thing and what they think best according to their objectives (and what the token store offers), also anyone knows that attacking or draining a map / server is not easy.

And if you have another solution regarding peace, you can mention it, every opinion counts.

although I don't know if you mentioned it
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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After u lose 5-6 elections in row because u will not be abale to know who block go cry for peace and a date to let u win an election bcz if ur clan will not be powerfull then bb to all elections
Yes, I will come here to cry for peace and I will still blame the wars on you. Goodnight :whistle:.

MX Power

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But you start with something, right? small clans will grow little, but this will not force them to always attack, much less if they are on a server where they constantly dominate the town hall squares.

That's why I said the fame alternatives, they will do their thing and what they think best according to their objectives, also anyone knows that attacking or draining a map / server is not easy.
I think I see your point, but that is not what I referred to by "Peace". But you deserve an explanation.

Take Europe_1 server for example.
  • We are 13 major clans.
  • We have 3 separated alliances with different goals.
  • The Alliance I'm in consists of 6 clans.
  • The other two alliances, one consists of 5 clans, and the other consists of 2.
  • Despite being the majority in our server, we have maintained peace in our server, and only fought when necessary.
  • We are on constant raids by fake accounts, low levels, and sometimes trouble makers, but we never considered them as a real threat.
  • The real threat consists in the other two alliances, so we learned to share with them.
  • Our alliance have 50% of Sheriff and Governor elections, and less than 50% of server buildings distributed among our 6 clans almost equally.
  • Each clan does their own thing, accept whom they want, decline whom they want, establish their own rules and reward their members based on their own standards of who deserve, which create huge room for opportunity and diversity.
  • The other two alliance have a thing for fighting each other every now and then and seize each other elections or buildings. I sincerely can't speak on their behalf but the point is, they do things their way and there is still room for war, even in server which is mostly peaceful.
  • If the changes are applied, our alliance and their alliances will never know who is blocking our supposedly shared elections.
  • Those who have bad intentions will not respect the turns.
  • Those who have good intentions will feel threatened by everyone else.
  • Eventually if there is no workable solution presented that could create a little trust among us, we will be forced to merge our three alliance into 3 major clans and fight for dominance to secure our elections.
Now I don't know how it is for your server, or anyone else's server when it comes to that matter, but that is the issue for us, and EU1 is the second biggest server in Dino Storm after America_1. So we are not a minority of players to be neglected.

We need a way to establish trust between not only opposing alliances, but also between our alliance itself and its member clans, as we can not know who is blocking, which clan he is from, or how much he invested, or how much he can invest as maximum.

We don't mind sharing our influence with even smallest of players, and I personally think it is a good idea that anyone can seize the fame from our buildings if neglected collecting it.

Solution to our problem:

  • I think knowing which clan is blocking us at least will solve at least 60% of the chaos we are forced to deal with if nothing changed. That way we know who exactly to target or deal with.
  • Letting each clan high ranking members such as Leader and Right hands know which office their members joined will prove to be useful as well in terms of not only handing them fame, but also avoid creating problems with other clans by speaking to that member who used the fame giving to him in a way that doesn't serve the interest of his clan.
  • Creating a deadline & evaluation period at the same time, so we know about who joined the office before further investment is no longer an option.
  • Keeping the names and fame of competitors unknown, as well as not viewing if you are the top investor or not, so none can just invest at last seconds.
That's how we can keep our peace.

As for constant raiders and minor clans attacks, that I never had an issue with, as we can't control everyone, and again, I don't mind that we share our influence with them.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Ever I said this?

All I'm saying that the direction this game is taking now is absolute non ending war, where there is no place for compromise, no place for diplomacy and negotiations. Just never ending war and struggle for power.

I never said that I have had problem with war, If I did, I wouldn't have bought stacks and stacks of 30-D violent boosters and Recovery Combat Kits, and different types of Dinosaurs & Weapons while not really using them.

All I said is that there is should be place for peace, and I said it for a million times, and I will say it again, not every server is like yours and not all players are like you, so don't start telling me that peace is result of players inactivity, because you don't know what you are talking about. At least your prospective about it alone.
How can an absolute endless war be if there is still protection? with putting on protection you already have your peace for an indefinite time. Now if your intention is to win charges without doing anything at all, I'm sorry but that's not the way the game should take.


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Feb 1, 2021
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I think I see your point, but that is not what I referred to by "Peace". But you deserve an explanation.

Take Europe_1 server for example.
  • We are 13 major clans.
  • We have 3 separated alliances with different goals.
  • The Alliance I'm in consists of 6 clans.
  • The other two alliances, one consists of 5 clans, and the other consists of 2.
  • Despite being the majority in our server, we have maintained peace in our server, and only fought when necessary.
  • We are on constant raids by fake accounts, low levels, and sometimes trouble makers, but we never considered them as a real threat.
  • The real threat consists in the other two alliances, so we learned to share with them.
  • Our alliance have 50% of Sheriff and Governor elections, and less than 50% of server buildings distributed among our 6 clans almost equally.
  • Each clan does their own thing, accept whom they want, decline whom they want, establish their own rules and reward their members based on their own standards of who deserve, which create huge room for opportunity and diversity.
  • The other two alliance have a thing for fighting each other every now and then and seize each other elections or buildings. I sincerely can't speak on their behalf but the point is, they do things their way and there is still room for war, even in server which is mostly peaceful.
  • If the changes are applied, our alliance and their alliances will never know who is blocking our supposedly shared elections.
  • Those who have bad intentions will not respect the turns.
  • Those who have good intentions will feel threatened by everyone else.
  • Eventually if there is no workable solution presented that could create a little trust among us, we will be forced to merge our three alliance into 3 major clans and fight for dominance to secure our elections.
i don't have anything productive to add but this is extremely interesting to me. am1 was sorta this way when i first started playing years ago and it made the game way more fun than it is now. it was a lot less peaceful but there were different instances and different clans held different instances and fought for elections but only drained buildings when absolutely necessary. i wish the game would go back to what that was like honestly.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
If you promote removing the monopoly that some spanning-server alliances have over elections, you have already done that, by allowing players to seize the fame that other clans have if they haven't collected it.

What you are really promoting here is Chaos.
  • Not knowing who join the election beside you.
  • Not knowing how much fame your Rivals have.
  • Not knowing how much fame you are required to invest before actually investing.
  • Not knowing how much fame people who are running the office with you have invested.
  • Making it a possibility to know if you are the top Investor in election, allowing you to not invest, all while your opponent thinks he's winning, then suddenly invest at the last seconds before the evaluation period ends.
All these reforms will demolish trust between not only Rival clans who established peace between themselves, but also demolish trust between allied clans as well. And the only way to ensure that you are winning elections is to take everything, all claims & Travel gates, by any means necessary.
So you think an alliance dominated server is a good thing?
My alliance has dominated America 1 for 3 years. And because we are 5 clans, we don't get the amount of rex that I think we deserve. A monopoly system totally takes the opportunity away from non-alliance players. Is this fair? Isn't it better for everyone to fight for their own when they want?
And you continue with the argument of wars forever, it is very simple, you do not want war so use protection. The basis of the game is war.

MX Power

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i don't have anything productive to add but this is extremely interesting to me. am1 was sorta this way when i first started playing years ago and it made the game way more fun than it is now. it was a lot less peaceful but there were different instances and different clans held different instances and fought for elections but only drained buildings when absolutely necessary. i wish the game would go back to what that was like honestly.
Every server have their own way and cultures. We have been sharing our power since very long time, and yes, we engaged in multiple devastating wars that spanned all server and included all clans, but all in the effort to eventually create a new peaceful environment and share our power again.

Like the Mandalorian said: This is the way


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Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
yo solo quiero war destrozarme con el enemigo quien es el ultimo en caer y el que gana

MX Power

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How can an absolute endless war be if there is still protection? with putting on protection you already have your peace for an indefinite time. Now if your intention is to win charges without doing anything at all, I'm sorry but that's not the way the game should take.
I never forced anyone to go our way, but none should force us to go their way too, everyone can follow their own way in a free gameplay and that should be the goal that we strive to achieve.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
And I gave my feedback about the consequences of what I think is going to what happen, but here you see players trying to neglect my feedback as invalid, and pushing for radical reforms.

I haven't received any reaction or comment from Developers about my Main Feedback #380.

Does it make a difference what style of address I use? As far as I am concerned, having it combined with some reforms will push into catastrophic consequences, and a chance of having it is still as concerning as actually stating that it will be added.

The point here is to write my feedback about if it actually implemented. And that's all I have to say about that.

Have you checked the other mentioned reforms?
  • Fame will not wear out over time.
  • Fame will not be shown to other players.
You don't even need big warehouse anymore to do the same thing people before 2016 big list of changes update could do.
From what I can see you are a person who is afraid of change, and is very afraid of it. Dino Storm is a game that for years and years was totally ignored and never got big and important updates that really brought fresh and new content to us. The balance was the first big update, now we have the possibility to change the gameplay, the direction of the game. To get to something more current, more innovative, but are you against that? Stop crying about the changes.


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Feb 1, 2021
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This is already ridiculous and shows your little understanding. Creating an account is free. Give me a game that is 100% free without going broke.
creating an account is free but that doesn't make the game free. supply charges are vital to the core gameplay because without them you can't hold maps. and what are you gonna do, buy them in auctions? good luck with that. the auctions last too long and you end up blowing stupid amounts of dd because people drive prices way up. its a roundabout way to make you buy supply charges with gold. i'm not opposed to this system for things that aren't vital, like kits and boosters and the like, but supply charges should be readily accessible with dino dollars (and not overly expensive!) since they're essential to the gameplay.

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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So you think an alliance dominated server is a good thing?
The way it is heading, an alliance dominating server will not the case, but actually a clan dominating server, because that what this update is going to push this game into, more clan merges where alliances unite themselves instead of spread their people into different clans.

So let me answer your question with a question.

Do you think a clan dominated server is a good thing?
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