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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Lucas Apenaz
What do you think of the jobs at Dino Storm guys?


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Oct 22, 2020
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Players use AutoClick at absurd speeds that no one can contain the supply when he uses the kit, thus taking over all portals.
Even with an autoclick I believe it is not possible for an enemy to supply and collect the rewards before you turn the installation red again. If this occurs it will be due to inattention or lag.

It has not been informed yet how the new mechanics will be, but if the supply and collection does not change, an alternative would be just to be able to collect after the installation reaches 100 or 90% (I do not remember how much is using gels). This would prevent someone from spending just 2 supply packages to take a facility that is full of resources.


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Mar 30, 2020
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We left most of them out as they are not fixed but here are some examples:
  • Item to construct map shortcuts
  • Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map
  • Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
  • ...
But dont nail us down on them. Its just some examples that this section could offer for the players to shape the gameworld.
Other idea:

-Hunting specific mobs for specific objects and send them to an npc

-Duel with bandits IA

-Find and collect mysterious objects around the map (without the footprint system)

-Relay races or groups

-Charge missions that manage to improve the production of a portal (from bad to good) as well as collect energy containers

-Hire bandits for a specific area and to attack with you
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Oct 16, 2015
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I don't think it's just interesting to change the look, we want something to do after the rex, if not, it will remain the same as always, get rex, hunt, and defend the portal.
now even having rex there still will be reason to collect tokens, im sure devs will present later what beside rex will be possible to buy with tokens, as @Highway said before they will try to bring some thing to make shortcuts, lure or as i understood spawn monstrosities and buy something to not be attacked by outlaw hunters, im sure that not only examples, with tokens there could be purchased future new things which may come to the game


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Oct 16, 2015
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Now you will be able to plan to attack them in moments with few players and steal all the fame. Remember that fame is for the player, not for the clan's inventory.
yea it will be possible to steal fame, but fame still will be for clan, just now you can create your own small clan and still have chance to get fame


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
as little as i have checked its worth consideration, but for me it looks little bit to usual quests
These are not just normal missions, since you can interact with other players with exchanges and sales that can give you profits from achievements and dino tokens


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Mar 30, 2020
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I think to make the monument a bit more fun, they should add sheriff points instead of game achievement points, so that sheriffs compete daily for the rankings and earn something extra depending on their place.


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Mar 30, 2020
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I think to make the monument a bit more fun, they should add sheriff points instead of game achievement points, so that sheriffs compete daily for the rankings and earn something extra depending on their place.
or you could also make a classification of the server, since the monument is something related to the "best sheriffs who have stepped on the server" xd


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
perfect *u* maybe im bias (because i see some of my suggestions in there) but my clan(s) and I will definitely be more active if most or all these changes are put in for the simple fact that it gives us more to look forward to


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
or you could also make a classification of the server, since the monument is something related to the "best sheriffs who have stepped on the server" xd
except for me because I'm trash :v


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Don Jairo

MX Power

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Ok, let's break it down point by point.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
This is extremely unfair for low level zones holders who will have to put up with more frequent attacks of low level players than those who are holding on the high level zones.

  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.
This basically mean that all could save fame for long period of time and only use it at the most critical moment, like before election ends with few seconds, which demolish one of the old goals of 2016's update which is to stop elections block from being so sudden and give players a chance to compete fairly in elections.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.
Again, having an evaluation period will not change the fact that election can still be blocked without even noticing. The only scenario were I imagine that the evaluation period can work is if it doesn't show whether you are on top or not, so you force yourself to put all in or risk losing.

25% is a bit harsh, imagine if you invested with 20 Million and your opponent have invested with 21 millions, and the evaluation period ended, then say good bye to 15M fame, just like that. But yet again, with huge risk, that could stop people from attempting to block, only and only if you do not show who is on top, so they don't attempt to settle it with few seconds before the evaluation period ends.

I think the last point is maybe the one that have the biggest positive impact. allowing re-elections means that overall other unwanted offices could still be handy and increase competition for it.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players
I think tokens would be far too valuable to be stored in inventory, they are objected to be accidentally sold or discard. I think it should be a currency, like Fame/Gold Coins/Dino Dollars.

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased
*Thump Up*

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.
What is an "Items to shape the game world for all players"?

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
Yeah, no comment.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall
The first Goal:
  • It is still purely PvP, I don't see how can you win Sheriff by hunting mobs. PvE would only be considered in the case of fame received from achievements but they are worthless compared to what buildings provide. A PvE player can not hope to surpass a PvP player in terms of elections.
The second Goal:
  • Yeah, you definitely have ruined the concept of peace, but that's your goal so consider it achieved.
The third Goal:
  • No, no, no, no, no, no. You have done the exact opposite, your reforms push into war merges. Clans will unite into one to try seize control of the whole server and manage elections internally instead of dealing with the new risks you introduced, and it will be where power again will fall in the hands of a single individual. What you did was making it impossible for players to have diversity in clan choices, forcing them to choose one between two big warring clans and support whichever dominates. This Goal have not been achieved and I don't see in any scenario how it could.
  • If you try push players into one direction where they have abandon the old ways, they will fight back, and enforce their will. That's a privilege of playing an open-world game where there are no rules that restrain us.

Points you failed to mention:

  • Are players sharing same clan still incapable of competing in same office despite not knowing who is actually competing?
  • How can we handle fame items? Considering that we need handle them fast before buildings get attacked, there is still that hardcore issue of sending fame from clan inventory to player inventory by extreme number of click and even number of window reloads. You have to find solution for this issue before proceeding this update.
  • Can fame items still be stored? I don't think it should be, but instantly converted to fame once delivered from Clan Inventory to Player Inventory.

That would be all.

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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peace? with peace you only make a server bored again with nothing else to do
Not everyone are like you, there are those who don't wish to waste absurd amount of money on fighting for power.


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Mar 30, 2020
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Not everyone are like you, there are those who don't wish to waste absurd amount of money on fighting for power.
but only a small population of the game does that, in addition to obtaining fame you will not need excess objects because for that there will be special missions to gain fame within a clan


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Dec 6, 2012
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Mont Blanc Knights
Not everyone are like you, there are those who don't wish to waste absurd amount of money on fighting for power.
War is a core aspect of the game, if you want rex it is inevitable. Those who don't fight can continue to not and they will continue to not earn rex.

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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War is a core aspect of the game, if you want rex it is inevitable. Those who don't fight can continue to not and they will continue to not earn rex.
But there are those who prefer to delay the inevitable and cut their losses as long as they can ;)


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Jun 30, 2020
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But there are those who prefer to delay the inevitable and cut their losses as long as they can ;)
Yeah, the minority of players. And peace is not viable in a game that makes money from war.

so just don't fight, nobody is forced to spend money o.o
Exactly. Choice. Everyone who chooses to play Dinostorm is presented with a choice. And I assume if they choose to play the game, they want war.

If they want peace, then they can surrender their build to a clan that wants to play how it was designed.


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Dec 6, 2012
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Mont Blanc Knights
But there are those who prefer to delay the inevitable and cut their losses as long as they can ;)
They can wait to spend money then lol in the end nothing has changed, just wasted time :)

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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Yeah, the minority of players. And peace is not viable in a game that makes money from war.
You would be surprised how many they are. But yet again, not every server is like your server and not all people are like you, consider a free game play where all people can choose their own style. If it is war, then war shall it be, if it is peace, then let it be.

Exactly. Choice. Everyone who chooses to play Dinostorm is presented with a choice. And I assume if they choose to play the game, they want war.

If they want peace, then they can surrender their build to a clan that wants to play how it was designed.
And there those who managed to settle their differences with the rest of the server, learned how to consolidate their power and promote their individuality.


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Jun 30, 2020
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This is extremely unfair for low level zones holders who will have to put up with more frequent attacks of low level players than those who are holding on the high level zones.
Make sense actually, people would want to attack the map which costs them less in terms of revival.

My proposed solution to this would be to make a sort of static revive cost. (Seperate the Cost of Revival from the Cost of Teleportation) Where the cost of revival is similar across all maps but the teleportation cost would be a dynamic one which would differ from the distance the player is to the destination.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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This is extremely unfair for low level zones holders who will have to put up with more frequent attacks of low level players than those who are holding on the high level zones.
i agree, but as for me its problem of that clan who is holding towers in maps like gf or mw, it always was like that, for draining some towers in gf it was always enough to level up few levels

This basically mean that all could save fame for long period of time and only use it at the most critical moment, like before election ends with few seconds, which demolish one of the old goals of 2016's update which is to stop elections block from being so sudden and give players a chance to compete fairly in elections.
there would be no place to hold big amounts of fame, beside that nobody will be able to see how much fame anyone has, beside that on smaller elections its still is a option, i have done that few times even with current fame distribution system, so this your point is irrelevant

25% is a bit harsh, imagine if you invested with 20 Million and your opponent have invested with 21 millions, and the evaluation period ended, then say good bye to 15M fame, just like that. But yet again, with huge risk, that could stop people from attempting to block, only and only if you do not show who is on top, so they don't attempt to settle it with few seconds before the evaluation period ends.
i wonder where you have seen anyone with 20M fame at all if the most how i have seen was 10M fame on eu2 since there one clan was holding 2-3 towers, i dont think that on any other active server a clan is holding more than 1 map.

I think the last point is maybe the one that have the biggest positive impact. allowing re-elections means that overall other unwanted offices could still be handy and increase competition for it.
i agree with it

I think tokens would be far too valuable to be stored in inventory, they are objected to be accidentally sold or discard. I think it should be a currency, like Fame/Gold Coins/Dino Dollars.
i agree with this one too

What is an "Items to shape the game world for all players"?
We left most of them out as they are not fixed but here are some examples:
  • Item to construct map shortcuts
  • Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map
  • Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
  • ...
But dont nail us down on them. Its just some examples that this section could offer for the players to shape the gameworld.
this what @Highway told

The second Goal:
  • Yeah, you definitely have ruined the concept of peace, but that's your goal so consider it achieved.
maybe its truth, but peace on servers is going on like for few months, at least at eu2 and in that time players are barely active. as i see it, it would increase entertainment and number of active players.

The third Goal:
  • No, no, no, no, no, no. You have done the exact opposite, your reforms push into war merges. Clans will unite into one to try seize control of the whole server and manage elections internally instead of dealing with the new risks you introduced, and it will be where power again will fall in the hands of a single individual. What you did was making it impossible for players to have diversity in clan choices, forcing them to choose one between two big warring clans and support whichever dominates. This Goal have not been achieved and I don't see in any scenario how it could.
yea it will push to war merges what wont let for clans be monopolists on servers. as i see it any group of players which doesnt want stay with any side or is in lowest numbers still would have chance to get at least rex by stealing fame from towers.

Points you failed to mention:
  • Are players sharing same clan still incapable of competing in same office despite not knowing who is actually competing?
  • How can we handle fame items? Considering that we need handle them fast before buildings get attacked, there is still that hardcore issue of sending fame from clan inventory to player inventory by extreme number of click and even number of window reloads. You have to find solution for this issue before proceeding this update.
i too would like to hear answers about it
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