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Feedback Wanted: Site Conflict Adjustments Part 2


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Jun 19, 2023
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Drained From Inside
After people have rex, they get sick of the game, because there are no more wars to liven up with this new system, it's boring, there's no more pvp through the portals now the governor has 3m of fame before it was just 500k
Even though most people say that ( and i agree some sides of it ) new system ruined the wars, i dont think its completally true.

Before EG3 update, as defenders most of the time we were just sitting around and being afk, waiting somebody to attack the gates for having fun and since alliances were dominating maps, attackers mostly prefered to wait untill night or early times in morning cause these were the only times they could hold gates.

So i really dont think new system is responsible for ruining fun of wars.

As for long wars, the main problem is conflict phase times( 1-2 hour ) and it has already been discussed adding two 4 hour conflict times.

It would be nice if gate-swapping and conflicts end in 15-30 min issue will get solved. That was the reason we disagreed before. ( i dont know how can it be solved with gates can be taken once logic but in that case maybe draining rate should be same as last ptr we tested, even though in that time we were the ones that wanted draining rate to be higher)


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Jun 28, 2024
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Even though most people say that ( and i agree some sides of it ) new system ruined the wars, i dont think its completally true.

Before EG3 update, as defenders most of the time we were just sitting around and being afk, waiting somebody to attack the gates for having fun and since alliances were dominating maps, attackers mostly prefered to wait untill night or early times in morning cause these were the only times they could hold gates.

So i really dont think new system is responsible for ruining fun of wars.

As for long wars, the main problem is conflict phase times( 1-2 hour ) and it has already been discussed adding two 4 hour conflict times.

It would be nice if gate-swapping and conflicts end in 15-30 min issue will get solved. That was the reason we disagreed before. ( i dont know how can it be solved with gates can be taken once logic but in that case maybe draining rate should be same as last ptr we tested, even though in that time we were the ones that wanted draining rate to be higher)
its not completely true that this update ruined the wars, not all of it no
but the ability to swipe sites and have them protected whole phase is what ruined the majoriy i believe, and the buff which is too op and favors one side's alliance also ruins a part of the fun, let alone not allowing different attacking clans to battle each other

maybe we should try solving site swapping and letting gates be protected the entire phase, what if we don't really need long phases (because it is tiring to be defending nonstop for 4 hours) but we simply need to solve these 2 main problems: site swapping & protected sites after capturing
because even if u add 4 hour conflict allies will swap & log off and attackers will end up giving up, another system abused

and ofc if drainage is slower, conflicts are gonna last longer between attackers and defenders bcs then defenders will have more time to fight and try to hold

i read in previous thread that devs will monitor the buff and adjust it depending on situation, yet nothing was adjusted except stopping defender ally from using abilities on attackers (yet same goes for favoring attacker ally side which they can use abilities and kill defenders)


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Aug 26, 2014
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Red Velvet
Currently there is the following routine on most servers, this for my clan at least, We enter the conflict phase, we take portals -> enemies put up protection -> we leave -> we wait for the next one -> enemies last 15 minutes, they see that they can't achieve anything and put protection on again. This lasted for a while, now we simply don't even go in anymore, we don't take portals because it's not worth it, anyone who wants the positions farms in the mines...

Now you have two lines of approach, try to end alliances like now that didn't work, and it will never happen by the way. Or do you accept the fact that they exist, first remove the defense buff that serves no purpose, it just spreads the clans into smaller ones, wanting small so-called "enemy" clans to get several portals or making them fight against large clans is an impossible dream , they should focus on getting fame from the mines for example and a few portals, not the entire map ^^.

The attack/defense system is a bit disproportionate in the sense that the number of buildings nerfs the healing rate too much and the attack rate not so much, I'm not saying to nerf the attack but rather buff the defense more. Buff fame in buildings so that it is worth entering the game and fighting for it, increase the duelist's time for example, whoever attacks during the conflict period should at least last the entire conflict time with the duelist, place protection in the middle of the conflict It's simply frustrating for some, I'm sure.

The third thing, you NEED to add new things that attract those who already have everything, do you want clans to fight for fame? Rex? honestly, almost no one cares about this anymore, everyone can have it... Bring items, consumables, clothes or simply better the attack phase, first of all this is a war game and breathe from it.


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Mar 17, 2024
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This is something small and unrelated but I would appreciate if the clan inventory could show who is online and who is offline + what boosters they recieved because every phase im slowly turning to madness


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Feb 29, 2024
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Making one or two long conflict phases hardly changes anything as alliances will swap first 10 minutes and log off and attackers are left with nothing to attack

Even one 2 hours phase at peak time is enough with a normally balanced system however more than one are preferred for the best

Solve site swapping = longer conflicts
Slower drainage = longer battles on sites

And as was mentioned multiple times already, attackers benefit from their allies meanwhile defenders are limited when it comes to third-parties supporting them, another weird system

If we could have an open PTR with the following changes so we test how things will go compared to live servers conflicts:
- Weaker buff / No buff at all
- Slower drainage (as it was on last ptr)
- Attacks costing a small amount of dds depending on yields (could be a solution for site swapping abuse?)

Also we’re gonna need a solution for those who stand while draining a site, maybe we can try @Alewx idea about the site applying Fear effect on those drainers enough to push them out of the site’s circle

Many servers are swapping their sites and keeping everything on basic yield, even eu1 started doing that now, not because they want to but keeping gates is useless, paying for the hp is useless not even enough rewarding for it to be lost to a clan for free, their only way to abuse the current system is by being the attackers themselves (draining their own sites)


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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We just opened a new feedback thread about the current topic of conflict phase schedule:


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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About site swapping:
What benefits are there to do it?

Right now you can not drain faster than a real attacking clan as drain speed is based on the site owner and the dino diversity boost. A clan that really wants to win a site just need a better boost than the currently clan that tries a swap on the conflict start.

Luka Patajac

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To allies of holders only thing that matters is fame not going to their enemy if they can manage to do it.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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To allies of holders only thing that matters is fame not going to their enemy if they can manage to do it.
But they can prevent that a real enemy clan to win a site as the conflict starts at the same time for every one or am I missing something?


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Jun 19, 2023
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Drained From Inside
About site swapping:
What benefits are there to do it?

Right now you can not drain faster than a real attacking clan as drain speed is based on the site owner and the dino diversity boost. A clan that really wants to win a site just need a better boost than the currently clan that tries a swap on the conflict start.
Without enough alliance member they cant drain faster than attackers but each gate swapped means less gate to defend or since they care more about fame not to go enemy rather then gaining fame, they wanna left less gates to takeover as soon as possible.

So i think thats the reason of gate-swapping


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Feb 29, 2024
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About site swapping:
What benefits are there to do it?

Right now you can not drain faster than a real attacking clan as drain speed is based on the site owner and the dino diversity boost. A clan that really wants to win a site just need a better boost than the currently clan that tries a swap on the conflict start.
Alliances prepare before conflict phase begins, they teleport on each site and whole map turns red once phase begins, max 10 minutes and everything is protected, and whole point of this is because they give up on defending sites which they believe are useless to keep, paying a price for them to be lost for someone who pays nothing in return to simply collect what they were trying to protect and paid for (which isn't enough rewarding in their eyes), so easiest solution is to give up on producing fame and defending, swap and enjoy your peaceful phase

Attackers on some servers are also swapping their own sites so others cannot attack / reclaim them so this is going for both ends as well, and some servers attackers drain maps which are basic yields, defenders don't bother to do anything they just gave up anyways, they wait till next phase to retake what they lost and it's a cycle repeating itself

Nebulon Galaxus

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About site swapping:
What benefits are there to do it?

Right now you can not drain faster than a real attacking clan as drain speed is based on the site owner and the dino diversity boost. A clan that really wants to win a site just need a better boost than the currently clan that tries a swap on the conflict start.
i dont think there are any i believe its an iteration of the idea that "if i cant have this no one else will either" no one makes anything out of it its just peoples reaction to defending being hard because of adrenalin and allies no longer being able to help them which means their on their own while not fair in a way its also true those clans tend to be larger in scale in general since they needed strenght to get these sites in the first place these clans tried to split the clans into smaller ones which hold less site to reduce drainrate however this also cut the number of defenders by a lot and as such i believe thats a part of where the hard defense comes from ofcourse someone migth say well how are we suposed to defend our sites then if they die so fast? and yes their right in that however this also this brings up the question could they ever actualy hold what they claim as theirs with how many people they have? back in the day we used 4 high lvls (50 to 55) per site to count how much we should hold if we did that now with how many members can a clan get on if needed at peak hours we would realise that half of those clans (not based on proper data) have no chance of actualy holding what they own i dont think anyone should expect to be able to defend 13 sites when at most they can get 20 people on thats over streatching their forces to an extreme which makes them vulnerable ofcourse that worked before thx to allies and imortal gates but it wont work now anymore and i didnt see anyone accepting that yet

Luka Patajac

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As long as allies think with mentality "If i cannot hold all gates none can" gate swapping will be something they find usefull.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Hmm but 1-2 sites on excellent will be worth more than the whole map and be a lot easier to defend.


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Jun 19, 2023
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Drained From Inside
Without enough alliance member they cant drain faster than attackers but each gate swapped means less gate to defend or since they care more about fame not to go enemy rather then gaining fame, they wanna left less gates to takeover as soon as possible.

So i think thats the reason of gate-swapping
I dont know if it solves but maybe fame from gates should only be obtainable at the end of conflict phase and fame goes to who, should be determined at the end of conflict phase. So maybe gates should be retaken in conflict.

And wanna add something just came to my mind. Maybe taking many gates in conflict should determine something about defender/attacker buff ( for preventing to abuse just waiting untill end of conflict phase and then capturing gate )

Its just an idea for discussing...
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
Eu francamente, preferia como era antes, essa att se de fato fosse “ tão boa “ estaríamos todos contentes e não recebendo mudanças a cada semana


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Mar 17, 2024
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- Goldilocks -
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About site swapping:
What benefits are there to do it?

Right now you can not drain faster than a real attacking clan as drain speed is based on the site owner and the dino diversity boost. A clan that really wants to win a site just need a better boost than the currently clan that tries a swap on the conflict start.
Because enemies come in a bulk of 10+ at one gate and it takes people to regroup and then defend and because they can just come back to the gate with the buff, most of the time the gate is caput. So people just gave up trying and swap gates


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- Goldilocks -
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Just reminder that this is from my point of view, if others see it diferently, then so be it


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Jun 7, 2016
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Hmm but 1-2 sites on excellent will be worth more than the whole map and be a lot easier to defend.
Will it be a lot easier to defend? Think of a whole server swapping sites, except for 1 clan that owns 1-2 excellent sites that intends to defend them. The site swapping will take ~20 minutes and then the whole server will be pushed onto those last 1-2 sites. The defending clan will have to fight for 40-100 minutes alone against everyone, and win every single battle to keep them.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Nebulon Galaxus
- Ascxnded -
It is not of what you gain for your own team it is what you denie the opposition. Gaining little is still more than the nothing the enemy could get.
yeah a large vacume would end up forming on the servers if clans only held what they can realisticaly defend and there isnt enough people around to claim it for themselfs just the two sides which dont want the other to have it at all and as such site swaping was born i believe if server player population somehow managed to increase again and with a potential change/slight rework to lvling up system which is by many considered too long would make them stay in the game and as such more action could be born i have an idea cooking on that matter so i might try to speed it up and post it into the feedback section for people to read and maybe even consider as an adition but i have no idea how to atract more people into the game through
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
Não é do que você ganha para sua própria equipe, é o que você nega a oposição. Ganhar pouco ainda é mais do que o nada que o inimigo poderia conseguir.
Eu prefiro ganhar muito! O jogo se resume em ganhar ou perder, quem não tem força pra manter, não mantém! Se de fato quisessem ajudar por que não põe a medalhas tbm em consideração ao dreno? Pq se o clã é mais forte consequentemente vai manter se o outro não ele poderia ganhar o equivalente ao que consegue de “ força “ exemplo: eu dreno 80% estou com o portal, okay meu oponente drenou 40% ele poderia ganhar o correspondente e assim sucessivamente, mas querer “ facilitar “ com o protesto de “ o clã opressor “ ou ganha o perde, não tem essa de oprimir o jogo se resumi assim. Existe outros caminhos para dar recompensa a quem não tem tanta força de combate, mas facilitar que clãs com 2/3 membros peguem alguma coisa é um pouco desanimador “ ah, mas você é de um clã dominante “ obviamente não sou, sou uma pessoa que vê que isso é chato para ambos os lados, ninguém consegue manter nada a não ser o seus servidores vazios do europeus e etc.

Luka Patajac

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yeah a large vacume would end up forming on the servers if clans only held what they can realisticaly defend and there isnt enough people around to claim it for themselfs just the two sides which dont want the other to have it at all and as such site swaping was born i believe if server player population somehow managed to increase again and with a potential change/slight rework to lvling up system which is by many considered too long would make them stay in the game and as such more action could be born i have an idea cooking on that matter so i might try to speed it up and post it into the feedback section for people to read and maybe even consider as an adition but i have no idea how to atract more people into the game through
yea most servers have high animosity of both sides which results in how things are here today


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May 23, 2024
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@Highway do u remember the first time when update was made and everything changed? It was far balanced too, Drain and heal were almost balanced and people were able to defend, now insane amount of dds to upgrade to Max health and chance of losing is most likely to happen during any of 5 phases during the day, however that first update was still fun because it could have defending also could save gates.


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May 23, 2024
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i guess making repair having more points will be amazing to balance, drain and heal


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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yea most servers have high animosity of both sides which results in how things are here today
With that as the base for the case, does it really matter how quick you can repair the building compared to the drain? I mean is it really relevant IF you even can defend a building when the real goal is only to prevent the enemy from taking it anyway.
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
Existe diversas maneiras de trazer “ sentido “ as drenagens
Eu prefiro ganhar muito! O jogo se resume em ganhar ou perder, quem não tem força pra manter, não mantém! Se de fato quisessem ajudar por que não põe a medalhas tbm em consideração ao dreno? Pq se o clã é mais forte consequentemente vai manter se o outro não ele poderia ganhar o equivalente ao que consegue de “ força “ exemplo: eu dreno 80% estou com o portal, okay meu oponente drenou 40% ele poderia ganhar o correspondente e assim sucessivamente, mas querer “ facilitar “ com o protesto de “ o clã opressor “ ou ganha o perde, não tem essa de oprimir o jogo se resumi assim. Existe outros caminhos para dar recompensa a quem não tem tanta força de combate, mas facilitar que clãs com 2/3 membros peguem alguma coisa é um pouco desanimador “ ah, mas você é de um clã dominante “ obviamente não sou, sou uma pessoa que vê que isso é chato para ambos os lados, ninguém consegue manter nada a não ser o seus servidores vazios do europeus e etc.
Todos nós entendemos que o Dino Storm resume-se em guerra, ganhar xerife e etc, hoje em dia temos a facilidade de pegar rex com os cargos de cidade( fora o xerife ) li posteriormente que o highway trará novidades sobre o xerife, pois a única conquista que nos fazia querer o xerife seria o rex. Tendo em vista que novidades virão, temos o grande problema das drenagens…
Ao meu ponto de vista, servidores Americanos tem uma gigantesca atividade, os servidores europeus não tem absolutamente nada, tanto é que vemos vários portais com DinoVille pois eles não tem com quem os drene… O que vocês poderia fazer para aumentar a atividade ? Eu lhes repondo, fazer a drenagem algo útil, algo necessário, hoje pra pegar fama mais farmamos nas minas do que pegamos fama, digo isso vindo do servidor americano e baseado nos seus próprios dados postados @Highway. A drenagem atualmente se resume em conquistar em uma fase e trocar com o clã aliados ou inimigo na próxima, alguns ainda conseguem manter até 400%. Agora me prove se eu estou errado, baseado em seus dados você já viu algum servidor americano perder seus portais para dinoville com rendimento ao máximo ? Eu lhe respondo, não ! Isso em um aspecto é ótimo, mostra atividade do servidor, mas o que nos desgasta é saber que precisamos dar mas por horas incansáveis para suprir o rendimento e conseguir fama… Está sendo mais compensável Farma fama nas mineradoras do que disputar por portais, pois além do rendimento não ser viável… Vejo que o sentido de pegar portais a cada fase é por 3/4 medalhas, onde poderíamos ter uma condição maior de ganhos.
Como citei acima, porque vocês não criam uma NECESSIDADE em drenagem ? Atribuam mais coisas que valham a pena drenar e manter os portais, sistema de conquistas de clã, itens de batalha, status de “ poder “ de clã… Temos um monumento do xerife, porque não poderíamos ter um ranking de conquista de clãs ? Nível de drenagem, tempo de conquista dos portais e ter recompensas consideráveis a esses atos ? Já que agora não abastecemos com o suplly, poderíamos ter uma interação com as conquistas de mapa, o clã ter o seu ranking de conquistas, fazer sentido drenar e manter os portais além de apenas “ fama, fama e mais fama “.

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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@Highway do u remember the first time when update was made and everything changed? It was far balanced too, Drain and heal were almost balanced and people were able to defend, now insane amount of dds to upgrade to Max health and chance of losing is most likely to happen during any of 5 phases during the day, however that first update was still fun because it could have defending also could save gates.
insane amount? you want it back to 14 mil if members are 80 or a bit less?


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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i guess making repair having more points will be amazing to balance, drain and heal
Just as a question belonging to it.