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Feedback Wanted: Site Conflict Adjustments (3.2)

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- Leyenda -

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Jan 14, 2024
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- Leyenda -
And ofc defender need to be there in their camps to protect not allies :)
I would say that you do not know how to take a portal, this is not about whether the allies are there or not, this defender (owner of the current portal) cannot defend it 100% against 4 or more Attackers, that is what I know is trying to clarify that it is illogical that the players (Attacker only have to run in the direction of the portal and the defender does not give him a chance to neutralize him) currently there are 80/80 clans (It is true that they do not connect the 80 due to work problems studies X Reason only 10/15 players per clan will connect) and those clans cannot have +3 portals at 400%, because if they have 4/5/6 portals they will lose them because a ramdon player can come and take the portal as if nothing had happened, then the Dds invested in Expanding the clans was no longer worth it? the time and effort of those players is not worth it either? (for that it is better to leave the clans with a maximum of 40 players) we are not talking about an alliance, we are talking about the imbalance that exists between defender and attacker (and I already prefer to ignore your comments because The only thing I see is crying so that they do not change with the defense dinos or the current adrenaline system)
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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Clan vs clan war nowadays has 3 steps

Attack the site, wait a few minutes, log off

20 minutes and the war was already over between these 2 clans, nice battles coming out with these updates

Neither will produce fame, neither will have elections or even hold gates, who's winning? Nobody, so instead of giving players the power of being alone without an alliance, you're giving them a reason for why they need an alliance, because obviously alone they can't hold or win anything


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Clan vs clan war nowadays has 3 steps

Attack the site, wait a few minutes, log off

20 minutes and the war was already over between these 2 clans, nice battles coming out with these updates

Neither will produce fame, neither will have elections or even hold gates, who's winning? Nobody, so instead of giving players the power of being alone without an alliance, you're giving them a reason for why they need an alliance, because obviously alone they can't hold or win anything
View attachment 47956
Pointing out the obvious, by "alone" I don't mean one player, I mean a clan who doesn't have allies to support them, and not just a 2 or 3 players clan.. if you want to be a winner and hold sites you're gonna need the power to fight for it against another clan. Nowadays a solo player can take a gate, but can't hold it so it's pointless, but a clan who has players but can't hold their 3-4 gates against 3-5 makes no sense honestly


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 10, 2012
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Hey hey

I was only away for a week (I was ill, yes it happens with the DEVS too) and this thread is a complete dumping ground.

I've had to move over 240 posts. Some users have been banned. You can't read sensible feedback!!!
Feedback also means putting up with criticism. Not everyone has the same way of playing, thinking or opinion, and that's what makes us humans so exciting. But putting each other down here, insulting each other, insulting each other is not acceptable!

Stay on topic and, above all, stay objective!



Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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- Penalty toll is too high on gate holder when upgrading yield --> Make the amount of fame stole lesser and lesser as time goes on so people can try to defend the map.

- Heal power too weak against dynamic drain --> Give some bonus healing when defender manage to turn their gate to yellow and is able to zone the enemy out of drain radius:v successfully

- Too short conflict phase as all gates are always in basic... -->reward/motivate people to defend gate...if the clan can successfully protect their gates for 2 phases.. DV will pick any 1 of the clans gate to white it and reward them with something ( kits,boosters + 3x output medals).


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
Clan vs clan war nowadays has 3 steps

Attack the site, wait a few minutes, log off

20 minutes and the war was already over between these 2 clans, nice battles coming out with these updates

Neither will produce fame, neither will have elections or even hold gates, who's winning? Nobody, so instead of giving players the power of being alone without an alliance, you're giving them a reason for why they need an alliance, because obviously alone they can't hold or win anything
View attachment 47956
Aod was 60 online maybe that's why.. and there are alot of great things in this update 10ppl can take 3-4 gates if they are lucky.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
and there are alot of great things in this update 10ppl can take 3-4 gates if they are lucky.
Ok you won a site or two, well played. Can you hold it? Got my point now?


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Jun 30, 2020
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One important detail that I haven't seen much talked about.

What's the incentive to upgrade a Site from its default yield (50%) if 2 clan are in constant fight?

If a Site is constantly changing owner, it's natural that no party would want to invest their clan fund into upgrading the Site(s) since they will have a higher probability of losing it during the next Attack Phase.

I feel like this has been a major miss.

Neither will produce fame, neither will have elections or even hold gates, who's winning? Nobody, so instead of giving players the power of being alone without an alliance, you're giving them a reason for why they need an alliance, because obviously alone they can't hold or win anything
This is very well put.

Now based on that example, it is showing to everyone that it is more beneficial to be together, in an alliance, rather than being alone, always attacking for small amount of fame.

It basically boils down to, with the alliance, you make more fame, winning more elections, while if you're attacking solo, you're making petty fame.


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Jul 12, 2020
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- K a r o l -
Previously you could defend your tower without any problem, having your portals at 50% because if you raised them to 400% their HP would go down. Now their performance increases to 400%, their HP increases but keep in mind that the enemy will go directly For that tower at first there are 1 or 9 enemies. A point must be found where both sides, both enemy and ally, benefit. This new gameplay mode is good, but there are some tweaks that need to be polished well. I have been on other servers, and I have seen in all of them that they only change portals, none of them defend said port because it is the most feasible now just to win 1 medal of each one. Now mining is much better than having said pores.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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As Promised we have the first batch of planned changes ready to show you.

Fist we want to adress the main issue that also affect other issues mentioned here before we change to many things at the same time. We think the main issue is that site attacking can get very passive if you just place you dino inside the circle without fighting back against the defenders.

For that we have planned the following changes:

Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
  • Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)
Passive Extra Power Charging
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
  • The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner

What do you think? Will it help to improve the issue with passive drains and makes the pvp fights more?
If that is the case it will most likely also help that defending will get a bit easier side owner defenders are present to protect their site.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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Here's my first impression.

I don't really think any of said changes will prevent attackers from not using Tanks for Passive Drain. I believe the problem will still be present.

Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
  • Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)

I see the idea, but in many instances that I've encountered, the enemy Tank would position itself in such a way that there is no way to Battlecry them outside of the Site radius. Either they are intentionally placed in front of an object and when we battlecry them, they stay in the circle.

You have mentioned that it will work similarly to Reflections attributes, based on probability, we all know how rarely they activates.

That's 2 arguments that I can make to say that this change will not really prevent players from using Tanks as passive drainers.

Passive Extra Power Chargeing
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click

Very welcomed addition.

I cannot help but notice that again and again, we're seeing the re-introduction of features that were removed for no reason. Stability attributes being nerfed? That gives me the impression we might see PvP like in the old states, when Stability was not commonly used, pre-2020 times. Extra Power charging passively? we all remember that.
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Active member
Feb 28, 2024
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- Katsuki
Greek Aces
As Promised we have the first batch of planned changes ready to show you.

Fist we want to adress the main issue that also affect other issues mentioned here before we change to many things at the same time. We think the main issue is that site attacking can get very passive if you just place you dino inside the circle without fighting back against the defenders.

For that we have planned the following changes:

Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
  • Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)
Passive Extra Power Chargeing
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
  • The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner

What do you think? Will it help to improve the issue with passive drains and makes the pvp fights more?
If that is the case it will most likely also help that defending will get a bit easier side owner defenders are present to protect their site.
-How exactly does that help us again brachios with full tank set + the buff you gave them not so long ago, not to mention the overpowered drain rate and downpowered heal rate compared to the drain one?:unsure:

-Not to mention that stability implant is oftenly used in hunt against certain mobs (rex, bandits, anky's, brachio's) which will also affect people during hunt. The drainers aren't always afk draining, because for example they've already reduced the usage of stability on eu1 for example and when I battlecry them out of the circle they'll simply come back in before their buff goes away, however it would help if you brought an update that removes the buff the moment the attackers/defenders are out of the circle (not after few seconds but instantly) - in reference to changes with stability implant.

-To be fair the drain rate wouldn't have been such an issue if tanks weren't as OP as they are now. Because everyone can use them, use armor, vita, agility, shield and just stand in the circle & wait till the gate's claimed. One to two defenders take a sweet while to kill such, which is making it impossible to keep the gate safe - attackers will eventually up on the closest gate avaiable and come back to finish what they've started, and defenders won't even be able to heal 5% of the gate's hp. Therefore upgrading yields gets rather pointless due to the fact that it's hard to defend even excellent yield gates - since enemies decided to split into multiple clans themselves to keep the high drain rate, they'll eventually take the gates from one another to lower their drain rate mutually - yeah attackers are in alliances too.

-It's either the drain rate's too high or tanks are just too op:geek:

*My opinion, don't eat me alive*


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Mar 17, 2024
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-How exactly does that help us again brachios with full tank set + the buff you gave them not so long ago, not to mention the overpowered drain rate and downpowered heal rate compared to the drain one?:unsure:

-Not to mention that stability implant is oftenly used in hunt against certain mobs (rex, bandits, anky's, brachio's) which will also affect people during hunt. The drainers aren't always afk draining, because for example they've already reduced the usage of stability on eu1 for example and when I battlecry them out of the circle they'll simply come back in before their buff goes away, however it would help if you brought an update that removes the buff the moment the attackers/defenders are out of the circle (not after few seconds but instantly) - in reference to changes with stability implant.

-To be fair the drain rate wouldn't have been such an issue if tanks weren't as OP as they are now. Because everyone can use them, use armor, vita, agility, shield and just stand in the circle & wait till the gate's claimed. One to two defenders take a sweet while to kill such, which is making it impossible to keep the gate safe - attackers will eventually up on the closest gate avaiable and come back to finish what they've started, and defenders won't even be able to heal 5% of the gate's hp. Therefore upgrading yields gets rather pointless due to the fact that it's hard to defend even excellent yield gates - since enemies decided to split into multiple clans themselves to keep the high drain rate, they'll eventually take the gates from one another to lower their drain rate mutually - yeah attackers are in alliances too.

-It's either the drain rate's too high or tanks are just too op:geek:

*My opinion, don't eat me alive*
it's the tanks, with or without buff, if they hit E with extra power, all your damage dealt to the opponent is just filled back in few seconds and you have to go through another 3 minutes to deal the same dmg


Active member
Mar 17, 2024
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Here's my first impression.

I don't really think any of said changes will prevent attackers from not using Tanks for Passive Drain. I believe the problem will still be present.

I see the idea, but in many instances that I've encountered, the enemy Tank would position itself in such a way that there is no way to Battlecry them outside of the Site radius. Either they are intentionally placed in front of an object and when we battlecry them, they stay in the circle.

You have mentioned that it will work similarly to Reflections attributes, based on probability, we all know how rarely they activates.

That's 2 arguments that I can make to say that this change will not really prevent players from using Tanks as passive drainers.

Very welcomed addition.

I cannot help but notice that again and again, we're seeing the re-introduction of features that were removed for no reason. Stability attributes being nerfed? That gives me the impression we might see PvP like in the old states, when Stability was not commonly used, pre-2020 times. Extra Power charging passively? we all remember that.
i like this idea, however the buff upgrade
would be more useful if it was for all gates
As if the owner is not defending the gate, then it's not given


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Feb 28, 2024
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- Katsuki
Greek Aces
it's the tanks, with or without buff, if they hit E with extra power, all your damage dealt to the opponent is just filled back in few seconds and you have to go through another 3 minutes to deal the same dmg
Relatable, even killing 45lvl tank attacker is a pain, not to mention the 55's


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
Here's my first impression.

I don't really think any of said changes will prevent attackers from not using Tanks for Passive Drain. I believe the problem will still be present.

I see the idea, but in many instances that I've encountered, the enemy Tank would position itself in such a way that there is no way to Battlecry them outside of the Site radius. Either they are intentionally placed in front of an object and when we battlecry them, they stay in the circle.

You have mentioned that it will work similarly to Reflections attributes, based on probability, we all know how rarely they activates.

That's 2 arguments that I can make to say that this change will not really prevent players from using Tanks as passive drainers.

Very welcomed addition.

I cannot help but notice that again and again, we're seeing the re-introduction of features that were removed for no reason. Stability attributes being nerfed? That gives me the impression we might see PvP like in the old states, when Stability was not commonly used, pre-2020 times. Extra Power charging passively? we all remember that.
But in cases where the defender is already in the portal waiting for the tanks to arrive, this change in the stability implant will help a lot.

And tanks are only so efficient because of this implant that makes them unstoppable.

and now that everyone carries the extra energy, regardless of whether they are taking damage or not, passive gameplay will be of no use


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Feb 28, 2024
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- Katsuki
Greek Aces
But in cases where the defender is already in the portal waiting for the tanks to arrive, this change in the stability implant will help a lot.

And tanks are only so efficient because of this implant that makes them unstoppable.

and now that everyone carries the extra energy, regardless of whether they are taking damage or not, passive gameplay will be of no use
I will quit hunting mobs that stabi prevented from killing me earlier..

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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Passive Extra Power Chargeing
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
  • The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner
I never understood why passive charging of extra power was removed so i wouldn't mind that being brought back and i see it as positive change.

By site without owner you refer to sites that are held and released by dv to be able to be claimed?
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
As Promised we have the first batch of planned changes ready to show you.

Fist we want to adress the main issue that also affect other issues mentioned here before we change to many things at the same time. We think the main issue is that site attacking can get very passive if you just place you dino inside the circle without fighting back against the defenders.

For that we have planned the following changes:

Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
  • Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)
Passive Extra Power Chargeing
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
  • The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner

What do you think? Will it help to improve the issue with passive drains and makes the pvp fights more?
If that is the case it will most likely also help that defending will get a bit easier side owner defenders are present to protect their site.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2020
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As Promised we have the first batch of planned changes ready to show you.

Fist we want to adress the main issue that also affect other issues mentioned here before we change to many things at the same time. We think the main issue is that site attacking can get very passive if you just place you dino inside the circle without fighting back against the defenders.

For that we have planned the following changes:

Stability Attribute Readjustment
Currently the stablility implant is OP and almost completly nullifies affected status effects (Fear, confuse, stun)
  • Reduce the strength of Stability effect and change it that there is a chance that a stablity status effect is given to the user. (Similar to Weapon Reflectance attribute)
Passive Extra Power Chargeing
  • Add passive extra power gain regeneration over time during combat
  • Remove extra power depletion outside of combat
  • Rage will also speed up passive extra power regenenration
  • Reduce the extra power gain through incoming damage to balance it in conjunction with the passive power gain
Manual Extra Power skill usage
  • Ability to choose to use a skill with extra power or without
    • Left click on a skill uses it with extra power when it available
    • Right click on a skill uses skill without extra power
      • Hold shift + keyboard keys or left mouse click
No Adrenaline Buff for Sites without Owner
  • The Adrenaline Buff is only given to attackers if the Site has an owner

What do you think? Will it help to improve the issue with passive drains and makes the pvp fights more?
If that is the case it will most likely also help that defending will get a bit easier side owner defenders are present to protect their site.
Why was manual extra power skill usage created? , what do you mean for sites without an owner? It is for dinoville sites?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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But in cases where the defender is already in the portal waiting for the tanks to arrive, this change in the stability implant will help a lot.
No, it doesn't.

There are many locations where you BattleCry a player and that player can position himself in such a way, in front of an object and while the BattleCry effect is active and hits that player, they simply stay in the circle, because the object prevents them from walking out.

One example is at Hackett, and there are many more cases like that.

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
No, it doesn't.

There are many locations where you BattleCry a player and that player can position himself in such a way, in front of an object and while the BattleCry effect is active and hits that player, they simply stay in the circle, because the object prevents them from walking out.

One example is at Hackett, and there are many more cases like that.

View attachment 47959
but this does not happen on all portals.

and the change is not just for the battle cry to be efficient.

stunning and paralyzing are also useful for stopping tanks.

the change in the implant will be positive either way.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
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but this does not happen on all portals.

and the change is not just for the battle cry to be efficient.

stunning and paralyzing are also useful for stopping tanks.

the change in the implant will be positive either way.
i think there's something to be said on both sides. stunning (or paralyzing?? i forget which of the two it is) will prevent tanks from using defensive abilities or their heal which will definitely help kill them. however, tanks definitely can wedge themselves into pretty much every portal or mine and be impossible to move. so it will still be difficult to save portals if you can't move tanks out of it. that's a big part of having a rex, being able to use the scare ability to reposition people to your advantage.

of course, as with everything, we will have to see it in action before we make any final judgments. the proposed changes all look pretty good to me at a first glance and i think it'll be a good step in the direction of removing afk draining as the top strategy.


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Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
i think there's something to be said on both sides. stunning (or paralyzing?? i forget which of the two it is) will prevent tanks from using defensive abilities or their heal which will definitely help kill them. however, tanks definitely can wedge themselves into pretty much every portal or mine and be impossible to move. so it will still be difficult to save portals if you can't move tanks out of it. that's a big part of having a rex, being able to use the scare ability to reposition people to your advantage.

of course, as with everything, we will have to see it in action before we make any final judgments. the proposed changes all look pretty good to me at a first glance and i think it'll be a good step in the direction of removing afk draining as the top strategy.
Yes, I'm not saying that the readjust in the implant will be the main cause of solving the problems, but that it will be one of the solutions, along with the other changes


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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the change in the implant will be positive either way.
To be fair, when I look at the nerf of Stability Implant, it's more of a negative than a positive. And it doesn't fulfill the targeted goal.

but this does not happen on all portals.
I would say 40% of the portal in the game. And if you factor in the fact that it will activate based on probability, is it a worthy change?

The last thing about Stability would be farming, which many of us do. It will break PvE in a way. Many mobs in the game affect us with an effect where we would need Stability, imagine Stability nerfed, now it will be complaints about PvE. And PvE becoming hard.

Honestly, nerfing Stability is a downgrade in my view. It does not address the problem completely while adding more issues to other part of the game.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
To be fair, when I look at the nerf of Stability Implant, it's more of a negative than a positive. And it doesn't fulfill the targeted goal.
Oh sure, after all, a dino with 1 million health, which can't be stunned or pushed away, really isn't a big problem in PvP...
The last thing about Stability would be farming, which many of us do. It will break PvE in a way. Many mobs in the game affect us with an effect where we would need Stability, imagine Stability nerfed, now it will be complaints about PvE. And PvE becoming hard.

Honestly, nerfing Stability is a downgrade in my view. It does not address the problem completely while adding more issues to other part of the game.
And to be able to kill mobs is it necessary to have an OP implant available in the game?💀

- Leyenda -

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Jan 14, 2024
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- Leyenda -
Oh sure, after all, a dino with 1 million health, which can't be stunned or pushed away, really isn't a big problem in PvP...
no the problem is not the dinos with 1M life, the problem will be those who hunt to improve in mm remember that there are dinos that paralyze +8 and confuse +10 sec important time when you hunt with carno or rex


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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no the problem is not the dinos with 1M life, the problem will be those who hunt to improve in mm remember that there are dinos that paralyze +8 and confuse +10 sec important time when you hunt with carno or rex
you guys talk as if the implant is going to be removed from the game.
It's just an adjustment


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
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you guys talk as if the implant is going to be removed from the game.
It's just an adjustment
to be fair, going from guaranteed stability to only a chance is a pretty big adjustment. if it's anything like the reflector implants, it's not going to do very much.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
to be fair, going from guaranteed stability to only a chance is a pretty big adjustment. if it's anything like the reflector implants, it's not going to do very much.
OP implant,
needs adjustment = fact
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