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Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update"

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Mar 17, 2021
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Hello, can you give to us some SS or the NPC name, the right location?

Greetings Evyus!
I have the same Problem, its a Lvl 35 Quest "Alva Pinewood" you have to put these 5 Purple dinos to alva pinewood. I did today the quest alone and white carno verte's spawned... Please fix it.


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Feb 1, 2021
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Instead of saying "example" is bad. Say why it is bad. Ive seen a lot say getting dd is bad? Why? Too long to kill? Not enough item drops? Npc's too strong?

What is the issue?
people have been saying why its bad though... it takes too long to kill the mobs, you don't recover hp fast enough to just mindlessly kill things, the drop rates are bad. those are all reasons that i've seen people post about in this thread.


Feb 8, 2021
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Main Yasuo LVL 7
these highhorses saying everyone complaining now? lets face some facts that in THE pve phase the last one the mobs were not like now when then game opened up hence NO ONE COMPLAINED in the ptr when we killed mobs they died. we tried different combos on them and they died fast efficent there was no problem hence no one said anything or came here running saying mobs and pve is unbalanced, and when the game opened up pve was fine in the eyes of everyone we were happy with how the game was opening up they said ''LITTLE TWEAKS'' before the grand opening they didnt mention that those little tweaks will be increasing in mobs hp so they basically took the last pve ptr phase and threw it in the trash since the final release isn't like what was visioned by the players or what was stated, if they actually made the final pve like how the game is running now people would have complained during the pve phase and not NOW i hope you people actually understand logic.


Feb 8, 2021
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Main Yasuo LVL 7
don't show people MARS chocolate on the advertisment board and when they buy it a mandolin is delivered to them not MARS. they bamboozled all the players into thinking the pve was fine then the final release was like so much different from the last ptr phase.


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Oct 22, 2020
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these highhorses saying everyone complaining now? lets face some facts that in THE pve phase the last one the mobs were not like now when then game opened up hence NO ONE COMPLAINED in the ptr when we killed mobs they died. we tried different combos on them and they died fast efficent there was no problem hence no one said anything or came here running saying mobs and pve is unbalanced, and when the game opened up pve was fine in the eyes of everyone we were happy with how the game was opening up they said ''LITTLE TWEAKS'' before the grand opening they didnt mention that those little tweaks will be increasing in mobs hp so they basically took the last pve ptr phase and threw it in the trash since the final release isn't like what was visioned by the players or what was stated, if they actually made the final pve like how the game is running now people would have complained during the pve phase and not NOW i hope you people actually understand logic.
Bro, can you tell me how much has been changed? For example, how much life has been increased in your vision.


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Mar 12, 2021
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- A.r.i.z.o.n.a -
Clan Steel RomeroMX_
I have seen a lot of hostility in the forum since the update came out (in my opinion, early) so I felt a little insecure about giving some feedback on what I think of the final version already imposed in the active game, but as an old player and as someone who is still cares about the game I thought I should at least try.

Well, I believe that changes are good, that they are a way to look to the future and keep looking forward and it would be no different for Dino Storm, but in my opinion, there was a considerable exaggeration in these changes. I ask you not to take it personally, or as an offense, after all I understand how the team of developers has been working hard to give us an update that we asked for ourselves.

I also understand how captivating it is to have so many combinations of dino and weapon now, or how our battles are lasting more than just five seconds of pure critics and absurd damage, but in my eyes, there was not a 50/50 but a 8/80 about some things, like for example the fact that our weapons are no longer allowed to open fire in melee combat and how we depend purely on skills, in how even in combat using aim the damage is exaggeratedly low and both aim tech and range no longer gives us satisfaction for combat just as I am not seeing any effect on using boosters whether they are basic or violent whether in melee or long-distance combat.

I'm not saying that there should be something absurd in the damage or that we should kill someone with a shot just as some ppl might interpret.

I'll take an example of what it was like at the time of maximum level 45, we had a certain balance, right? we were able to make use of both combat styles, we had no exaggerated damage and yet our weapons were capable of firing either one and when I heard about this current update, I sincerely expected something in that style.

I didn’t hate this update, as I played it, some things don’t even seem to have ever existed in the game before but some experiences like the one I quoted did not please me and I can’t just ignore. I also wanted to comment on how difficult the dropping of items is as well as hunting, but I’ve seen that the team is working on it, so for now I’ll stop here.

I did think the update was innovative and I want to congratulate you guys but please there are still things you should pay attention to. Sorry for the huge feedback, and I hope that no one will come hostile about the things I said. Peace.


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Mar 12, 2021
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- A.r.i.z.o.n.a -
Clan Steel RomeroMX_
I have seen a lot of hostility in the forum since the update came out (in my opinion, early) so I felt a little insecure about giving some feedback on what I think of the final version already imposed in the active game, but as an old player and as someone who is still cares about the game I thought I should at least try.

Well, I believe that changes are good, that they are a way to look to the future and keep looking forward and it would be no different for Dino Storm, but in my opinion, there was a considerable exaggeration in these changes. I ask you not to take it personally, or as an offense, after all I understand how the team of developers has been working hard to give us an update that we asked for ourselves.

I also understand how captivating it is to have so many combinations of dino and weapon now, or how our battles are lasting more than just five seconds of pure critics and absurd damage, but in my eyes, there was not a 50/50 but a 8/80 about some things, like for example the fact that our weapons are no longer allowed to open fire in melee combat and how we depend purely on skills, in how even in combat using aim the damage is exaggeratedly low and both aim tech and range no longer gives us satisfaction for combat just as I am not seeing any effect on using boosters whether they are basic or violent whether in melee or long-distance combat.

I'm not saying that there should be something absurd in the damage or that we should kill someone with a shot just as some ppl might interpret.

I'll take an example of what it was like at the time of maximum level 45, we had a certain balance, right? we were able to make use of both combat styles, we had no exaggerated damage and yet our weapons were capable of firing either one and when I heard about this current update, I sincerely expected something in that style.

I didn’t hate this update, as I played it, some things don’t even seem to have ever existed in the game before but some experiences like the one I quoted did not please me and I can’t just ignore. I also wanted to comment on how difficult the dropping of items is as well as hunting, but I’ve seen that the team is working on it, so for now I’ll stop here.

I did think the update was innovative and I want to congratulate you guys but please there are still things you should pay attention to. Sorry for the huge feedback, and I hope that no one will come hostile about the things I said. Peace.
I talked so much and yet I just forgot to comment on other things I wanted :oops:
For me the time for the skills to be ready is very long, I don't know if it's just my impression or not.
Also I noticed that our recovery is slow and at times seeming incomplete as if it were not working well
And about the new extra power system. I honestly have a preference for the old one, when both damages were considered, and not just the damage of third to us.


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Apr 24, 2020
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buenas apariencias de las armas 55 * - * 10/10
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Apr 24, 2020
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Creo que el problema de esta actualización viendo los comentarios de otros jugadores incluyendo la mía :idea: , es que en cuanto al equilibrio esta excelente en el Pvp eso es indiscutible porque hay mucha variedad de formas de combatir, pero en las cacerías de Objectos es el problema porque la recuperación de nuestros dino tarda mucho y un solo NPC nos deja con baja vida (los Bandidos T-Rex y los T-Rex bajan demasiada vida) y para recuperarnos tardamos 2-3 minutos lo cual se nos hace muy extensa la caza de objectos incluyendo hasta los comunes, incluso hay otros jugadores que no le caen objectos para mejorar y pasa horas cazando Dino Dolares los agobia, se desconectan molestos y agobiados creo que esa es la razón por lo cual hay tantos jugadores que no les agrado esta actualización (Espero que se lea este comentario para que se tome en cuenta para una Actualización del juego) o_O:!:

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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My Feedback

Ok, here we go!

Skills Damage
One main problem concerning the balance is that effects balance & skill balance are mixed.
  • Effects aren't everything, and sure, it is important factor, and absolute one in One Versus One duel, but not all combats in Dino Storm are 1VS1 duels.
  • If you are not receiving damage, you are not generating power & therefore unable to use your effects.
  • If you receive Shock or Rage Down effect then all what left for you is your skill damage.
  • If we assume that all Weapons are balanced in 1VS1 scenario, then that means that weapons with weak effects have strong skills, and weapons with strong effects have weak skills.
There should be a test where power generation is disabled for all testers, and check how balanced weapons are without the use of their special effects.
Skill Damage must be balanced separately from everything else for all Dinosaurs & Weapons.
Dinosaurs Skill Damage percent (%) should be equal for all dinosaurs, while for Weapons the stronger their base damage, the lower their skill damage percent (%) should be, to have an equal Damage Per Second from Skills.

Skill Cooldown

The idea to have an additional seconds for skills to cool down and be used again when they are used in power is in itself good, but to use them as a way to balance Dinosaurs & Weapons by how often you can use their effects is bad.
  • By adding inconsistent Cooldowns for each Weapon, you end up with Imbalanced Weapons.
  • The longer your skill cooldown is, the weaker your skill is in terms dealt damage over time.
  • If your effect is missed/dodged/countered, then your additional cooldown is still applied.
What must be done is having a stable additional cooldown of [+10 Seconds] for all Skills without exception & Balance the rest separately.
That seems to be the only way, because if you try for example to disable additional cooldown for skills that are missed/dodged, you didn't solve the countered effects issue, and it would give skills which contain effects that are always applied a massive advantage.

Vitality/Damage Curve
I'm in full support with how things currently are, Vitality should remain extremely high & Damage dealt by Dinosaurs or Weapons whether base damage or Skill damage should remain low.

Effects Damage (Direct/Buffs)
I do not support how effects are right now, for how strong they are.
  • We got Tyrannosaurus Rex Bleed & Burning Colt Burn with 1000% base damage, or Gatling with its 75% chance of critical hits Vulnerable effect.​
  • Having strong effects forces us to rely on strong healing.​
Effects should be adjusted to a point close to that of base damage & skill damage.

Healing/Recovery (In Combat)
While I believe that Recovery implant is finally balanced, I can not say the same for the healing ability, as it is still extremely high.
  • The change in Health bar might be unnoticeable, but the changes in values are extremely concerning.
  • The more healing points you have, the more healing you receive in form of retrieved Heal Points.
  • Healing if strong enough can wash your dealt damage clean and you would notice no drop on target's heal points.
  • The stronger Healing gets, the longer combat lasts.
Healing ability should be heavily weakened, to a point where it would be acceptable compared to the low dealt damage whether base, skill or effect damage. (Hopefully after effects are weakened as well)

Healing/Recovery (Out Combat)
I like the concept of having an Out of Combat healing. This will help us not rely on Healing ability or Recovery implant, and allow us to weaken them to a fair point.

I do think however that this Out of Combat Healing should be strong enough to help us refill our Health Bar quickly, same as how it used to be before it was deleted in 2016's Dev Shack.

Combat Cooldown
I accept that Combat Cooldown should be long, and I accept that Clothes shouldn't be changed until Combat Cooldown is finished same as how we have to wait to be able to change equipment.

I do not accept that we should continue being prevented from teleporting during combat Cooldown. I think it is unnecessary, pointless & irritating. Especially now that Combat Cooldown became that long.

Health Bar
According to what I wrote above, if implement, here is what you should expect:
  1. Your Health will be very high​
  2. Your Damage will be very low​
  3. Your Recovery will be very low​
  4. Damage will slowly eat up your Heal Points.​
  5. Recovery will be able to only slow that process but not stop it or revert it.​
  6. So long you are in combat mode, do not expect your health Bar to be full.​
  7. Once you're out of combat mode, your Health Bar will be filled in few seconds.​
  8. Your Health Bar will represent how long you can fight in open combat.
    • High Health means you are able to take more damage & fight longer.​
    • Low Health means you have to get out of combat & evade fighting, as there is no other efficient way to heal quickly.​
If not implemented, you will continue face the following issues:
  1. You can't defeat an opponent if you are not receiving damage to generate power. (Health of opponent remain almost unmoved)
  2. Your effects will wreak havoc. (Health of both sides would be lowered quickly in 1VS1)
  3. With support of "One-Hit Prevention", Low levels would remain extremely hard to beat, even when ganged up against. Making them a very efficient support tool in Combat.
  4. Some Weapons or Dinosaurs will be able to beat others despite being far more lower in health.

Implants & Techs (Base Attribute)

Base Attributes are the following:
  1. Vitality
  2. Strength
  3. Endurance
  4. Damage
  5. Clock
  6. Range
  7. Focus (Doesn't Count)
  • So long as these implants & Techs works by adding a fixed value rather than buffing these attributes by a percent (%), you will never ever get balanced results.
  • Making these implants & Techs adding different fixed values to dinosaurs & weapons is still mediocre way to solve the issue.
Percent System must be adapted & used. No matter how complicated implementing it might be to these implants & Techs, you should start working on it & make it possible. Real Balance will never be possible without it.

Skill Ranges
I'm fine with it except for the following:
  1. Gatling Skills Range should be swapped, so that Curtain Fire becomes (Close & Medium) & Pinpoint becomes (Medium)
    • This would make Gatling better as an allrounder weapon, and become more helpful in PvE.​
  2. Yager Rifle Skills Range must be changed, so that both skills be able to Fire in (Far Range). While Sneak Shot will be (Far & Medium) to continue being able to slowdown approaching opponents in medium range, and Burst Fire will be (Far) as a compensation.
    • This would make Yager Rifle better as a far ranged weapon, and become more helpful in Ranged Combat (PvP).​
  3. Burning Colt Skill Ranges should be swapped as well, so that Fire Detonator is only (Close), and Fire Burst is (Close & Medium). If not desired due to animation complication, then swap the effects themselves.
    • This would limit Weapon usefulness to that of Melee Combat, as it is suppose to be classified as close ranged weapon.​


Stability at level55 is able to almost completely erase "Stun", "Confuse" & "Fear". While Fear is a power & cooldown free effect, I think it is unfair for Confuse & Stun, as you do not only counter these two effects but you also waste the power used to generate it, and force a long cooldown regardless whether you benefit from effect or don't.

Stability should not be very effective against Confuse & Stun effects, but be more like Heat Regulator against Paralyze effect.

Armor Penetration (Penetrate) Effect
While Pachycephalosaurs have an effect that can completely stop all MISS & DODGE from happening against one opponent, I suppose it would be better to also make the Armor Penetration effect for Burning Colt absolute against one opponent, by making their Armor Attribute completely penetrated.

Armor Penetration effect efficiency should be 100% penetration against target that has the effect.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
  • We got Tyrannosaurus Rex Bleed & Burning Colt Burn with 1000% base damage, or Gatling with its 75% chance of critical hits Vulnerable effect​
But those 1000% damage is actually the damage of a simple basic, in short, when you use that status effect what you do is double your basic hits for a short period of time, this is not so crazy. And 75% vulnerability is not so crazy considering that it is only 10 sec of effecot and its cooldown is 18 sec, it balances quite well.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Healing ability should be heavily weakened, to a point where it would be acceptable compared to the low dealt damage whether base, skill or effect damage. (Hopefully after effects are weakened as well)
If you nerf this you will completely destroy the tank dinosaurs from the game brachy and anky


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I do think however that this Out of Combat Healing should be strong enough to help us refill our Health Bar quickly, same as how it used to be before it was deleted in 2016's Dev Shack.
I like this point, really feels very slowly the recovery of health after a duel


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
According to what I wrote above, if implement, here is what you should expect:
  1. Your Health will be very high​
  2. Your Damage will be very low​
  3. Your Recovery will be very low​
  4. Damage will slowly eat up your Heal Points.​
  5. Recovery will be able to only slow that process but not stop it or revert it.​
  6. So long you are in combat mode, do not expect your health Bar to be full.​
  7. Once you're out of combat mode, your Health Bar will be filled in few seconds.​
  8. Your Health Bar will represent how long you can fight in open combat.​
    • High Health means you are able to take more damage & fight longer.
    • Low Health means you have to get out of combat & evade fighting, as there is no other efficient way to heal quickly.
This problem was already seen in the PTR, from here the eternal PVP emerged, when the recovery rate is higher at the rate of damage received. This is currently the revez, if a player uses the abilities to inflict damage, the recovery rate does not exceed the damage inflicted, even having Brachiosaurus at the maximum level, with clothes full vitality quality 10, vitality clan enhancer, and healing with power extra.


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Jan 21, 2021
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Russ Van Der Linde
--Death Machine--
hello, GM why doing solo quest, makes the vete's spawn to and sometime only spawning vete
happens to the lvl 49 transp quest too


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
The pve isnt horrible, yes it could be better but flat out expecting the samething to work that has worked for the last 5 years and not trying anything new isnt helping anyone. Not you, not the devs and not the game.

For example;

This is pretty fun and a positive of the new pve changes
Nice after i said it 1000 times ^^


Feb 8, 2021
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Main Yasuo LVL 7
Bro, can you tell me how much has been changed? For example, how much life has been increased in your vision.
okay for the matter of fact back in the final pve phase the hp's were the same as before, it was surprsing for the most part but we said maybe they wanna make the game easier for low levels hence no one complained but that was the final pve phase. they said little tweaks they didnt mention that the smilo hp would rise so much compared to it's current hp right now that leaves tank dinos helpless in farming if you take away my gun damage and i don't have a strength based dino i will not do damage with booster or without it's like they gave the strength dealers the torch and all the herbivores were left in the darkness, yes im very tanky but at what cost? i can never advance ill just be the same tanky as always since i can never hunt.


Feb 8, 2021
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Main Yasuo LVL 7
okay for the matter of fact back in the final pve phase the hp's were the same as before, it was surprsing for the most part but we said maybe they wanna make the game easier for low levels hence no one complained but that was the final pve phase. they said little tweaks they didnt mention that the smilo hp would rise so much compared to it's current hp right now that leaves tank dinos helpless in farming if you take away my gun damage and i don't have a strength based dino i will not do damage with booster or without it's like they gave the strength dealers the torch and all the herbivores were left in the darkness, yes im very tanky but at what cost? i can never advance ill just be the same tanky as always since i can never hunt.
talking about how much life everyone typically used carnivorus dinos in hunting since they are the ones that will do dino damage and the tanky dinos werent so bad since their hp was managable to kill, but then they doubled ''smilo's hp im not even talking about dinos yet im talking about the one animal that is supposed to be the weakest in terms of its hp i take a minute to kill it? how long will it take me to kill a brontotop? how will i cope against a rex that uses skills? its like they made every animal we hunt a pvp and it shouldn't be a pvp. if they wanna fix the fact that mobs will be too weak with their previous hp they should buff their damage not hp since they nerfed our gun damage.


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Feb 13, 2021
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Feedback & Opinion about applied update. (The Pain Points)

But do you know why we're doing this? Well, at the beginning we had the same opinions, believe me, nobody liked the first versions presented in the tests, but it was all a matter of small adjustments and time to get used to it. The version you are playing now is already familiar to us, you have been in contact with it for 1 day and have already come full of hate. There are still things to improve, but the game is much better than before, fact.
On the first iteration of the PTR there was the recovery issue and the fact that a battle between 1v1 would take minutes to last. A PvP battle between 2 players of the same level should take around 15 seconds. Anything above that would start to make the PvP boring and unentertaining. I really liked how the PvP now is not 4 shots of Gatling.

On the second iteration of the PTR the battle was adjusted to last fairly a good amount of time. Was a step in the right direction but still takes much time in killing a player, making it boring, uninteresting and unmotivated to even doing anything.

PvP Feedback from a level 50 player.

Dino & Implant - Coelophysis/ Strength, Vitality, Recovery, Armor, in some cases, Shield and Stability.
Weapon & Techs - Gatling/ Damage, Range, Precision, Dino Defence, in some cases, Penetration and Aim.

Here's the main issue:
  1. I don't like that a level 50 player has to take like 10 seconds to kill a level 30 player. Yes, this even occured after the recent patch that should have fixed the "Unfair Fight".

  2. In the broken PvP mechanic, the weapon were more used to kill a player than the dinosaur was. In a sense, the weapon would do 85% of the damage and the dinosaur would do the rest of the 15%. Partly due to the fact that the weapon would be able to fire in close range. Now, in the new update, it's the total opposite, it's more like 85% Dino and 15% weapon.

    In anyway, I don't really call this a complete balance. The balance was just between the 8 dinosaur themselves that the game has and the 6 weapon in the game. Every Dinosaur has been distinguished among themselves with specific roles and so do the weapons - which is a positive change.

    But overall, the balance between the combination of Dino & Weapon being used is literally non-existent. It's as if players are forced to used 80% of Dino attacks compared to 20% of weapons attack.

    Even with violent boosters, my weapon doesn't do much damage to my enemy. I'm not asking that 40% to 50% of the players life should be gone by one weapon shot. But the fact that it's not doing noticeable damage from it's base attack is something that should change. For me, there's literally no difference between a player using violent boosters, potent and basic boosters, since the weapon damage just do a little scratch to the high health pool of enemy.

  3. Recovery. The first PTR fixed the recovery, its value used to be greater that damage value of some combo. It was fixed but now, after a battle we'll have to wait quite a time for our health to regen the lost health after a battle. My enemy use instant revive kit, I lose the battle.​

PvE Feedback

  1. The mobs still does high damage. You approach a mob to attack it and then suddenly it activates it's special effect on it's first attack. That's partly due to a lot of damage they received from player's ends. In the PTR, the mobs had the assigned damaged of basic violent boosters. It's been changed, but it's still difficult to hunt.

  2. Hunt Reward. The rewards we are getting for taking the difficulty in killing a mobs should be more than what it currently is. Hunting drops need a review.

    e.g: Level 55 player trying to hunt for level 50 stone in order to be able to get Reflector Implant. Then that player would be required to upgrade by getting only x1 from his drop.

  3. Regeneration after hunt. Same issue with PvP after combat regeneration.

  4. Weapon's damage against mobs. I still think that the damage of a weapon when violent damage booster is used, should be increased. As said above, it's more like 85% dino and 15% weapon. Not really beneficial, considering the fact that we have to approach the mobs and then attack it, while it's doing huge damage to me.

IMHO: Hunting should be really easy, if developers don't want to modify the hunt reward, make it easy to kill mobs, decrease their health pool, change the way they activate their special effect. Otherwise, the way the PvE is at this point, it's boring.


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Mar 17, 2021
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also idk if thats a bug but when you use baby dino you're getting shot for 40k damage from lvl 40+ bandits

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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But those 1000% damage is actually the damage of a simple basic, in short, when you use that status effect what you do is double your basic hits for a short period of time, this is not so crazy. And 75% vulnerability is not so crazy considering that it is only 10 sec of effecot and its cooldown is 18 sec, it balances quite well.
I don't know about Burning Colt, since it has low damage. But I did test fight against T-Rex, and I was puzzled how it could always win in melee combat. Until I checked the bleed number.

1000% Bleed for T-Rex is not balanced.
But these were just few examples, and many many other effects should change as well.

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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If you nerf this you will completely destroy the tank dinosaurs from the game brachy and anky
This is a completely false concept. Because if all Dinosaurs are balanced as you would claim, then lowering healing ability will have the exact same effect on all Dinosaur equally. It is just how it is, and you can mathematically prove it.

The only concern here is that effects will be too dangerous that it will rapidly decrease combat duration, and that's why I recommended that these absurdly strong effects like T-Rex's or Burning Colt's or Garling's be weakened first.

As for base damage & skill damage, They are already low, and how combat doesn't end quickly when you don't give your opponent power by attacking him and let him use his effects is enough evidence to prove it.

Overall, you will still kill people in normal 1VS1 with thr same speed, but it would also be as fast when you are not receiving power, and that's the goal here.


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 10, 2012
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We already have many inprovements ready on the PTR. Its planned to have a public PTR open over the weekend to get your feedback on it.

Hopefully more players join this time around, especially those that started to post feedback in the forum only after the live version was released. ;)
Please wait for the upcomming changes. I hope I see you on the PTR ;)

@MX Power
It might be mathematically correct that the timing would be the same, but it would just shift the focus away from skills to the items and therefore reduce player involvement.
Also even if the thing might turn out the same in math this still just reflects your very own personal preference and style but this does not have to be the same for devs or every other player in the game.

As developer we have to monitor the whole game and not just those that speak out the loudest.


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Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
Please wait for the upcomming changes. I hope I see you on the PTR ;)

@MX Power
It might be mathematically correct that the timing would be the same, but it would just shift the focus away from skills to the items and therefore reduce player involvement.
Also even if the thing might turn out the same in math this still just reflects your very own personal preference and style but this does not have to be the same for devs or every other player in the game.

As developer we have to monitor the whole game and not just those that speak out the loudest.
la ptr se abre hoy o mañana ?

MX Power

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
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M X Power
Extra Power
Also even if the thing might turn out the same in math this still just reflects your very own personal preference and style but this does not have to be the same for devs or every other player in the game.
I wonder why so many players complain then :unsure: and why all problems I & other players mentioned still exists? I don't know what players think about my suggestions but I do know for a fact that the current version is not what the players want & solution is required.

This is not about personal preference, but about finding a workable solution.

Please wait for the upcomming changes. I hope I see you on the PTR ;)
Let's wait & see. But I don't have high expectations.

As developer we have to monitor the whole game and not just those that speak out the loudest.
The point from me writing my feedback is to give players an idea of how imbalance this game is and how much work should be done to change that.
I don't expect you to listen to me anyway. But none can say that I was silent and didn't speak when I should have.

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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M X Power
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This is currently the revez, if a player uses the abilities to inflict damage, the recovery rate does not exceed the damage inflicted,
Exactly but can you say the same thing when you are not using your abilities?


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Jan 21, 2021
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Russ Van Der Linde
--Death Machine--
Instead of saying "example" is bad. Say why it is bad. Ive seen a lot say getting dd is bad? Why? Too long to kill? Not enough item drops? Npc's too strong?

What is the issue?
smils in otis have very huge hp and dps is low and drops are bad yeah u said it urself
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