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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Jan 21, 2021
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Russ Van Der Linde
--Death Machine--
If you sell rex for gold, the game becomes Pay To Win.
the game is already pay to win with kits and all those gels, even in war if enemy have kit+sc tehy can always take gate easy. how are free to play players supposed to do that? also bidding is not easy as bids for sc and kit each more than 150k, dd is hard to make at max lvl

but yeah making rex to be buyable by gold coins is unfair


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Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
bueno la idea que la choza de los desarrolladores es para como terminar el juego pero terminar de que ?
terminar para dejar de jugar el juego o que ?
elecciones pero entonces que ?
ganas rex y te vas alv ?
alianzas ? para que oprimir mas a los enemigos o que los enemigos puedan ganar a un tirano ?

la ultima pregunta no se gana exactamente con oro si no con gente si no hay enemigos no ganan nada


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Mar 30, 2020
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bueno la idea que la choza de los desarrolladores es para como terminar el juego pero terminar de que ?
terminar para dejar de jugar el juego o que ?
elecciones pero entonces que ?
ganas rex y te vas alv ?
alianzas ? para que oprimir mas a los enemigos o que los enemigos puedan ganar a un tirano ?

la ultima pregunta no se gana exactamente con oro si no con gente si no hay enemigos no ganan nada
La idea principal es cambiar el objetivo final de obtener Rex por otro. Junto a pequeños cambios en guerra según el tercer punto.


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Oct 22, 2020
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Highway already said that something was planned, let's wait for him to show us what was thought and let's start from those ideas. We don't even know what can be changed yet, so don't make this thread a place for personal debate, it just gets in the way.
Jun 18, 2016
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Beloved and Hated
We are thankful for all the incoming feedback, as it is both important and valuable for Dino Storm development. The suggestions you’ve sent us so far have shown us that our plans for adjusting the game’s maps would not really affect the root of the issues at hand, and therefore not have the effects desired by the community.
Although there are many different facets and perspectives to your feedback, most of you wrote about attacking and controlling sites in order to earn fame and ultimately be elected Sheriff in the town hall, which also provides access to the precious tyrannosaurus rex. However, the most obvious aspects in gameplay are not always the ones at the root of the problem, which is why we attempt to dig deeper and gain additional analytical data—from the game, testers and GMs alike. This way, we want to reach the core of the issue. Going from the observations we have made so far, we are not convinced that revising the game’s maps alone would improve gameplay enough to be satisfactory.

In the last few days we had been intensively discussing a number of design iterations and concepts—but the further we went and discussed possible solutions, the more it became obvious that we would actually need to think about changing the main gameplay path for unlocking T-Rex. We already had ideas for changing the endgame mechanics and concepts on our to-do list, and now we needed to figure out whether we will have to tackle these ideas before or after any potential map adjustments are made.

We condensed the list of issues and points that need to be addressed down to:
  • Server-spanning alliances misusing their influence, deciding who gets and doesn’t get the T-Rex
  • Stalling endgame as soon as T-Rex has been unlocked
  • Rather boring and predictable gameplay around sites (Travel Gates, Claims)

Let us know what you think, or if we are missing important key points! ;)
We are thankful for all the incoming feedback, as it is both important and valuable for Dino Storm development. The suggestions you’ve sent us so far have shown us that our plans for adjusting the game’s maps would not really affect the root of the issues at hand, and therefore not have the effects desired by the community.
Although there are many different facets and perspectives to your feedback, most of you wrote about attacking and controlling sites in order to earn fame and ultimately be elected Sheriff in the town hall, which also provides access to the precious tyrannosaurus rex. However, the most obvious aspects in gameplay are not always the ones at the root of the problem, which is why we attempt to dig deeper and gain additional analytical data—from the game, testers and GMs alike. This way, we want to reach the core of the issue. Going from the observations we have made so far, we are not convinced that revising the game’s maps alone would improve gameplay enough to be satisfactory.

In the last few days we had been intensively discussing a number of design iterations and concepts—but the further we went and discussed possible solutions, the more it became obvious that we would actually need to think about changing the main gameplay path for unlocking T-Rex. We already had ideas for changing the endgame mechanics and concepts on our to-do list, and now we needed to figure out whether we will have to tackle these ideas before or after any potential map adjustments are made.

We condensed the list of issues and points that need to be addressed down to:
  • Server-spanning alliances misusing their influence, deciding who gets and doesn’t get the T-Rex
  • Stalling endgame as soon as T-Rex has been unlocked
  • Rather boring and predictable gameplay around sites (Travel Gates, Claims)

Let us know what you think, or if we are missing important key points! ;)
I don't agree, and what did the other players do so much to get sheriff and rex for years? they wasted time for nothing lol rex should be a special dino that manages only with a lot of fight and focus along with the sheriff as the last prize, i see no problem in this system since 2013 it was always a lot of fun like this even when i didn't have a rex, well everyone wants the rex, i don't know the reason to get sheriff if you already have the rex. the test server got a lot of players just in the beginning afterwards many got bored because everyone had rex, there was no fun. that's my point of view.


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Mar 30, 2020
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I don't agree, and what did the other players do so much to get sheriff and rex for years? they wasted time for nothing lol rex should be a special dino that manages only with a lot of fight and focus along with the sheriff as the last prize, i see no problem in this system since 2013 it was always a lot of fun like this even when i didn't have a rex, well everyone wants the rex, i don't know the reason to get sheriff if you already have the rex. the test server got a lot of players just in the beginning afterwards many got bored because everyone had rex, there was no fun. that's my point of view.
getting rex will still be difficult, only this will no longer be the "end goal"


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Feb 1, 2021
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the game is already pay to win with kits and all those gels, even in war if enemy have kit+sc tehy can always take gate easy. how are free to play players supposed to do that? also bidding is not easy as bids for sc and kit each more than 150k, dd is hard to make at max lvl

but yeah making rex to be buyable by gold coins is unfair
rex is already pretty much buyable by gold coins. its just that you have to go through a middle man (your clan, which gives you fame) to get there. this game is completely pay to win. it's not just an endgame issue though, its an overall issue, and unfortunately with the amount of money people spend to take/keep their servers i don't see this being changed anytime soon, even though yes, it is very unfair.

really hope the "new" endgame is something interesting. in a game like this, its kind of hard to think about what to do after meeting your big goal, because while there is pve the main draw is the pvp. and its pretty much just a cycle of someone wins rex -> they help defend -> someone else wins rex -> they help defend -> and so on and so forth which gets excruciatingly dull. i think the endgame is going to require an overhaul of the pve aspects, but again, this is such a unique game that its hard to imagine what exactly that might entail.


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Nov 13, 2020
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- Mr.Draxth -
The system is unfair, fact. But the system of offering rex for free is wrong.
yes, with another way its would be better than free. we need to see new rex way ideas when its ready


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Oct 16, 2015
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I don't agree, and what did the other players do so much to get sheriff and rex for years? they wasted time for nothing lol rex should be a special dino that manages only with a lot of fight and focus along with the sheriff as the last prize, i see no problem in this system since 2013 it was always a lot of fun like this even when i didn't have a rex, well everyone wants the rex, i don't know the reason to get sheriff if you already have the rex. the test server got a lot of players just in the beginning afterwards many got bored because everyone had rex, there was no fun. that's my point of view.
good feedback, but lets wait for what devs show us first and then discuss :)


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Nov 9, 2020
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the game is already pay to win with kits and all those gels, even in war if enemy have kit+sc tehy can always take gate easy. how are free to play players supposed to do that? also bidding is not easy as bids for sc and kit each more than 150k, dd is hard to make at max lvl

but yeah making rex to be buyable by gold coins is unfair
Gate drain should work like teleporting. If someone hits you, you should not be able to start a drain. I've seen people with brachy/anky afk draining and it's a pain to defend your gates from tryhards like those


May 4, 2021
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Blue Eyes Chaos-MAX
I have not a clan
As far as I see, the players with rexi oppose this decision, they are right and wrong. You don't want anyone else to use anything you have, People get bored of fighting for something out of reach and decide to quit the game (Most comments here are that you don't want your clans power or rex your enemies in the game)..
I respect these comments but.. You are not the only ones playing this game All that remains is to wait for the path the game producers have found, and I hope they will come up with a nice and fair way.


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Oct 16, 2015
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Gate drain should work like teleporting. If someone hits you, you should not be able to start a drain. I've seen people with brachy/anky afk draining and it's a pain to defend your gates from tryhards like those
others are complaining that tanks are slow and do low dmg. maybe what you are complaining about is their advantage which maybe shouldnt be changed?


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Dec 5, 2015
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My idea is not changing how the rex is obtained, but giving players alternative options to gain fame and get to sheriff other than buildings.

For example a pvp arena with a leaderboard could work. A colosseum like arena in DV, when you click on it lobbies appear or you can create your own lobby. Set player number, game mode(like pvp, free for all, mob waves), although on the leaderboard only pvps should count to avoid exploitations from larger clans. Click on a room, and then you get teleported into a simple small "map" with the other player(s). If a player gets to a good position on the leaderboard, they get a very large daily fame bonus. This resets every day, but if a player can maintain positin they get a larger fame bonus every day(maybe excluding sheriffs?). If one can maintain their good position for a month or so, they should be able to get enough fame for rex. Maybe remove the time limit for joining the election after half time to increase competition.

Or in dice casino instead of getting level 5 clothes, you could type the amount of fame(or even dd) you want to gamble with, and every win multiplies it. If you lose, then it gets halved. This is very risky, so not a viable way to win only with this, but could be fun.


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Nov 9, 2020
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others are complaining that tanks are slow and do low dmg. maybe what you are complaining about is their advantage which maybe shouldnt be changed?
u dont seem to understand...I dont have anything with tanks but seriously someone can literally afk drain you an entire day because they cant be stopped from draining


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Oct 16, 2015
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u dont seem to understand...I dont have anything with tanks but seriously someone can literally afk drain you an entire day because they cant be stopped from draining
yea i guess i didnt get what you mean, but you can stop from draining when member of clan with certain level goes to circle then attacker cant drain, only if there are more attackers than defenders in circle, only then attackers are able to drain tower.


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Nov 9, 2020
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yea i guess i didnt get what you mean, but you can stop from draining when member of clan with certain level goes to circle then attacker cant drain, only if there are more attackers than defenders in circle, only then attackers are able to drain tower.
im saying ok more members can stay in circle but seriously I will not spend entire minutes of my life watching with my clanmates 1 brachy full vita build draining my camps


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Aug 24, 2020
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I- Oly. Yuu.
-Olympos Of Death-
Mi punto de mi vista seria un gran error cambiar la forma de ganar el Rex ya que hay muchas personas que gastaron demasiado tiempo defendiendo, abasteciendo, en guerras para tener un puesto para ganar el Titulo (Sheriff) y que luego venga una Actualización en que todos pueden ganarlo gratis?. Solo por que varios jugadores comenzaron a quejarse que las elecciones eran injustas. Si de eso se trata el juego no ?. Luchar por ganar algo, apostar, no ?. Entonces al final para que servirán las alianzas? si puedo durar meses sin jugar, vuelvo meto dinero o duro horas farmeando y lo puedo comprar así por que si. ¿Y el resto de jugadores que llevan meses o años luchando?

Traten de agregar otras cosas al juego, modo historia, mas eventos, cambiar los mapas, códigos de promoción (Ya no volvieron a existir) o algo que seria bueno la verdad cambiar la textura de los dinosaurios Lvl 55 como hicieron con las armas 55 hay miles de formas de hacer el juego mas interesante y ustedes no las están aprovechando.


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Oct 22, 2020
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My idea is not changing how the rex is obtained, but giving players alternative options to gain fame and get to sheriff other than buildings.

For example a pvp arena with a leaderboard could work. A colosseum like arena in DV, when you click on it lobbies appear or you can create your own lobby. Set player number, game mode(like pvp, free for all, mob waves), although on the leaderboard only pvps should count to avoid exploitations from larger clans. Click on a room, and then you get teleported into a simple small "map" with the other player(s). If a player gets to a good position on the leaderboard, they get a very large daily fame bonus. This resets every day, but if a player can maintain positin they get a larger fame bonus every day(maybe excluding sheriffs?). If one can maintain their good position for a month or so, they should be able to get enough fame for rex. Maybe remove the time limit for joining the election after half time to increase competition.

Or in dice casino instead of getting level 5 clothes, you could type the amount of fame(or even dd) you want to gamble with, and every win multiplies it. If you lose, then it gets halved. This is very risky, so not a viable way to win only with this, but could be fun.
Bro, a ranked tournament was all I wanted most 😪. I made a post explaining but I didn't have any visualization, it's in Portuguese but if someone finds the idea interesting I can bring it here in English (it's a lot to translate xD).



Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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Bro, a ranked tournament was all I wanted most 😪. I made a post explaining but I didn't have any visualization, it's in Portuguese but if someone finds the idea interesting I can bring it here in English (it's a lot to translate xD).

The rewards could be in fame too, it would be interesting to get to the rex for being a sheriff or for being the best 1v1 player.


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
Bro, a ranked tournament was all I wanted most 😪. I made a post explaining but I didn't have any visualization, it's in Portuguese but if someone finds the idea interesting I can bring it here in English (it's a lot to translate xD).

Essa lista iria aparecer aonde? fórum? como uma tarefa in game?


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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Essa lista iria aparecer aonde? fórum? como uma tarefa in game?
No jogo, haveria uma construção exclusiva para esse torneio, onde o jogador pode fazer a inscrição, acompanhar detalhes, entrar como espectador e visualizar os rankings.


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
No jogo, haveria uma construção exclusiva para esse torneio, onde o jogador pode fazer a inscrição, acompanhar detalhes, entrar como espectador e visualizar os rankings.
Sabe o que lembrei? Da antiga loja dino. Lembra que era possível entrar nela utilizando matriz de teletransporte? E se fizessem um cercado como aquele antigo, abrem um teleporte que só é possivel 2 pessoas por vez, por 10minutos, se sairem antes por conta do pvp acabado, o tempo se encerra, e só poderam fazer o pvp novamente em um certo tempo :/


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Oct 22, 2020
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Bro, a ranked tournament was all I wanted most 😪. I made a post explaining but I didn't have any visualization, it's in Portuguese but if someone finds the idea interesting I can bring it here in English (it's a lot to translate xD).

@Maddy Montgomery helped me to translate, so it’s easier to view. As I said, this is an idea that can be shaped for purposes other than just entertainment, I just want you to consider the possibility of something like that.

Regarding the stimulus of competitiveness, I had thought of a way to rank the pvp.

To make a pvp we have 2 classes (outlaw and duelist), each with its own rules and etc., but in practice there is no difference. New achievements could be created in the conflict tab that have to do with being "outlaw", where you would earn achievements by defeating X players (we currently have a similar achievement, but it makes no distinction whether you or the other player has a duelist or outside the law) and the top prize would be a title.

If you beat X players outlawed you would be given a title related to a bandit or murderer, to show that you are "dangerous". Now if you beat X players who are outside the law, you would receive a title related to maintaining order, as a defender of peace, hunter of bandits or something like that.

The current achievement of defeating 100 players could be changed to defeat 100 players in duels (with active duelist mode).

Pvp ranking:

An instance or a separate pvp-exclusive map could be created, it need not be a complete map, just something that illustrates an arena, having the size similar to the area around the central Mokon tree (or a little smaller), only with the space for the "spectators" or other players waiting for their turn, it may be possible to set up this arena within the maps or even (here we have a more daring idea) the arena to change maps and be themed according to the map that is , changing every month. The duels would be for a system of phases that I will explain below, having 1 winner every 30 days. I just want to present a concept, any opinion on how it works is welcome.


Only lvl 55 players could sign up. You go to the construction of the arena, pay a DD fee to register for the tournament, with a maximum of 16 players per stage (I'll explain more soon). The current tournament stage would be displayed on the registration screen and the registration button would be available throughout the registration day or as long as seats are available. After the end of the registration period, which can last 36 hours, the game system would distribute the players in random pairs to start the keys, to avoid that the keys are not filled in completely, the same player can enroll in all phases if not you have been the winner of one in that tournament, if you were a winner you can only enter the next one. If you still miss a player, you can open a 12h period for lvl's below 55 to participate.

After the registration period ends and the keys are defined, the tournament will start, which will last for 7 days, where:
Day 1 and 2 - Registration period - Duration of 36 hours, which may extend for another 12 hours to fill vacancies.
Day 3 - Heats - 8 duels taking place every half hour, starting at 19:00.
Day 4 - Quarterfinals - 4 duels taking place every hour, starting at 19:00.
Day 5 - Semifinal - 2 duels taking place at 20:00 and 21:00 respectively.
Day 6 - Final - Starting at 20:00.
Day 7 - Dispute for the 3rd place, at 20:00.
The duels of the elimination stage have the form of md3 (best of 3) and the others in the format of md5 (best of 5).

At the end of the 7th day, 1 phase ends and the registration period for the next one begins, after 4 phases (adding up to 28 days) it would be time to define the winner of the tournament, where the winners of the 4 phases struggle to know who takes the trophy home.
Each tournament as I already mentioned would have a duration of 30 days (or some adaptation to be monthly), so on the 28th day it would be the end of the 4 phases, on the 29th day the winner of phase 1 would duel with the winner of phase 2 and the winner from phase 3 to phase 4 and finally on the 30th day we would have the grand finale to meet the champion of that month.
Resetting soon after and starting the next month's tournament.

I don’t know what kind of prizes the game is willing to offer, I thought about coins but I can’t set a fair amount for both sides, so I figured it could be DD and / or combat equipment (it’s all about the pvp).
1st place - 100,000 DD / 500 violent boosters / 5 recovery kits
2nd place - 50,000 DD / 500 powerful boosters / 3 recovery kits
3rd place - 30,000 DD / 500 basic boosters / 1 recovery kit

Tournament winner-
Only 1st place - 500,000 DD / 1000 violent boosters / 10 recovery kits / cakes (I don't remember exactly the names but it could be 1 of each)

In front of the arena there could be a small monument similar to that of the sheriff, where instead of showing the hologram of the dino and ranger it would show only the hologram of the ranger, paying homage to the current champion of the tournament (it may be the same position that the ranger appears when we open the profile).
Adding an achievement with a set of exclusive pieces would be great too, I believe it would be fair to have a "win 6 tournaments" type with the duelist set reward and a "supreme champion" title or something like that.

In the construction of the monument, the current and last 2 champions would appear (like the sheriff's monument) and also the rankings of the players with more duels won and players who won more stages.

Basic rules:
- Only lvl 55 players can participate initially, opening to the others in case of vacancies still open (limiting to the max lvl unfair confrontation is avoided, since lower lvl's can buy dinos, weapons, etc. with higher lvl, leaving unbalanced ).
- When registering, the player undertakes to appear on the map of the duel / arena at the defined time, having a tolerance of 5 minutes, otherwise victory will be given by withdrawal.
- It will not be possible to equip damage boosters, clan boosters or consume cakes within the duel map / arena.
- Each duel round will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes in the md3 format and 12 minutes in the md5 format, at the end of that time the player with the most% of life will win.
- All players can register again in the remaining phases if they do not reach the 1st place in any previous phase of the same tournament.
- Each player must make sure that he is properly equipped, after being transported into the arena it will not be possible to change dino, weapon, implants, weapon technologies, clothing and skin.
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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Sabe o que lembrei? Da antiga loja dino. Lembra que era possível entrar nela utilizando matriz de teletransporte? E se fizessem um cercado como aquele antigo, abrem um teleporte que só é possivel 2 pessoas por vez, por 10minutos, se sairem antes por conta do pvp acabado, o tempo se encerra, e só poderam fazer o pvp novamente em um certo tempo :/
É exatamente algo assim que imaginei, espero alguma resposta dos DEV's pra saber se é possível pelo menos sonhar com algo assim :LOL:


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Aug 26, 2014
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- M A L E K I T H -
Red Velvet
As far as I see, the players with rexi oppose this decision, they are right and wrong. You don't want anyone else to use anything you have, People get bored of fighting for something out of reach and decide to quit the game (Most comments here are that you don't want your clans power or rex your enemies in the game)..
I respect these comments but.. You are not the only ones playing this game All that remains is to wait for the path the game producers have found, and I hope they will come up with a nice and fair way.
Nem rex eu tenho, o que vocês querem é maneira fácil de pegar REX. Querem um? Abasteça, defenda e espere a sua vez como todos os outros fizeram.

Mas o lider do seu clã só da rex para amigos? Será mesmo? Ou você é apenas um encostado esperando um Rex no seu colo? Querem criar outras maneiras de conseguir fama? Apoio totalmente, não somente pelos portais e minas, poderiam fazer um sistema de pontuação de guerra, onde seriam conquistadas as medalhas individualmente, tanto quanto por meio de portais, vejo a desculpa se não ter moedas para abastecer, conheço várias pessoas que pegaram somente ajudando o clã, sem contribuir com unico ponto de abastecimento, depende do seu clã, se você escolhe um clã podre, onde é so abastecer e pegar o rex, me diga que eu mesmo vou pra ele. A vida não funciona assim.

No final precisamos adicionar novas formas de ganhar fama, mas não alterar a forma das eleições, seria somente rir da cada de quem ficou anos tentando pegar REX, ou de quem esta nesse momento na luta. :)


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Mar 30, 2020
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Mi punto de mi vista seria un gran error cambiar la forma de ganar el Rex ya que hay muchas personas que gastaron demasiado tiempo defendiendo, abasteciendo, en guerras para tener un puesto para ganar el Titulo (Sheriff) y que luego venga una Actualización en que todos pueden ganarlo gratis?. Solo por que varios jugadores comenzaron a quejarse que las elecciones eran injustas. Si de eso se trata el juego no ?. Luchar por ganar algo, apostar, no ?. Entonces al final para que servirán las alianzas? si puedo durar meses sin jugar, vuelvo meto dinero o duro horas farmeando y lo puedo comprar así por que si. ¿Y el resto de jugadores que llevan meses o años luchando?
I doubt that the rex will be obtained for free, according to the highway the mechanism of town halls will continue, therefore, getting rex will be as always. Only the way to gain fame will change and the final objective will change for another.
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