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Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update"

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Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx
O que deve ser melhorado em resumo :


Resumindo o que deve ser melhorado: BUFF Melhore a habilidade 2 do carnotaurus, seu percentual é 33%, mude para 50% / 77%, o dano que você causa no oponente não compensa, porque se for em 10 segundos você só tirar uma média de 20 / 45k, o que não vale a pena na vida do Carno, que tem 500k e pouca vida .... Ele nem recuperaria 8/10%, enquanto seu oponente já tirou 20% de a vida dele em média, se você olhar a parte teórica.

Melhore um pouco o dano do martelo ou alguma coisa em sua habilidade mais relevante, para que fique no nível de qualquer outra arma, testei e testei e percebi que o pior ainda é ele, com qualquer combinação de impla tech e dinosaur


Há várias coisas que devem ser nerfadas: a habilidade 2 de Parassaurolophus deve ser diminuída para 8 segundos, meio. Acho que seria melhor assim.

Os tanques de dinossauros Brachiosaurus e Ankylosaurus têm duração infinita em PvP, eles não levam dano dos outros, acho bom ter alguma forma de tirar a durabilidade infinita de forma a equilibrá-los contra outros dinossauros.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Hi, my friend? How are you? I understand your concern about this case, the weapon stops attacking when combat is hand-to-hand, but I believe that if weapon damage is increased by 5% or 10% from afar, everything will be better, both in melee and long and medium distance, the combat will be fierce at several points, but for that, they should nerf the paci's paralysis time, which allows him to stay away from the opponent, the update was made to give breach in both melee and long distance , I think that for the long distance to be better they should increase the damage of the weapon of 5% to 10%. But other than that, I don't think it's necessary to make the gun shoot together with the dinosaur, after all, the melee goes away ... And the weapons will gain an advantage in both aspects ... everything is a matter of getting used to it, is there anything to correct? There are many! But they are questions of skills and not what a weapon and dino does to attack and when it should not attack .... For the melee and long distance aspect to work successfully, this is the idea of the update, adding a combination and succeed as much as you can, if you read this far and understand Thank you :)
How about if you try to use the implant "heat regulator" with that you avoid that the paralysis lasts long. And the problem is not the damage, the damage is fine. The problem is the hornet healing that dinosaurs with a lot of hp have, if you increase the damage you end up destroying the Rex, Carno, coelo..


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Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx
How about if you try to use the implant "heat regulator" with that you avoid that the paralysis lasts long. And the problem is not the damage, the damage is fine. The problem is the hornet healing that dinosaurs with a lot of hp have, if you increase the damage you end up destroying the Rex, Carno, coelo..
Hello Friend, how are you? Well, in practice I saw that it has no effect in 10 seconds, at the maximum level, it may be that this heat regulation implant makes a difference, but they are minimal, an implant should not save a feat that a skill should have in good part, an implant should improve a skill that is already well balanced, that has a certain effect, in the case of Carno I think they have to increase the percentage, the problem is without damage, if you read again you will understand what they are saying, for this problem to be covered, I ask them to double the percentage, or the time, it’s complicated to deal with, a skill 1 has more effect than a 2…. Normal recovery plays 95% of the role that a skill 2 should do .... If you see well in practice, understanding what I'm saying. (I use the translator, but the words may be different and you may not understand)


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Nov 8, 2020
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- Unity -
Wouldn't the game be more fun if you set up a server such as a test server where people from each server can join and the goal is only pvp and has unlimited gold and money?
Because there are actually servers in the game.
And in each server, the goal is for clans to grow, buy buildings, and get choices.
The aim of the game is based on this.
But wouldn't it be nice to have 5 days a month or 1-2 events a year?
Thanks to this event, people both had fun and met each other.
Yes, opening a separate entertainment server can reduce the money earnings of the game and the purpose of this game may be to make money.
We see this in every way.
But as I said, there are two options left;

1- Like features in a separate entertainment server test server

2- A similar pvp activity a year, 1-2 times or every 6 months or 1-2 months.
This time is up to the opinion of the Gmlere and the game managers and the people playing the game.


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Jun 22, 2020
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- Silent Killers -
I didn't like at all the update, in spite of its great feeling the pvp different than current normal ds version, test server's pvp feel too long. I think they shouldn't take that long, otherwise would be kind of boring to have big wars. That could be fixed if weapons and dinos damage get increased, and/or health points of dinosaurs get decreased. Other thing I noticed was that parasaurolophus' agility skill is too strong, it should be shorter. If those problems got fixed I'm pretty sure the update could be nice 🙂


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
too many pages to look but is it a bug where if I use coel orgun to try to kill brachi I gain no power and only gain if he or she hits me with JUST brachi???


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Oct 16, 2015
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I didn't like at all the update, in spite of its great feeling the pvp different than current normal ds version, test server's pvp feel too long. I think they shouldn't take that long, otherwise would be kind of boring to have big wars. That could be fixed if weapons and dinos damage get increased, and/or health points of dinosaurs get decreased. Other thing I noticed was that parasaurolophus' agility skill is too strong, it should be shorter. If those problems got fixed I'm pretty sure the update could be nice 🙂
I have tested some things with @Thround and issue is actually not in damage or vitality, but in healing. Detailed feedback about it i'll post later :)
About parasaurolophus i agree.


Community Manager
Sep 5, 2013
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GM Orrire
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Hello Everyone, :giggle:

Thank you for your feedback and time helping us to refine the game. Further it is requested to all the players participating at the test server to share their feedback (positives as well as negatives) along with their suggestions. The purpose for opening public testing is to get your valued feedback and suggestions. We are thankful to the players who are providing their feedback/ suggestions and further requested to ask fellow players to share their side of views. Looking forward for your usual support and cooperation.

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Nov 30, 2015
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About the new looks of the skills, I didn't particularly like it. I found them to be very similar to each other and confuse the players. Not to mention that they are very small, with identical colors. I prefer the old visual.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-04 at 09.56.44.jpeg


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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About the new looks of the skills, I didn't particularly like it. I found them to be very similar to each other and confuse the players. Not to mention that they are very small, with identical colors. I prefer the old visual.

View attachment 40251
The idea behind it is, that the icons for the effects are always the same, no matter if it affects you or your opponent, so that you can see what is going on. also the intention that the arrows point upwards for positive effects and downwards for negative ones, is that maybe missleading with the targeted player as it is shown like from his perspective?


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Jun 30, 2020
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Would you mind to describe the reasons behind that suggestion?
The old icon of Health Regen was Green, it would have been better if it's green too here in the new icon, sometimes we can't differentiate the icons since it's kind of small, so we depend on the colors to see which icons is which.

I know you already said that they were color-coded. But all I see are contrasts. Perhaps a little more variation in the colors would fix the issue?


Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
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The old icon of Health Regen was Green, it would have been better if it's green too here in the new icon, sometimes we can't differentiate the icons since it's kind of small, so we depend on the colors to see which icons is which.

I know you already said that they were color-coded. But all I see are contrasts. Perhaps a little more variation in the colors would fix the issue?
The red and blue colors were deliberately chosen as these key colors are used throughout the game (red = dino, blue = weapon). The hues used in the new effects icons are more vibrant as well, compared to for example the "attributes" overview in the ranger profile.

The third color (purple) was chosen to tell the player that the effect affects both dino (red) and weapon (blue); mixing these two colors creates purple. Regarding vibrancy, purple is getting a different treatment; it is far less saturated than the red and blue hues. The reason for this is that we take into account that quite many people see colors quite differently (often referred to as color blindness).

It is true that the new icons are smaller than the old ones. In that light, please make sure that you are running the game in "native resolution" (this is usually the highest resolution available to you in the game's settings window): https://support.splitscreenstudios....18/15/a-guide-to-dino-storm-graphics-settings
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Nov 6, 2019
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- A.r.i.z.o.n.a -
So... Hi!
I liked the many changes made, some of which will of course take time to get used to, like the new skill icons and the skills themselves (which I really liked). Of course, the players had asked for the pvp to have a longer duration, but what we thought - I mean I thought - was something at least LOOKING like the 2017-2018 pvp style you know?
I realized that there was an exaggeration in the recovery of our dinos which leaves, by the way, unbalanced. And by reading some messages from past pages of the forum, that you guys are thinking of reducing the recovery so as to decrease the absurd duration of combat, and I somehow agree because looking at ankylosaurus, brachiosaurus and centrosaurus, they are like immortal and I'm not playing. I did tests with my friends and even with three people attacking the person with anky, it took almost five minutes to kill (I hope I'm not exaggerating, but it was more or less that). But I was wondering... why not increase weapon damage again to stay on the level of the new recovery? I mean, what it appears today is that only our skills are doing damage and not the shots themselves and that can also affect PVE, because in a way, in the final result, the changes made to PVP are also linked to PVE . Come on, I'll try to explain:
When, in the past year, the frequency of weapons was changed, it also resulted in a delay for our extra bar and this was extended not only to the PVP but also to the PVE, and I am concerned that only when we are attacked do we have a bar extra crowded, because I thought about events for example. When we kill monstrous (events like Easter and dinoball), there are many people and the monstrous focuses on one person who has more damage, the other people accompany helping to kill but also depend on their extras to be able to cause more damage and thus their items fall from fairly without missing a few, and it will be complicated if there is no differentiation of how our extra will go up in the case of PVP and PVE.
I also have some concerns, although the pvp is having a longer duration, the only satisfactory pvp I had was rex vs coelo or rex vs carno, I say from my experience, making combinations that despite a pvp between rex vs brach lasts almost 10 minutes (believe me, it happened), rex was the loser in the end. Of course, there has been a significant improvement, but it is still not close to a balance.
I like changes and honestly I loved many of the changes that the team made, but I worry about some of the things I mentioned here. Please don't take it as just criticism, I thought it was worth sharing my vision with you guys. And if I am wrong in comparing the new PVP model to PVE, I would be grateful if you explained how it would work, because if it really is as I thought, it will be too complicated. See ya-


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
After three days testing the changes, I have a conclusion.
I love the balance :love::love:
I really like the function that most dinosaurs fulfill. You have to keep polishing some things, for example:

Carnotaurus: I tried it in many ways and with several weapons, I looked for a specific combination to be able to take advantage of its healing ability inflicting damage based on critics, but even with that I do not feel that it can heal fast enough to fulfill its role, a buff to ability would not be bad, healed for + 50% of outgoing damage, I also think that their abilities do not do enough damage, something similar happens with the rex. It would increase the damage of his skills.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: It is difficult to say that it can be done with the rex, I think its ability to roar and inflict fear should not fail, if it is countered by stability, but never fail or be dodged, the damage of its abilities should also increase to mark but the melee difference, the rex must be the king of melee simply and simply because of its enormous strength.

Parasaurolophus: I just think they miss their hand with a 75% chance to dodge, as it makes the dinosaur literally invincible for 16 seconds. Perhaps that is really the objective that you have for this dinosaur, if so you have to improve the focusing efficiency.

Brachio: I love the idea that this dino is very difficult to kill in 1vs1 including 2vs1, that's his role as a tank. Most players who complain about their hp do so because they don't understand what a "tank" is. Maybe if you have to lower your recovery as suggested by @Thround


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
After three days testing the changes, I have a conclusion.
I love the balance :love::love:
I really like the function that most dinosaurs fulfill. You have to keep polishing some things, for example:

Carnotaurus: I tried it in many ways and with several weapons, I looked for a specific combination to be able to take advantage of its healing ability inflicting damage based on critics, but even with that I do not feel that it can heal fast enough to fulfill its role, a buff to ability would not be bad, healed for + 50% of outgoing damage, I also think that their abilities do not do enough damage, something similar happens with the rex. It would increase the damage of his skills.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: It is difficult to say that it can be done with the rex, I think its ability to roar and inflict fear should not fail, if it is countered by stability, but never fail or be dodged, the damage of its abilities should also increase to mark but the melee difference, the rex must be the king of melee simply and simply because of its enormous strength.

Parasaurolophus: I just think they miss their hand with a 75% chance to dodge, as it makes the dinosaur literally invincible for 16 seconds. Perhaps that is really the objective that you have for this dinosaur, if so you have to improve the focusing efficiency.

Brachio: I love the idea that this dino is very difficult to kill in 1vs1 including 2vs1, that's his role as a tank. Most players who complain about their hp do so because they don't understand what a "tank" is. Maybe if you have to lower your recovery as suggested by @Thround
I add, I consider that the extra bar should be filled as before, when causing damage it may load significantly slower, but it has to load yes or yes.


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Jul 15, 2020
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Are una mínima critica : las habilidades de los dinos y armas No combinan déjenla como esta ejemplo :
para las personas nuevas verán el juego chido pero las personas que ya llevan mucho tiempo jugando dino storm esta actualización seria como cagar sin ofender a las armas e dinos ya que sus respectivas habilidades no son las mismas para mi que ya llevo 2 años jugando dino storm Si no quieren que su juego decaiga lo mejor seria dejar las estadísticas de las armas de los dino e armas como están y no cambiar las habilidades, los implas y tecnología con esta actualización no serviría de nada con la brutalidad de vida, fuerza y resistencia de los dinos y armas Estabilicen mas las estadísticas de los dinos Thanks!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Are una mínima critica : las habilidades de los dinos y armas No combinan déjenla como esta ejemplo :
para las personas nuevas verán el juego chido pero las personas que ya llevan mucho tiempo jugando dino storm esta actualización seria como cagar sin ofender a las armas e dinos ya que sus respectivas habilidades no son las mismas para mi que ya llevo 2 años jugando dino storm Si no quieren que su juego decaiga lo mejor seria dejar las estadísticas de las armas de los dino e armas como están y no cambiar las habilidades, los implas y tecnología con esta actualización no serviría de nada con la brutalidad de vida, fuerza y resistencia de los dinos y armas Estabilicen mas las estadísticas de los dinos Thanks!
We, entiendo tu punto de vista, te gusta lo clasico.. Pero Dino Storm lleva siendo lo mismo hace ya casi 7 años, esto es un verdadero cambio.
Dale la chance de probarlo, vas a ver que no esta nada mal. Puedes hacer tus build personalizadas, meter combos, usar estrategias, todo gracias a la actualizacion.
Claro hay detalles que pulir pero la idea es excelente.


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Oct 22, 2020
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Parasaurolophus: I just think they miss their hand with a 75% chance to dodge, as it makes the dinosaur literally invincible for 16 seconds. Perhaps that is really the objective that you have for this dinosaur, if so you have to improve the focusing efficiency.
Focus doesn't work against dodge, the only effect that can stop it is that of an easy target


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May 2, 2020
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- Invictus Gaming -
Ok, ya llevo 4 días probando el servidor de test; creería que puedo dar una opinión bastante concreta.

Primero que todo la idea de aumentar vida a los dinosaurios me parece excelente a la misma vez que el intentar probar cosas nuevas con los combos de implantes, en mi opinión ya probé todos los dinos y pues yo diría que están equilibrados en un 60% ya que; todos tienen sus counters.

Por ejemplo:
-Un Brachy que es el dinosaurio más roto del juego actualmente, puede ser vencido fácilmente por un Coelo.
-Un Parasauro puede ser vencido por un Pachy.
-Un Coelo vence un Anky.
-Un Centrosauro vence a un coelo.

Claramente esto depende mucho de las tecnologías e implaantes que los 2 lleven.

(Si quieren ver cualquiera de esos enfrentamientos y respondan me aquí busquen me en el servidor como -l-...CH3NO...-l-) .

Las nuevas habilidades de los dinosaurios son un tema bastante complicado no solo por el hecho de que son nuevas y muchos no saben como y cuando usarlas aún.
Pediría de favor a los GM y Admins del juego que implementen el mecanismo de las habilidades continuas. Es decir que si yo uso la habilidad #1 del Coelo; que el usar esta habilidad no me bloquee las habilidad #2 del Coelo como en el juego actual sin actualizar. Eso daría mejores estrategias a la hora de los combates.

Si aumentan la vida de los dinosaurios; solamente LA VIDA pasaría eso; pero ko en exceso. Por ejemplo que la vida máximo del Brachy sea 500k.

Para compensar también un poco la confusión del daño del arma, y que sea más fácil de entender y más estético para todos; el daño que las armas indican en sus estadísticas. Ejemplo: la Cortarollos en el server de testeo dice que tiene 36k masomenos de daño. Pero solo hace 10k con full ropas de daño. Si le subieran a el daño que indica el arma no habría tantas complicaciones de saber cuanto daño hace un arma, es decir; si dice que hace 36k de daño que haga los 36k de daño. Pero si ustedes implementan ese daño deben compensarlo con vitalidad como esta en el server de testeo. Si desean subirlo solo un poco pues les doy una idea.

Si piensan que un arma haga 20k de daño pues que la vitalidad de el dinosaurio tenga 15 veces eso que hace de daño (300k de vitalidad) así no seria ni excesivo ni poco. Ahí también depende el dinosaurio, ese problema de balances lo verán ustedes porque yo no soy aquí quien para verlo bien, a no ser que me contacten directamente; podría ayudarlos a decidir.

Y lo mismo va hacia los puntos de fuerza de los dinosaurios. Seria buena que hicieran el daño que dice la descripción de sus características.

Con respecto a las nuevas habilidades y sus extras, en mi opinión las que me gusta son:
-Cortarrollos solo su segunda habilidad.

Luego tenemos puntos específicos.
-Aumentar el daño de fuerza al rex a que haga 10k de fuerza por ataque por ejemplo; y no los 7k actuales.
-Aumentar la efectividad del implante de VITALIDAD, sí, y solo sí; deciden optar por aumentar la vida máxima hasta 500k por ejemplo, así quien realmente quiera ser un TANQUE usa ese implante para aumentar unos 100k a 150k de vida por ejemplo.
-La cadencia no estaría seguro, no la siento mal, pero tampoco esta en el punto perfecto diría. Pero por lo menos en comparación con el juego real la cadencia de la Gatling bajo mucho y eso no me gusta en mi opinión personal; y si no me equivoco así fue con todas.
-La tecnología de precisión y puntería deberían ser más efectivas. Así mismo con el.imoannte de reflexión y la tecnología de reflexión.
-La resistencia nueva de todos los dinos me parece buena. Solo que a los dinos pesados los hicieron demasiado demasiado lentos. Solo subirle unos 150-200 de resistencia por lo menos, porque se sienten como tortugas

Y sigo diciendo mi idea, de hace mucho; implementar el implante nuevo que les mencione (IMPLANTE DE CONCENTRACIÓN) para que el dinosaurio acierte más críticos, y el (IMPLANTE DE DINOENFOQUE) que como su nombre lo dice permite no fallar los golpes. Estos para los jugadores que juega de cerca (por ejemplo yo en el server de testeo juego de cerca).

Eso es todo por el momento, espero me apoyen; y espero sus comentarios también, como ven, esta es mi humilde opinión.


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May 2, 2020
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- Invictus Gaming -
Ok, ya llevo 4 días probando el servidor de test; creería que puedo dar una opinión bastante concreta.

Primero que todo la idea de aumentar vida a los dinosaurios me parece excelente a la misma vez que el intentar probar cosas nuevas con los combos de implantes, en mi opinión ya probé todos los dinos y pues yo diría que están equilibrados en un 60% ya que; todos tienen sus counters.

Por ejemplo:
-Un Brachy que es el dinosaurio más roto del juego actualmente, puede ser vencido fácilmente por un Coelo.
-Un Parasauro puede ser vencido por un Pachy.
-Un Coelo vence un Anky.
-Un Centrosauro vence a un coelo.

Claramente esto depende mucho de las tecnologías e implaantes que los 2 lleven.

(Si quieren ver cualquiera de esos enfrentamientos y respondan me aquí busquen me en el servidor como -l-...CH3NO...-l-) .

Las nuevas habilidades de los dinosaurios son un tema bastante complicado no solo por el hecho de que son nuevas y muchos no saben como y cuando usarlas aún.
Pediría de favor a los GM y Admins del juego que implementen el mecanismo de las habilidades continuas. Es decir que si yo uso la habilidad #1 del Coelo; que el usar esta habilidad no me bloquee las habilidad #2 del Coelo como en el juego actual sin actualizar. Eso daría mejores estrategias a la hora de los combates.

Si aumentan la vida de los dinosaurios; solamente LA VIDA pasaría eso; pero ko en exceso. Por ejemplo que la vida máximo del Brachy sea 500k.

Para compensar también un poco la confusión del daño del arma, y que sea más fácil de entender y más estético para todos; el daño que las armas indican en sus estadísticas. Ejemplo: la Cortarollos en el server de testeo dice que tiene 36k masomenos de daño. Pero solo hace 10k con full ropas de daño. Si le subieran a el daño que indica el arma no habría tantas complicaciones de saber cuanto daño hace un arma, es decir; si dice que hace 36k de daño que haga los 36k de daño. Pero si ustedes implementan ese daño deben compensarlo con vitalidad como esta en el server de testeo. Si desean subirlo solo un poco pues les doy una idea.

Si piensan que un arma haga 20k de daño pues que la vitalidad de el dinosaurio tenga 15 veces eso que hace de daño (300k de vitalidad) así no seria ni excesivo ni poco. Ahí también depende el dinosaurio, ese problema de balances lo verán ustedes porque yo no soy aquí quien para verlo bien, a no ser que me contacten directamente; podría ayudarlos a decidir.

Y lo mismo va hacia los puntos de fuerza de los dinosaurios. Seria buena que hicieran el daño que dice la descripción de sus características.

Con respecto a las nuevas habilidades y sus extras, en mi opinión las que me gusta son:
-Cortarrollos solo su segunda habilidad.

Luego tenemos puntos específicos.
-Aumentar el daño de fuerza al rex a que haga 10k de fuerza por ataque por ejemplo; y no los 7k actuales.
-Aumentar la efectividad del implante de VITALIDAD, sí, y solo sí; deciden optar por aumentar la vida máxima hasta 500k por ejemplo, así quien realmente quiera ser un TANQUE usa ese implante para aumentar unos 100k a 150k de vida por ejemplo.
-La cadencia no estaría seguro, no la siento mal, pero tampoco esta en el punto perfecto diría. Pero por lo menos en comparación con el juego real la cadencia de la Gatling bajo mucho y eso no me gusta en mi opinión personal; y si no me equivoco así fue con todas.
-La tecnología de precisión y puntería deberían ser más efectivas. Así mismo con el.imoannte de reflexión y la tecnología de reflexión.
-La resistencia nueva de todos los dinos me parece buena. Solo que a los dinos pesados los hicieron demasiado demasiado lentos. Solo subirle unos 150-200 de resistencia por lo menos, porque se sienten como tortugas

Y sigo diciendo mi idea, de hace mucho; implementar el implante nuevo que les mencione (IMPLANTE DE CONCENTRACIÓN) para que el dinosaurio acierte más críticos, y el (IMPLANTE DE DINOENFOQUE) que como su nombre lo dice permite no fallar los golpes. Estos para los jugadores que juega de cerca (por ejemplo yo en el server de testeo juego de cerca).

Eso es todo por el momento, espero me apoyen; y espero sus comentarios también, como ven, esta es mi humilde opinión.
Mi nombre es -l-..1N0USUK3..-l- en el Server de Testeo.
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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
hey I noticed when I was using pm with aim and used canon ray with extra, an icon came on and said "aim is impaired". what it means?
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