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Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update"

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Feb 5, 2021
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- Sean X -
Bom, para começar, eu achei que a ideia sobre uma nova atualização está maravilhosa.

Porém, eu quero relatar algumas coisas que estão me incomodado sobre as novas mudanças.

1- As skills tanto das armas, como as dos dinossauros, precisa de um certo alcance pra serem aplicadas, e é uma distancia muito pequena, comparada a anterior,
e isso está me deixando um pouco desconfortável para fazer pvp's, e também para fazer as guerras.

2- A demora dos pvp's, é ridiculamente longa, e isso está fora do normal, mesmo que alguns jogadores tenham se acustumado com tal mudança.

3- As habilidades tanto das armas, quanto dos dinossauros, estão muito confusas, então eu acho que como deveria ser um balanceamento, deveria ser colocado tudo como era antes.

Enfim, por enquanto é só isso, espero que minhas críticas sirvam de algo para ambos jogadores e desenvolvedores. :)


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Jan 29, 2021
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.L e v i.
Testing again, now my final consideration.
I believe that part of the moderators' intention is to balance the game by means of CLASSES, and this is due to the dinosaur and the weapon. On the part of the fighters, which are centrosaurus and parasaurus, I think it is well balanced, except for the parasaurus, which needs a decrease in its extra 2. The weapon they would use in theory is very good too.
The killers or snipers, coelo and pachy, I think in this part, you should change the following, coelo will normally use pacifier, which in theory is to be thrown from a distance, change her range, and when the player is pacifier and coelo, that he gains a damage buff, I think it will be fine.
In tanks, for God's sake, decrease their life and resistance, today I was pvp against a brachiosaurus using a peacemaker, and there's no way! he didn't take any damage and he did a lot of damage even though he ran from me! change so that the tanks lose damage to the weapon, otherwise it will not make any sense, and we will see many players of brachi and anky, and wars and pvp's will be monotonous and infinite.
As for anti-tank or carnivores, I think that, for their functions they are good, but there is still a lot to be done on the part of the carnotaur, I haven't tested it much, but in fact it needs some changes. Anyway, this is my final feedback on this test. And my final consideration is: bring specificity to each item: Give the peacemaker more range, because she is a sniper, give more damage and precision to the hammer, because she is a missile launcher, decrease the life and damage that tanks do with any weapon, because if not it will be very unbalanced. I loved the update in general, and I think we are on a perfect path, thanks to all GMs, moderators and developers for lovingly reading our fedbacks!


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Jan 14, 2021
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The Night Riders
Hello Dino Rangers

The next big Dino Storm update " #10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs smoothly and we could incorporate your feedback, the testing phase will conclude with the live release to follow shortly after.

:info: Please Read This Before Joining the Test:
  • The PTR ("Public Test Realm") is exclusively used for testing.
  • The server is running a fresh new state without any players on it. After you create your avatar, it will automatically be given the items etc. which are required for testing the new update.
  • Many elements you will see on the PTR are still work in progress and might change during testing & live release.
  • Only the english language is available for the client.
  • To gain access to the PTR you may need to register a new Splitscreen Games account. Access to register and play on the PTR is here: https://ptr.dinostorm.com/

:!: Design Changes Only for the Public Test:
The changes below are only applied during the testing phase and will be reverted/not take place when the update goes live.
  • New players will be prepared for testing after creating their avatar (takes a few seconds)
    • Each player will be set to max level
    • Each player will get all dinos at max level
    • Each player will get all weapons at max level
    • Each player will get all modules & implants at max level (5x per item)
    • Each player will get a clothing/skins at max level & quality for each slot and for each attribute
      • color coded by attribute (some colors are duplicated as we have more attributes than base colors)
    • In the end the player will be moved to dinoville near the gate that leads to goldfields
  • All Claims & Supply Camps are automatically supplied by dinoville
  • First test phase will only allow PVP combat, while PVE will come at later
    • all PVE mobs & group quests are disabled so that no unit spawns
    • all playes are locked into the PVP engaged status
  • Disabled that clothing & skins will expire/worn out
  • Disabled damage booster
  • Maps & icons are automatically discovered one entered them.

:?: Questions to the Community
It would be great if you can use the following questions as a guideline when you provide your feedback here.
  • How do you like the feel of each dinosaur compared to the old balance?
  • Do the dinos provide a useful variety for you?
  • Do the Implants and Modules encourage different combinations?
  • Do you enjoy the rebalance and why?
  • Would you change your dino and why, when the update goes live?

You can read the full changelog of the public ptr here => Changelog
Have fun and post your feedback here & Bugs there => Bug Forum
:celebrate: :)
everyone has way to much life. stuns are way to long. the game is fine the way it is


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Então, por que tentar o teste se você acha que o jogo já está bom (?


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Jun 29, 2020
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- Cobra -
Asian Fighter
I think I like the original PvP more then this update because fights are about 10-15 seconds long whilst in the Public Test, fights are wayy too long and if it's like an anky,brachi,para,coelo,pachy your killing you won't be able to finish them off alone which is not good and it takes the fun out of wars as wars were fast paced and players would die fast,
it was more fun I think players would agree


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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In tanks, for God's sake, decrease their life and resistance, today I was pvp against a brachiosaurus using a peacemaker, and there's no way! he didn't take any damage and he did a lot of damage even though he ran from me! change so that the tanks lose damage to the weapon, otherwise it will not make any sense, and we will see many players of brachi and anky, and wars and pvp's will be monotonous and infinite.
The problem about tanks isnt their health or resistance, but healing (used with E) is recovering their health too much.

give more damage and precision to the hammer, because she is a missile launcher
Hammer already has highest dmg from all guns, even more than showstopper

decrease the life and damage that tanks do with any weapon, because if not it will be very unbalanced.
It probably wont be balanced either in this way


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Oct 16, 2015
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I think I like the original PvP more then this update because fights are about 10-15 seconds long whilst in the Public Test, fights are wayy too long and if it's like an anky,brachi,para,coelo,pachy your killing you won't be able to finish them off alone which is not good and it takes the fun out of wars as wars were fast paced and players would die fast,
it was more fun I think players would agree
Most players don't like that pvps last so short, that what this update is about, to make fights balanced and not short


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Jun 30, 2020
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if it's like an anky,brachi,para,coelo,pachy your killing you won't be able to finish them off alone which is not good and it takes the fun out of wars as wars were fast paced and players would die fast,
it was more fun I think players would agree
Most wars are done with violent damage boosters. Now, think how fast you would be able to kill your enemy in war if this update was on live servers.


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Oct 16, 2015
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Lately me and @Thround have tested what issue is about tankers and i was proved that the problem isn't damage or health points, the main problem is that healing(used by E) recovers too much health. To prove that problem isn't in damage or health points i have recorded some videos.

In these videos we didn't use any skills or healing, pure dino fight. Videos are not edited at all, to not get bored while watching you can just speed up videos in youtube to see results faster.

In first video both carno and brachy are using strength clothes.

In second video both carno and brachy are using vitality clothes.

As you see dinos have benefits from those attributes of clothes or implants, which they have the least, same would be with guns. If you put all vitality clothes and implant on carno or rex and all strength clothes and implant on brachy or anky and try to do normal PVP, fight would be endles, unless one player's implant and tech combinations would be a lot more beneficial than other's player. The only thing which from should depend fight results are effects affected by dinos, effects affected by guns and combinations of implants and techs. Tankers are winning fights, because healing is recovering their health too much. Solution for fixing this problem would be decreasing percentage of healing at all. As i see it, for damagers it wouldn't be big disaster, but for tankers it would be ending fight.

About parasaurolophus( yes, again :sweatgrinning:), as for me and some other player's, it's rage down effect lasts either too long or too much of extra power is drained in 1 second, having full extra power and after being affected by rage down effect, effect is still affecting some seconds even after all extra power is drained. Of course in that time you can use all skills faster and deal more damage, but it will charge extra power for player with paras and then it leads to problem that player will use dodge fast, which is over powered. Solution for rage down effect could be decreasing it's affecting time or how much of extra power it drains in 1 second.

About agility implant and dodge effect of paras, the only counter for it is easy target effect, focus should be counter for it too. Focus could completely decrease all agility or at least most of it, same for dodge effect.

From my point of view and others people view, gatling's pinpoint and curtain fire skill's ranges should be switched. Reason for that is pinpoint skill is not so useful in close range if player has stability and most players hunt in close range, using pinpoint with extra power wouldn't be useful while hunting, running little bit away to only use this skill isn't very comfortable.


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Feb 3, 2021
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I have only entered to the testing server two days, but I'll give my opinion on the things that call my attention the most, and that I think would need some changes:

About dinos:

- The new abilities of dinosaurs seems fine to me, although I think it will take some time getting used to it. I think this gives each species a unique and interesting capacity. In Coelo though, I will miss in a special way its capacity to stun.

-Rex and Carno don't seem good dinos in terms of having a chance of winning against other dinos, this should be fixed. I've attacked players that were using Rex and I ended up winning using Coelo, so something is not working well.

-I like the idea of Para becoming a part of the "good dinos group", since right now no one wants to use it. But, not as much as it is now, since it is almost invincible. This should also be fixed.

-As for the Tanks, they definitely need a descrease in vitality. Imagine all the players using tanks in pvp, it would take forever.

About weapons:

-The weapons also need some changes in terms of being more balanced, because I get the impression that they don't do the damage they should. The gatling is practically discarded in a pvp.

-The Peacemaker needs more range as it is supposed to be a long range weapon.

-Hammer has no focus literally, because the focus it has is like nothing.

-As for say another point, PVP takes too long. Also, the extra power bar fills up very slowly, unless you attack the player up close.

These are the most important things that I remember, but of course, there are other things that should be checked. I only gave my opinion in the things I realized.


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Oct 16, 2015
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-Hammer has no focus literally, because the focus it has is like nothing.
It has highest damage among guns, so i guess it is it's main power, beside that it has skill which using with extra power increases hit chance.

the extra power bar fills up very slowly, unless you attack the player up close.
Extra power increases only when enemy is hitting you, not you hitting enemy.


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Jun 29, 2020
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- Cobra -
Asian Fighter
Hi, the old message I wrote was when I was drunk, nvm that,
Fellow dino storm players,
this pvp update is amazing because now every gun and dino is made for different purposes and not everything can kill everything,
The best dinosaur in my opinion for killing coelo's,para's, which are considered to be really tricky to kill,
The pachy,
best dinosaur for killing these 2, keep your distance with the parasaur and use paralyze for coelo and you will win fights 90% of the time,
Rex/Carno with str imp and str set and dd tech are the best dinosaur to kill brachi's and anky's
Colt being the best gun to kill tank's
Peacemaker great for coelo's and para's
Yager rifle is good against runners
Showstopper is good in far range battles
Gatling is very good against players due to it's vulnerability,
This is the best thing I like about this update,
Every gun and dino made for it's own purpose,
Fellow players, the T.Rex or maybe the Pachy won't be able to kill everything
Try every gun and dino with every implant/tech against every gun and dino,
See which gun and dino is most effective against a certain dinosaur


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Jun 21, 2020
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xXLegion Of DeathXx
[QUOTE = "Cobra, postagem: 52463, membro: 24747"]
Oi, a mensagem antiga que escrevi era quando estava bêbado, nvm que,
Companheiros jogadores do Dino Storm,
esta atualização de PVP é incrível porque agora cada arma e dinossauro são feitos para finalidades diferentes e nem tudo pode matar tudo,
O melhor dinossauro, na minha opinião, para matar coelo's, para's, que são considerados realmente difíceis de matar,
O pachy,
melhor dinossauro para matar estes 2, mantenha distância do parasauro e use paralisar para coelo e você ganhará lutas 90% das vezes,
Rex / Carno com str imp e str set e dd tech são os melhores dinossauros para matar brachi e anky
Colt é a melhor arma para matar tanques
Peacemaker ótimo para coelo's e para's
O rifle Yager é bom contra corredores
Showstopper é bom em batalhas de longo alcance
Gatling é muito bom contra jogadores devido à sua vulnerabilidade,
Esta é a melhor coisa que gosto nesta atualização,
Cada arma e dinossauro feito para seu próprio propósito,
Companheiros jogadores, o T. Rex ou talvez o Pachy não serão capazes de matar tudo
Experimente cada arma e dinossauro com cada implante / tecnologia contra cada arma e dinossauro,
Veja qual arma e dinossauro são mais eficazes contra um certo dinossauro
Eu não, fico mais levando isso a sério quando você diz que estava bêbado ( não me leve a mal) :ROFLMAO:


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Oct 16, 2015
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Showstopper is good in far range battles
I don't think it's supposed to be for far range fights, as it's in close range class. :D
This can be because all guns, except peacemaker+range up effect, with range tech have same range and st has almost highest damage, so putting clock on it too, you have almost highest DpS among guns.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Coelophysis isn't fulfilling is role as hit runner, is more like a damage dealer. It can win on melee even to damage dealers if isn't neutralizated its dino damage up effect, an ironically that neutralize to the effect looks like more to a hit and run strategy (in case the weapon used is peacemaker or yaeger rifle). Maybe this can be solved by decreasing its skill percentage damage or increasing the skill percentange damage on damage dealers. Also maybe increasing a bit its vitality points because the coelo isn't looks like to win in range combat and die easy on that, of course unless it escape from the scene totally with the speed up.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Showstopper need an propelly effect on its first skill, instead of just increasing the area or the damage it doesn't looks like very helpful at all specially when the enemy is using stability. Maybe this could be the mentioned but not used "Critical hit chance down" effect so it will help against precision tech, precision clothes, vulnerable and critic chance up. Or could be another one, but i don't know if you have time for create another one.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Tyrannosaurus need at least one effect always working on the caster as exception to the rule. This one could be the fear effect because it have a counter that is stability so would not affect the balance at all. Or could be the Hit Chance Down effect, so it is protected against damage all the time that the extra is used.
This same problem is precent on Pachycephalosaurus, but i don't know if paralize or easy target would be better to make the exception. Perhaps the easy target because we don't have an implant or tech that can counter agility implant and dodge.
Another option could be make that every effect with extra power can be missed or dodged, so all the dinos and weapons have same chance, and also would solve the problem of the dodge effect being so powerful and just being something for evade the damage from shots and dino bitings, that same case would apply to hit chance down effect.


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Oct 22, 2020
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I don't think it's supposed to be for far range fights, as it's in close range class. :D
This can be because all guns, except peacemaker+range up effect, with range tech have same range and st has almost highest damage, so putting clock on it too, you have almost highest DpS among guns.
Talking about the gun clock, I found it to be less effective. A showstopper with frequency tecnology has the same value as a gatling, and it makes no sense for a machine gun to use technology if it wants to take advantage of the weapon's strength.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Also as some players said perhaps is good increase a bit the effectiviness from heat regulator implant so it reduce to less time the paralize and slowdown.


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Oct 16, 2015
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Talking about the gun clock, I found it to be less effective. A showstopper with frequency tecnology has the same value as a gatling, and it makes no sense for a machine gun to use technology if it wants to take advantage of the weapon's strength.
As i said in my last larger feedback, the most useful for something is that, what those things have less, so for gatling damage is most useful, you can just higher it's DpS by damage tech. For showstopper it's clock tech, bcs it has almost lowest shooting speed. By the way, on live servers clock doesnt work for gatling at all, in test server, it can be increased little bit, not necessary with tech, clothes will be good too.


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Oct 16, 2015
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hey I noticed when I was using pm with aim and used canon ray with extra, an icon came on and said "aim is impaired". what it means?
I tried it, i didn't see any icons with messages like that


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Jun 24, 2015
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Saludos cordiales rangers, a mi parecer los puntos de vitalidad de los siguientes dinos: brachiosaurio,parasaurio,ankylosaurus... es exagerada, sin contar con la pequeña cantidad de daño que las armas y los propios dinos hacen... la tecno de " enfoque" no cumple con su función ya que falla igual ..los skills de las armas parecen no funcionar al parecer nadie se ha percatado de eso ya que solo entrar para formar guerras entre clanes como si de un server normal se tratara.. el porcentaje de paralizar o ralentizar es muy bajo... el único que parece funcionar bien es el de agilidad en el parasaurio el implante de vitalidad parece no ser innecesario ya que no aumenta mucho los puntos de vitalidad (o debe ser por la exagerada cantidad que ya poseen) los skill del rex no funcionan como se describieron... aun falta pulir algunas cosas espero mi comentario les sirva de algo... muchas gracias por su atencion

Krishna Goyal

Nov 21, 2017
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-I ZaphKiel I-
-I Dead End I-
Hey, So the latest update that was implimented of the forced 1v1 combat I don't think it's a good idea at all. Imagine if there's mass draining going on it'd be literally impossible for 1 side to win if they have lower level players lol. rip to the group fights, The higher level players can easily take out the other side players most people would be annoyed of that alone. And ok let's forget the draining part BUT this game is about PVP ! and if there's no group fights what'd be the point in even doing pvp you'd just want to hunt all day long then.
Conclusion: Forced 1v1 Combat isn't a good idea to be implimented in the normal game servers


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Jun 30, 2020
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Hey, So the latest update that was implimented of the forced 1v1 combat I don't think it's a good idea at all. Imagine if there's mass draining going on it'd be literally impossible for 1 side to win if they have lower level players lol. rip to the group fights, The higher level players can easily take out the other side players most people would be annoyed of that alone. And ok let's forget the draining part BUT this game is about PVP ! and if there's no group fights what'd be the point in even doing pvp you'd just want to hunt all day long then.
Conclusion: Forced 1v1 Combat isn't a good idea to be implimented in the normal game servers
The 1vs1 is in the Public Server only, and it will not be in the live server.

Developers forced 1vs1 fight because they have enough data about how group fights perform. Now they want to see more 1vs1 fights.

And in the live servers, it will be normal group fight. For now, the 1vs1 fight is for the test.


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Jun 29, 2020
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- Cobra -
Asian Fighter
Hey, So the latest update that was implimented of the forced 1v1 combat I don't think it's a good idea at all. Imagine if there's mass draining going on it'd be literally impossible for 1 side to win if they have lower level players lol. rip to the group fights, The higher level players can easily take out the other side players most people would be annoyed of that alone. And ok let's forget the draining part BUT this game is about PVP ! and if there's no group fights what'd be the point in even doing pvp you'd just want to hunt all day long then.
Conclusion: Forced 1v1 Combat isn't a good idea to be implimented in the normal game servers
1 v 1 Combat is only made in Public Test because players need to focus on one guy, this makes it more efficient and convenient,
1 v 1 Combat will not be implemented in the real game servers
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