I like the changes Mostly further now, maybe because im already sheriff, dont know ....
But how about making the Dinos a bit more Different to each other, like people are different to each other, not in Colour, but in charakter. And that those as Example bosts a certain ability of the Dino and Lowers another, or that there will be Charakteristiks that boosts only for the half of the amount one, instead of decreasing another
As example:
brutally - Increases Strength, decreases Armor
Stable - Increases Stability, decreases endurance
Clever - Increases Agility, decreases Vita
Thick - Increases Vita, Decreases Strength
Hectic - Increases Endurance, Decreases Stability
Relaxed - Increases regeneration, Decreases Agility
Solicitous - Increases Armor, decreases Regeneration
As example, could then be added :
Strong - Slight increase of Strength
Smart - Slight increase of Agility
Familiar - Slight increase of Armor....
And so on ... This would make the Dinos a bit more Individiually.
Already thought longer ... When bought the Dino u will loose the Stones, dont know if this stays or something, but then u can Choce between 3 random Chosed characteristics that will stay in the Dinos profile.
BTW. i would like to give my Rex its name, im already calling her everytime by the name i choced for her :3
would this be possible, to add ?