Rega Aliu said:
... what we need to do to unlock dino's gun's implant's and tech's ? complete 25 mission from each different mission-giver ?
The items are unlocked through the NPCs that give you the quests. You need to play a certain amount of quests to finish the NPC to get access to the items in the stores in dinoville.
Pideaux said:
I love the 'Right Hand' idea.. but could you at least put them nearly par with the leader and enable them to also remove officer status?.
The "Right Hand" is exacly like that. He is ranked between the Leader and the officer (Leader -> Right Hand -> Officer -> Member) and has almost all rights as the Leader has, except that he can't close the clan or promote other "Right Hand" players.
Pideaux said:
But I know the maps and map locations will be changing... will the instances of maps remain the same?
Its not certain that all the instances stay open since the site buildings are unsupplied and all the players are move to dinoville after the first time when the update is deployed.
Pideaux said:
"Added the ability to see all other maps and map instances from the current zone map window."
Heyoo - Would this possibly mean that we can see when buildings are attacked when we aren't in the map being attacked?
Yes that will be possible now

. Through the new Zonemap you can go switch to all the maps and instances from anywhere you want with additional and useful informations.
I have a question about this topic Supply Camp and Teleporting Overhaul.
Will the maps be changed, I was looking into picture in this topic and in map of acual mokon woods into the game. I noticed some differences.
Yes all the maps are changed to fit the new structure. There will be new NPCs, Locations etc.
Thanks for all the feedback! But please post your feedback/ideas that unreleated to this Dev Shack in the corresponding "Feedback" Forum sections. Thanks