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Feedback Wanted: Site Conflict Adjustments (3.2)

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Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
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so hello everyone i know the ptr is now over and my feedback is probably a bit too late but i would like to add my views on this to potentialy give even more things for the developers to work with so now without further hold ups ill be speaking about gate related pvp and the adrenalin system

Ptr adrenalin changes: this is probably one of the most controvencial takes in this feedback i think the current adrenalin change where attackers cant give status effects to other attackers is a good thing since it makes people think twice about misusing the adrenalin system (need to decide betwene reduced damage or status effects) but ill try to say why a bit later on in this feedback

attacking should not be free: anothere controvencial take but for the other side i believe attacking a gate should not be completely free i know theres different thread about it but its important for my final new proposition at the end so i would be in favor of adding an item similar to how the supply charge was (once used all members of that clan can attack that gate for free to keep it balanced) but maybe with a red coloration costing around 20k to 30k clan dds my reason for this being cheaper then upgrading a gate is because:

1. attackers arent guaranted to take over a site just for attacking it
2. the defender benefits much more from that site being held by him then the attacker yes attacker might take over the gate and get one phase worth of medals or the defender saves it and keeps on getting more and more fame

class based draining modifier: this one was anothere popular take here and seems it will go through to the next ptr but ill still sumarize it here and give my take on it i like this idea however i dont think it should overwrite the curent gate diference one incase someone wanted that i think it should be a modifier going along these lines for example:

damage dealer: 100% drain rate (rex and carno)
runner: 90% drain rate (coelo and pachy)
all rounder: 80% drain rate (para and centro)
tank: 70% drain rate (brachi and anky)

my idea to improve adrenalin: now its finaly time for what i came up with and i believe this being added along the ideas above would benefit the game and its health or atleast create a decent foundation to build on so my idea is adding passive adrenalin buff this is a status effect based on curent adrenalin which could fix the curent afk draining problem in a fair way to both sides heres how it works those affected by this effect take 2x reduced damage instead of 4x and have 50% reduced drain and repair rate (so for example going from 150 drain rate to 75 and so on) before you all try to kill me let me explain the conditions for this to apply

so this effect would take place if two main conditions are met first is if a player with the defender status is present in the site radious and second is if the attacker or defender are not actively fighting basicaly transforming their powerful buff to a weaker version unless they are actively fighting back this effect would not get applied if either of these conditions is not met punishing absent site holders and promoting active fighting instead of afk draining

and on that note i made one change to this based on the curent ptr where attacker attacking anothere attacker does not count as active fighting meaning both of these attackers would only have the passive adrenalin buff unless they start attacking a valid target (those with neither defender or attacker buff and those with a defender buff) this would not affect defenders since they take full damage regardless of it being active or passive adrenalin (from attackers) and those who may say that the defending aliances could exploit this i do not agree since the second all defenders die or leave the circle passive adrenalin status cant be reaplied but it should not just disapear right away it should still run its course for like 10 seconds just like the normal adrenalin does and while they are alive their friends are more likely to die even if they take the attacker status

this is all for my feedback feel free to ask questions leave your opinions on it or try to help me improve it with your own ideas ill be thankful for all of them and will reply to all of them aswell but i cant promise when that happens im not online all the time


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Apr 29, 2022
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I was thinking for the dynamic drain power across diff dino it would be better to differentiate by the endu speed the rider have in his attribute

Slower speed indicate would mean that the rider is definitely using a tank

Faster speed would indicate the rider is using ceo or pachy or rex

Medium speed would indicate the rider is using Centro or para or carno

So maybe with this implementation people will use endu implant more and use lesser tanky implants resulting in slight nerf on tank dinos....

Also this will create a "pros and cons"
Scenario ... If you use endu implants you die faster but you get decent drain power, if you don't use endu implants you will last longer in the battle but your drain power is impaired. Within this idea hopefully it give a "balanced" conflict phase for all clans 🙏


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Jun 7, 2024
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so hello everyone i know the ptr is now over and my feedback is probably a bit too late but i would like to add my views on this to potentialy give even more things for the developers to work with so now without further hold ups ill be speaking about gate related pvp and the adrenalin system

Ptr adrenalin changes: this is probably one of the most controvencial takes in this feedback i think the current adrenalin change where attackers cant give status effects to other attackers is a good thing since it makes people think twice about misusing the adrenalin system (need to decide betwene reduced damage or status effects) but ill try to say why a bit later on in this feedback

attacking should not be free: anothere controvencial take but for the other side i believe attacking a gate should not be completely free i know theres different thread about it but its important for my final new proposition at the end so i would be in favor of adding an item similar to how the supply charge was (once used all members of that clan can attack that gate for free to keep it balanced) but maybe with a red coloration costing around 20k to 30k clan dds my reason for this being cheaper then upgrading a gate is because:

1. attackers arent guaranted to take over a site just for attacking it
2. the defender benefits much more from that site being held by him then the attacker yes attacker might take over the gate and get one phase worth of medals or the defender saves it and keeps on getting more and more fame

class based draining modifier: this one was anothere popular take here and seems it will go through to the next ptr but ill still sumarize it here and give my take on it i like this idea however i dont think it should overwrite the curent gate diference one incase someone wanted that i think it should be a modifier going along these lines for example:

damage dealer: 100% drain rate (rex and carno)
runner: 90% drain rate (coelo and pachy)
all rounder: 80% drain rate (para and centro)
tank: 70% drain rate (brachi and anky)

my idea to improve adrenalin: now its finaly time for what i came up with and i believe this being added along the ideas above would benefit the game and its health or atleast create a decent foundation to build on so my idea is adding passive adrenalin buff this is a status effect based on curent adrenalin which could fix the curent afk draining problem in a fair way to both sides heres how it works those affected by this effect take 2x reduced damage instead of 4x and have 50% reduced drain and repair rate (so for example going from 150 drain rate to 75 and so on) before you all try to kill me let me explain the conditions for this to apply

so this effect would take place if two main conditions are met first is if a player with the defender status is present in the site radious and second is if the attacker or defender are not actively fighting basicaly transforming their powerful buff to a weaker version unless they are actively fighting back this effect would not get applied if either of these conditions is not met punishing absent site holders and promoting active fighting instead of afk draining

and on that note i made one change to this based on the curent ptr where attacker attacking anothere attacker does not count as active fighting meaning both of these attackers would only have the passive adrenalin buff unless they start attacking a valid target (those with neither defender or attacker buff and those with a defender buff) this would not affect defenders since they take full damage regardless of it being active or passive adrenalin (from attackers) and those who may say that the defending aliances could exploit this i do not agree since the second all defenders die or leave the circle passive adrenalin status cant be reaplied but it should not just disapear right away it should still run its course for like 10 seconds just like the normal adrenalin does and while they are alive their friends are more likely to die even if they take the attacker status

this is all for my feedback feel free to ask questions leave your opinions on it or try to help me improve it with your own ideas ill be thankful for all of them and will reply to all of them aswell but i cant promise when that happens im not online all the time
Rex strongest dino And have high drain rate :D

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Waste of Space
I was thinking for the dynamic drain power across diff dino it would be better to differentiate by the endu speed the rider have in his attribute

Slower speed indicate would mean that the rider is definitely using a tank

Faster speed would indicate the rider is using ceo or pachy or rex

Medium speed would indicate the rider is using Centro or para or carno

So maybe with this implementation people will use endu implant more and use lesser tanky implants resulting in slight nerf on tank dinos....

Also this will create a "pros and cons"
Scenario ... If you use endu implants you die faster but you get decent drain power, if you don't use endu implants you will last longer in the battle but your drain power is impaired. Within this idea hopefully it give a "balanced" conflict phase for all clans 🙏
even through its not my original idea i still feel theres a bit of a issue here since recently i managed to find someone with endu + endu set on a brachi whose endurance was higher then on my carno with endu implant both are maxed lvl so that was very strange to see and obviously it was still very tanky he had 1.9k endu i had 1.8k so in that scenario my carno would drain less then that brachi while being a lot less tanky

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Waste of Space

Rex strongest dino And have high drain rate :D
i see your concern i am not the original autor of this idea but i believe the point was that the harder a dino is to kill the less it should drain if my understanding is corect this means that yeah while rex has by far the greatest damage output in the game and is strongest in that regard its also the weakest in how tanky it is (raw tank) and speed is good but not the fastest either

if we look at the hp stat of a max lvl rex with vita implant we get around 589k hp without vita cloths or something that is around 420k less then that of a brachi imidiatly telling us rexes dps check is very low carno is not much better sitting at around 620k hp once again we can see a pattern here while both of these picks deal great amount of damage their also easy to kill for example a crit of ss first ability with vio and no damage set can deal around 190k damage that is around 33% of the health bar of these two creatures that is why they would drain more since they would die the fastest aswell as far as i can understand it atleast i might be wrong


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Apr 29, 2022
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even through its not my original idea i still feel theres a bit of a issue here since recently i managed to find someone with endu + endu set on a brachi whose endurance was higher then on my carno with endu implant both are maxed lvl so that was very strange to see and obviously it was still very tanky he had 1.9k endu i had 1.8k so in that scenario my carno would drain less then that brachi while being a lot less tanky
You meant your carno had lesser endu than a brachi ?. Hmmm, it's a rare case, tho unless that person really is a triforge master 😅. I request idea of endu... Because if the drain power is according to class dino it might still make tank meta broken..... . I can still see high durability and tolerance to incoming damage while maintaining a decent drain power... And people will once again complain.. people using tanky set and just charging into portal mindlessly....

Because its not the vitality or the HP of the dino that makes it broken, it's the strong shield imp, armor imp and even dodging agility....

So by adjusting drain power of drain according to endu/speed i think the tank meta will be able to feel the full effect of the nerf


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Jun 7, 2024
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i see your concern i am not the original autor of this idea but i believe the point was that the harder a dino is to kill the less it should drain if my understanding is corect this means that yeah while rex has by far the greatest damage output in the game and is strongest in that regard its also the weakest in how tanky it is (raw tank) and speed is good but not the fastest either

if we look at the hp stat of a max lvl rex with vita implant we get around 589k hp without vita cloths or something that is around 420k less then that of a brachi imidiatly telling us rexes dps check is very low carno is not much better sitting at around 620k hp once again we can see a pattern here while both of these picks deal great amount of damage their also easy to kill for example a crit of ss first ability with vio and no damage set can deal around 190k damage that is around 33% of the health bar of these two creatures that is why they would drain more since they would die the fastest aswell as far as i can understand it atleast i might be wrong
Rex have 10x more dmg gatling Rex bite And brachio dead


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Jun 7, 2024
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You meant your carno had lesser endu than a brachi ?. Hmmm, it's a rare case, tho unless that person really is a triforge master 😅. I request idea of endu... Because if the drain power is according to class dino it might still make tank meta broken..... . I can still see high durability and tolerance to incoming damage while maintaining a decent drain power... And people will once again complain.. people using tanky set and just charging into portal mindlessly....

Because its not the vitality or the HP of the dino that makes it broken, it's the strong shield imp, armor imp and even dodging agility....

So by adjusting drain power of drain according to endu/speed i think the tank meta will be able to feel the full effect of the nerf
Coelo pm kits whouldbe the New meta


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Apr 29, 2022
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Coelo pm kits whouldbe the New meta
Welp guess it's up to devs to come up with great idea for the "special traits" for gates and portals to make ceo pm non meta...

Maybe freezer module kind of damage emitting from the portal to cc ceo.. and also Alewx prev idea of portal emitting fear at random duration 🙃

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Waste of Space
Rex have 10x more dmg gatling Rex bite And brachio dead
Alright I’m here again to try and explain the situation and to show of your data is greatly overexaggerated and incorrect I went to great lengths to prove this as precisely as I can so lets just get to it

Conditions of data acquisition: both me and my assistant were using violent damage boosters and neither of us had any damage reduction implants/techs or damage reduction/increase sets all dinos, guns, techs and implants used are on max lvl

Alright let’s do some math now don’t worry I already did it for you so just enjoy reading it and thank you for your time doing so

Base gatling with no techs:

Damage value: 16432 damage

Damage per auto attack: 5340 dmg per hit and 10680 dmg per critical hit

Damage per skill shot: 41652 dmg per hit and 83304 dmg per critical hit

Modifier on skill damage: 780%

Gatling + damage tech

Damage value: 24429 damage

Damage per auto attack: 7939 dmg per hit and 15878 dmg per critical hit

Damage per skill shot: 61924.2 dmg per hit and 123848.4 dmg per critical hit

Modifier on skill damage: 780%

Base rex with no implants:

Strength value: 49943

Damage per auto attack: 16231 dmg per hit and 32462 dmg per critical hit

Damage per skill shot: 64924 dmg per hit and 129848 dmg per critical hit

Bleed damage: 162310 dmg received over the duration of 10 seconds

Modifier on skill damage: 400%

Rex + strength implant

Strength value: 56607

Damage per auto attack: 18397 dmg per hit and 36794 dmg per critical hit

Damage per skill shot: 73588 dmg per hit and 147176 dmg per critical hit

Bleed damage: 183970 dmg received over the duration of 10 seconds

Modifier on skill damage: 400%

Base brachi with no implants:

Strength value: 17148

Damage per auto attack: 5573 dmg per hit and 11146 dmg per critical hit

Damage per skill shot: 39011 dmg per hit and 78022 dmg per critical hit

Modifier on skill damage: 700%

Brachi + strength implant

Strength value: 23812

Damage per auto attack: 7738 dmg per hit and 15476 dmg per critical hit

Damage per skill shot: 54166 dmg per hit and 108332 dmg per critical hit

Modifier on skill damage: 700%

Now that the math session is over we can immediately see that saying rex deals 10 times more damage than brachi is completely wrong base values of rex and brachi in strength are only bit under 3 times more for rex however with strength implants this goes down to around 2.5 times more for rex in terms of skill shot damage their not crazily far away from one another either (remember this is comparing the lowest dmg dino with the highest dmg one) and now that we know this if it wasn’t completely obvious not even Rexes bleed skill criting with the highest damage possible without cloths against a target with 0 damage resistance doesn’t do enough damage to one shot a brachi its only 33% of brachis max hp with a vita implant on (lvl 55 brachi has 103029 vita with the implant on) not to mention brachis full heal gives him back 250000 hp over its duration and thus I end my case damage output needed to do what you say is just not possible


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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New Open PTR starting up in a few minutes:


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New Open PTR starting up in a few minutes:
I am just about to test it but by viewing the changelog it seems that the battlecry is little useless if it lasts only 3 seconds

and anky should deserve some love too


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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I am just about to test it but by viewing the changelog it seems that the battlecry is little useless if it lasts only 3 seconds

and anky should deserve some love too
With EP it runs 7 seconds. The Trex already has a bonus that he can fear without EP. No other dino can give status effects without EP.


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- K a r o l -
I am just about to test it but by viewing the changelog it seems that the battlecry is little useless if it lasts only 3 seconds

and anky should deserve some love too
They should return the internal armor that the ankylosaurus had before the changes.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Can't we make the adrenaline buff to remain only if that player is inside the site but once battlecried out / walked out, the buff expires? If it takes 4 seconds for it to expire that's enough time for a tank to walk right back inside

And afk drainers won't walk back inside, they'll die
But for those who aren't afk they'll walk back inside the site and have their buff


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Can't we make the adrenaline buff to remain only if that player is inside the site but once battlecried out / walked out, the buff expires? If it takes 4 seconds for it to expire that's enough time for a tank to walk right back inside

And afk drainers won't walk back inside, they'll die
But for those who aren't afk they'll walk back inside the site and have their buff
No because that would make the combat to static inside the circle. Just time your attacks to get the adrenaline buff expire in the right time.


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Jun 30, 2020
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From first read.

I don't think that buffing everything to the moon was a good idea.

You seem to forget about Para Dodge's ability. You decreased its cooldown, now it will be the next thing that attackers will use in order to extend their survivability in the circle instead of a Tank class dino. And the next complaints you will read will be about attackers playing passively with Para.

Edit: Right off the bat after reading all those increased cooldowns, Para is imbalanced. The dodge effect to be specific. Overtly OP.
Last edited:


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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From first read.

I don't think that buffing everything to the moon was a good idea.

You seem to forget about Para Dodge's ability. You decreased its cooldown, now it will be the next thing that attackers will use in order to extend their survivability in the circle instead of a Tank class dino. And the next complaints you will read will be about attackers playing passively with Para.

Edit: Right off the bat after reading all those increased cooldowns, Para is imbalanced. The dodge effect to be specific. Overtly OP.
That is why we test it on public ptr, i will check the data afterwards, the last test showed that para was really not that successful and anky too much.

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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because anky has stun effect previously countered with stability implant para skills have no counter


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because anky has stun effect previously countered with stability implant para skills have no counter
wouldn't focus be a counter to dodge? from the description for focus attribute:

A greater focus value means that both your dino and weapon have an improved chance of hitting the target.
in theory at least. i don't see para used enough to really test it.

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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wouldn't focus be a counter to dodge? from the description for focus attribute:

in theory at least. i don't see para used enough to really test it.
Focus is tech that doesn't really work when its put to use tbh


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Feb 1, 2021
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Focus is tech that doesn't really work when its put to use tbh
hmm fair enough. i wonder if it could be buffed a bit? i know stability didn't really work for a very long time. i wonder if they could give focus the same treatment they gave stability, albeit to a lesser extent maybe so it's not op like stability has been.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
From first read.

I don't think that buffing everything to the moon was a good idea.

You seem to forget about Para Dodge's ability. You decreased its cooldown, now it will be the next thing that attackers will use in order to extend their survivability in the circle instead of a Tank class dino. And the next complaints you will read will be about attackers playing passively with Para.

Edit: Right off the bat after reading all those increased cooldowns, Para is imbalanced. The dodge effect to be specific. Overtly OP.
Strongly agree with this about the Para, the dodge skill is OP, whether we use Focus tech or Hammer’s ability, it still feels OP, and now buffing the dino changes nothing about it

Also people here asked to find a solution for the tanks such as Brachi yet everything was buffed and Brachi remained the same as it is, also doesn’t change the fact that tank dinos are OP when it comes to draining and 10 of them are in one site, I don’t think the solution is only about buffing/nerfing dinos or guns but also about the draining/repairing rate.

And even if you kill them they have all the time in the world to come back and you wouldn’t even heal half of what they’ve drained by then.

You said it yourself (devs) it’s now focused on attacker vs site owner (clan vs clan) how do you expect from the defending clan to kill 10 OP tanks in one site (considering that allies HARDLY do anything anymore) while they’re nonstop draining with a fast rate where your repair rate as a defender isn’t nowhere near buying you actual time to save that site?

And if you expect defenders to use rex against 10 tanks then you might as well think twice about this because rex feels like a walking tissue which dies in seconds if these attackers shot you with a skill all at once, so you’re not gonna battlecry anything you are forced to also tank up a little bit so you at least last while trying to defend


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Nov 30, 2021
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I don't understand why nerfed stability, and then nerfed the skills that stability already reduces...


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Nov 30, 2021
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This adrenaline is very strange.

If 2 clans that are attackers and enemies, they can't fight to see who gets the portal...

whoever has the highest drainage fee will win


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Jun 30, 2020
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I don't understand why nerfed stability, and then nerfed the skills that stability already reduces...
Because in case these effect hits the opponent when stability is nerfed, it will be very hard to play against.

A slight nerf to those skills were needed.


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Feb 1, 2021
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Not on eu1 yes, on some other servers there’s more than one attacker clan and they’re not allies, so they need to fight each other but they can’t anyway, I think that’s his point
yes, this happened to me on am2 this morning. me draining a claim vs a brachi draining a claim. took me like 5 minutes to kill him with two of my clanmates (all 55s with vios) and i thought we had killed him in time for us to get it but the brachi was able to come back again and ended up getting it. very frustrating.
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