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#8 New Map - Maujak Mountains

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Mar 22, 2013
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Danny99s said:
Such a subtle change from the original... and there wasn't any modification notification...well played guys ;)
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Sep 20, 2018
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Santa Claus
-Dxrk Rise-
Fix this error.Now all players who are in a clan with buildings if they click to see who supplied the clan buildings or if they teleport they get duelist even if the building isn not attackedmistake.jpg


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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xx-predator-xx said:
Fix this error.Now all players who are in a clan with buildings if they click to see who supplied the clan buildings or if they teleport they get duelist even if the building isn not attacked
Thanks for the report. Fix is about to be deployed.


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Oct 16, 2015
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When will you add clan boosters for new attributes? :confused:


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Oct 27, 2018
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Mais uma vez Ds iludindo
Eles: Att em Janeiro
Janeiro de 2090

Edy V. Ice

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Nov 16, 2016
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Edy V. Ice
Infested Roses
Janeiro apenas começou, tenha paciência.


New member
Sep 11, 2018
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Does anyone know exactly when the new map comes out? 3 months have passed since they announced the new map, it seems to me a lack of respect towards the players who play and above all buy gold. saying every month that it will come out, but in reality it is three months that we wait.


Jan 24, 2016
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Beloved And Hated
When new map will be added? hmmmmmmmmmmmm? :) :sneaky: ;)


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Nov 3, 2016
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I- NoLimitsArg -I
-Supreme Resistance-
all the expectations of the new map were gone, they did wrong to put the lvl 55 without the map, now we must support all the '' rich '' that buy full 55 killing without stopping, disaster the update :x :x :x


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Sep 11, 2018
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At least for the respect of players, administrators should answer our questions! when does the new map come out?


Jan 24, 2016
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Beloved And Hated
Shame on you all : game masters, administrators and all who work under this game!


New member
Oct 11, 2016
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all of u people say. why the map dont come yet, why is it taking so long to come out. try to create a game for ur self and then release it without even fixing a bug or some issues. even the devs says they will release it after the xmass event. they also need to balance all things in game gun,dino etc. so dont be mad guys. but they really need to update the new map now hehhehehhehe :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


New member
Nov 14, 2018
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Hey there,

Everyone got told from DEVS that a NEW MAP was going to be released, and the announcement took place in August 2018..

As I remember correctly, and I quote ''The current timeplan shows that the release window will be on Autumn 2018''.

The Autumn started on September 23rd and ended on December 21st, and since latish September that Dino Storm players got hyped, because it could be anytime, inside of that period of time. So it was just a matter of time...

We had Halloween event, that happened since October 18 to November 04, so it would fit perfectly for the NEW MAP to be released after the Halloween.


After the Halloween event, 0 information, expectations were diluted, everyone was just ready for it, including me. But a big NO hit all of US.

Few weeks after the Halloween event, BLACK FRIDAY SALES from November 23rd to November 25th. We were going towards the end of Autumn (almost a month from the end), so we though ''THIS IS IT, IT'S AFTER THE SALES, IT'S GOT TO BE IT and second big NO hit us again. We had to wait again for additional info.

Later on, we got this message ''We actually had planned to release the new map in early December, but due to a nasty low level issue in the event system regarding the weapon balancing/timing we decided it would be best to postpone the update to January.. Turns today 1 MONTH since we got this message. Still nothing, no infos, no clues.

Why make a promisse that you can't keep it? I understand that it must be hard to make new stuff, but we don't need FAKE promisses. We would apreciate if 1 week before the actual update, you would announce to US, after you have everything ready. But this is not the only MAJOR PROBLEM.

MAJOR PROBLEM apart from UNPROMISSES - The realeasing of the new levels and consequently be allowed to BUY everything lvl 55. How fair is it, for the players that don't have the money to spend. I'm not talking about 10€ or 20€ (because on the DS world, 20€ is a small change), I'm talking about hundreads Euros or Dollars or Real (Brazil) to buy a full 55 set of Dino + 4 CORE IMPLANTS + Weapon + 4 CORE TECH.
So should we ''pay'' the PRICE of not spending exorbitant amounts of money, buy allowing other players to do it so, being unable to do anything against???!! And don't even DARE to tell me (US) ''Just buy everything lvl 55 and you're equal to others full 55''. Because that's not a thing. Don't you even....
Do you know what I am thinking?? I'm thinking that DS is waiting to get PROFIT, by delaying stuff so that they can make easy money, tuning players anxious, waiting for months for stuff, and ending up buying everything lvl 55, spending hundreads of Euros / Dollars / Real. When you fill your pockets, DS release the ''NEW UPDATE'', saying sorry and all....

I play the game since October 14, 2012, not October 2018. I know on what I'm talking about. You're not dealing with a rookie that says ''YES'' all the time.

21 days till the last day ofJanuary 2019. Is it going to be this month? First 3 months? This semester? This year?

Without further discussion



New member
Jan 7, 2019
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- THE ROCK - said:
Hey there,

Everyone got told from DEVS that a NEW MAP was going to be released, and the announcement took place in August 2018..

As I remember correctly, and I quote ''The current timeplan shows that the release window will be on Autumn 2018''.

The Autumn started on September 23rd and ended on December 21st, and since latish September that Dino Storm players got hyped, because it could be anytime, inside of that period of time. So it was just a matter of time...

We had Halloween event, that happened since October 18 to November 04, so it would fit perfectly for the NEW MAP to be released after the Halloween.


After the Halloween event, 0 information, expectations were diluted, everyone was just ready for it, including me. But a big NO hit all of US.

Few weeks after the Halloween event, BLACK FRIDAY SALES from November 23rd to November 25th. We were going towards the end of Autumn (almost a month from the end), so we though ''THIS IS IT, IT'S AFTER THE SALES, IT'S GOT TO BE IT and second big NO hit us again. We had to wait again for additional info.

Later on, we got this message ''We actually had planned to release the new map in early December, but due to a nasty low level issue in the event system regarding the weapon balancing/timing we decided it would be best to postpone the update to January.. Turns today 1 MONTH since we got this message. Still nothing, no infos, no clues.

Why make a promisse that you can't keep it? I understand that it must be hard to make new stuff, but we don't need FAKE promisses. We would apreciate if 1 week before the actual update, you would announce to US, after you have everything ready. But this is not the only MAJOR PROBLEM.

MAJOR PROBLEM apart from UNPROMISSES - The realeasing of the new levels and consequently be allowed to BUY everything lvl 55. How fair is it, for the players that don't have the money to spend. I'm not talking about 10€ or 20€ (because on the DS world, 20€ is a small change), I'm talking about hundreads Euros or Dollars or Real (Brazil) to buy a full 55 set of Dino + 4 CORE IMPLANTS + Weapon + 4 CORE TECH.
So should we ''pay'' the PRICE of not spending exorbitant amounts of money, buy allowing other players to do it so, being unable to do anything against???!! And don't even DARE to tell me (US) ''Just buy everything lvl 55 and you're equal to others full 55''. Because that's not a thing. Don't you even....
Do you know what I am thinking?? I'm thinking that DS is waiting to get PROFIT, by delaying stuff so that they can make easy money, tuning players anxious, waiting for months for stuff, and ending up buying everything lvl 55, spending hundreads of Euros / Dollars / Real. When you fill your pockets, DS release the ''NEW UPDATE'', saying sorry and all....

I play the game since October 14, 2012, not October 2018. I know on what I'm talking about. You're not dealing with a rookie that says ''YES'' all the time.

21 days till the last day ofJanuary 2019. Is it going to be this month? First 3 months? This semester? This year?

Without further discussion


Since they released "The Dev Shack # 5" DS has not been the same. . . .


Active member
Aug 2, 2016
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-Olympos of Death-
yeah, i agree with everyone else here. this update was clearly not very well planned and it honestly feels as though the devs are stringing us along and getting money out of the people who couldn't wait to buy 55s. it's incredibly unfair and leaves the game unbalanced. i've been playing ds since 2013 and it feels like the quality of the updates have gone downhill each time. coldclaw valley still suffers from horrible lag and nothing has been done to remedy it. we waited nearly 2 years for the devs to release anky, when they said it would come not long after coldclaw valley. i used to spend a lot of time and other resources on dinostorm, but as time has gone on it feels less and less like an enjoyable game and more a source of frustration.

we were told the map would come out in fall. the fall has come and gone. the event has come and gone. you should have waited until the map was ready to release the levels, because now money players have an extreme advantage, and it's not realistic or fair to expect your playerbase to fork out hundreds of dollars in hard earned money because the devs didn't stick to their timeline. you're punishing players for your mistakes. i sincerely hope the devs and the gms figure out some form of compensation because this is honestly ridiculous. everytime i play ds i see fewer and fewer people and i've heard so many complaints from people who've played this game since the near beginning. you are alienating the people who've supported you from the beginning because you want to make money.


New member
Jan 7, 2019
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yeah, DS is no longer the same since they released "The Dev Shack #05". . . .


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Jul 7, 2015
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-Frigg- said:
yeah, i agree with everyone else here. this update was clearly not very well planned and it honestly feels as though the devs are stringing us along and getting money out of the people who couldn't wait to buy 55s. it's incredibly unfair and leaves the game unbalanced. i've been playing ds since 2013 and it feels like the quality of the updates have gone downhill each time. coldclaw valley still suffers from horrible lag and nothing has been done to remedy it. we waited nearly 2 years for the devs to release anky, when they said it would come not long after coldclaw valley. i used to spend a lot of time and other resources on dinostorm, but as time has gone on it feels less and less like an enjoyable game and more a source of frustration.

we were told the map would come out in fall. the fall has come and gone. the event has come and gone. you should have waited until the map was ready to release the levels, because now money players have an extreme advantage, and it's not realistic or fair to expect your playerbase to fork out hundreds of dollars in hard earned money because the devs didn't stick to their timeline. you're punishing players for your mistakes. i sincerely hope the devs and the gms figure out some form of compensation because this is honestly ridiculous. everytime i play ds i see fewer and fewer people and i've heard so many complaints from people who've played this game since the near beginning. you are alienating the people who've supported you from the beginning because you want to make money.
Well then people should not spend money to protest the situtation, simple as this. For me 1 euro=6 liras unfortunately i cannot buy fully lvl 55 set.


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Jul 7, 2015
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- THE ROCK - said:
Hey there,

Everyone got told from DEVS that a NEW MAP was going to be released, and the announcement took place in August 2018..

As I remember correctly, and I quote ''The current timeplan shows that the release window will be on Autumn 2018''.

The Autumn started on September 23rd and ended on December 21st, and since latish September that Dino Storm players got hyped, because it could be anytime, inside of that period of time. So it was just a matter of time...

We had Halloween event, that happened since October 18 to November 04, so it would fit perfectly for the NEW MAP to be released after the Halloween.


After the Halloween event, 0 information, expectations were diluted, everyone was just ready for it, including me. But a big NO hit all of US.

Few weeks after the Halloween event, BLACK FRIDAY SALES from November 23rd to November 25th. We were going towards the end of Autumn (almost a month from the end), so we though ''THIS IS IT, IT'S AFTER THE SALES, IT'S GOT TO BE IT and second big NO hit us again. We had to wait again for additional info.

Later on, we got this message ''We actually had planned to release the new map in early December, but due to a nasty low level issue in the event system regarding the weapon balancing/timing we decided it would be best to postpone the update to January.. Turns today 1 MONTH since we got this message. Still nothing, no infos, no clues.

Why make a promisse that you can't keep it? I understand that it must be hard to make new stuff, but we don't need FAKE promisses. We would apreciate if 1 week before the actual update, you would announce to US, after you have everything ready. But this is not the only MAJOR PROBLEM.

MAJOR PROBLEM apart from UNPROMISSES - The realeasing of the new levels and consequently be allowed to BUY everything lvl 55. How fair is it, for the players that don't have the money to spend. I'm not talking about 10€ or 20€ (because on the DS world, 20€ is a small change), I'm talking about hundreads Euros or Dollars or Real (Brazil) to buy a full 55 set of Dino + 4 CORE IMPLANTS + Weapon + 4 CORE TECH.
So should we ''pay'' the PRICE of not spending exorbitant amounts of money, buy allowing other players to do it so, being unable to do anything against???!! And don't even DARE to tell me (US) ''Just buy everything lvl 55 and you're equal to others full 55''. Because that's not a thing. Don't you even....
Do you know what I am thinking?? I'm thinking that DS is waiting to get PROFIT, by delaying stuff so that they can make easy money, tuning players anxious, waiting for months for stuff, and ending up buying everything lvl 55, spending hundreads of Euros / Dollars / Real. When you fill your pockets, DS release the ''NEW UPDATE'', saying sorry and all....

I play the game since October 14, 2012, not October 2018. I know on what I'm talking about. You're not dealing with a rookie that says ''YES'' all the time.

21 days till the last day ofJanuary 2019. Is it going to be this month? First 3 months? This semester? This year?

Without further discussion

i totally agree with you.

Rega Aliu

Active member
Dec 20, 2015
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I see many players complaining about the game, updates and the developers. I agree with all those words. I started DS in 2013, almost 6 years since i play and the changes the game got since then are really huge. In 2013 you didnt even need money, everything was pretty easy and more fun at same time. Those days i saw DS as my favourite game and the best one i ever played. But after the release of Green Volcano in 2014, thats where the problems started cause after that, you needed alot of gold coins for anything and the only way to get gold coins was through real money (since they removed later in 2013 option of missions giving you as reward 3 gold coins for every mission you completed and there was no limit). Even the elections became harder due to the gold coins part, cause with gold coins you can buy almost EVERYTHING in the game, which is a little unfair cause as i said, need to pay real money. In the big update in 2016 they brought back option of missions rewarding you with gold coins but the problem is that group missions give 1 or 2 coins, not 3 and the reward has a limit, when you finish helping you dont get coins anymore and thats another unfair part. Please keep in mind that this game is not a 18+ game, there are also players who dont pay money to the game, how do you think they will reach their goals in game if you make the game harder than it is ? No one is going to help them if they dont pay money cause not all are good players who would help them.
In your last update, im glad you changed the upgrade system by decreasing the number of items needed for upgrade, but at the same time is still hard to hunt cause the animals in map are in every lvl, while in past they had only 1 lvl and with 1 lvl it was way better.
What was the point of adding lvl 55 max lvl without the new map ? I get it, you wanted to make the game ready for the new map but like, players need to do lvl 40-44 missions and after each lvl up, those missions reward (XP) gets lower and they cant do same missions everyday, players want new ones. Now lets talk about players who dont pay money, lets say they reached lvl 55, how will they be able to buy new items lvl 50 with new gem stones or be able to upgrade them ? Items cant be find in any of the maps, they need the new map to hunt for items and they dont pay money to the game so they cant buy them either.
I left the game last year due to these reasons, i cant enjoy the game anymore, game is not fun anymore and you need money for 99% of the things you do in game (lvl up, upgrades, flash sales items, supplies, elections, sheriff, t-rex etc).
I am really sorry to say this cause as i said, this game used to be my favorite and now... well, i cant play like this. The only thing which brought back some players was the new dinosaur ankylosaurus. Everyone tried it and they loved it, its a awesome dino and fun to play with but like, if you focused more on adding new dinos than adding new maps and other updates, the game would be more popular now, the name says it its self "dino storm", it should be more about the dinos, not new maps, cause if you add more dinos, players will be able to try new stuff and will enjoy it. I know it might take a pretty long time adding new dinos but is better than these new maps, players will get bored everyday using the same dinos and other items, hunting all day to get items to upgrade them.
Please think about it, turn the game to what it was in 2013, one of the best games someone ever played. I know you cant turn the game exactly how it was in 2013 but at least just try to make it look like we still playing that old version, the best version. We dont need new maps to make the game fun, we need a easy game to make it fun. Whats point of playing if you need money for everything ?


New member
Aug 17, 2018
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People keep wasting +600 euros on buying new stuff , Splitscreen won't change.

Someone might say: we should all stop playing this at once.

Other would answer: those who have bought lv 50-55 will continue without any kind of consideration, and that's pretty unfair.

Basically this game is broken and devs surely know it.


Jan 24, 2016
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Beloved And Hated
Administrators, you dont have a 5-10 minutes to check forum????? . All developers sick or what? People wanted to know, where information about update?


New member
Oct 31, 2018
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Im sorry because I ask but i really want to know when the new map will done and apparance because so many players want to see map and make mission and more :oops: and please can put on missions with more gold i can't make just 1 or 2 it's very small and please make something,we can't wait so many times/weeks/months/years :eek: because this game probably will be lost many players or stop playing for some reasons.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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hey everyone, the plan is still to release the map on january. The upcoming week will be used to balance the weapons with the timing issue resolved. The fix is already on the testserver and hopefully it will resolve a lot of the combat timing issues. When everything turns out well we will deploy the map the week after. We keep you updated. :)


New member
Jan 7, 2019
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finally, thank you very much for giving a sign that the map is not dead
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