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#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)

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Jan 23, 2021
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quicker voltz
Care to explain it more why you feel that?

The period is server time based. So it varies per region (EU, US, Asia) We plan to put the 4 hours around the usual peak times where users are online. Lets say between 17-21:00 as an example.

Players will not need to pick it up manually anymore. It will be done automatically when the transfer phase has ended. Check out the infographic where the purple arrow is :)
it would be nice if server times conflict with each other so other server players can shu to their servers and not affect the people who are focused/have been in that server since the dawn of time as servers are raided especially for eu server people and am1-am2,am5


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
In my eyes it would ruin the gameplay, why not just change the value of the supps and leave the rest as it is and focus on making something else better, like bugs and such:?::unsure:
the game is already ruined, if we vacate in the current system, there is no chance that a clan excluded from an alliance can win anything. the alliances that dominate marginalize other players at their discretion and will due to child problems... it's not fair, the new system seems great to me.


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Mar 30, 2020
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Maybe we will have an item from the silver crown store that lets us attack but I doubt that this would be good.
I don't think so, remember that now we will have a new shop for clans, so we can expect new pvp elements in the future.


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Jan 4, 2022
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I think it would be interesting if this 4 hour window to attack a building varied from building to building or according to the map


Sep 30, 2021
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- Little Nightmare -
well, let's wait the PTR then, when it will open?


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Jan 23, 2021
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quicker voltz
what if a site isnt supplied during regular status phase and gets white will we able to takeover without being in the transfer phase


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Jan 4, 2022
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I think it would be interesting if this 4 hour window to attack a building varied from building to building or according to the map
Or the Building could give some kind of "error" where the window time would be increased or changed, these errors would have a small chance of happening but that probability would increase every time more Based on the time that that building was in the hands of the same clan, the supply gels would serve to reduce this probability to have a more stable control but eventually the errors They would increase again, creating a new window to attack or increasing the attack time, I think that way we would have some freedom to attack and it would be more difficult to defend for a long time as eventually the building would become increasingly susceptible to attack


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Jan 23, 2021
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quicker voltz
In my opinion the time for the attack window should be randomized, in order for smaller clans to have the element of surprise.
well how can it be "Strategized " if the smaller clans even wont know the randomized time i mean it would be same for both side regardless dont see the point doing wars at 3am server time
Also this way players from different timezones can participate in the war, not always the ones that are active during the same timeframe.
this again promotes inter server wars which promotes imbalance as one server can help other and other can help them and this incase will still make the people who have more other server in their alliances chances to win especially if during the night time of server after midnight so just incase xD

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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what if a site isnt supplied during regular status phase and gets white will we able to takeover without being in the transfer phase
As far as i figured site is not going below 100% unless its vulnerable phase time.


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Apr 12, 2023
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Italian Aces
No idea how to feel about this idea tbh
I hope this is one of those situations where the execution is better than written on paper and adjustments will be made and changed for the better as it goes
May 26, 2023
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-Folkung MS-
Estos cambios me gustan permite a los clanes pequeños pero muy activos poder también conseguir recursos si se organizan correctamente, tengo una pregunta si varios clanes drenan 1 edificio este baja mas rápido de % para atacante organizados con alianzas aplican esta estrategia para drenar mas rápido que quedarse el portal sigue quedándoselo el que mas tiempo dreno ?

-l- I N V E J A -l-

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Nov 9, 2022
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x M A S T E R .
so in case this update is to give a chance to small clans, and enemy clans that can't get the map of the clans that are dominating the maps, to have a chance to have fame?

and a doubt, when are they going to put new colors on clothes and plus skin?


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Jan 23, 2021
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quicker voltz
the game is already ruined, if we vacate in the current system, there is no chance that a clan excluded from an alliance can win anything. the alliances that dominate marginalize other players at their discretion and will due to child problems... it's not fair, the new system seems great to me.
i would like to believe this but i would also like 2019 game stats graph and then 2022/23 game stats in terms of player base and then we shall lead our conclusions p-p


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Jul 26, 2022
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I honestly was expecting something more ''simple'' with mechanics that would allow attackers to compete with defenders without having such a radical change.
for example:

-The more portals a clan has, the more frequent mob attacks should be.

-Being able to steal fame from portals, without the need to completely drain them. (since it is difficult to drain portals at 0%, especially if there are few attackers).

-Increase the drain percentage of a portal.

-The attacked portal will only return to its normal ''green'' state if at least one defender has been healing for some time.

-Attacked portals continue to produce fame, not as much as if they were in a normal state, of course. (but this would help the attackers to keep stealing fame during the attack of the map, otherwise, on the first portal attacked or even before the attack starts, the defenders would simply collect the fame of the whole map and thus the attackers would have nothing and would waste time and money, as is currently the case).

-Being able to revive in attacked portals. The normal time to revive in a ''green'' portal is 15 seconds, in a red portal the time would increase to 45 seconds, just revive. (during wars, attackers are the ones who die the most, and in a completely attacked map, they are forced to revive in another map, or in dinoville, making them give up faster etc...)

-Recovery Kits. (It's hard enough to take on Dominants, and it gets even harder when players keep using recovery kits every 5 seconds after they die.)

-Maps like Maujak and CCV are difficult to attack, as they are expensive to revive and teleport and contain the highest concentration of active players (the dominant ones). Therefore, fame production on these maps should be lower or be attacked more often by mobs.

the problem has always been attackers not being able to make attacks efficiently due to gameplay limitations.
if a defending clan wants to have a map 24h they have to take care of the map for 24h.
and I believe that having a limit to attack, will not solve much, because that will make the defenders never get tired.
war has no time limit.


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Jun 7, 2016
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- Eternal -
Later there is an additional mechanic planned that will make dinoville take buildings from the clans to match the server population so that it still remains interessting.
If servers share the period of time when the Transfer Phase happens it would also lead to a higher amount of Dinoville buildings. No idea how that could affect things without testing, but at first glance it doesn't seem very fun to have little player owned buildings. Would they still be available to take over the next day or would they remain in a "neutral" state until more players become active on a server during the following weeks?


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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No idea how to feel about this idea tbh
I hope this is one of those situations where the execution is better than written on paper and adjustments will be made and changed for the better as it goes
you could elaborate on what your fear is that might turn out so badly.

-l- I N V E J A -l-

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Nov 9, 2022
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x M A S T E R .
esse tipo de hypa atualiza em 1 semana, e depois tudo volta ao normal, onde os clans que dominam os servidores continuam dominando, e os inimigos que não dominam ficam offline

-l- I N V E J A -l-

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Nov 9, 2022
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x M A S T E R .
this kind of hypa update in 1 week, and then everything goes back to normal, where the clans that dominate the servers continue to dominate, and the enemies that don't dominate are offline


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Jun 30, 2020
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All buildings in all zones will have a daily synchronized 4-hour transfer phase where they are open for takeovers.

Now I know when the attackers are going to show up and attack my buildings, all I have to do is prepare my alliance, which is an army of 60+ people everyday to defend.

The proposed idea still does not make the situation any better for an attacker. Additionally, you take away the freedom of attack and shorten it to 4 hours every 24 hours. It's an absolutely bad idea IMO. Too much limitation is not good for anyone. I am saying that as a defender who owns 2 full maps in the most active server.

  • Supply packs will cost Clan Dollars instead of Gold Coins.
  • Yield will start at a new minimum level once a building is held by a new owner; it can then be upgraded to higher tiers using supply packs. (Yield will not change randomly anymore.)
I like those proposed points.

However, at this point, we are spamming, but we absolutely need an improvement in terms of DDs for level 55. It is near impossible to farm what we consume in the war currently

Defending and attacking is only possible within a set 4-hour phase each day.

Already stated reason why this idea should not move forward.

If one defender is in the building area the building status will fill up again at a fixed rate which is lower than the draining rate.
I like that actually, it's turning things into Capture Points.

And what are the players that play at less conventional hours supposed to do? They were incredibly valuable to both the attackers and defenders, now they would have been robbed of the opportunity to actually play the game.

This idea removes the freedom to attack here.

-l- I N V E J A -l-

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Nov 9, 2022
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x M A S T E R .
a while ago I gave ideas here on the forum, about new dinos, renewing the colors of the plus, also other players gave ideas for exclusive maps for levels 55 to farm 4x, but all I see is you ignoring these types of ideas, modify mechanics that already exist, the mechanics that already exist become buggy, and difficult to understand them, but they don't put new things, except skins, because even in events it's all the same every year, this update will be 1 week with many players playing to enjoy it, soon after it will return to normal, where players who are in enemy clans will simply be offline, because their clan was not strong enough to dominate the servers, not even with an update that would facilitate them.


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Dec 5, 2015
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well how can it be "Strategized " if the smaller clans even wont know the randomized time i mean it would be same for both side regardless dont see the point doing wars at 3am server time

this again promotes inter server wars which promotes imbalance as one server can help other and other can help them and this incase will still make the people who have more other server in their alliances chances to win especially if during the night time of server after midnight so just incase xD
It can be strategised by the members of the attacker clan who are constantly looking at the building waiting for it to be available for attack.

And just because it is randomized or not at the same time every day, the servers can still be syncronized so that the attack window starts at the same time on all servers regardless of server time.


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Oct 31, 2020
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- Ascended Amour -

Howdy, fellow rangers!

We are happy to see that the part 2 update revolving around the town hall mechanics has been well received so far. Now after the election period which ended last weekend, the town hall seats scaling is completely based on the real numbers calculated from server activity. Previous election periods had still benefited from a seat count head start that we gave all servers when the update went live, resulting in an expanded number of seats which saw a gradual decline up to the current election period.

In the meantime, we were working on Part 3 of the Endgame concept which is centered around the game’s sites (aka buildings) for gaining fame. It is the most complex of our updates because it has a direct impact on gameplay that you're all very familiar with, but should still contain solutions and improvements in line with the goals we've set out as developers. A tricky beast for sure which took us quite a few iterations on various ideas and concepts until we finally reached a point where we feel that we can share something with you. The design concept is still a rather early draft that we want to improve upon based on your feedback. So, let us give you an overview of what is planned so far:

Main Goals:
  • Allow smaller clans to be able to get access to buildings’ fame items without the need to be part of a large alliance.
  • Improve the gameplay around buildings for both defenders and attackers. A key goal is to make it easier for attackers to be successful.

Concept Summary:
Todos los edificios en todas las zonas tendrán una fase de transferencia diaria sincronizada de 4 horas donde están abiertos para adquisiciones. Las adquisiciones exitosas pasarán automáticamente el edificio al atacante. Solo puede haber una adquisición exitosa para un edificio determinado durante la fase de transferencia de 4 horas, lo que significa que si tiene éxito en la adquisición de un edificio, estará seguro hasta la fase de transferencia del día siguiente. Los elementos producidos por los edificios se entregan automáticamente al clan que posee el edificio en el momento en que finaliza la fase de transferencia.

View attachment 46326

Cambios notables del concepto:
  • Los paquetes de suministros costarán dólares de clan en lugar de monedas de oro.
  • El rendimiento comenzará en un nuevo nivel mínimo una vez que un nuevo propietario posea un edificio; luego se puede actualizar a niveles más altos usando paquetes de suministros. (El rendimiento ya no cambiará aleatoriamente).
  • Defender y atacar solo es posible dentro de una fase establecida de 4 horas cada día.
  • Ya no se recolectan elementos de fama manualmente de los edificios, en su lugar, los elementos se recopilan automáticamente una vez al día.
  • Construir cambios de ataque/defensa
    • Si al menos un atacante está en el área del edificio, hará que el edificio se drene a una tasa fija.
    • Si un defensor está en el área de construcción, el estado del edificio se llenará nuevamente a una tasa fija que es más baja que la tasa de drenaje.
    • En el caso de que varios clanes participen en el mismo ataque, el clan con más "tiempo de drenaje" obtiene el edificio.
    • Atacar un edificio ya no requiere el uso de ningún elemento.

Tratamos de mantener ciertos elementos tal como están en los servidores en vivo, pero ajustamos aspectos importantes para cambiar la forma en que se abordarán los sitios/edificios en el futuro. Esto nos permitirá brindarle la actualización mucho antes que algo que cambie por completo el sistema central.
Planeamos hacer una prueba pública de RPP con un mapa abierto para peleas alrededor de los edificios también, así que puedes unirte para un acceso temprano y una ronda de comentarios para ayudarnos a dar forma a la actualización.

Si bien los cambios anteriores se aplican tanto a Travel Gates como a Claims, también está planeado tener un juego adicional y especial para los edificios de Claim como una actualización de seguimiento posterior que se desarrollará de manera diferente a la lucha en torno a Travel Gates.

Háganos saber lo que piensa sobre este concepto y cómo cree que cambiará la jugabilidad.

View attachment 46327
No estoy

Howdy, fellow rangers!

We are happy to see that the part 2 update revolving around the town hall mechanics has been well received so far. Now after the election period which ended last weekend, the town hall seats scaling is completely based on the real numbers calculated from server activity. Previous election periods had still benefited from a seat count head start that we gave all servers when the update went live, resulting in an expanded number of seats which saw a gradual decline up to the current election period.

In the meantime, we were working on Part 3 of the Endgame concept which is centered around the game’s sites (aka buildings) for gaining fame. It is the most complex of our updates because it has a direct impact on gameplay that you're all very familiar with, but should still contain solutions and improvements in line with the goals we've set out as developers. A tricky beast for sure which took us quite a few iterations on various ideas and concepts until we finally reached a point where we feel that we can share something with you. The design concept is still a rather early draft that we want to improve upon based on your feedback. So, let us give you an overview of what is planned so far:

Main Goals:
  • Allow smaller clans to be able to get access to buildings’ fame items without the need to be part of a large alliance.
  • Improve the gameplay around buildings for both defenders and attackers. A key goal is to make it easier for attackers to be successful.

Concept Summary:
All buildings in all zones will have a daily synchronized 4-hour transfer phase where they are open for takeovers. Successful takeovers will automatically pass on the building to the attacker. There can only be one successful takeover for a given building during the 4-hour transfer phase, which means that if you succeed in the takeover of a building, it will be safe until the next day’s transfer phase. The items produced by the buildings are automatically given to the clan who owns the building by the time that the transfer phase is ending.

View attachment 46326

Notable changes from the concept:
  • Supply packs will cost Clan Dollars instead of Gold Coins.
  • Yield will start at a new minimum level once a building is held by a new owner; it can then be upgraded to higher tiers using supply packs. (Yield will not change randomly anymore.)
  • Defending and attacking is only possible within a set 4-hour phase each day.
  • No manual fame item collection from buildings anymore, instead items are collected automatically once per day.
  • Building attack/defense changes
    • If at least one attacker is in the building area it will cause the building to be drained at a fixed rate.
    • If one defender is in the building area the building status will fill up again at a fixed rate which is lower than the draining rate.
    • In the case of multiple clans participating in the same attack, the clan with the most “draining time” gets the building.
    • Attacking a building no longer requires any items to be used.

We tried to keep certain elements as they are on live servers, but adjust important aspects to change how sites/buildings will be approached in the future. This will allow us to bring you the update much earlier than something that completely changes the core system.
We plan to make a Public PTR Test with an open map for fights around buildings as well, so you can join for an early access and feedback round to help us shape the update.

While the above changes apply to both Travel Gates and Claims, it's also planned to have additional and special gameplay for the Claim buildings as a later follow-up update which will play out differently than the fight around Travel Gates.

Let us know what you think about this concept and how you think it will change the gameplay.

View attachment 46327
Aunque se vea que puede ser algo diferente y mucho mejor para los clanes pequeños, no me gusta la idea de que sólo se pueda atacar o defender los edificios durante 4 horas en un horario específico. Y si no todos tienen disponibilidad horaria para estar en ese tiempo en el juego? Básicamente sólo serían 4 horas de diversión al día. Nos limitan únicamente a ese tiempo diario en el juego. A menos que, por ejemplo, las 4 horas sean independientes de cada edificio (Por ejemplo, Zarah de ccv a cierta hora, Belmont de ccv en otro horario y así con los otros mapas. Resuelvanme esa duda por favor.


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Apr 12, 2023
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Italian Aces
you could elaborate on what your fear is that might turn out so badly.
I feel like this kind of update takes away the core of what makes DS fun for most of the part - wars, fighting, pvps, ect (we will ignore hunting in this case, because it is more torture than anything); with this feature it doesn't seem that wars will even be beneficial/fun because of the forced time window + the rest of the players who are lvl 50-55 don't have a lot to do until then, which for that time they might be off completely instead - decrease in player base/activity as well? Also the part of strategizing which came with majorly the benefit of time management.
Personally, I think this update is more negative than positive simply for the reason as - there is a lack of content and existing mechanics don't really need tweeking (for now) and since the new election system got implemented, it should be enough revamping for now and needs other things to be taken care of instead. if there were things to do in the free time, especially for those who are lvl 50+, I don't think I'd see this update as much of a problem! Reading replies I'm seeing there is way more deeper thought put into this such as fixing auto clicker and other niche problems with gate claiming, defending, ect, which is good and I'm glad that's happening, but I'm also looking at this on a surface level for now and I don't have the full understanding of the whole concept yet, which is why I am unsure as how to feel as of now


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May 18, 2023
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Il Socrates lI
- Koi Warrios -
Everything is fine except for the purchase of supplies with dino dollars and not with gold, that is very bad, it is better to lower the price but continue using gold coins.


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Sep 26, 2020
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No clan
it would be much simpler to add mechanics that allow attackers to make attacks more efficiently. what are the big disadvantages of attackers?
1- drain and not be able to steal fame.
2- face a huge amount of enemies and have nowhere to revive.
3- single path maps that limit strategies and easily cornered by enemies.
4- attackers die more and lose much more dds.
5- it takes a long time to completely drain a portal, even with 10 attackers in the circle.

the possible solutions:
1- there is the theft of fame, but without the time limit.

2- be able to revive in red portals (only revive and obviously with a longer waiting time.)

3- open paths on maps (something the community has been asking for years).

4-improvement in the dd farm.

5- the more players draining, the faster the portal falls. (the more defenders healing, the faster the portal heals).

obviously there would be more to be implemented and polished for a better balance between attackers and defenders.
but honestly the idea proposed in this dev shack doesn't seem like it will change the situation on the servers, much less be fun.


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Jun 30, 2020
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In fact, whatever you have proposed is still an early draft (meaning that this will not hit the live server for another 2 years at the very least) and I would like you to explore the following idea as a substitution for the 4-hour attack window point that you have mentioned.

Just so to be clear, players have asked that the Supply Charge be available with Dino Dollars, and the ability to improve yield with new items.

Those are good changes.

But the 4-hour window to attack, is a big no. Here's an idea you should iterate.

Consider reducing the number of towers that there is in 1 single map while improving the fame production. (assuming you keep most of the listed ideas in this draft)

This will motivate players to fight for their medals at any time of the day, giving them more freedom.
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