New Events take time to create and right now we are focusing on long term updates to improve the game. Having more than one goal apart from the T-Rex certainly will help to have somthing to fight for.
1. & 2. Yes its planned that you can apply to any office again even when its lower than your current one. Your ranger profie medal shows always the highest rank icon you have earned.
3. Tokens are won only by winning an election in an office. Once a sheriff has been won he must apply for offices again to get more tokens. The t-rex will be purchased with X tokens + gems or gold and once purchased the tokens must be gathered again in case you want a second rex . But there will be more cool stuff that can be optained with tokens
4. The tokens won per position is balanced in a way that it is always better to win higher positions in terms of tokens per months. For example you can expect ~1:100 ratio between the lowest to the sheriff office in terms of token rewards.
Players that are part of the same clan should be able to apply for the same office.
As for the building rewards, they are still planned to work as usual and placed in the clan inventory and the clan must plan how they split them between its members. Sure directly converting them to fame would reduce the need of inventory space

But i might be better to have a system in place that automatically gives the player that picks them up from the buildings the fame?
We have not a time estimate for this yet as the concept is not finished to be able to plan the effort it needs to get finished. For this concept we wanted to involve the community earlier as usual to keep the feedback flowing but that also means it takes more time from the annoucment until the final live release.
Looking through the feedback some points have been noted in the design concept. I might have missed some consens in feedback though. Let me know when that is the case.
Here are a few points changed:
- Players loosing an election will not loose 75% of their invested fame anymore. Instead this will be lowered or even removed completly to support the "step by step closer to the goal" idea even more.
- Appling for an office will cost a lot more dino dollars to accomedate for the reduced fame when loosing an office.
- The dollar price will depend on the ranger level.
- PVP protection price will be changed from fame to dino dollars (by ranger level)
Apart from that I just want to throw in a
very early draft of current iteration about the game buildings. I hope it is easier to get a better overall picuture of the end game mechanics.
Game Buildings
- Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
- Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
- Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
- PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
- PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.