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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
Stealing rewards from a building remains preset for PVP building combat
so players won't be able to steal the portal from other people? or like I didn't understand


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Oct 16, 2015
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But i might be better to have a system in place that automatically gives the player that picks them up from the buildings the fame? :devilish:
Interesting, as i see there are advantages and disadvantages of it.

when i say fame i mean gold from claims and medals from gates

  • players wouldn't need to waste time taking "fame" from clan inventory
  • every player would be able to take "fame" independently from clan leader or right hand, what is one of the goals to make that every player in lower or higher degree would be able to collect fame

  • when "fame" goes to clan inventory, one player which needs fame stays at market and the other one just sells, if making what you asked about would remove this possibility, what isnt good as if player who needs fame would get it to inventory right away would have to go to market several times.
  • right now clans decide who goes for elections and those player who go, they take most of the fame, with this it would be hard to control who takes fame
  • considering point above, in war/fight scenarios it would be hard to manage who from clan should take as sometimes there wouldn't be much time to take it as it could be attacked again.
Possible solutions for disadvantages:
  • having an option to either transfer "fame" to clan inventory or to player's inventory who is collecting the "fame"
  • players who have supplied certain tower, would have option to transfer "fame" from that tower to clan inventory or to its own inventory
  • if "fame" would be transferred to clan inventory, i think it would be fine that only leader or right hand would be able to give it from clan inventory to certain player


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Oct 22, 2020
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But i might be better to have a system in place that automatically gives the player that picks them up from the buildings the fame?
I would like to know if such a system is viable:

The building's rewards will only be possible to be withdrawn by those who supply, by providing a supply package the objects of that installation are automatically moved to the clan's inventory (or better yet, part of these rewards go directly to the inventory of the one who supplied and another part go to the clan).

The rewards will be withdrawn according to the current % of the camp. Example: A portal has 100 medals. If the portal is attacked and zeroed, the attacker will only receive these 100 medals if he supplies up to 100%, if he supplies only 25% he will receive 25 medals, if he supplies 50% he will receive 50 medals and so on. If the portal has 40% and is supplied up to 65%, only 65 medals would be withdrawn.

I believe that this would avoid the situation where an attacker can steal many rewards just by spending 1 supply package, while suppliers will spend much more than that to generate that fame (it would always be advantageous to be a looter, instead of being a facility controller). I know that this requires the purchase of several supplies, so providing alternative ways to buy them must be evaluated, because even in the system you want to deploy the demand for supply packages will be high, rich players will have advantages but the hardworkers must also have their ways of fighting on an equal footing. Getting supplies when hunting or being able to buy with DD can be good alternatives.
PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building
Is it possible for a player to attack the facility together with the PVE attackers?

I'm imagining a situation where I expect the facility to run low on supplies (without interfering, that is, without getting attacker status) and thus join the attack with the facility running out of supplies, killing PVE attackers and stealing the fame quickly. Or simply use them as reinforcement in an attack. 🤔


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Oct 16, 2015
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Game Buildings
  • Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
  • Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
  • Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
  • PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
  • PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.
i like this concept, it reminds me mine idea for clan quests xd
few questions related to it:
  1. pve attack from pvp attack will look similar or no on map? like when players attack tower is outlined with red color, will there be other color for pve attacks?
  2. what will happen if players will join pve attack or you will make that its impossible for players to attack tower when pve attack is going on?
i think pve cooldown after tower is supplied, should last at least like 30-60+ min, to give a break for players after pvp attack and frequency should be like few hours between pve attacks, ofc it would stay that time would get shorter when tower would be held for longer time and having more and better rewards.


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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Is it possible for a player to attack the facility together with the PVE attackers?

I'm imagining a situation where I expect the facility to run low on supplies (without interfering, that is, without getting attacker status) and thus join the attack with the facility running out of supplies, killing PVE attackers and stealing the fame quickly. Or simply use them as reinforcement in an attack. 🤔
by instinct i would say you would have to initiate a regular attack in order to be able to steal anything from the building. just joining the fighting pve units would be to easy and to exploitable.


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Oct 22, 2020
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by instinct i would say you would have to initiate a regular attack in order to be able to steal anything from the building. just joining the fighting pve units would be to easy and to exploitable.
Ok, good xD


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Oct 16, 2015
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so players won't be able to steal the portal from other people? or like I didn't understand
players will be able, just additionally pve bots will be able too i guess


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
suggestion, put this in the PTR when it is available, fame is something complicated and delicate. We will have a better view and knowledge about, when we test


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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I would like to know if such a system is viable:

The building's rewards will only be possible to be withdrawn by those who supply, by providing a supply package the objects of that installation are automatically moved to the clan's inventory (or better yet, part of these rewards go directly to the inventory of the one who supplied and another part go to the clan).
i thought about it too, but then came with other idea which i talked about in reply to highway's concept draft

The rewards will be withdrawn according to the current % of the camp. Example: A portal has 100 medals. If the portal is attacked and zeroed, the attacker will only receive these 100 medals if he supplies up to 100%, if he supplies only 25% he will receive 25 medals, if he supplies 50% he will receive 50 medals and so on. If the portal has 40% and is supplied up to 65%, only 65 medals would be withdrawn.

I believe that this would avoid the situation where an attacker can steal many rewards just by spending 1 supply package, while suppliers will spend much more than that to generate that fame (it would always be advantageous to be a looter, instead of being a facility controller). I know that this requires the purchase of several supplies, so providing alternative ways to buy them must be evaluated, because even in the system you want to deploy the demand for supply packages will be high, rich players will have advantages but the hardworkers must also have their ways of fighting on an equal footing. Getting supplies when hunting or being able to buy with DD can be good alternatives.
i like this suggestion, it would be fair enough between those who steal and who hold towers all the time, but problem could appear when clan who was holding tower for long time and at some time tower would have lets say 30%, he wouldnt be able to collect all the items, but maybe its just minor problem, as if clan decided to hold towers should be prepared for that.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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i like this suggestion, it would be fair enough between those who steal and who hold towers all the time, but problem could appear when clan who was holding tower for long time and at some time tower would have lets say 30%, he wouldnt be able to collect all the items, but maybe its just minor problem, as if clan decided to hold towers should be prepared for that.
I also thought about it, but I believe that by giving new ways to obtain supplies this problem can be solved. Perhaps the purchase of supplies can be done through clan dollars, or for normal dollars but with a reduced amount, so buying for gold would still be the best option but it would not be the only one.

We also have to remember that a clan could not leave a low camp anyway, as now both players and PVE can catch them.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Interesting, as i see there are advantages and disadvantages of it.

when i say fame i mean gold from claims and medals from gates

  • players wouldn't need to waste time taking "fame" from clan inventory
  • every player would be able to take "fame" independently from clan leader or right hand, what is one of the goals to make that every player in lower or higher degree would be able to collect fame

  • when "fame" goes to clan inventory, one player which needs fame stays at market and the other one just sells, if making what you asked about would remove this possibility, what isnt good as if player who needs fame would get it to inventory right away would have to go to market several times.
  • right now clans decide who goes for elections and those player who go, they take most of the fame, with this it would be hard to control who takes fame
  • considering point above, in war/fight scenarios it would be hard to manage who from clan should take as sometimes there wouldn't be much time to take it as it could be attacked again.
Possible solutions for disadvantages:
  • having an option to either transfer "fame" to clan inventory or to player's inventory who is collecting the "fame"
  • players who have supplied certain tower, would have option to transfer "fame" from that tower to clan inventory or to its own inventory
  • if "fame" would be transferred to clan inventory, i think it would be fine that only leader or right hand would be able to give it from clan inventory to certain player
addition to this, players from same clan who havent supplied towers, would be able to transfer fame only to clan inventory


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Jun 30, 2020
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Looking through the feedback some points have been noted in the design concept. I might have missed some consens in feedback though. Let me know when that is the case.
You haven't addressed the part where some information would stay hidden from players, such as the rival clan who's applying in an election and about the fame of players staying hidden.

Those 2 points created such spam in this thread so far.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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(or better yet, part of these rewards go directly to the inventory of the one who supplied and another part go to the clan)
Letting those fame go into clan inventory would seem the best. In war, you won't have the time to call the person who needs those fame and tell him/ her to withdraw from X tower, while that player is at Y location.

The rewards will be withdrawn according to the current % of the camp. Example: A portal has 100 medals. If the portal is attacked and zeroed, the attacker will only receive these 100 medals if he supplies up to 100%, if he supplies only 25% he will receive 25 medals, if he supplies 50% he will receive 50 medals and so on. If the portal has 40% and is supplied up to 65%, only 65 medals would be withdrawn.

This seems the best way to tackle the looter loophole issue.
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
New Events take time to create and right now we are focusing on long term updates to improve the game. Having more than one goal apart from the T-Rex certainly will help to have somthing to fight for.

1. & 2. Yes its planned that you can apply to any office again even when its lower than your current one. Your ranger profie medal shows always the highest rank icon you have earned.

3. Tokens are won only by winning an election in an office. Once a sheriff has been won he must apply for offices again to get more tokens. The t-rex will be purchased with X tokens + gems or gold and once purchased the tokens must be gathered again in case you want a second rex . But there will be more cool stuff that can be optained with tokens ;)

4. The tokens won per position is balanced in a way that it is always better to win higher positions in terms of tokens per months. For example you can expect ~1:100 ratio between the lowest to the sheriff office in terms of token rewards.

Players that are part of the same clan should be able to apply for the same office.

As for the building rewards, they are still planned to work as usual and placed in the clan inventory and the clan must plan how they split them between its members. Sure directly converting them to fame would reduce the need of inventory space ;) But i might be better to have a system in place that automatically gives the player that picks them up from the buildings the fame? :devilish:

We have not a time estimate for this yet as the concept is not finished to be able to plan the effort it needs to get finished. For this concept we wanted to involve the community earlier as usual to keep the feedback flowing but that also means it takes more time from the annoucment until the final live release.

Looking through the feedback some points have been noted in the design concept. I might have missed some consens in feedback though. Let me know when that is the case.
Here are a few points changed:
  • Players loosing an election will not loose 75% of their invested fame anymore. Instead this will be lowered or even removed completly to support the "step by step closer to the goal" idea even more.
  • Appling for an office will cost a lot more dino dollars to accomedate for the reduced fame when loosing an office.
    • The dollar price will depend on the ranger level.
  • PVP protection price will be changed from fame to dino dollars (by ranger level)

Apart from that I just want to throw in a very early draft of current iteration about the game buildings. I hope it is easier to get a better overall picuture of the end game mechanics.

Game Buildings
  • Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
  • Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
  • Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
  • PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
  • PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.
New Events take time to create and right now we are focusing on long term updates to improve the game. Having more than one goal apart from the T-Rex certainly will help to have somthing to fight for.

1. & 2. Yes its planned that you can apply to any office again even when its lower than your current one. Your ranger profie medal shows always the highest rank icon you have earned.

3. Tokens are won only by winning an election in an office. Once a sheriff has been won he must apply for offices again to get more tokens. The t-rex will be purchased with X tokens + gems or gold and once purchased the tokens must be gathered again in case you want a second rex . But there will be more cool stuff that can be optained with tokens ;)

4. The tokens won per position is balanced in a way that it is always better to win higher positions in terms of tokens per months. For example you can expect ~1:100 ratio between the lowest to the sheriff office in terms of token rewards.

Players that are part of the same clan should be able to apply for the same office.

As for the building rewards, they are still planned to work as usual and placed in the clan inventory and the clan must plan how they split them between its members. Sure directly converting them to fame would reduce the need of inventory space ;) But i might be better to have a system in place that automatically gives the player that picks them up from the buildings the fame? :devilish:

We have not a time estimate for this yet as the concept is not finished to be able to plan the effort it needs to get finished. For this concept we wanted to involve the community earlier as usual to keep the feedback flowing but that also means it takes more time from the annoucment until the final live release.

Looking through the feedback some points have been noted in the design concept. I might have missed some consens in feedback though. Let me know when that is the case.
Here are a few points changed:
  • Players loosing an election will not loose 75% of their invested fame anymore. Instead this will be lowered or even removed completly to support the "step by step closer to the goal" idea even more.
  • Appling for an office will cost a lot more dino dollars to accomedate for the reduced fame when loosing an office.
    • The dollar price will depend on the ranger level.
  • PVP protection price will be changed from fame to dino dollars (by ranger level)

Apart from that I just want to throw in a very early draft of current iteration about the game buildings. I hope it is easier to get a better overall picuture of the end game mechanics.

Game Buildings
  • Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
  • Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
  • Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
  • PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
  • PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.
Hello Highway, will we have future public test so that we understand this new mode in practice? What about the Game Guide on this? Will novices who enter the game have the help of this new modality? As the game guide helps us, there could be a special election guide to help new players find the way to glory (T-rex).


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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You haven't addressed the part where some information would stay hidden from players, such as the rival clan who's applying in an election and about the fame of players staying hidden.

Those 2 points created such spam in this thread so far.
same, I would like them to remove it or at least know which player is there.

Another option for me would be a sale in the token store: a spy object that allows to know the amount of fame and which player is in the town hall, I think this mechanic could be a little more interesting, it would also make players spend the tokens.


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
[*]Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
[*]Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
[*]Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
[*]PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
[*]PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.
here Thats kinda cool but u know what?😈
Make dinostorm not only work as daygame...U can put NightTime and have tourches around the maps and cool night stuff and make the pve bandits or stealers of builds to come at night u understand what i mean🔥🔥 that would be even cooler


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Oct 16, 2015
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[*]Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
[*]Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
[*]Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
[*]PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
[*]PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.
here Thats kinda cool but u know what?😈
Make dinostorm not only work as daygame...U can put NightTime and have tourches around the maps and cool night stuff and make the pve bandits or stealers of builds to come at night u understand what i mean🔥🔥 that would be even cooler
it would be nice but let for devs finish endgame, then maps first xd


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Sep 26, 2020
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No clan
same, I would like them to remove it or at least know which player is there.

Another option for me would be a sale in the token store: a spy object that allows to know the amount of fame and which player is in the town hall, I think this mechanic could be a little more interesting, it would also make players spend the tokens.
keeping elections anonymous is a way to prevent large alliances from existing, so you will not be able to easily negotiate which clan will go first, second, third for positions. as it will not be safe to let an "ally" clan produce fame


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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What about the Game Guide on this? Will novices who enter the game have the help of this new modality? As the game guide helps us, there could be a special election guide to help new players find the way to glory (T-rex).
Might be off-topic but yes, they 100% need to write a new game guide for that. The current game guide is still not effective enough to understand until someone had to explain to me how everything works, exactly one year ago.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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keeping elections anonymous is a way to prevent large alliances from existing,
This method completely annihilates the concept of an alliance. And as discussed by many, Once an alliance is dead, the clan of that alliance would regroup in a single clan and still act as an alliance except that they would be in 1 big clan, in contrast, to separate small clans.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Might be off-topic but yes, they 100% need to write a new game guide for that. The current game guide is still not effective enough to understand until someone had to explain to me how everything works, exactly one year ago.
i think it fits to this topic, game guide should be reworked for better or at least basic understanding how things are done in ds with new endgame things


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2020
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No clan
This method completely annihilates the concept of an alliance. And as discussed by many, Once an alliance is dead, the clan of that alliance would regroup in a single clan and still act as an alliance except that they would be in 1 big clan, in contrast, to separate small clans.
one of the objectives of the update is to end Big alliances, obviously there will still be alliances between 2 or 3 clans, or even more, but a bigger alliance will not be advantageous, because the risk of losing the position by the ally itself would be quite large, so it is necessary that the elections are anonymous, so that it will force the clans to go their own way or form small alliances, and in the case of an entire alliance joining a single clan, it will also not be advantageous, as the waiting list would be huge


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Oct 16, 2015
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i think clans would still create alliances in order to help each other protect towers, but reason to not join to one clan would be those which @Galaxy mentioned and in addition player gather to groups which have similar views and goals


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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So far we want to keep the applicants for an office hidden to prevent bullying of the other players to get them out of the game. Showing only a list of the other clans as suggested that run for an office could be an option but then the whole clan would be hunted and not just a single player. :unsure:

But I think with the reduced or removed loss of fame when an application is lost and the multiple offices (~66 offices) to gain tokens on it will get more diverse and each player will get their win sooner or later for an office.


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
New Events take time to create and right now we are focusing on long term updates to improve the game. Having more than one goal apart from the T-Rex certainly will help to have somthing to fight for.

1. & 2. Yes its planned that you can apply to any office again even when its lower than your current one. Your ranger profie medal shows always the highest rank icon you have earned.

3. Tokens are won only by winning an election in an office. Once a sheriff has been won he must apply for offices again to get more tokens. The t-rex will be purchased with X tokens + gems or gold and once purchased the tokens must be gathered again in case you want a second rex . But there will be more cool stuff that can be optained with tokens ;)

4. The tokens won per position is balanced in a way that it is always better to win higher positions in terms of tokens per months. For example you can expect ~1:100 ratio between the lowest to the sheriff office in terms of token rewards.

Players that are part of the same clan should be able to apply for the same office.

As for the building rewards, they are still planned to work as usual and placed in the clan inventory and the clan must plan how they split them between its members. Sure directly converting them to fame would reduce the need of inventory space ;) But i might be better to have a system in place that automatically gives the player that picks them up from the buildings the fame? :devilish:

We have not a time estimate for this yet as the concept is not finished to be able to plan the effort it needs to get finished. For this concept we wanted to involve the community earlier as usual to keep the feedback flowing but that also means it takes more time from the annoucment until the final live release.

Looking through the feedback some points have been noted in the design concept. I might have missed some consens in feedback though. Let me know when that is the case.
Here are a few points changed:
  • Players loosing an election will not loose 75% of their invested fame anymore. Instead this will be lowered or even removed completly to support the "step by step closer to the goal" idea even more.
  • Appling for an office will cost a lot more dino dollars to accomedate for the reduced fame when loosing an office.
    • The dollar price will depend on the ranger level.
  • PVP protection price will be changed from fame to dino dollars (by ranger level)

Apart from that I just want to throw in a very early draft of current iteration about the game buildings. I hope it is easier to get a better overall picuture of the end game mechanics.

Game Buildings
  • Once a building is supplied by a clan after an x minutes cooldown PVE attacks will emerge to claim the rewards from the building.
  • Defended PVE attacks will grant the building with extra reward items based on how many attacks have been defended.
  • Attacks will get more frequent based on the time the building is held and by the amount of rewards that are currently stored in the building.
  • PVE Attackers willl drain the supply of the building when they are inside the building radius.
  • PVE Attacker will steal all items from the building when the have successfully unsuplied the building.
About The fame that the pkayers that goes can ouck also this will cause problem bcz if a low lvl 3-4 go and just gather specialy to the low lvl maps they will get all fame for no reason right i mean in Gold Fields if someone join a clan go 10 lvl and go gather 2-3k medals from a camp the clan will get angry and this is not good +But ...But u can make that only the Rh or the Officer will be abale to do this so the person that the leader and others have chose to win election to be also a person that can gather the gate
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