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#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

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Jun 6, 2014
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Hello, first of all, I hope you #StayHome and safe.

In the last topic of Dev, I posted a list of suggestions for the next updates and since then I've been rethinking some things and decided to update it here as a feedback and suggestions format, so I divided them into categories to make it easier:

Accessibility and dissemination:

* Versions of the game compatible with Linux and MacOS: Linux-based systems (especially in most used systems and variants, such as Ubuntu) are more accessible and require less processing power, which would be more an advantage since the Dino Storm is a light game for current processing standards and is free, which attracts people who cannot invest in machines or paid games, use this accessibility in your favor #OpenSource. Although Apple products have more efficient processing than most products on the market, it is uncomfortable in a multiplatform game world to be forced to use dual system interface for a single game, many years have passed and this expansion may be important for the player base: No more getting locked in Windows.

* Online disclosure: It is nothing new for anyone that the dynamics of occupation of the servers has been different for a long time, many players have left or changed servers, which leaves some of them with an air of abandoned land, especially now that your level determines where you must go hunting, some maps are deserted, except for clan competition. Disclosure on platforms like YouTube have a very positive reach power for the game, create new trailers, redesign the game's website, add Discord compatibility to let our friends know we're playing, or upload the game to Steam, where it it will appear easier for someone who wants a game with dinosaurs. This is your decision, but spread the word, we need to attract new people to the community.


* Option to choose which key will be used for each skill: Especially new players may be familiar with other game methods and having the option to choose the key used for a defined action can make it even easier for old players who have some contact with other games , so let us choose, for sure each player knows what the best way to type and play is for them. For example: Keys for skills, inventory, profile…

* Inventory: Possibility to display items by categories without the need to go to the profile: Evolution items (Ex: toxin cartridge ...), sale items (Ex: Brontops meat ...), combat items ( Ex: supply pack, gels ...) and collectible items (Ex: skins, eggs and Easter spoons ...).

* Purchase, sale and drop of items: 1 Confirmation for the sale of skins and purchase of items with gold coins, except for flash sales since you must act quickly to obtain the item. 2 Impossibility of male characters to buy female items with coins, since they will not be able to use them (Ex: Earrings). 3 Eliminate or reduce the drop of female items for male characters. 4 Reduce the time for sales items like meat and bones to disappear from the map, faster eliminating unused items that would be being processed on the map.

* New skills: We know that it is not easy to develop and add new dinosaurs to the game, especially with the difficulties of managing more than one game as you told us before, however, variability is fundamental in the game and I believe that a new skill for each dinosaur would bring a wider dynamic and possibilities to the DS, my idea is that this third skill has a slightly longer cooldown when compared to common skills, but has unique effects for each dino, which could be an advantage in hunting or pvp when learning to use, I suggest that it will only be usable after level 20, keeping the mechanics simple for beginners and bringing more possibilities when it acquires more experience.

* Income in clan dollars for camps: This idea was exposed before here in the community and I would like to give it a space, it is an interesting way of rewarding the clans since higher the level, higher the expense with recovery, consequently , more spending for the clans on maintaining high level maps, receiving a share of the dino dollars spent is a way of rewarding the clans for the additional effort.

* Recovery in camps: Currently it is possible to recover in any camp as long as you have enough dollars, this creates a problem mainly for high levels, without dino dollars it is a long walk to Maujak Mountains and as the price of teleport is high, items that the player eventually succeeds in Goldfields (attacking targets of low level players) would not allow him to pay for teleportation, taking out a combat player in a clan dispute for example, so I suggest that: 1 Add the free recovery option to the camp more close to the player, paying for all other camps on the map. 2 A small reduction in teleport value when the teleport holder is his own clan.

* Minimum level for equipment purchase: Currently in the game players with conditions to purchase equipment are getting unfair advantages over those who do not buy them, I believe that reducing this disparity is one of the objectives of rebalancing, so I suggest the following: To buy an item with coins must be at least 15 levels below it (Ex: Gatling is unlocked on level 35 missions, so you would need to be at level 20 to buy it with coins. Once unlocked, the item can be purchased in any way regardless of level) .

* Mapping system: The blue footprints count the distance in a straight line to a target, which makes it inefficient in some cases, so my suggestion is to consider the obstacles (the “walls” of the map).

* Clan booster for new attributes that have been released and not added as a clan booster.

* Claws: The impression I have with the claw implant is the same as I have with Apple and the death of the P2 entry: Create a problem to sell a solution. The bandits that attack in a group had already been removed from the game and then put them back in just when Coldclaw Valley was added to the game (coinciding with the launch of the claw implant). If you cannot use this implant for anything other than attacking bandits, please remove it from the game. Yes, I know it works with other players, but it’s just not worth swapping another implant for claws in pvp, so at least removing these bandits that attack in a group would be good (or lessen their damage to the point where it’s possible to kill them normally even when attacked by 2, considering the damage of a veteran bandit).

* Exit of the maps: It is happening that players who have the tyrannosaurus are “pushing” other players with the battle cry back to the map that came while they are still standing on the edge of the map's exit, so I suggest that the maps have exits in S, where players need to walk to the end of that S to leave the map, preventing them from being "pushed".

* Missions: Reduce the time required to consider an player inactive in missions, as this hinders those who are actually doing a group mission.

* Maps: I left it to the end of this category, which I repeat whenever I make suggestions in the forum: Leave the maps open again, they are more fun, dynamic for pvp and with more interesting routes for missions (it's bad to go from point X to Y and back to point X on a “train” mission).


* Warnings: Remove warnings like "clan vs clan" when the mentioned clans are the same, it doesn't make any sense.

* Boosters: Bring them a new design as other items like the supply package have been remodeled.

* Dinos: Add new moves for them, creating a more interesting visual interaction.

* Effect animations: Situations such as shock and freezing do not yet have visual effects.

* Qualities: We are in 2020, with the next generation of consoles coming, new generations of graphics processing coming each year and Dino Storm remains extremely similar graphically over time, this makes the game accessible but uninteresting for those with a more advanced configuration computer, so it would be interesting to work on new qualities for this, especially in shapes, textures and shadows. I am not saying that this should come quickly, but at some point that’s something relevant to the community and the game.

I know that the focus now is on rebalancing, but I decided to leave these suggestions as ideas for the future and to be evaluated by the community, thanks for reading and please give your opinion for more ideas to appear. I’m sorry if my english isn’t clear enough, I’ll still learning, I promise.


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Jun 6, 2014
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View attachment 37112
It does, and description clearly states it
Hi, just come here to say that these descriptions need to be more specific in other languages, in Portuguese (my native language) the description of heat implant it's not clear enough about the function, it's something like "prevents from freezing and other effects", that's confuse...

I don't know if you guys have a native Portuguese speaker on the team, and I know it's not a easy language, so I'll be happy to post a adaptatded translate here if you consider that will be helpful

Another thing: the current Portuguese translation of the game is more on the Portugal style and I'm from Brazil, it's not a problem in most of the time when you're playing, but it's a fact that we have some differences writing.


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Jun 6, 2014
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Look, I'm here again.
now I bring 2 new ideas:
1st: To facilitate the exchange of implants and not waste time searching between the pages, the implants could be grouped into a single implant, and when clicking with the right button, a tab with all implants of the same type would open. but when clicking on the implant and then on the equip, the top level implant would be equipped with the dinosaur (this scheme also applies to dinosaurs, weapons and technology).
2nd: When a portal is attacked, a notification would appear on the screen for all members of the clan that controls the portal, showing the name of the portal being attacked and its percentage.
View attachment 37125
View attachment 37126
I really liked the first idea, because some people have like 4 health implants in different levels, but the second one with the warnings for sure will be a mess! When clans are competing for buildings, almost all the maps are under attacks, and much warnings will be in the screen


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Jun 6, 2014
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I have some questions for the community:

  • Is it currently possible to win a combat using Melee attack? (Dino Strength)

  • If no, would you prefer that melee attack make a comeback? or Ranged attack (Weapon damage only) is good enough for you?

  • And, what would you suggest to improve the gameplay in a way that could make Melee attack possible again?
1 Most of the time, no

2 I think when you're in a dino game with pvp, you want to see the dino in combat, and now we're almost using the weapons and just sitting in dinos, so yes, I want meele attack back again, but in a way to keep possible some type of ranged attack, and that's not easy

3 rework the pvp, on special the tech that give more damage in ranged attack and the lower speed when getting attacked. But consider all the variables around it, like parasaurolophus, it's a dino with meele skills that got a extra with 50% of speed reduction, that right now: 1 can't get more close to a enemy in a easy way (because the weapons don't reduce the enemy's speed) and 2 if can get closer to the enemy, can't have a good use of the reduction of speed because at this point the enemy dino made the parasaurolophus to being in slow speed too...

So it's important to considering this when modifying the skills, for example: giving it a immunization of 1.5 seconds on slow speed in the extra power, so it can get a distance from the enemy and use better the 50% of speed reduction

I'm sure there's more to take in consideration so I'm not saying that it needs to be done like I said, but I wanted to give a "demonstration"

I'm so excited with the rebalancing and please, be more active here, tell us how it's going on, do a screenshot contest, a puzzle or a code hunt for us on the social isolation... we're getting bored stuck in home, you know? XD


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
Servers down AGAIN :rolleyes:


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Apr 30, 2020
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What is Dino Storm, makes the game stay top of good, Poxa lvl 50 killing 55 very easy, not only level 50 as 45 too.. Why that right..


Nov 6, 2019
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- A.r.i.z.o.n.a -
Well, I was thinking about a thing: The best combat time was during the maximum level 45. I mean, it was not necessary to use only violent and luck to kill someone, a level 40 could not cause damage against a maximum level, we could choose the use between melee combat and long distance combat, it was still possible to make use of tyrannosaurus rex because although dinosaurs like coelo and pachy stun, it was not as absurd as today, when comparing videos from ds of that time and now, we can see how the stunning has become incredibly ABSURD, since shield and other implants previously used have become weak, and we have a few seconds delay to return to the attack after being stunned, giving them an advantage and leaving the game .. .well, boring, since the combat has become super fast and the basis of pure luck, we also see only players making use of these 2 dinosaurs in particular and I would like very much that in this process of balance give us the re combat strength of our dinos back. Continuing, the firing of the weapons caused slowness and the aesthetics were so much better than now, and I understand that this was done due to the new technologies and implants placed after the update, but I am sorry to inform, they are not of much use, as they fail, they do not bring reactions that we expected and in the end the overwhelming majority use the same combination as before, which gives us no satisfaction either. I also understand how difficult it is to develop a game and its changes, but I believe that for many, if not most, a fighting style at least equal to what it was at the time of max45, would be pleased again, after all what has been moving the game are wars, and unfortunately they are already hindered by the incredible lag. Well, good luck, and good work.

Guih 154

Apr 21, 2020
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Don Black
On this balance update, can you bring back the old frequency of weapons? The game with this current frequency is very boring, why do you decrease the frequency? In the 2017/2018 season, the game was much more fun didn't depend on luck, but yes the skill of the players, the pvps now are 90% lucky and 10% skill, not counting the damage of the level 40 players / 45 that are taking a lot of life from levels 55. And the dino shield and dino defense? These two were excellent implementers and technicians, after this update they stayed very weak in my opinion. This is just a suggestion for you to know that the Dino Storm was much more fun in the past, and I bet I'm not the only one who thinks like this


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Jun 6, 2014
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I posted a topic with translations adapted for several descriptions of implants / technlogies that were not clear enough, the link is below:

Please include that on the upcoming update.


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Apr 15, 2019
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Primero que nada es necesario que los desarrolladores escuchen a la gente, me da lastima que un juego con potencial se quede así porque no lo saben manejar, tienen los 2 extremos o no hacen nada o cuando lo hacen, lo dejan peor.

El parasauriolophus necesita un buff, el pachy y el anky un nerf. También, o mejoran el martillo, la cold, la show y el paci, o nerfean la gat y la yager, es impresionante como se ven 2 dinos y 2 armas, el resto esta de adorno.

También, algo nuevo que hacer, siempre cazar y hacer misiones, esto de agregar niveles ya es estúpido. Las misiones a partir de lvl 45 deberían dar mas xp, ni hablar a partir de 50.

Me parece incoherente el hecho de que dinoball no de violentos sabiendo la situación que vivimos.


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Jun 6, 2014
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Any news about the update?
Do you have an estimated month for release?
Will the implants/techs be included on modifications for rebalancing?
Is there something else being prepared to release at the same time?

Do some type of development diary, I think it's a cool thing to do some contact with the community xD


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
espero que a atualização não cause problemas para o evento :|


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
eu sei disso ^^ Estou falando de QUALQUER atualização. sempre há um problema :ROFLMAO:


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Jun 6, 2020
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yo opino que si pueden mejorar algunas habilidades de algunos dinos y armas como por ejemplo el coelophisis que la primera habilidad causa sangrado con la segunda habilidad estoy conforme después sigue el centrosauro con la primera estoy conforme pero la segunda habilidad yo digo que si le pueden subir de un 25 a un 30 o que dure un poco más nariz después del carnotauro desgarrar mar como una carga que causa sangrado y confucio pero que le bajen el daño a la habilidad con el pachycephalosaurus no tengo nada que decir de el es un buen dino también con el brachiosaurio al parasaurolophus que le mejoraren los extas un poco mas ya con los demás dinos no tengo nada más que decir después de las armas el martillo que la primera habilidad paralice y por último la fría ardiente que en vez de afectar a varios objetivos que confundan
Estas son mis opiniones gracias


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Oct 12, 2019
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-Bounty Hunters-
Any news about the update?
Do you have an estimated month for release?
Will the implants/techs be included on modifications for rebalancing?
Is there something else being prepared to release at the same time?

Do some type of development diary, I think it's a cool thing to do some contact with the community xD
calm, the update of the dino storm will take a long time, they are so focused on the work on the dear pirate galaxy ...


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Apr 24, 2020
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Yo por mi opinión personal sobre lo que ocurre ahora con el des-balanceo grande que hay entre las armas se nota mucho anterior mente un pvp duraba 2-3min ahora solo duran 20seg con lo mucho por ejemplo la habilidad del (rifle Yager) disparo Sigiloso ya con un jugador le baja la vitalidad a otro mas de un 40% o Arma (frío Ardiende) nada mas en los disparos se nota que tiene mas cadencia que la (Gatlin) cuando las estadísticas dicen que la Gatlin tiene mas Cadencia que todas las armas para mi esta interfiriendo Varias actualizaciones, la Actulizacion de reducir la cadencia de las armas no se tomo en cuenta para el nuevo Daño de estas armas, ademas de los pvp se ah arruinado por este des-balanceo creo que se podría reducir el daño o aumentar la resistencia de los Dino porque ya para cazar un nivel 45 puede ser muy fácil cazando en la zona 53


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Jun 9, 2020
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-AngelS CraZzy-

#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

Hiho dino rangers,

First off we would like to thank every player who shared their feedback & ideas on our last Dev Shack #9, or in the feedback sections of the forum. It helped us identify the core aspects that we should focus on for the next Dino Storm updates. Now there is a long list of issues and ideas that we will go through and prioritize which ones go first.

As many of you noticed during the Easter event, we had performance issues on some servers causing network lag and delays which made the game unplayable at peak times. We have identified several issues that were causing this. Many optimizations were done in the course of several updates during the last few weeks to improve performance without any changes to gameplay.

But one adjustment proved to be a tough one as it changed how the game was played/perceived by you. The very high frequency of shots being fired was causing massive network traffic during battles and had to be adjusted. So the time between individual shots was increased to not go below one second for the fastest attack interval, and the damage output of the weapons and skills was adjusted to make up for this change—the resulting dps (damage per second) is about the same as it was before. We can understand that some are not happy with that adjustment but it was necessary for improving performance and needs to stay this way. But we are sure that there is a way that we can bring the “fun aspect” back to the weapons without sacrificing playability again. ;)

So that brings us to the first thing we want to work on for the next Dino Storm update. We want to balance the dinosaurs & weapons more fairly so that it is more fun to use different kinds of combinations of dinos & weapons without having that one preferred setup which bests all the others. This is a really tricky and complex thing to get right as many factors come into the equation. To achieve this we are currently taking a deep dive into analyzing dinos and weapons with their entirety of skills and effects.

Planned Changes
  • Achieve greater balance among dinosaurs (attributes & skills).
  • Achieve greater balance among weapons (attributes & skills).
  • Introduce that each weapon has their own firing sound & visuals to match the adjusted attack timings.

Let us know what you think. :)

Stay safe

It would be very good if you repair the problem of wear, i leave ds like 20 minutes before the 21:00 (fame bonification) and i come 30 minutes after, and mi point is this doesn't matter, cause mi clothes its destroyed same. Thankss


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Jun 9, 2020
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-AngelS CraZzy-
No creo que implemente Armaduras a los Dinos, ya que eso lo hicieron hace algunos años y fue un fracaso daba mucho Lag, y ahora con el problemas de retraso seria peor....
creo que habla del deinonichus que aparece abajo.


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
It would be very good if you repair the problem of wear, i leave ds like 20 minutes before the 21:00 (fame bonification) and i come 30 minutes after, and mi point is this doesn't matter, cause mi clothes its destroyed same. Thankss
i have same problem :/


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Mar 18, 2016
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Esta genial todo eso pero espero también que solucionen el error del aturdimiento en los dinos como Pachy-Centro etc, lo que sucede esque después del efecto del aturdimiento el arma demora como 3 segundos en disparar, te puedes mover pero no dispara el arma ..


Well-known member
May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
Fix the claw,fame and stun errors por favor😩


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Feb 27, 2018
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Seng-i ibreT
Army of Darkness
Ankylosaurus Confuse effect was not included as one of those effects that misses if skills are missed, So no, Agility will not be considered an "Anti" for it, it was meant for Gatling Confuse. However, Ankylosaurus Confuse is only 5 seconds long, and it can be only activated in close range.

No, Confusion will not last forever. There are two cases:
  • First Case with Gatling Confuse, there will be 2 seconds chance for player to do a counter-attack before the next Gatling Confusion hits, as any Skill take approximately 10 seconds to reload and be used again.
  • Second Case, first Gatling confuse will hit and last 8 seconds, then extend it with Ankylosaurus Confuse for additional 5 seconds, means 13 seconds in total. Then a gap of approximately 3 seconds, because your Extra Power bar will not be refilled in only 5 seconds.
why do you resist on java and server side game operation? You should firstly get rid of lag high ram usage etc... To solve this take the load on server side make some game files locally doesnt matter 500mb or 1gb and let people make their own mod + create a steam acc and reach more people ,do interesting discount not only 30 days vio , Didnt you play Runescape ever ? You dont know to people thing and earning money.If you today says you are looking for game model develepor , texture designer or external function developer you dont need even pay for this.You found a good idea doing this game but it goes worse.I cant see million of players but your website says something like that bcs you holding millions of death account on databases.When 10+ players try to fight game falling down i think you should care it more


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Sorry for the lack of dev updates here.

In the beginning of the last month we had a replacement in the dev team and our new coder @Gruni still needs to get up to speed about the codebase and how the game mechanics work. He is currently finishing work on an automated news system where you get the latest news from the forums directly in the game at the newsstand. This is a good start to get into the code before digging deeper into the game mechanics while our game designer @Alewx is working on the balancing.

We underestimated the effort required to rebalance the core systems of the game that involve the complex combat mechanics with all the dependencies along the way. :sweatgrinning: We figured that this would take a lot of time doing tests after adjusting one parameter at the time to see how a change affects the overall balance. With that many combinations possible it was determined that we would need to be able to simulate the combat system directly inside the game. The data we get out from the simulation greatly helps us identify the balancing issues, and to create a foundation for all further iterations. Currently the simulation tool needs to be finished and then we will make greater progress on the balancing front. :whistle:

When we and the testers are happy with the balancing, there will be a public test where you can try out the new balance and get a chance to give feedback on it, before it gets rolled out on the live servers. But we don't have an ETA for it yet. To be honest with you, it will still take a few weeks until it will be ready for the test server. But we want this update to be good and solid to avoid having to make big changes to the game’s balancing in the future.
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