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#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

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Apr 1, 2017
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I- UnExPecTeD -I
-Silver bullet-
I have some questions for the community:

  • Is it currently possible to win a combat using Melee attack? (Dino Strength)

  • If no, would you prefer that melee attack make a comeback? or Ranged attack (Weapon damage only) is good enough for you?

  • And, what would you suggest to improve the gameplay in a way that could make Melee attack possible again?
The slow down from gun hits will make it better.

-Persus- Ame2

Oct 17, 2017
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Dark Max Retribution
I have some questions for the community:

  • Is it currently possible to win a combat using Melee attack? (Dino Strength)

  • If no, would you prefer that melee attack make a comeback? or Ranged attack (Weapon damage only) is good enough for you?

  • And, what would you suggest to improve the gameplay in a way that could make Melee attack possible again?
1 - Using strength and dino defense I believe that it is very difficult to win a melee combat, because you will probably take a lot of damage from your enemy's distance before you get to him, besides that he will probably be using agility or armor, and you will be strength, becoming more vulnerable to ranged attacks.

2 - It would be interesting to have a balance between these two combat modes, but I think one thing needs to be corrected in both: in melee dinosaurs, like coelo and pachy, magically, we need to travel a very short distance to be able to stun, while in at a distance, the pachy ends up managing to stun being out of range of the ability (this appears to be a bug where the player is not in the position that is shown to you).

3 - This is a good question (and a little difficult to answer), for the melee attack to work, first you have to reach your enemy, and as he is not a bot, he will try to keep his distance from you, and in that time you probably already died or lost a lot of life, so to fix this (without adding any new features to the game), I imagine that the cold technology would help reach the attacked target, but it would need to work more often or be predictable (every so many attacks, or every time in combat, it would be activated), maybe another option would be combat damage (both from the weapon and the dinosaur), which could gradually increase (when attacking players), so that you don't get melted before to get into hand-to-hand combat, another option would be to give some type of temporary movement speed buff to hand-to-hand dinosaurs (carno, anky, brach, and centro) while they are running towards the target target that it is possible to reach the fastest targe.


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Aug 2, 2016
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-Olympos of Death-
Look, I'm here again.
now I bring 2 new ideas:
1st: To facilitate the exchange of implants and not waste time searching between the pages, the implants could be grouped into a single implant, and when clicking with the right button, a tab with all implants of the same type would open. but when clicking on the implant and then on the equip, the top level implant would be equipped with the dinosaur (this scheme also applies to dinosaurs, weapons and technology).
2nd: When a portal is attacked, a notification would appear on the screen for all members of the clan that controls the portal, showing the name of the portal being attacked and its percentage.
View attachment 37125
View attachment 37126
these are both fantastic ideas, especially the second one. its annoying to constantly check maps to see if anything's red, and its inconvenient when you get wrapped up in hunting or pvp and forget to check and then surprise! an enemy took one or two of your portals.
I have some questions for the community:

  • Is it currently possible to win a combat using Melee attack? (Dino Strength)

  • If no, would you prefer that melee attack make a comeback? or Ranged attack (Weapon damage only) is good enough for you?

  • And, what would you suggest to improve the gameplay in a way that could make Melee attack possible again?
1) in theory? yes. if you get lucky enough, you can slow down someone to prevent them from running. however, there've been many times i'm fighting someone with a pachy or coelo in close combat and they somehow stun me and run. not sure if this is a bug or a result of lag but yeah. i would say winning using melee is possible but not probable, if that makes sense. its probably easier to win with melee combat if you're a low level fighting another low level.

2) i, personally, greatly prefer melee combat. i'm way better at it than ranged combat. in a perfect world, ranged and melee would be perfectly balanced so that either one would be a viable option. i know it'll never be absolutely 100% balanced but i would like to see melee make a return to change things up a bit in war.

3) that's kind of hard to say, honestly. a good first step would be to fix the lag/bug that makes it possible to get stunned in close quarters. i also think a buff to dino defense and strength would be good too, and would be a nice boost to people when they're hunting. maybe you could bring back gun combat slowing people down? but maybe instead of having it as a perpetual thing, it lasts x amount of time, and could be canceled out by heat regulator implant... which would give that implant a use in combat. there are people that probably have better ideas than me, but that's just my thoughts on the matter.

Axl Rose

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Apr 27, 2020
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it doesn’t make sense to me that coelophysis is a strong dino, he has the physical constitution of a sprinter and not a scout
Apr 28, 2020
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Valar Morghulies
estaria bien que vuelvan pvp cuerpo a cuerpo ya era lo mejor y no como ahora que solo son disparos y es muy aburrido,
deberia ser como antes 2016


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Nov 6, 2019
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Close combat is impossible, thanks to the camera position bug. In my camera, the enemy is glued to me, prepared for hand-to-hand combat, but in his camera, I'm still at a distance, prepared to take a standstill, It is for this problem that sometimes, when you die your dino falls further back, you were there in the front right? wrong, you were in another position. it doesn't make sense, everyone has to see everyone in real time, in the same place, fixing this would enable close combat again.
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Aug 6, 2016
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There should be more skills. For instance players should unlock new skills. New skills should be obtained from leveling up or helping NPCs, or training your dinos on dino trainer (can be new npc). Each gun and dinos should have at least 10 unique skills and player can keep 3 of them on-use. (3 for dinosaur, 3 for weapon. Also each implant and weapon tech should unlock 1 unique skill. Implants may unlock dino skill and techs may unlock weapon skill.


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Nov 6, 2019
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I come to leave here my idea, on Passive Skills to the dinosaurs. Just like ankylo came with additional armor, which I found incredible, because in fact he has a thick hull. So we could add this to Passives, but for All dinos, different passives!passivads.png
Ankylo: When attacked, you gain any% additional armor.

Coelo: When attacked gains any% additional movement speed.

When attacked the more you lose life, the more you gain any% of strength.

Parasaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of decreasing the effect of slowdowns and stoppages.

Pachycephalo: Being close to two or more enemies gains any% additional agility.

Centrosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% additional chances of shield.

Upon being attacked, you gain any% chance of increasing your life recovery.

Tyranosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of climbing the extra faster.

It is :giggle:


Dec 29, 2019
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Strike Force
Something inconvenient that could be fixed in this update, is the dinos being able to stun while they are paralyzed by the effect of the peacemaker or ankylo, they simply "fly" and paralyze their opponents, if they cannot move their legs, they should not be able to stun, right?


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Apr 29, 2020
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it would be great if the skills that contain stun changed from "medium" to "long" range, so that players would not be stunned as easily while in melee combat, stun is a very strong skill, especially against dinos that contain only melee skills, and the stun-containing dinos also have great skills for a short-distance duel, so stun is something that needs to be adjusted to stay on the same level as the other skills, as it is currently the strongest dino skill


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I come to leave here my idea, on Passive Skills to the dinosaurs. Just like ankylo came with additional armor, which I found incredible, because in fact he has a thick hull. So we could add this to Passives, but for All dinos, different passives!View attachment 37166
Ankylo: When attacked, you gain any% additional armor.

Coelo: When attacked gains any% additional movement speed.

Carno: When attacked the more you lose life, the more you gain any% of strength.

Parasaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of decreasing the effect of slowdowns and stoppages.

Pachycephalo: Being close to two or more enemies gains any% additional agility.

Centrosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% additional chances of shield.

Brachiosaurus: Upon being attacked, you gain any% chance of increasing your life recovery.

Tyranosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of climbing the extra faster.

It is :giggle:
These are changes that truly make the game and its gameplay something more interesting.

In addition to seeking balance by modifying attributes, it would be great to have more abilities to use or modify those that already exist, incorporate unique passives for each dinosaur and weapon.


Nov 30, 2015
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I hope that this balance takes place as quickly as possible. Being lv55 is practically useless in the game, we don't cause the total damage we have, that is, damage clothes are useless, as well as the extra of the rex's battle cry. Levels 50 are more powerful than 55, I die easier for an lv50 than for an lv55.

Or the point is that there is no way for you to withstand the damage of players, I have tested all combinations of implants and clothing, there is nothing that makes you more resistant and can be a "tank". The dino shield implant is very weak, at lv45 it was great and now it looks awful.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
How about unique clan skills?

Each clan will have skills to unlock, these would be purchased for an amount X of Dino dollars, and the main objective of the Skills would be to increase the dynamics of the team play of a clan. These Skills would have a unique "Active and Passive", the passives of these skills would be activated automatically when a certain condition is fulfilled, and you activate them by pressing a button (example: "Q"; "R").
Only two slots will be available for each clan to choose which combination of Skills they want to use, only the Leader of a clan can choose which Skill to use, to change the skills that a clan uses it will have to wait 24 hours.

Some Skills I came up with:

-Coelophysis herd: Skill that affects players using clan Coelophysis. Historically the Coelophysis was a small dinosaur, hardly in the past this dino could beat a Tyrannosaurus Rex by itself. The Activa is a "Speed" upgrade for a short period of time, example 1 min, with a cooldown time of 3 minutes. The passive is a three level strength upgrade, level 1 = 5% increased strength. level 2 = 15% increased strength. level 3 = 25% increased strength. The condition is: If there is a clan partner using coelophysis within 15 meters, level 1 will be activated, if there are a total of 3 players from the same clan using coelophysis, level 2 will be activated; and if there are 5 or more players from the same clan that use Coelophysis in the radius, level 3 will be activated.

-Inspiration: Skill that affects players who are within a certain radius of a teammate who uses Tyrannosaurus Rex. Historically, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a dinosaur feared by anyone who came across it, but having it as a companion would inspire courage. This skill could only have a passive and not an active one, its passive is to increase certain attributes by 5% or 10%, the condition would be divided into two:
.Being within a certain radius of a partner who uses a tyrannosaurus rex.
.The companion who uses a Tyrannosaurus Rex has to use the Battle Cry ability with Extra Power.

-Trident Ticket:
Skill for players who use a Centrosaurus. The active consists of a synchronized onslaught of up to three clan companions. The Passive would affect companions who are behind the player who uses a Centrosaurus, partially increasing the shield of up to a maximum of 5 companions, it consists of 3 levels. Level 1 = 10% increased shield (requires a player to use Centrosaurus in front of his clanmates); Level 2 = 20% increased shield (requires two players to use centroaurus in front of their clanmates); Level 3 = 30% increased shield (requires three players to use centroaurus in front of their clanmates).

The concept of these skills can be better analyzed by the development team, these would be the first ideas that come to my mind alone, surely it can be polished

Axl Rose

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Apr 27, 2020
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I come to leave here my idea, on Passive Skills to the dinosaurs. Just like ankylo came with additional armor, which I found incredible, because in fact he has a thick hull. So we could add this to Passives, but for All dinos, different passives!View attachment 37166
Ankylo: When attacked, you gain any% additional armor.

Coelo: When attacked gains any% additional movement speed.

Carno: When attacked the more you lose life, the more you gain any% of strength.

Parasaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of decreasing the effect of slowdowns and stoppages.

Pachycephalo: Being close to two or more enemies gains any% additional agility.

Centrosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% additional chances of shield.

Brachiosaurus: Upon being attacked, you gain any% chance of increasing your life recovery.

Tyranosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of climbing the extra faster.

It is :giggle:
I come to leave here my idea, on Passive Skills to the dinosaurs. Just like ankylo came with additional armor, which I found incredible, because in fact he has a thick hull. So we could add this to Passives, but for All dinos, different passives!View attachment 37166
Ankylo: When attacked, you gain any% additional armor.

Coelo: When attacked gains any% additional movement speed.

Carno: When attacked the more you lose life, the more you gain any% of strength.

Parasaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of decreasing the effect of slowdowns and stoppages.

Pachycephalo: Being close to two or more enemies gains any% additional agility.

Centrosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% additional chances of shield.

Brachiosaurus: Upon being attacked, you gain any% chance of increasing your life recovery.

Tyranosaurus: When attacked, you gain any% chance of climbing the extra faster.

It is :giggle:
Very good idea


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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Some more ideas.

-I think everyone agrees on pvp being luck based and too short in duration. To prevent this I suggest buffing dino defense and shield(maybe not to the extent they used to be, but somewhat stronger than now). This would give a base resistance to dinos and prolong pvp, while also giving time for the players to use special attacks(with EP) more than once. Right now if that one special attack is a miss/dodge, you are doomed.

-IMO a buff for strenght implant could help people who use it have advantage in close range. I think the problem now mostly roots from guns doing way more DPS than dinos, and staying far from an enemy is easier than getting close. So I suggest making strength way more potent, so if a melee player manages to get close to a ranged one, it should be over pretty fast. Basically melee playstyle is harder to get close, but if you manage you can kill the opponent fast. And ranged tactics is easier to stay far, but depletes the enemy's hp slower.

-I thought of some rex skill improvements, which would benefit the users. Battlecry's range should be increased to medium range for 1 target(the one being in focus), for other targets it remains the same as it is now. Or it could cause a shock effect depleting the extra power bar of the affected enemies and make dino skills unavailable for the 4 seconds(already been suggested). A skill like carno's health regen would be welcome for brutal bite. I'm not saying that all of these should be implemented, but something needs to be done. I haven't seen a rex win an 1v1 against any player over level 50 since the defense and shield nerf.

+1 for the clan unlockable skills

And slowdown from gunshots is a bad idea for melee, because it slows down BOTH parties.


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Mar 19, 2016
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------Some Suggestions-----

1.There is the problem with fame giving so if we can get something like first we need to chose player and it gets fixed then we need to chose which item to give i think then it will be easier for giving item from clan inventory also less time consuming.

2.And also its not clear who is on in clan we need to check player from there whisper if he/she is on or not.But i think instead of that if we can get something like where we can see total no. of players online in a clan and also those are on in clan are shown by some indication like green dot or something similar then it will be great.
Thanks :D


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
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Something inconvenient that could be fixed in this update, is the dinos being able to stun while they are paralyzed by the effect of the peacemaker or ankylo, they simply "fly" and paralyze their opponents, if they cannot move their legs, they should not be able to stun, right?
If we go according to your logic, Paraylze should stop dinos completely, not only moving, but attacking, and activating skills. And that would make Paralyze more stronger than it should be. But up to debate.


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Jun 6, 2016
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it would be great if the skills that contain stun changed from "medium" to "long" range, so that players would not be stunned as easily while in melee combat, stun is a very strong skill, especially against dinos that contain only melee skills, and the stun-containing dinos also have great skills for a short-distance duel, so stun is something that needs to be adjusted to stay on the same level as the other skills, as it is currently the strongest dino skill
Imagine a Coelophysis stunning you from as far as a Canyon Ray shot can be. Illogical and would have severe affects on the gameplay. It will make stunners even stronger as melee fighter against Ranged Fighers, and more deadly as Ranged Fighter against melee fighters, plus making it impossible for Coelophysis to win a melee vs melee fight.

Stuns are dangerous now, but the solution is not to mess around with how it is performed. Increasing Combat duration would be much better solution in my opinion.


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Oct 12, 2019
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-Bounty Hunters-
Imagine a Coelophysis stunning you from as far as a Canyon Ray shot can be. Illogical and would have severe affects on the gameplay. It will make stunners even stronger as melee fighter against Ranged Fighers, and more deadly as Ranged Fighter against melee fighters, plus making it impossible for Coelophysis to win a melee vs melee fight.

Stuns are dangerous now, but the solution is not to mess around with how it is performed. Increasing Combat duration would be much better solution in my opinion.
increase the duration how? decreasing weapon damage or increasing the vitality of all dinos?:unsure:


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Aug 17, 2018
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Imagine a Coelophysis stunning you from as far as a Canyon Ray shot can be. Illogical and would have severe affects on the gameplay. It will make stunners even stronger as melee fighter against Ranged Fighers, and more deadly as Ranged Fighter against melee fighters, plus making it impossible for Coelophysis to win a melee vs melee fight.

Stuns are dangerous now, but the solution is not to mess around with how it is performed. Increasing Combat duration would be much better solution in my opinion.
Yeah, that would be a good solution since successive stuns last very little time.


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Aug 2, 2016
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-Olympos of Death-
If we go according to your logic, Paraylze should stop dinos completely, not only moving, but attacking, and activating skills. And that would make Paralyze more stronger than it should be. But up to debate.
that's not what typer was even saying. paralyze means you're stuck in place. you can't move. but people can still do the jump attacks. that doesn't make any sense at all.

paralyze - cause (a person or part of the body) to become partly or wholly incapable of movement.

if you disable the jumping attacks, you're still able to fire and your dino can attack, but i'm pretty sure someone who's paralyzed (such as by a stroke) isn't going to be jumping anytime soon. and in what world does it make sense that you can get paralyzed by someone who's several feet away from you who can't move from the spot?


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Jun 6, 2016
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that's not what typer was even saying. paralyze means you're stuck in place. you can't move. but people can still do the jump attacks. that doesn't make any sense at all.
The point is "Paralyze" is just a name that describe a special effect that stop players from moving. Name was never meant to be taken literally, and what I said is how it would go if we did take it literally.


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-Olympos of Death-
The point is "Paralyze" is just a name that describe a special effect that stop players from moving. Name was never meant to be taken literally, and what I said is how it would go if we did take it literally.
the point still stands. if you're not able to move, then you shouldn't and wouldn't be able to stun someone who is far away from you.


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May 1, 2020
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- Loyal _BredrinS -

#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

Hiho dino rangers,

First off we would like to thank every player who shared their feedback & ideas on our last Dev Shack #9, or in the feedback sections of the forum. It helped us identify the core aspects that we should focus on for the next Dino Storm updates. Now there is a long list of issues and ideas that we will go through and prioritize which ones go first.

As many of you noticed during the Easter event, we had performance issues on some servers causing network lag and delays which made the game unplayable at peak times. We have identified several issues that were causing this. Many optimizations were done in the course of several updates during the last few weeks to improve performance without any changes to gameplay.

But one adjustment proved to be a tough one as it changed how the game was played/perceived by you. The very high frequency of shots being fired was causing massive network traffic during battles and had to be adjusted. So the time between individual shots was increased to not go below one second for the fastest attack interval, and the damage output of the weapons and skills was adjusted to make up for this change—the resulting dps (damage per second) is about the same as it was before. We can understand that some are not happy with that adjustment but it was necessary for improving performance and needs to stay this way. But we are sure that there is a way that we can bring the “fun aspect” back to the weapons without sacrificing playability again. ;)

So that brings us to the first thing we want to work on for the next Dino Storm update. We want to balance the dinosaurs & weapons more fairly so that it is more fun to use different kinds of combinations of dinos & weapons without having that one preferred setup which bests all the others. This is a really tricky and complex thing to get right as many factors come into the equation. To achieve this we are currently taking a deep dive into analyzing dinos and weapons with their entirety of skills and effects.

Planned Changes
  • Achieve greater balance among dinosaurs (attributes & skills).
  • Achieve greater balance among weapons (attributes & skills).
  • Introduce that each weapon has their own firing sound & visuals to match the adjusted attack timings.

Let us know what you think. :)

Stay safe
I hope you guys make this game really ballanced! Etc brachi hp. and the gun firing and damage!
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