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#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

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A exempel, The peacemaker is a long range laser weapon. The advantage in range gets more pronounced with each new level.


Base Damage level of the Peacemaker in Dino Storm is 5.

Base Frequency level of the Peacemaker in Dino Storm is 1.

Base Range level of the Peacemaker in Dino Storm is 5.

The Gatling is an exceptionally fast extended range laser weapon. The advantage in speed gets more pronounced with each new level.


Base Damage level of the Gatling in Dino Storm is 2.

Base Frequency level of the Gatling in Dino Storm is 5.

Base Range level of the Gatling in Dino Storm is 4.

but both guns has same firing frequency.
and is the dammage really balanced?
- No.


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_-_-Napoleon _-_-_
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Pachycephalosaurus in Dino Storm
Pachycephalosaurus is not only faster than most dinosaurs in Dino Storm, it can also stun an opponent in combat using its bone-plated head.
Base Vitality level of a Pachycephalosaurus in Dino Storm is 3.

Base Strenght level of a Pachycephalosaurus in Dino Storm is 2.

Base Endurance level of a Pachycephalosaurus in Dino Storm is 4.

has a very thick skin and hefty build. It is highly robust, but also a little slow. Its advantage in toughness gets more pronounced with each new level.
Base Strenght level of a Brachiosaurus in Dino Storm is 3.

Base Vitality level of a Brachiosaurus in Dino Storm is 5.

Base Endurance level of a Brachiosaurus in Dino Storm is 1.

If we look at this two dinos, in dino strom dino page you show us this state,but in reallty ( in game) Brachiosaurus has lower hp then Pachycephalosaurus .But in the game site the state shows us that Brachiosaurus has vitality base level 5 while Pachycephalosaurus vitality is 3/5. this should get balanced, and the dino strom site need gets uptade.


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Se que están discutiendo principalmente sobre las armas, pero también sería importante recalcar la nivelación de los dinos! Se ha vuelto una rosca completamente el uso coelo y pachy. Dinos como el brachi, el para y el carno se han devaluado bastante especialmente el carno !! Para muchos es un suicidio usarlo por que realmente tiene muy poca vida y la fuerza que no tiene la compensación la vitalidad que le falta. Porfa que corrijan o nivelen mas los dinos y especialmente el carno, para pvp realmente es un suicidio usarlo (contra otros jugadores del mismo nivel y la diferencia realmente es muy marcada, especialmente si tienen gatling) y para cazar también son difíciles. No solo es una cuestión de estadísticas, hay quienes se les facilita usar un determinado dino o arma.


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A futuro tambén deberían incluir más dinos ( y ojalá sea pronto), especialmente por estas épocas las skins en los juegos son vitales y la variabilidad de personajes. Incluir mas dinos también facilitaría la idea de nivelar a la hora de los pvp ya que al haber mas variabilidad en las estadísticas es menos probable hacerle counter específicamente a un determinado dino.


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View attachment 37172View attachment 37174

can you imagine how dino strom would be if we hade dinos like this ? i think many player would love this! we should try to make this reallty in future. this is a good idiea for game future.
As devs say armored dinosaurs were in game just for closed beta phase (or earlier) of the game. Also as they said they are not planning to add them back into game.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I would like to put in the spotlight those implants that grant / cancel an effect:

Weapon Reflector Implant; Heat Regulator Implant; Shock Tech; Dino Reflect Tech; Freezer Tech.

I feel that their usefulness depends too much on randomness, that is, their activation is not as marked as they should be. Why not transform your values to percentages? example:

Weapon Reflect Implant: When upgraded to level 55, grants a 50% chance to activate the "Weapon Reflector" effect for each shot received.
Heat Regulator Implant: Currently the most underrated implant since no one would sacrifice a defensive implant to use this one, as its randomness makes it unreliable, for example at level 55 it grants 80% avoidance of being slowed down by Freezer Tech, Dinosauris Skills And Weapons.

I will be very unlucky or something is wrong when a player with a garment with the attribute of Shock drops the extra power more times than I do to him, since I use Shock Tech... :|


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Jun 6, 2016
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Weapon Reflect Implant: When upgraded to level 55, grants a 50% chance to activate the "Weapon Reflector" effect for each shot received.
An oversimplification of you what said is the following:

- Every two shots (100%) by weapon, one of them (50%) will activate a Weapon Reflect effect and each will last for 8 seconds.
- Theoretically, this will result in constant Weapon Reflect which could be either:
  1. Constant 20% damage reflect.
  2. Constant 100% damage reflect.
depending on how would that effect reacts when doubled or tripled.

I just wanted to make that part clear.

Anyway, I do understand your point, and I also think these implants and techs need a little buff, so they become more reliable, but you must understand that these effects especially the shock effect is really dangerous, and buffing it might be a mistake. So maybe just a small buff would do.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
An oversimplification of you what said is the following:

- Every two shots (100%) by weapon, one of them (50%) will activate a Weapon Reflect effect and each will last for 8 seconds.
- Theoretically, this will result in constant Weapon Reflect which could be either:
  1. Constant 20% damage reflect.
  2. Constant 100% damage reflect.
depending on how would that effect reacts when doubled or tripled.

I just wanted to make that part clear.

Anyway, I do understand your point, and I also think these implants and techs need a little buff, so they become more reliable, but you must understand that these effects especially the shock effect is really dangerous, and buffing it might be a mistake. So maybe just a small buff would do.
You are not understanding me, I said a chance, a probability of 50%, what I am going to is, with each shot you receive there is a 50% probability, PROBABILITY, that it will activate. I mean better, you have two numbers, 0 and 1, when you get shot one of these two numbers is chosen randomly, if 0 comes out nothing happens, if 1 comes out the effect is activated .. 2 possibilities / 1 shot = 50% Probability, maybe you will shoot me three times and in the three you get 0 and nothing would happen.


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Apr 30, 2020
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Legion Infernal
Una de las cosas que muchos pedimos arreglar, es el límite de daño en pvp y pve. No puede ser posible que un full 55 pierda o gane dificilmente a un full45. Prácticamente esto quita competitivad en el juego ya que muchos prefirieron quedarse de nivel (45-50) porque saben que se benefician con el daño limitado que tiene un 55 contra ellos.

Lo segundo importante es, si bien es cierto han reducido el retraso bajando la cadencia de las armas (aunque solo era necesario bajar la cadencia de la recolección y no de todas las armas que ahora pegan muy lento y compensar con daño no lo es todo) lo que ha hecho que el extra power cargue muy lento y por consecuencia aumenta la dificultad del juego y obviamente la comunidad. Tengo una cuenta en donde antes de la actualización de cadencia usaba Anky + Jager; pegaba de lejos y hasta que llegara el bandido o alfa ya el extra me cargaba, lo que me permitía paralizarlos rápidamente y volver a tomar distancia sin esperar mucho. Ahora que demora el extra me matan. Esta cuenta es nivel 20 y cazaba en zona 28 a 29 usando esta técnica, pero después de la actualización ya no puedo cazar en las mismas zonas. Lo que me desanimó completamente de volver a usarlo.
1. Quitar el limite del daño tanto en pve como pvp porque no es nada justo para un full 55.
2. Por cada bala, dinodaño recibido y lanzado, aumentar el poder extra para que de esa forma se puedan igualar los tiempos de carga de extra power a como eran antes de la actualización de bajar la cadencia.

Post Data: Veo que estan pensando en aumentar la duración de las batallas pvp. Sugiero no reducir el daño ya que esto puede afectar el sistema pve y con eso demoraría mas cazar y upar. Practicamente matarian el juego. Aumentar la vitalidad sería la mejor alternativa. Pero ya que si hacen eso, por favor revisen bien los hps del dino. Según su web la vitalidad de un pachy es más bajo que el de un centrosaurus, pero en el juego el pachy tiene más vitalidad que un centro. Esas cosas se deben de corregir tambien.

Quedo atento a tu amable opinión.


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Jun 7, 2016
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- Eternal -
If you are trying to fight against the lag you should definately consider deleting items like bones, flowers that drop from mobs after they are killed. Hardly anyone picks them up and they take quite a while to despawn. It must have an effect on the performance, the server has to somehow remeber the exact positions of so many items for many different players. Why do we keep something that has no use at all?
Also, you could think about changing the time that other items take to despawn as well. It's really unlikely that someone will decide to pick up that one item he dropped 5 minutes ago somewhere he probably doesn't even remember.

I haven't played after the new update was released so some of that stuff could have been changed already but don't make the skill effects last so long. 1v1 are a rare occasion and even they last for a really short time. 8 seconds is really an overkill. And personally I don't believe that agility can be considered as a counter to anything. It's just a random effect tool - you will dodge or not, if you are unlucky you may never dodge, on a good day you will be almost untouchable. Countering should make the other thing weaker - decrease the amount of damage it deals, the time for which it lasts etc


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Apr 30, 2020
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Legion Infernal
Yo me preguntaba siempre lo mísmo. Por qué no quitar esos elementos innecesarios que aunque sea de menor grado tambien afectan al rendimiento del juego? Esperemos que realmente se hagan los cambios.

Thiago Alexandre

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[QUOTE = "Rodovia, postagem: 47239, membro: 15"]

# 10 Equilíbrio de dinossauros e armas

Guardas florestais Hiho dino,

Primeiramente, gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os jogadores que compartilharem seus comentários e idéias no nosso último Dev Shack # 9, ou nas seções de feedback do fórum. Isso nos ajudou a identificar os principais aspectos nos quais devemos nos concentrar nas próximas atualizações do Dino Storm. Agora, há uma longa lista de questões e idéias que abordam e priorizam quais serão as primeiras.

Como muitos de vocês não são notados durante o evento da Páscoa, tiveram problemas de desempenho em alguns servidores, danos e atrasos na rede, ou que podem tornar o jogo impossível de executar nos horários de pico. Identificamos vários problemas que estavam causando isso. Muitas otimizações foram feitas no decorrer de várias atualizações durante as últimas semanas para melhorar o desempenho sem alterar a jogabilidade.

Mas um ajuste é difícil, pois ele mudou a maneira como o jogo era jogado / percebido por você. A frequência muito alta de disparos é disparada, causando grande tráfego de rede durante as batalhas e precisamente ser ajustada. Portanto, o tempo entre os tiros foi aumentado para não ficar abaixo de um segundo intervalo de ataque mais rápido, e a produção de dano de armas e as habilidades foram ajustadas para compensar essa alteração - os dps usados (dano por segundo) são exatamente os mesmos como era antes. Podemos entender que alguns não estão satisfeitos com esse ajuste, mas isso foi necessário para melhorar o desempenho e permanecer assim. Mas temos certeza de que existe uma maneira de trazer o "aspecto divertido" de voltar às armas sem sacrificar a jogabilidade novamente.;)

Isso leva a primeira coisa em que queremos trabalhar para a próxima atualização do Dino Storm. Quer equilibrar os dinossauros e as armas de maneira mais justa, para que seja mais divertido usar diferentes tipos de combinações de dinos e armas sem uma configuração preferida que supere todas as outras. É algo realmente complicado e complicado de acertar, pois muitos fatores entram na equação. Para conseguir isso, atualmente estamos analisando análises de armas e armas com toda a sua habilidade e efeitos.

Alterações planejadas
  • Alcançar um maior equilíbrio entre os dinossauros (atributos e habilidades).
  • Consiga um maior equilíbrio entre armas (atributos e habilidades).
  • Apresente que cada arma tem seu próprio som e recursos visuais para combinar com os tempos de ataque ajustados.

Deixe-nos saber o que você pensa. :)

Fique seguro
[QUOTE = "Rodovia, postagem: 47239, membro: 15"]

# 10 Equilíbrio de dinossauros e armas

Guardas florestais Hiho dino,

Primeiramente, gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os jogadores que compartilharam seus comentários e idéias em nosso último Dev Shack # 9 , ou nas seções de feedback do fórum. Isso nos ajudou a identificar os principais aspectos nos quais devemos nos concentrar nas próximas atualizações do Dino Storm. Agora, há uma longa lista de questões e idéias que abordaremos e priorizaremos quais serão as primeiras.

Como muitos de vocês não são notados durante o evento da Páscoa, tiveram problemas de desempenho em alguns servidores, danos e atrasos na rede, ou que podem tornar o jogo impossível de executar nos horários de pico. Identificamos vários problemas que estavam causando isso. Muitas otimizações foram feitas no decorrer de várias atualizações durante as últimas semanas para melhorar o desempenho sem alterar a jogabilidade.

Mas um ajuste é difícil, pois ele mudou a maneira como o jogo era jogado / percebido por você. A frequência muito alta de disparos é disparada, causando grande tráfego de rede durante as batalhas e precisamente ser ajustada. Portanto, o tempo entre os tiros foi aumentado para não ficar abaixo de um segundo intervalo de ataque mais rápido, e a produção de dano de armas e as habilidades foram ajustadas para compensar essa alteração - os dps usados (dano por segundo) são exatamente os mesmos como era antes. Podemos entender que alguns não estão satisfeitos com esse ajuste, mas isso foi necessário para melhorar o desempenho e permanecer assim.Mas temos certeza de que existe uma maneira de trazer o "aspecto divertido" de voltar às armas sem sacrificar a jogabilidade novamente.;)

Isso leva a primeira coisa em que queremos trabalhar para a próxima atualização do Dino Storm. Quer equilibrar os dinossauros e as armas de maneira mais justa, para que seja mais divertido usar diferentes tipos de combinações de dinos e armas sem uma configuração preferida que supere todas as outras. É algo realmente complicado e complicado de acertar, pois muitos fatores entram na equação. Para conseguir isso, atualmente estamos analisando análises de armas e armas com toda a sua habilidade e efeitos.

Alterações planejadas
  • Alcançar um maior equilíbrio entre os dinossauros (atributos e habilidades).
  • Consiga um maior equilíbrio entre armas (atributos e habilidades).
  • Apresente que cada arma tem seu próprio som e recursos visuais para combinar com os tempos de ataque ajustados.

Deixe-nos saber o que você pensa. :)

Fique seguro

#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

Hiho dino rangers,

First off we would like to thank every player who shared their feedback & ideas on our last Dev Shack #9, or in the feedback sections of the forum. It helped us identify the core aspects that we should focus on for the next Dino Storm updates. Now there is a long list of issues and ideas that we will go through and prioritize which ones go first.

As many of you noticed during the Easter event, we had performance issues on some servers causing network lag and delays which made the game unplayable at peak times. We have identified several issues that were causing this. Many optimizations were done in the course of several updates during the last few weeks to improve performance without any changes to gameplay.

But one adjustment proved to be a tough one as it changed how the game was played/perceived by you. The very high frequency of shots being fired was causing massive network traffic during battles and had to be adjusted. So the time between individual shots was increased to not go below one second for the fastest attack interval, and the damage output of the weapons and skills was adjusted to make up for this change—the resulting dps (damage per second) is about the same as it was before. We can understand that some are not happy with that adjustment but it was necessary for improving performance and needs to stay this way. But we are sure that there is a way that we can bring the “fun aspect” back to the weapons without sacrificing playability again. ;)

So that brings us to the first thing we want to work on for the next Dino Storm update. We want to balance the dinosaurs & weapons more fairly so that it is more fun to use different kinds of combinations of dinos & weapons without having that one preferred setup which bests all the others. This is a really tricky and complex thing to get right as many factors come into the equation. To achieve this we are currently taking a deep dive into analyzing dinos and weapons with their entirety of skills and effects.

Planned Changes
  • Achieve greater balance among dinosaurs (attributes & skills).
  • Achieve greater balance among weapons (attributes & skills).
  • Introduce that each weapon has their own firing sound & visuals to match the adjusted attack timings.

Let us know what you think. :)

Stay safe
Que bom, não vejo a hora das mudanças sem implementadas, buffa a cura do carno ae <3


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May 5, 2020
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Make the possibility of Getting sheriff easier , its 14 days put it 3-4 days because there is to much people on your game , and getting sheriff become very hard something who is boring


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May 6, 2020
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NO tengo
1 hola
2 LA PREGUNTA ES es sobres los códigos promocionales, ¿por qué no? un código promocional antes de la próxima actualización ?: Celebrate :: p


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Sep 12, 2019
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I haven't played in quite some time, but I feel like if we'll finally get some balance between dinosaurs (which I believe should be priority right now) a feature for getting them more easily should be added.

And I don't mean reducing the amount of stones needed (although that would be great, haha.) but something like "switching" your dinosaur.
  • Say, you have your Coleophysis, but you're not satisfied with it anymore and want to try something new. You want to try another dino, but don't know if all the time, effort and lost DDs while dying to get stones for a new one will be worth it.
  • Said Coleophysis could be "switched" at the dino market for another dinosaur (that you have unlocked, ofc) of the same level. It could have a DD fee, and a cool down (say, monthly) so people don't abuse it.
EDIT: and for the love of god remove the debuff on lower level mobs and players. I leveled too fast (I have DS+) and I can BARELY hunt mobs that are my dino and gun's level because I have a debuff of 4 levels, it's not fair. If the debuff has to exist, it has to be based on the level of the items, not the player, period

Also, love the new forum look, haha.
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Mar 30, 2020
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Dev Shack's purpose is for players to combine dinosaurs and weapons along with implants and technologies; without having a preferred option that surpasses others; If so, try to lower the price of stones that request weapons, dinosaurs, etc. (up to 15% or 25%).
All this so that players have more options for tactical change or experimentation.
Or even go down the necessary elements to improve.


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Dec 6, 2012
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Mont Blanc Knights
If you want to balance out the dinos and guns the absolute only way will be to look into range. All of the problems the game currently have are due to it. dinos are useless? range. guns are op? range. abilities cant be used? range. Both of Gating's abilities say close range, but they cant be used almost as far as PM's Canyon Ray. All of the weapons have the different range stats but they all shoot the same distance. You want to bring in the other guns? Make it so their range actually works. PM should out range everything, Gatling should only out range Showstopper. Cut the distance Range tech gives by 50%. It will bring in the other weapons and melee back into the game. Guns give around 100 range, Range tech gives 540 at 55. It should only add about half of what a gun has at most. Now add in Aim, yep balanced.

Confusion. Honestly shouldn't of been put into the game without something countering it. 8 seconds of sitting there waiting to die. Make stability do something about it. All Stuns were dropped to 4 seconds in 2013-2014ish. Why is this ability not in the same boat? Stuns have a direct counter to the point of a stun lasting .5 seconds. This game should not be a coin flip because things are blatantly over tuned. Agility doesn't work 90% of the time after it got nerfed along with stuns, so that is out of the picture.

Useless dinos/guns/techs/implants. Para, Rex, Brachi, Carno, /pretty much every gun except Gatling/. These abilities on these items need to be redone. Not the animations but the effects and damage. Eh add a range reduction to Hmmer to force enemies into melee combat for a short time (for example). Para and Carno are absolutely garbage and cant do anything. Both of their abilities need changed 100%. The others can be waved for down the road, as everything cant be fixed in one update (I understand how much work it would be).

Keep the player base interested. Add more things to do and not leveling because that doesn't fix anything. Involve the community in some kind of vote and add the best idea. Events are completed in the first day, more of those wont help. Needs to be something that has rewards say upgrade materials or DD. Some daily quests, kill x amount of x. Maybe some kind of dungeon. 5 go in, kill a boss and get rewards. Make it hard. The game is boring and adding more levels just makes it slightly less boring till you are max again.

Draining/player war. UH yah, make it faster. Draining needs to be reverted to the old way where the more people in it, the faster it goes. Make it so you have to pay attention to your stuff. Risk and reward baby. Its so boring waiting 10 minutes to drain a building and even more boring to wait 10 minutes to heal afterwards. Faster draining also equals more people buying supplies (y'all need to pay bills too) because they are draining faster so that's more being used in the same amount of time. Keeps it moving and more engaging. Also being able to have an impact when attacking a map. Nothing like waiting 10 minutes for the enemy to notice their stuff. Be able to get a couple buildings before they notice, have a foot hold to actually accomplish something.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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The team is working hard on a proper model to map all variables that effect combat into a proper balacing model...

A picture of a snipped from a crazy excel forumula might say more that any words o_O;)
Guess we need a better to tool for this :unsure:


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Mar 30, 2020
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Una duda ...

Antes de concluir Dev Shack, ¿nos darás detalles de la actualización?
Por ejemplo: estadísticas de dinosaurios y armas, ¿qué sucede con las combinaciones que tienes? :unsure:
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May 6, 2020
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NO tengo
hola, una duda que todos tenemos
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Apr 24, 2020
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Hola Buenas, Cuando arreglaran la ultima Actualizacion del juego esta muy descompensado todo .-.


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Aug 15, 2017
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# 10 Dinozor Ve Silah Dengesi

Hiho dino rangers,

Öncelikle , son Dev Shack #9'da veya forumun geri bildirim bölümlerinde geri bildirimlerini ve fikirlerini paylaşan her oyuncuya teşekkür etmek istiyoruz. Bir sonraki Dino fırtına güncellemeleri için odaklanmamız gereken temel yönleri belirlememize yardımcı oldu. Şimdi biz geçmesi ve hangilerinin ilk gitmek öncelik konuların ve fikirlerin uzun bir liste var.

Birçoğunuzun Paskalya etkinliği sırasında fark ettiği gibi, bazı sunucularda ağ gecikmesine ve gecikmelere neden olan performans sorunları yaşadık ve bu da oyunu en yoğun zamanlarda oynanamaz hale getirdi. Buna neden olan çeşitli sorunları belirledik. Birçok optimizasyonlar oyun herhangi bir değişiklik olmadan performansını artırmak için son birkaç hafta boyunca çeşitli güncellemeler sırasında yapıldı.

Ancak bir ayar, oyunun sizin tarafınızdan nasıl oynandığını/algılandığını değiştirdiği için zor bir ayar olduğunu kanıtladı. Ateşlenen çok yüksek atış sıklığı, savaşlar sırasında büyük ağ trafiğine neden oldu ve ayarlanması gerekiyordu. Bu nedenle, bireysel çekimler arasındaki süre, en hızlı saldırı aralığı için bir saniyenin altına inmeyecek şekilde arttırıldı ve silahların ve becerilerin hasar çıkışı bu değişikliği telafi etmek için ayarlandı-ortaya çıkan dps (saniyede hasar) daha önce olduğu gibi. Bazılarının bu ayarlamadan memnun olmadığını anlayabiliriz, ancak performansı artırmak için gerekliydi ve bu şekilde kalması gerekiyor. Ancak, “eğlenceli yönü” tekrar oynanabilirlikten ödün vermeden silahlara geri getirebilmenin bir yolu olduğundan eminiz. ;)

Bu bizi bir sonraki Dino fırtına Güncellemesi için üzerinde çalışmak istediğimiz ilk şeye getiriyor. Dinozorları ve silahları daha adil bir şekilde dengelemek istiyoruz, böylece dinos ve silahların farklı kombinasyonlarını kullanmak, diğerlerini en iyi şekilde tercih eden bir kurulum yapmadan daha eğlenceli. Bu, birçok faktörün denkleme girdiği için doğru olmak için gerçekten zor ve karmaşık bir şeydir. Bunu başarmak için şu anda dinos ve silahları tüm beceri ve etkileri ile analiz etmeye derin bir dalış yapıyoruz.

Planlanan Değişiklikler
  • Dinozorlar arasında daha fazla denge elde edin (özellikler ve beceriler).
  • Silahlar arasında daha fazla denge elde edin (özellikler ve beceriler).
  • Her silahın ayarlanmış saldırı zamanlamalarını eşleştirmek için kendi ateşleme sesi ve görselleri olduğunu tanıtın.

Ne düşündüğünüzü bize bildirin. :)

Güvende kalın
Hope to be more beautiful ;)
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