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#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)

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Jun 30, 2020
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There's an issue with this 2-hour attack phase that I am starting to notice over time.

You obviously introduced the attack and defense statistics in the clan stat to help leaders better understand who's the most active.

However, I am noticing that there are some of my clan mates that are not able to make it for the attacking phase due to personal life commitments, and I feel like they are extremely left out of the battle on some days when they cannot make it.

Limiting the attacking hours was a very controversial subject when you first introduced the concept, I remember it, I was against it. It still doesn't sit right with me.

- Cause -

Well-known member
Dec 15, 2021
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There's an issue with this 2-hour attack phase that I am starting to notice over time.

You obviously introduced the attack and defense statistics in the clan stat to help leaders better understand who's the most active.

However, I am noticing that there are some of my clan mates that are not able to make it for the attacking phase due to personal life commitments, and I feel like they are extremely left out of the battle on some days when they cannot make it.

Limiting the attacking hours was a very controversial subject when you first introduced the concept, I remember it, I was against it. It still doesn't sit right with me.
so? should they put the time back or forward to please some and annoy others? fact is, with theese limited attack hours you will inevitably have some that arent happy. be it coz of life commitments or maybe the timezone since they live in another continent. i think too adding multiple attack phases with a small break would be the best solution.
If one cant make it to say 17:00, then he can fight at the next attack phase which would be earlier.


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Jan 4, 2022
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I don't know if my idea is good or bad, but it seems like an interesting concept to discuss, it's the following: there should be 2 hours of attack followed by two hours of defense (the amount can be discussed) as soon as the attack time ends the defense time begins, and vice versa, it works exactly as it is now but with a shorter interval, Like i Said the exact time can be changed, but I personally think that only 2 hours for an attack is very little, if there were a wide variety of other events to do in the game besides leveling up I would understand, but unfortunately this is one of the only activities left after you get strong in the game and limiting it to just two hours doesn't seem right to me.

David Moises

Jul 11, 2018
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Mad Bulls
Todas nuestras actualizaciones anteriores fueron impulsadas por la comunidad, por lo que no creemos que sea justo afirmar que los desarrolladores o nosotros no escucharíamos sus comentarios. Le pedimos que comprenda que algunas cosas solo se pueden ver en vivo antes de sacar conclusiones para cambiar algo y mejorarlo para alcanzar la meta. Especialmente con esta actualización, se requiere un enfoque tan iterativo.
Entonces, pasemos a la siguiente idea de diseño que creemos resolverá algunos de los problemas que mencionaste:

HP de construcción basado en el rendimiento
Los edificios obtendrán menos HP cuanto mayor sea su nivel de rendimiento. Con eso queremos aumentar el atractivo de los ataques a edificios de manera que los clanes pequeños y los jugadores individuales puedan luchar por los edificios debido al mayor riesgo de perder un edificio cuando tiene un nivel de rendimiento alto.

  • Los edificios serán más atractivos para ataques espontáneos contra clanes dominantes, permitiendo la participación de clanes más pequeños.
Cambios principales:
  • Los edificios tienen diferentes HP iniciales según sus niveles de rendimiento para cada fase del conflicto.
    • El HP inicial disminuye con un mayor nivel de rendimiento (riesgo versus recompensa)
  • Los edificios tienen un riesgo cada vez mayor de que Dinoville se apodere del edificio cuanto más tiempo lo mantenga el mismo clan.
    • Al comienzo de la siguiente fase de conflicto, los edificios aleatorios propiedad de DV se liberan nuevamente para llegar nuevamente al número de edificios que DV debería poseer según la actividad del Ayuntamiento.
    • El riesgo aumentará según los ciclos de retención hasta un máximo del 25 % de probabilidad.
    • El riesgo de perder un edificio se aplica diariamente
    • Recuerde que "perder un edificio por culpa de DV" no significa "perder objetos". Estos aún se pueden retirar mientras el edificio esté "Reclamado recientemente".
  • La tasa de reparación del defensor aumentará a 1:2 en lugar de la tasa actual de 1:4.
  • El nivel de rendimiento básico aumentará del 25% al 50%

View attachment 47368

¡Cuéntanos qué te parece!

Todas nuestras actualizaciones anteriores fueron impulsadas por la comunidad, por lo que no creemos que sea justo afirmar que los desarrolladores o nosotros no escucharíamos sus comentarios. Le pedimos que comprenda que algunas cosas solo se pueden ver en vivo antes de sacar conclusiones para cambiar algo y mejorarlo para alcanzar la meta. Especialmente con esta actualización, se requiere un enfoque tan iterativo.
Entonces, pasemos a la siguiente idea de diseño que creemos resolverá algunos de los problemas que mencionaste:

HP de construcción basado en el rendimiento
Los edificios obtendrán menos HP cuanto mayor sea su nivel de rendimiento. Con eso queremos aumentar el atractivo de los ataques a edificios de manera que los clanes pequeños y los jugadores individuales puedan luchar por los edificios debido al mayor riesgo de perder un edificio cuando tiene un nivel de rendimiento alto.

  • Los edificios serán más atractivos para ataques espontáneos contra clanes dominantes, permitiendo la participación de clanes más pequeños.
Cambios principales:
  • Los edificios tienen diferentes HP iniciales según sus niveles de rendimiento para cada fase del conflicto.
    • El HP inicial disminuye con un mayor nivel de rendimiento (riesgo versus recompensa)
  • Los edificios tienen un riesgo cada vez mayor de que Dinoville se apodere del edificio cuanto más tiempo lo mantenga el mismo clan.
    • Al comienzo de la siguiente fase de conflicto, los edificios aleatorios propiedad de DV se liberan nuevamente para llegar nuevamente al número de edificios que DV debería poseer según la actividad del Ayuntamiento.
    • El riesgo aumentará según los ciclos de retención hasta un máximo del 25 % de probabilidad.
    • El riesgo de perder un edificio se aplicará diariamente
    • Recuerde que "perder un edificio por culpa de DV" no significa "perder objetos". Estos aún se pueden retirar mientras el edificio esté "Reclamado recientemente".
  • La tasa de reparación del defensor aumentará a 1:2 en lugar de la tasa actual de 1:4.
  • El nivel de rendimiento básico aumentará del 25% al 50%

View attachment 47368

¡Cuéntanos qué te parece!
El principal problema es que aunque sabemos que quieren mejorar el juego con todas las buenas intenciones del mundo, parece que no hacen su juego, porque siempre se ha dicho que el principal problema que tiene el juego ahora es la monopolización de los jugadores. portales por las grandes alianzas y que lamentablemente esta actualización no soluciona.

Porque me dirás si es justo que en un servidor haya 5 a 6 clanes vs 2 a 3 y ahora con este tema de que solo se puede drenar en un momento exacto se hace mucho más fácil defender los portales.

Porque, en mi opinión, ganar fama debería ser algo individual, sin tener que depender tanto ni nada de un clan.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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Main Char
Attacking Phase will change back to 20:00 - 22:00 or will they stay the same at 21:00 - 23:00?

David Moises

Jul 11, 2018
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Main Char
Mad Bulls
Realmente no le veo sentido a esta actualización, desde el principio les dijeron que el principal problema era la monopolización de las grandes alianzas en los portales y sin embargo realizan estas actualizaciones que más bien refuerzan estos comportamientos.

Para tener un cambio real hay que conseguir que la obtención de fama no dependa tanto o nada de los clanes, como han comentado muchos compañeros en comentarios anteriores, que llega un punto en el que las alianzas no son necesarias.

Personalmente me gustaría un modo de juego donde se seleccione un grupo de jugadores donde se repartiera equitativamente el rol de defensor y atacante para que no haya desventajas en cuanto a números y que de vez en cuando luchen por defender los portales en posición. . dinovilla, donde se toman en cuenta datos como muertes, asesinatos, daños hechos y recibidos y el tiempo jugado durante dicho evento, puede ser en un horario predefinido o de forma aleatoria.

Esa sería mi idea muy simplificada, abarcaría más cosas pero el punto al que quiero llegar es que necesitamos un modo de juego donde las alianzas sean innecesarias, ese es el cáncer que se está comiendo el juego poco a poco.


Feb 11, 2014
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As long as high level players can kill low level players nothing will change, increasing safe spawn time has no use at all because they will just follow you until they can kill you. I really tried to find something good about this update but really can not find one. I was hoping for more and i thought it would be better but after seeing and trying it it made it wors.

Defenders have less gates to defend so they can all just stand and wait for atackers to come and then kill them also they only need to defend fo 2 hours lol that made it even more easy to defend those gates. allies are laughing about this update because it gave them even more power to control a server.

change who and what players can attack, you already started with that by making it impossible for low level players attack high level gates, why not take one more step with that.
Level 55 can not attack level 35 and lower
level 35 can not attack level 15 and lower
This wil make sure that there will be more activity on all maps, and low level clans will have a chance to take claims and gates. Now most maps are not even used.


Feb 11, 2014
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As long as high level players can kill low level players nothing will change, increasing safe spawn time has no use at all because they will just follow you until they can kill you. I really tried to find something good about this update but really can not find one. I was hoping for more and i thought it would be better but after seeing and trying it it made it wors.

Defenders have less gates to defend so they can all just stand and wait for atackers to come and then kill them also they only need to defend fo 2 hours lol that made it even more easy to defend those gates. allies are laughing about this update because it gave them even more power to control a server.

change who and what players can attack, you already started with that by making it impossible for low level players attack high level gates, why not take one more step with that.
Level 55 can not attack level 35 and lower
level 35 can not attack level 15 and lower
This wil make sure that there will be more activity on all maps, and low level clans will have a chance to take claims and gates. Now most maps are not even used.
And ofcourse level 55 clans (allies) will have to fight more with each other because there will be less gates available to them. this might brakeup allied clans because ofcourse we all want some fame.


Active member
Jan 28, 2021
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and we have seen the so called attacks. Allied clans attack and defend eachothers gates for achievements, just standing there, not killing eachother. from 8 to 10 (if they not go off sooner) This seems to me very boring. Not having an suprised attack by an real enemy during the day.
And what are they gonne do when they are ready with their achievements??

And what about sheriffs....if was in the past working for it. buying supply, making fame for yourself etc we all remember it^^ Now they go in a clan and waiting till its their turn for rex or sheriff??


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2016
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- Eternal -
Attacking Phase will change back to 20:00 - 22:00 or will they stay the same at 21:00 - 23:00?
!?!? When they changed it?
This has happened on Eu servers due to daylight savings time / summer time. Regions that use DST set their clocks forward by one hour in spring and back by one hour in autumn. In Europe the change happens on the last Sunday of March and October.


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Feb 11, 2024
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This has happened on Eu servers due to daylight savings time / summer time. Regions that use DST set their clocks forward by one hour in spring and back by one hour in autumn. In Europe the change happens on the last Sunday of March and October.
Damn eu server fr troublesome none drain them now they gotta change their conflict phase to suit their timezones....

Luka Patajac

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2016
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Guess devs made a bug for dv owned builds?


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
So far I have not been able to attack any portal, as it is available once a day, for Brazilians who play it is only available at a very early morning time (8am) (Asia)


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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I finally tried this update with my clan (8-10 high level players). My expectations for it were low already, but boy this was underwhelming. What this update promised was a way for small clans to get a chance. Instead they got limited by the game in every way imaginable, and get steamrolled by alliances who don't even have to think strategically, just stand at the 2 (sometimes 1) entryways to the map and spawnkill every attacker. They also didn't get any restrictions that would make defending more inconvenient than before.

Let's list the limitations small clans face from this update that was intended to "help" them:
  1. - The most obvious is the time limit. One of the main ways small clans succeeded before was through unrelenting night attacks or surprise attacks in unexpected times of the day. This wore down the larger clans and made their players more reluctant to fight. This got taken from us.
  2. - Limiting where to spawn, in my opinion this is the biggest fault of the update. On a populated server there will be 1 or 2 spawnpoints on every map. This means that enemies concentrate at those gates with 10-20 or even more players in some cases at EVERY SINGLE ONE of the spawn gates. Even if there is only a few players at those gates(very rare occasion), reinforcements are alarmed by the guards immediatetly and swarm there while the guards are being killed by the attackers. The number of dv held gates being calculated from townhall activity amplifies this effect exponentially, the biggest alliances have the easiest time defending.
  3. - Increased drain time. 10 minutes for draining a site was perfect, sometimes even enough to capture a site during a surprise attack. With a 50% time increase this is no more. Arguably, the longer time to heal towers would counterbalance this, but once the attackers are killed (remember, small clans can only afford 1-2 attackers per gate), the large alliance can place alt accounts to heal the sites, and still congragate at the respawn gates held by dv. This means there is no way to get back to the sites once they are cleared by the defenders, and non-duelist attackers can't even teleport in to clear off the repairing players.
  4. - Elimination of any and all strategic gameplay. This is the ultimate effect of all the formerly mentioned implementations. When and where you attack is absolutely crucial to be successful in even being an annoyance to big alliances, let alone succeeding in taking over maps. Now deciding both factors are restricted, and predictability is the death of strategy. Implementing the old maps for this update would make more sense, but the spawnkilling issue still wouldn't be solved by this.
  5. - Travel sickness. A pointless but fun part of the game was to steal sites, guess the devs don't like fun.
Limitations defenders face:


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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Main Char

I don't know by which thought process the Dev team operate, but when you have majority of the community complaining about a change that everyone wasn't so keen on, it was simply too ridiculous to continue with that same type of mindset.

Just take a look, at every single page of this thread, you have at least one person who will always ask about the same topic again and again— Bring Back The Old Maps.

Literally, most of our problems from the previous state of the game were due to the maps. And many players have complained about it, but you simply discarded it for whatever reason.

Instead of introducing Jump Links that does not solve anything, It would have been better to spend those last 3 year's effort on re-working the map.

I am just saying, slapping some Jump Links over this problem, doesn't provide any real solutions, neither does ignoring complaints of the community where we are saying to redesigning it to make it more open— the gameplay is still linear at the end of the day with the Jump Links.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
If you go back to the first pages of this topic, you will see that the majority of comments were against several aspects of this update, mainly in having a specific time to attack and defense.
I can't understand why they went ahead with this idea.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Update is dropping tomorrow that hopefully should help to improve things:

The alternative PVE/PVP channel to gain fame items sadly is not ready yet to be included, but will be deployed next week.


Active member
Mar 20, 2016
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- Black Rose -
What was the idea behind the protection phase?

Because all it is doing is just killing the game. The event is still active and servers are dead again because most finished and are playing other games.

At this rate, the next update is going to give the mobs protection too.

People that are active all day but are unable to be active during the conflict phases due to time zones or IRL stuff have zero chance at playing the game if their intention is to win fame and elections, so these players just gave up on the game completely and have moved on to better games.

Conversely, people that are inactive all day but are able to log in during the conflict phase dominate servers. This is completely unfair because these players would never be able to hold anything otherwise if it was not for the protection phase.

PvP outside of the conflict phase is also pointless since there are no gates to defend. You can just hunt with protection and ignore PvP completely.

All these updates and weird ideas and changes you are planning will not help/improve the game in any way.

If you intend on improving the game at all, you can start by removing the protection phase completely.

The theme of the game is the lawless old west with dinosaurs, but right now it has evolved into this weird single-player game that's just boring and occasionally has PvP for 1hr.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
Update is dropping tomorrow that hopefully should help to improve things:

The alternative PVE/PVP channel to gain fame items sadly is not ready yet to be included, but will be deployed next week.
Could you explain what this new alternative pvp mechanic will be like?
so players could draw conclusions as to whether it will work or the devs are wasting time


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Here is the prepared WIP changelog for next week that did not make it into tomorrow's update:

Bountiful Claims · New Fame Channel for User PVE & PvP!
  • Chunks of Gold Ore are now spawning next to Claim sites. These chunks can be mined by all players, as long as they are not using PvP Protection.
    • Mining chunks requires players to have the "Duelist" or "Outlaw" status. If you attempt to mine a Chunk of Gold Ore without having a PvP status yet, you will be greeted with the usual PvP action confirmation window.
    • Mining chunks is achieved simply by interacting with them. Mining a chunk will produce one of the following fame items:
      • Gold Tinsel
      • Gold Nugget
    • Fame items that are obtained by mining Chunks of Gold Ore go directly to the inventory of the player mining the chunk.
  • Claim sites can be operated by clans just like before; fame item output is in no way connected to the spawning of Chunks of Gold Ore.
  • Like Travel Gates, Claims now produce Standard, Advanced and Elite Medals that clans can collect.
    • This means that less fame is produced in the site itself (just as much as Travel Gates are producing), but if a little time is invested into mining the Chunks of Gold Ore in the direct vicinity of the site, a lot more fame can be earned.
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Active member
Feb 11, 2024
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Main Char
Here is the prepared WIP changelog for next week that did not made it into tomorrows update:

Bountiful Claims · New Fame Channel for User PVE & PvP!
  • Chunks of Gold Ore are now spawning next to Claim sites. These chunks can be mined by all players, as long as they are not using PvP Protection.
    • Mining chunks requires players to have the "Duelist" or "Outlaw" status. If you attempt to mine a Chunk of Gold Ore without having a PvP status yet, you will be greeted with the usual PvP action confirmation window.
    • Mining chunks is achieved simply by interacting with them. Mining a chunk will produce one of the following fame items:
      • Gold Tinsel
      • Gold Nugget
    • Fame items that are obtained by mining Chunks of Gold Ore go directly to the inventory of the player mining the chunk.
  • Claim sites can be operated by clans just like before; fame item output is in no way connected to the spawning of Chunks of Gold Ore.
  • Claims now produce medals like the travel gates that clans can collect from buildings.
Ahh shii those no lifers be multing and protecting those ore like their life 😒

Luka Patajac

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2016
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Main Char
Here is the prepared WIP changelog for next week that did not make it into tomorrow's update:

Bountiful Claims · New Fame Channel for User PVE & PvP!
  • Chunks of Gold Ore are now spawning next to Claim sites. These chunks can be mined by all players, as long as they are not using PvP Protection.
    • Mining chunks requires players to have the "Duelist" or "Outlaw" status. If you attempt to mine a Chunk of Gold Ore without having a PvP status yet, you will be greeted with the usual PvP action confirmation window.
    • Mining chunks is achieved simply by interacting with them. Mining a chunk will produce one of the following fame items:
      • Gold Tinsel
      • Gold Nugget
    • Fame items that are obtained by mining Chunks of Gold Ore go directly to the inventory of the player mining the chunk.
  • Claim sites can be operated by clans just like before; fame item output is in no way connected to the spawning of Chunks of Gold Ore.
  • Like Travel Gates, Claims now produce Standard, Advanced and Elite Medals that clans can collect.
    • This means that less fame is produced in the site itself (just as much as Travel Gates are producing), but if a little time is invested into mining the Chunks of Gold Ore in the direct vicinity of the site, a lot more fame can be earned.
So if one player farms specific chunk does that mean no other player will be able to mine that exact chunk at same time?

How many chunk ores would you plan per each claim?

Would said chunks disappear after certain amount of mining or does mining stop for player after they filled their inventory?


New member
Apr 3, 2024
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Main Char
Here is the prepared WIP changelog for next week that did not make it into tomorrow's update:

Bountiful Claims · New Fame Channel for User PVE & PvP!
  • Chunks of Gold Ore are now spawning next to Claim sites. These chunks can be mined by all players, as long as they are not using PvP Protection.
    • Mining chunks requires players to have the "Duelist" or "Outlaw" status. If you attempt to mine a Chunk of Gold Ore without having a PvP status yet, you will be greeted with the usual PvP action confirmation window.
    • Mining chunks is achieved simply by interacting with them. Mining a chunk will produce one of the following fame items:
      • Gold Tinsel
      • Gold Nugget
    • Fame items that are obtained by mining Chunks of Gold Ore go directly to the inventory of the player mining the chunk.
  • Claim sites can be operated by clans just like before; fame item output is in no way connected to the spawning of Chunks of Gold Ore.
  • Like Travel Gates, Claims now produce Standard, Advanced and Elite Medals that clans can collect.
    • This means that less fame is produced in the site itself (just as much as Travel Gates are producing), but if a little time is invested into mining the Chunks of Gold Ore in the direct vicinity of the site, a lot more fame can be earned.
How, exactly, does this benefit the bigger clans (game's main source of income) that regularly drain/maintain a good number of claim sites? It sounds like it'll be easier to just camp the mines and forget the rest, and where's the fun in that?
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Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
So if one player farms specific chunk does that mean no other player will be able to mine that exact chunk at same time?

How many chunk ores would you plan per each claim?

Would said chunks disappear after certain amount of mining or does mining stop for player after they filled their inventory?
Yes that is correct. The player that started the mining first will get the contents of it. Attacking a player will abort the mining though. Same as when collecting items.

Spawned gold rocks are random between all claims on a map and will spawn ~6 items every ~3 minutes. Spawn interval will also adjusted by the townhall activity in the same way as available buildings too keep fame channels consistent to each other. These numbers are the initial values and most likely might change.

Gold rocks are despawned after a time when they are not collected or after a player has mined them.

How, exactly, does this benefit the bigger clans (game's main source of income) that regularly drain/maintain a good number of claim sites? It sounds like it'll be easier to just camp the mines and forget the rest, and where's the fun in that?
Each fame channel will be balanced against each other to stay relevant. That also includes frame from clothing/skins.
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