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#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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What is the fun in only being able to attack/defend for 4h every 24h, like imagine that:
after a 4h battle with a thief, your wallet got stolen, and you cant get it back for another 24h, and then you loose again and he steals your car keys, would you continue?
In my opinion(not that it matters) its better to attack/defend whenever anyone likes, because then you aren't tied by time.
For real, it would be more optimal to focus on fixing the bug and adding different quests and stuff like that, map fixes in general, before putting out a big update like this, it would change the whole gameplay as we know it rn.
like you are defending or attacking sites for 24/7


Jan 10, 2022
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Dark Max Retribution
when will this go into effect?

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Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
Judging by the draft, it doesn't really look like it's going to be any fun.
basically it will change the form of wars, but it won't change the end result.
the dominant alliance always with the most portals and with the most rest time for the next day of attacks.
and not to mention that they will always know the time of the attacks.
Will they own 75% of the server portals and still gain time without worrying about attacks? nah


New member
Dec 23, 2015
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-Bounty Hunters-
Sinceramente, tenho receio dessa mudança..
Essa nova atualização poderá resultar em algo negativo também, nem todos os jogadores podem jogar no mesmo horário, com a falta de liberdade para atacar a hora que quiser pode deixar o jogo monótono com o passar do tempo, por que e depois das 4 horas? todos irão se desligar e esperar o outro dia? e os clãs menores?

Minha opinião, deixem como está, porém:
- Facilite ao ''Atacante'' roubar fama (algo justo pelo esforço de atacar), e dê algum crédito ao ''Defensor'', por exemplo: ao defender, quanto mais membros ter no portal, mais rápido se cura, ou algum outro benefício.


New member
May 3, 2023
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Howdy, fellow rangers!

We are happy to see that the part 2 update revolving around the town hall mechanics has been well received so far. Now after the election period which ended last weekend, the town hall seats scaling is completely based on the real numbers calculated from server activity. Previous election periods had still benefited from a seat count head start that we gave all servers when the update went live, resulting in an expanded number of seats which saw a gradual decline up to the current election period.

In the meantime, we were working on Part 3 of the Endgame concept which is centered around the game’s sites (aka buildings) for gaining fame. It is the most complex of our updates because it has a direct impact on gameplay that you're all very familiar with, but should still contain solutions and improvements in line with the goals we've set out as developers. A tricky beast for sure which took us quite a few iterations on various ideas and concepts until we finally reached a point where we feel that we can share something with you. The design concept is still a rather early draft that we want to improve upon based on your feedback. So, let us give you an overview of what is planned so far:

Main Goals:
  • Allow smaller clans to be able to get access to buildings’ fame items without the need to be part of a large alliance.
  • Improve the gameplay around buildings for both defenders and attackers. A key goal is to make it easier for attackers to be successful.

Concept Summary:
All buildings in all zones will have a daily synchronized 4-hour transfer phase where they are open for takeovers. Successful takeovers will automatically pass on the building to the attacker. There can only be one successful takeover for a given building during the 4-hour transfer phase, which means that if you succeed in the takeover of a building, it will be safe until the next day’s transfer phase. The items produced by the buildings are automatically given to the clan who owns the building by the time that the transfer phase is ending.

View attachment 46326

Notable changes from the concept:
  • Supply packs will cost Clan Dollars instead of Gold Coins.
  • Yield will start at a new minimum level once a building is held by a new owner; it can then be upgraded to higher tiers using supply packs. (Yield will not change randomly anymore.)
  • Defending and attacking is only possible within a set 4-hour phase each day.
  • No manual fame item collection from buildings anymore, instead items are collected automatically once per day.
  • Building attack/defense changes
    • If at least one attacker is in the building area it will cause the building to be drained at a fixed rate.
    • If one defender is in the building area the building status will fill up again at a fixed rate which is lower than the draining rate.
    • In the case of multiple clans participating in the same attack, the clan with the most “draining time” gets the building.
    • Attacking a building no longer requires any items to be used.

We tried to keep certain elements as they are on live servers, but adjust important aspects to change how sites/buildings will be approached in the future. This will allow us to bring you the update much earlier than something that completely changes the core system.
We plan to make a Public PTR Test with an open map for fights around buildings as well, so you can join for an early access and feedback round to help us shape the update.

While the above changes apply to both Travel Gates and Claims, it's also planned to have additional and special gameplay for the Claim buildings as a later follow-up update which will play out differently than the fight around Travel Gates.

Let us know what you think about this concept and how you think it will change the gameplay.

View attachment 46327
An addition that I see, is that now there are clans that are not very active with their portals, so for a kind of penalty they could place all the portals that in the middle of the day, have to give a type of supply and if it is not given and reaches a certain %, the portal has 30 minutes so that other clans can take it and the clan that lost it can no longer retake it until the next drain, so the clan that took the portal would have half a day to have the things from the portal, so the clan careless suffers the penalty
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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1. So supplies wont be needed to drain, but only to increase yield, so what will happen with currently owned supplies which players have?

2. Could you maybe keep the option to buy supplies with gold coins? I like the idea that it would be needed to buy supplies with dino dollars, but some players wouldn't have the time to farm dino dollars. It still could work similar as with clan dino dollars, just when player is buying supplies with gold coins, he would use his own gold coins.

3. Will be players able to take protection while having sites?

4. How duelist will work? Based on what duration of it would be?

5. What would happen if clan A has drained the most, but clan B finished draining, does it mean that site would still go to clan A?

6. Could be transfer phase time extended, like up to 6h or be split into 2 times per day? 4h in a single time seems to not be much satisfying

ll- Lady -ll

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Oct 1, 2021
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x-Lady-x PW
Peace Walkers
If you are going to give small clans a chance, shouldn't there be a cap on how many buildings/claims you can have? I'm still confused about how a small clan is going to be able to take over a larger clans buildings, it's not possible, it's a suicide mission.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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1. So supplies wont be needed to drain, but only to increase yield, so what will happen with currently owned supplies which players have?

2. Could you maybe keep the option to buy supplies with gold coins? I like the idea that it would be needed to buy supplies with dino dollars, but some players wouldn't have the time to farm dino dollars. It still could work similar as with clan dino dollars, just when player is buying supplies with gold coins, he would use his own gold coins.

3. Will be players able to take protection while having sites?

4. How duelist will work? Based on what duration of it would be?

5. What would happen if clan A has drained the most, but clan B finished draining, does it mean that site would still go to clan A?

6. Could be transfer phase time extended, like up to 6h or be split into 2 times per day? 4h in a single time seems to not be much satisfying
1. Yield will get back to the lowest rank when a building has been taken over. In addion the yield will go down one level per after transfer phase has ended and the items delivered to the clan. So a clan that wants to get most fame out of their buildings you still have an important use for the supply packs.

2. We removed the gold option as it was already causing several problems and was exploited.

3. & 4. Yes they can have protection but are then not able to defend their buildings. Engaged status is activated once an attack is issued and the defender protects it by attacking the attacker. Keeping it active until the cooldown has ended like it is live.

5. Yes clan A would get the buildin in that case as they drained it the most time.

6. A split might be an option but than the duration should be shorter. On the other hand the items to steal would be lower as the production in between was shorter as well.
May 26, 2023
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-Folkung MS-
Sería mucho más simple agregar mecánicos que permitan a los atacantes realizar ataques de manera más eficiente. ¿Cuáles son las grandes desventajas de los atacantes?
1- drenar y no poder robar fama.
2- enfrentar una gran cantidad de enemigos y no tener dónde revivir.
3- mapas de ruta única que limitan las estrategias y son fácilmente arrinconados por los enemigos.
4- los atacantes mueren más y pierden muchos más dds.
5- lleva mucho tiempo drenar completamente un portal, incluso con 10 atacantes en el círculo.

Las posibles soluciones:
1- existe el robo de fama, pero sin el límite de tiempo.

2- poder revivir en portales rojos ( solo revivir y obviamente con un tiempo de espera más largo. )

3- abrir caminos en mapas ( algo que la comunidad ha estado pidiendo durante años ).

4 mejoras en la granja dd.

5- cuanto más jugadores drenan, más rápido cae el portal. ( cuantos más defensores se curen, más rápido se cura el portal ).

obviamente habría más para implementar y pulir para un mejor equilibrio entre atacantes y defensores.
pero, sinceramente, la idea propuesta en esta cabaña de desarrollo no parece que cambie la situación en los servidores, y mucho menos sea divertida.
Yo Dirira que pongan que los atacantes sean capaces de revivir por tener la libertad de no ser suyo el edificio, y que los defensores no sean capaces de revivir en portales los cuales ellos sean dueños
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Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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If you are going to give small clans a chance, shouldn't there be a cap on how many buildings/claims you can have? I'm still confused about how a small clan is going to be able to take over a larger clans buildings, it's not possible, it's a suicide mission.
Such a cap would not help as then it simply is split between smaller clans of the same alliance to avoid that limitation.

The overtake of a bulding will be generally easier as it is right now. You dont need a supply pack to do it. Just the press of a button "Reclaim Building". You just need to have single dino to be in the radius to start the drain regardless if opponents are in the circle as well. They can slow it down though if they are in the ring as well by healing it. But they are not able to directly add supply packs to bring it back to 100% in after the attack cooldown has ended as it is live right now. Once you manage to drain it to 0% you will securely get the building and the loot it that was produced for 24 hours. Live you would easily loose the building to the defender again on their counter attack.

The 4 hour time frame should help an attack as the defender must protect all of their buildings at the same time splitting their defenders around the buildings during that time. Leaving an building unprotected give the attacker advantage to claim the building. You can freely choose over 50 buildings you want to attack for an opening.

There might be things we are missing out here and for that your feedback is important. Keep it going :)
May 26, 2023
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-Folkung MS-
Yo digo que el sistema de drenadas actual es extremadamente lento, 10 personas que drenan 15 minutos 1 portal para que llegue de 100% a 30% da demasiado chance a los enemigos de defender si son muy grandes, Yo controlaría esto aumentando la taza de drenada o al menos cuando hallan mas players drenando. Otro punto con el nuevo sistema que intentan poner que los atacantes pudieran revivir libremente pero con tiempo aumentado en los portales atacados y los defensores cuales edificaciones tengan en su poder no puedan revivir en esas específicamente sino con kits.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I like those proposed points.

However, at this point, we are spamming, but we absolutely need an improvement in terms of DDs for level 55. It is near impossible to farm what we consume in the war currently
this is not true. In a war if you spend your dino dollars in an immeasurable way, obviously you will spend a lot and it will take time to recover what you lost, but you can be more efficient...

At the beginning of the year, my clan and I started a war to take America 1, I personally did not reach a million dino dollars, but that was not a problem for me, with hunting 100k a day I covered the expense that I was doing killing or draining ..


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I feel like this kind of update takes away the core of what makes DS fun for most of the part - wars, fighting, pvps, ect (we will ignore hunting in this case, because it is more torture than anything); with this feature it doesn't seem that wars will even be beneficial/fun because of the forced time window + the rest of the players who are lvl 50-55 don't have a lot to do until then, which for that time they might be off completely instead - decrease in player base/activity as well? Also the part of strategizing which came with majorly the benefit of time management.
Personally, I think this update is more negative than positive simply for the reason as - there is a lack of content and existing mechanics don't really need tweeking (for now) and since the new election system got implemented, it should be enough revamping for now and needs other things to be taken care of instead. if there were things to do in the free time, especially for those who are lvl 50+, I don't think I'd see this update as much of a problem! Reading replies I'm seeing there is way more deeper thought put into this such as fixing auto clicker and other niche problems with gate claiming, defending, ect, which is good and I'm glad that's happening, but I'm also looking at this on a surface level for now and I don't have the full understanding of the whole concept yet, which is why I am unsure as how to feel as of now
First you must break down the current system, currently a war is not fun if you are on the attacking side, you need to gather a lot of players to be able to face an alliance that dominates, and in this type of war, those who last longer connected win. , then you have to easily battle 8 hours a day. Limiting the time to 4 hours is something healthy, which would concentrate the action in less time. Perhaps it would be a good idea that these 4 hours are not always at the same time, that the time varies to make the wars somewhat more unpredictable


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
The 4 hour time frame should help an attack as the defender must protect all of their buildings at the same time splitting their defenders around the buildings during that time. Leaving an building unprotected give the attacker advantage to claim the building. You can freely choose over 50 buildings you want to attack for an opening.
So for a defender to win back his building, he must defeat all the attackers within the radius by the time the 4 hours are up?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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Main Char
The Revolution
Judging by the draft, it doesn't really look like it's going to be any fun.
basically it will change the form of wars, but it won't change the end result.
the dominant alliance always with the most portals and with the most rest time for the next day of attacks.
and not to mention that they will always know the time of the attacks.
Will they own 75% of the server portals and still gain time without worrying about attacks? nah
here explains it well.
The overtake of a bulding will be generally easier as it is right now. You dont need a supply pack to do it. Just the press of a button "Reclaim Building". You just need to have single dino to be in the radius to start the drain regardless if opponents are in the circle as well. They can slow it down though if they are in the ring as well by healing it. But they are not able to directly add supply packs to bring it back to 100% in after the attack cooldown has ended as it is live right now. Once you manage to drain it to 0% you will securely get the building and the loot it that was produced for 24 hours. Live you would easily loose the building to the defender again on their counter attack.

Luka Patajac

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2016
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During vulnerable phase does building get new owner as soon as it reaches 0% or is building transferred to clan that did most draining only at the end of vulnerable phase? And if as soon as it reaches 0% is when clan that has done most draining gets building gets everything that was produced by it during production phase as soon as it reaches 0% or when vulnerable phase ends?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2020
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Yes we also plan to chance other mechanics slightly that make defeding more difficult. Buildings are drained faster than it can be healed. ( no quick supply pack recharge after the combat is possible anymore)
Its also planned to have at least one neutral building per map that is owned by dinoville that is always usable for teleport and respawns.

We also thinked about the pvp gameplay outside of the 4 hours transfer phase. But that will come we the changed claim gameplay later ;) Right now you would prepare for combat to level, gain dino dollars etc. Up to you.

Once a portal was taken over it can not be taken back until next day. If multiple clans attack a single building, it will go to the clan that drained the longest time.

Later there is an additional mechanic planned that will make dinoville take buildings from the clans to match the server population so that it still remains interessting.
Can you explain this please? or you can not release this information yet? ( about dinoville taking buildings from the clans )

-l- I N V E J A -l-

Active member
Nov 9, 2022
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x M A S T E R .
Such a cap would not help as then it simply is split between smaller clans of the same alliance to avoid that limitation.

The overtake of a bulding will be generally easier as it is right now. You dont need a supply pack to do it. Just the press of a button "Reclaim Building". You just need to have single dino to be in the radius to start the drain regardless if opponents are in the circle as well. They can slow it down though if they are in the ring as well by healing it. But they are not able to directly add supply packs to bring it back to 100% in after the attack cooldown has ended as it is live right now. Once you manage to drain it to 0% you will securely get the building and the loot it that was produced for 24 hours. Live you would easily loose the building to the defender again on their counter attack.

The 4 hour time frame should help an attack as the defender must protect all of their buildings at the same time splitting their defenders around the buildings during that time. Leaving an building unprotected give the attacker advantage to claim the building. You can freely choose over 50 buildings you want to attack for an opening.

There might be things we are missing out here and for that your feedback is important. Keep it going :)

in the wars that took place even before this update, there was always that many going to attack the portals, and the defenders going to protect, and having to separate, and this strategy always worked for the defenders, there is also the strategy of the defenders going from one end of the map to the other end and kill whoever is draining the portals that the defenders pass to protect, and limiting that draining time to just 4 hours, it's ridiculous, even because currently before the update, who doesn't have mastery over the map , he can very well drain at any time he wants and thinks it's better than having to wait for the 4 hour period to arrive, so he can drain the portals


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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Main Char
this is not true. In a war if you spend your dino dollars in an immeasurable way, obviously you will spend a lot and it will take time to recover what you lost, but you can be more efficient...

At the beginning of the year, my clan and I started a war to take America 1, I personally did not reach a million dino dollars, but that was not a problem for me, with hunting 100k a day I covered the expense that I was doing killing or draining ..
Agree to disagree

For more context, If I am at war every day, fighting and teleporting on every map, I cannot recover those DDs the same day.

Such is the case for many.

Guih 154

Apr 21, 2020
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Main Char
Don Black

Howdy, fellow rangers!

We are happy to see that the part 2 update revolving around the town hall mechanics has been well received so far. Now after the election period which ended last weekend, the town hall seats scaling is completely based on the real numbers calculated from server activity. Previous election periods had still benefited from a seat count head start that we gave all servers when the update went live, resulting in an expanded number of seats which saw a gradual decline up to the current election period.

In the meantime, we were working on Part 3 of the Endgame concept which is centered around the game’s sites (aka buildings) for gaining fame. It is the most complex of our updates because it has a direct impact on gameplay that you're all very familiar with, but should still contain solutions and improvements in line with the goals we've set out as developers. A tricky beast for sure which took us quite a few iterations on various ideas and concepts until we finally reached a point where we feel that we can share something with you. The design concept is still a rather early draft that we want to improve upon based on your feedback. So, let us give you an overview of what is planned so far:

Main Goals:
  • Allow smaller clans to be able to get access to buildings’ fame items without the need to be part of a large alliance.
  • Improve the gameplay around buildings for both defenders and attackers. A key goal is to make it easier for attackers to be successful.

Concept Summary:
All buildings in all zones will have a daily synchronized 4-hour transfer phase where they are open for takeovers. Successful takeovers will automatically pass on the building to the attacker. There can only be one successful takeover for a given building during the 4-hour transfer phase, which means that if you succeed in the takeover of a building, it will be safe until the next day’s transfer phase. The items produced by the buildings are automatically given to the clan who owns the building by the time that the transfer phase is ending.

View attachment 46326

Notable changes from the concept:
  • Supply packs will cost Clan Dollars instead of Gold Coins.
  • Yield will start at a new minimum level once a building is held by a new owner; it can then be upgraded to higher tiers using supply packs. (Yield will not change randomly anymore.)
  • Defending and attacking is only possible within a set 4-hour phase each day.
  • No manual fame item collection from buildings anymore, instead items are collected automatically once per day.
  • Building attack/defense changes
    • If at least one attacker is in the building area it will cause the building to be drained at a fixed rate.
    • If one defender is in the building area the building status will fill up again at a fixed rate which is lower than the draining rate.
    • In the case of multiple clans participating in the same attack, the clan with the most “draining time” gets the building.
    • Attacking a building no longer requires any items to be used.

We tried to keep certain elements as they are on live servers, but adjust important aspects to change how sites/buildings will be approached in the future. This will allow us to bring you the update much earlier than something that completely changes the core system.
We plan to make a Public PTR Test with an open map for fights around buildings as well, so you can join for an early access and feedback round to help us shape the update.

While the above changes apply to both Travel Gates and Claims, it's also planned to have additional and special gameplay for the Claim buildings as a later follow-up update which will play out differently than the fight around Travel Gates.

Let us know what you think about this concept and how you think it will change the gameplay.

View attachment 46327
Interesting, but only 4 hours into the attack? I say this because, the fun of the game is the wars, just 4 hours is not a short period?

-l- I N V E J A -l-

Active member
Nov 9, 2022
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x M A S T E R .
my question now is about the defenders, if the defenders win in those 4 hours of attack that the attackers will do, do the portals go back to 100%? and another, if they get 1 portal, will we be able to drain their portal and recover the portal? because from what I understand of this update is: you are an attacker, attack, you got a portal, and it is yours until the next drain hour


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
here explains it well.
I know that many players are needy for updates and thus end up accepting any proposal that the devs say.
but the idea is bad and will totally limit the wars.
most players will only play during this time of attack and defense and then go off, after all, it will not be necessary to be online to take care of the portals until the next day.
it will not even be necessary to be online to collect fame. lol


Mar 21, 2023
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Main Char
- P A P A I -

Howdy, fellow rangers!

We are happy to see that the part 2 update revolving around the town hall mechanics has been well received so far. Now after the election period which ended last weekend, the town hall seats scaling is completely based on the real numbers calculated from server activity. Previous election periods had still benefited from a seat count head start that we gave all servers when the update went live, resulting in an expanded number of seats which saw a gradual decline up to the current election period.

In the meantime, we were working on Part 3 of the Endgame concept which is centered around the game’s sites (aka buildings) for gaining fame. It is the most complex of our updates because it has a direct impact on gameplay that you're all very familiar with, but should still contain solutions and improvements in line with the goals we've set out as developers. A tricky beast for sure which took us quite a few iterations on various ideas and concepts until we finally reached a point where we feel that we can share something with you. The design concept is still a rather early draft that we want to improve upon based on your feedback. So, let us give you an overview of what is planned so far:

Main Goals:
  • Allow smaller clans to be able to get access to buildings’ fame items without the need to be part of a large alliance.
  • Improve the gameplay around buildings for both defenders and attackers. A key goal is to make it easier for attackers to be successful.

Concept Summary:
Todos os edifícios em todas as zonas terão uma fase de transferência diária sincronizada de 4 horas, onde estarão abertos para aquisições. As aquisições bem-sucedidas passarão automaticamente o prédio para o invasor. Só pode haver uma aquisição bem-sucedida para um determinado edifício durante a fase de transferência de 4 horas, o que significa que, se você for bem-sucedido na aquisição de um edifício, ele estará seguro até a fase de transferência do dia seguinte. Os itens produzidos pelos prédios são entregues automaticamente ao clã que possui o prédio no momento em que a fase de transferência termina.

View attachment 46326

Mudanças notáveis do conceito:
  • Os pacotes de suprimentos custarão Dólares do Clã em vez de Moedas de Ouro.
  • O rendimento começará em um novo nível mínimo assim que um edifício for mantido por um novo proprietário; ele pode então ser atualizado para níveis mais altos usando pacotes de suprimentos. (O rendimento não mudará mais aleatoriamente.)
  • Defender e atacar só é possível dentro de uma fase definida de 4 horas por dia.
  • Não há mais coleta manual de itens de fama de edifícios, em vez disso, os itens são coletados automaticamente uma vez por dia.
  • Construindo mudanças de ataque/defesa
    • Se pelo menos um invasor estiver na área do prédio, isso fará com que o prédio seja drenado a uma taxa fixa.
    • Se um defensor estiver na área de construção, o status da construção será preenchido novamente a uma taxa fixa inferior à taxa de drenagem.
    • No caso de vários clãs participando do mesmo ataque, o clã com mais “tempo de drenagem” fica com o prédio.
    • Atacar um edifício não requer mais o uso de nenhum item.

Tentamos manter certos elementos como estão nos servidores ativos, mas ajustamos aspectos importantes para mudar a forma como os sites/edifícios serão abordados no futuro. Isso nos permitirá trazer a atualização muito mais cedo do que algo que muda completamente o sistema principal.
Planejamos fazer um teste PTR público com um mapa aberto para lutas em torno de edifícios também, para que você possa participar de uma rodada de acesso antecipado e feedback para nos ajudar a moldar a atualização.

Embora as mudanças acima se apliquem a Travel Gates e Claims, também está planejado ter uma jogabilidade adicional e especial para os edifícios Claim como uma atualização de acompanhamento posterior que será diferente da luta em torno de Travel Gates.

Deixe-nos saber o que você pensa sobre este conceito e como você acha que isso mudará a jogabilidade.

View attachment 46327
Em relação em grandes conflitos, como as guerras, como vai funcionar? Pelo que a nota diz o ataque só vai ocorrer durante um horário de cada dia. Fique confuso sobre os horários dos voos das torres.
No meu ponto de vista sobre manter horários de bloqueios fixos iria acabar lentamente com o jogo, visto que muito jogarem não conseguem entrar nos horários pré-estabelecidos. O que vai acontecer com os outros jogadores que não podem logar nos horários de ataque? Como eles vão drenar e tentar dominar o portal durante outro horário?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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Main Char
Then, attacking in those 4 hours and that's it, would mean that big clans with solid alliances like the ones in Europe 1 are impossible for new or small clans to beat,
I play in multi-server, and I can say 100% that this idea will have no effect on Eu1. Small clans will not be able to break the alliance in eu1. You just gave me (a defender) more power and more ideas to better protect my alliance.

Consider the following.

In Eu1, there are 10 clans. All 10 clans are under 1 alliance. All 10 clans have 15+ active people at a high level. You have proposed that attacks will only be done in a time window. Fine, all that the alliance has to do is ready their ppl during the attack.

Do you see where I am going? Perhaps those praising the 4-hour time window are in a dead server where the player base is shared across many servers (AM1 & EU1 are the only unique server), but this absolutely will not change EU1. At All.

I think that you need to re-evaluate that feature of limiting the attacks to a single time frame, this puts a limitation on the players and restricts the gameplay.
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Mar 21, 2023
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- P A P A I -
Em relação em grandes conflitos, como as guerras, como vai funcionar? Pelo que a nota diz o ataque só vai ocorrer durante um horário de cada dia. Fique confuso sobre os horários dos ataques das torres.
No meu ponto de vista sobre manter horários de fixos acabaria lentamente com o jogo, visto que muito jogadores não conseguem entrar nos horários pré-estabelecidos. O que vai acontecer com os outros jogadores que não podem logar nos horários de ataque? Como eles vão drenar e tentar dominar o portal durante outro horário?

Ricardo pr

Mar 13, 2023
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Ricardo pr
abriran servidores de prueba pronto


New member
Dec 11, 2020
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- KillOnsight -
In wars, there could be a bonus, a representative of a clan who could fight with the representative of another clan so that there was a % bonus in relation to time (or another attribute) that would bring more advantage, then the clan that had a small group, could have a chance to have a win


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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.-Will there be extra fame for certain activities we do while the Transfer phase is happening? It would be a good incentive to participate.

.-Thinking of adding new music to the new system? It would be really exciting to hear a new soundtrack while a building is being drained or occupied.

.-Is the bandit raid still planned? Is it the new game you mentioned?

.-The more players drain an area, the longer the recovery and drain time?

So far the idea is very good, I like it but I'm not entirely convinced that we attack every day for only 4 hours.

And there is no doubt that this update can lay the groundwork for future clan-focused dev shacks.
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