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[UPDATED] The Dev Shack #05 – A Long, Long List of Changes

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Penryn Young

Nov 29, 2015
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we need more maps in eu1,it's already fights and war soon when more people comes on
Dec 10, 2015
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*. Maps are transformed, roads like as snake, all camps are not on it's places, fog of war... Intermediate levels of animals (bandits), WHY? FOR WHAT? Slow speed of dino, astronomical quantity of teleports.... I HATE YOU DEVELOPERS!!!! *

Edit by: Faye
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Tyrannosaur Ryan

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Dec 13, 2012
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Critical Hit chance curve reduced to improve gameplay dynamic.
Dodge chance curve reduced to improve gameplay dynamic.
Now, just to be clear, this means that the chance of getting a crit or a dodge is lower than it was before? I hope so. I don't like it when a match is decided by luck.

Rega Aliu

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Dec 20, 2015
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Thx so much dino storm
These updates are very cool i love them and i hope we will have them for a looooooooong time :D :D :D :D


New member
Sep 7, 2015
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This is the worst update that you guys ever done!!!!Change this fucking nightmare and give us back old version right now!! Maps sucks and what about velocity of Dino?!?! I have no words to describes this shit....please give us old version! We need it


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Nov 1, 2015
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Please fix the problems in the game. I started to hunt for lvl 39 pachy it showed me to hunt lvl 36 dinos and i got 30 lvl item .... The maps are very bad why didn't you make more directions?Not that long walk down slowly and made maps like mazes. I haven't 40 mins for walking every day ... and when we die why it takes us so much dino dollars and for respawn 370-400 and more... and if i haven't, dinoville.... Please back the old game :(


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Sep 7, 2015
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_Mimi_ said:
Please fix the problems in the game. I started to hunt for lvl 39 pachy it showed me to hunt lvl 36 dinos and i got 30 lvl item .... The maps are very bad why didn't you make more directions?Not that long walk down slowly and made maps like mazes. I haven't 40 mins for walking every day ... and when we die why it takes us so much dino dollars and for respawn 370-400 and more... and if i haven't, dinoville.... Please back the old game :(
we all want old version, but they will never give it back...never. When they lost all the players then they will understand.
Nov 1, 2015
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Thanks a lot for these updates. Now, I might have to consider quitting this game.

How the hell am I supposed to play with such slow dino? It took half an hour just to reach the level 10 area in goldfields without exploration and I dont use a damned brachi. How am I supposed to hunt like this?


New member
Jan 4, 2016
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Hi all,
Am I the only one? I can't even load the game now...The client software keeps on loading then it stops , and goes back to loading again.
It is crazy.I could enter the game yesterday until 8 pm then all crashed and that happened. I could not get back to the game anymore. I tried again this morning and it's still the same problem. So I tried to delete the client and to launch the download of the client (I did it thinking I had to renew the version of it ), well its does not download at all :( .
So weird. Is there any solution? I ask that to the GM ;) or if any of you can give me a solution please :D

Thanks a lot,
best regards,


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Sep 7, 2015
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mohammed.taqee said:
Thanks a lot for these updates. Now, I might have to consider quitting this game.

How the hell am I supposed to play with such slow dino? It took half an hour just to reach the level 10 area in goldfields without exploration and I dont use a damned brachi. How am I supposed to hunt like this?
You're right my dear friend, they just ruined our game, now that I'm lvl 40 I have to leave game.
Good luck my friends
With my best regards

Tyrannosaur Ryan

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Dec 13, 2012
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Personally I'm really liking the update so far. Yes it takes longer to travel through the maps if you don't want to pay to teleport, but I can see the reasoning behind even that. The biggest advantage is that it adds more depth and strategy to wars. Before the update if you were on the offense in a war you basically just grouped up with a bunch of people and just YOLO'd into buildings over and over again. If you died it was super annoying because you had to just lay there dead for 55 seconds, but at the same time it was meaningless because after that you would just respawn and YOLO again. Or if you were on the defense you would just sit at the building staring at your computer screen waiting for your enemies to either attack or go away. Now it's less annoying because you don't stay dead as long, but at the same time it means more if you do die because you either pay to stay in the map, or get sent all the way back to DV.
And for someone who just wants to hunt, the extra travel time is at least somewhat offset by the fact that there's a market in each map.


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Jan 30, 2013
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Bug report :

Tex haggerty isnt taking the Items of the quest so we cant even finish the Groupquest hes giving us.


Active member
Jan 30, 2013
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Bug report new version :

Any NPC that gives Quests cant be givin the Items, the Konvois cant be healen so far on Europe 3 :/ .. its impossible to us to do any quests


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Thanks for the report. Issue is solved now. You need to restart the client to get the update.


New member
Jan 4, 2016
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hi ,
Can anyone answer to my previous posted message on the forum please ? A GM ? here is what i wrote (and i still have the same problem tonight..I could log a bit today . And Now Impossible. ) I quote what i wrote below :
Hi all,
Am I the only one? I can't even load the game now...The client software keeps on loading then it stops , and goes back to loading again.
It is crazy.I could enter the game yesterday until 8 pm then all crashed and that happened. I could not get back to the game anymore. I tried again this morning and it's still the same problem. So I tried to delete the client and to launch the download of the client (I did it thinking I had to renew the version of it ), well its does not download at all :( .
So weird. Is there any solution? I ask that to the GM ;) or if any of you can give me a solution please :D

Thanks a lot,
best regards,

Thanks for your answers


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Please send a ticket to the support team so that can find out what is causing your issue: http://support.splitscreenstudios.com/

mizo pool

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Mar 11, 2014
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It's an awful update , why should I run an hour just to reach lvl 40 area :confused: , and what should I do when every single time be dead :x ? I really do not understand why you changed the whole idea of enjoying the game to just get bored from playing it :?:


Active member
Oct 13, 2013
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mizo pool said:
It's an awful update , why should I run an hour just to reach lvl 40 area :confused: , and what should I do when every single time be dead :x ? I really do not understand why you changed the whole idea of enjoying the game to just get bored from playing it :?:


Feb 2, 2016
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Yes i think i agree with mizo pool, i love all the other new stuff, its just the map that bothers me, its just TOOOO maze-like and that makes it very unrealistic and monotonous. Maybe bring back just the old map system alone? Apart from that everything is amazing. I know, we can teleport and stuff but that will leave nothing for the good old walking around and having fun. The whole walking part has turned into a grinding process. I hope you change this aspect of the game alone.


Feb 15, 2014
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i got a question about the clan statistics
Every time I log in after a long time, some player statistics are reset to 0. should that be like this?
Feb 25, 2016
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Pr0Ankit said:
cristian.cugnoni said:
It would be great if the discarded items could be picked up by others, a trash can be treasure for others
Hello Cristian :),

It could be a good idea and a bad idea too, because high level players (level 40 players) can easily hunt for amethyst and give them away to level 20 players by just throwing it away in front of their dino.
This way the purpose of hunting will be ruined and everybody will start trading for items in dino storm which will create lots of struggle.

Best Regards,
My idea seemed bad, put down the huge map and belocidad of dinosaurs, that idea seems good.


Splitscreen Studios
Oct 22, 2013
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jessi said:
i got a question about the clan statistics
Every time I log in after a long time, some player statistics are reset to 0. should that be like this?
Hello Jessi,
that is something the clan leaders can do, they can reset the statistics for the members to settle everything like in a cycle where everyone puts his effort into the clan and then gets rewarded with medals from the clan inventory at the reset. but the clan leaders have to reward you with the medals.


Feb 15, 2014
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Alewx said:
jessi said:
i got a question about the clan statistics

that is something the clan leaders can do, they can reset the statistics for the members to settle everything like in a cycle where everyone puts his effort into the clan and then gets rewarded with medals from the clan inventory at the reset. but the clan leaders have to reward you with the medals.
ähm yes...i know...but i didn´t reset it....when i came back fom work it was reset...and all who wasn´t on til then hat 1% instead of the 0 in their stats....totay it seems like it´s working right....

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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M X Power
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Hello Dino storm.
It is clear that many players in the game are not satisfied by your new game update so here is the thing... Make a "Vote" for the new update. Let's see how many players support it and how many doesn't. Give up a chance to judge it and give you the Rate it deserves. :sneaky:
I would like to mention some points on the new update that I am not satisfied with...
[1] Dino Speed:
This is the major problem on the update.
Making maps back to back + make the road only one way and run through all the map + making Dino real slow even with endurance implants = totally unacceptable. We are forced to use teleport gates and we have problems with dd that I am going to mention in another point.
[2] the Expansions:
You recommended that max slots for Warehouse is 240 slots.. some players already expanded to way more higher than that and in the new update, it cost more after expand more slots so it is impossible to restore the balance between old and new players.
The increase of expansion price... well, you said it will be cheap at the beginning but it is only 10 slots and it overcome the original price then reach higher price... even doubles and triple and the most extreme. So we have to pay now with extreme price what we was able to take for - comparing to the new - very little that we was even complain about.
Same problem with clan fund that it cost very much Dino dollar that it reaches more than 1 million after few expansions. And if you check the Dino bank you will see that the value of Dino dollars cost thousands of gold coins that not much can afford and it was better to expand before the update but shame... you didn't give us date for the update and you made it when the most wasn't ready.
[3] The drop:
You said at first that you will adjust it ( triple price - more drop ) and made our upgrade way harder to make a balance. Well... you didn't... the drop is still the same and we only get extra and unneeded under level items that block our inventories and we have just to sell them and waste more time on going to Dino market.
[4] Teleport gates:
I see that most of players that already playing doesn't like the game. But they only love on thing about. Fun fight - PvP with friends. Now you took our fun by making distance very far and force us to lost Dino dollars after death. Even the only way to reach a friend and possible now is to teleport and from a map to a map.. well..
Thanks very much for destroying the only thing we loved about Dino Storm.
Your update made the game worst. And before... after you made Green volcano you destroyed the hope of low lvls. Well now you destroyed the hope of the highest levels. Now many players start to quit the game already... our friends that we play this game for.
last but not least... - well be never least - ... We know that you made this changes to earn more money. You didn't care about the balance. You just made the game Extreme. I don't think that even with 1,000,000 gold coin I can bear it. But I will not pay a single pound for this sh*t.
I hope if you still have some respects for those years of our personal time that we spend on your game, that you listen to my idea and make a vote. A vote for Dino storm players about this update. I hope I don't be forced to quit but I will wait and see what will happen. You lost your game popularity after the first update. Now you will lose your financial supporters and you will 100% close the game permanently because of it. Do you think really you have right to do so...?
Nov 1, 2015
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angelhunters said:
mohammed.taqee said:
Thanks a lot for these updates. Now, I might have to consider quitting this game.

How the hell am I supposed to play with such slow dino? It took half an hour just to reach the level 10 area in goldfields without exploration and I dont use a damned brachi. How am I supposed to hunt like this?
You're right my dear friend, they just ruined our game, now that I'm lvl 40 I have to leave game.
Good luck my friends
With my best regards
The update was good, except the intermediate levels it's just lame and the dinos slowing down, not being able to kill lower levels with one hit. These lower levels kept slowing me down every 4-5 seconds, and it took a long time to either kill them or even longer to try running away. This way I can never reach the level 20 area, where I am supposed to hunt.
Nov 1, 2015
Reaction score
MX Power said:
Hello Dino storm.
It is clear that many players in the game are not satisfied by your new game update so here is the thing... Make a "Vote" for the new update. Let's see how many players support it and how many doesn't. Give up a chance to judge it and give you the Rate it deserves. :sneaky:
I would like to mention some points on the new update that I am not satisfied with...
[1] Dino Speed:
This is the major problem on the update.
Making maps back to back + make the road only one way and run through all the map + making Dino real slow even with endurance implants = totally unacceptable. We are forced to use teleport gates and we have problems with dd that I am going to mention in another point.
[2] the Expansions:
You recommended that max slots for Warehouse is 240 slots.. some players already expanded to way more higher than that and in the new update, it cost more after expand more slots so it is impossible to restore the balance between old and new players.
The increase of expansion price... well, you said it will be cheap at the beginning but it is only 10 slots and it overcome the original price then reach higher price... even doubles and triple and the most extreme. So we have to pay now with extreme price what we was able to take for - comparing to the new - very little that we was even complain about.
Same problem with clan fund that it cost very much Dino dollar that it reaches more than 1 million after few expansions. And if you check the Dino bank you will see that the value of Dino dollars cost thousands of gold coins that not much can afford and it was better to expand before the update but shame... you didn't give us date for the update and you made it when the most wasn't ready.
[3] The drop:
You said at first that you will adjust it ( triple price - more drop ) and made our upgrade way harder to make a balance. Well... you didn't... the drop is still the same and we only get extra and unneeded under level items that block our inventories and we have just to sell them and waste more time on going to Dino market.
[4] Teleport gates:
I see that most of players that already playing doesn't like the game. But they only love on thing about. Fun fight - PvP with friends. Now you took our fun by making distance very far and force us to lost Dino dollars after death. Even the only way to reach a friend and possible now is to teleport and from a map to a map.. well..
Thanks very much for destroying the only thing we loved about Dino Storm.
Your update made the game worst. And before... after you made Green volcano you destroyed the hope of low lvls. Well now you destroyed the hope of the highest levels. Now many players start to quit the game already... our friends that we play this game for.
last but not least... - well be never least - ... We know that you made this changes to earn more money. You didn't care about the balance. You just made the game Extreme. I don't think that even with 1,000,000 gold coin I can bear it. But I will not pay a single pound for this sh*t.
I hope if you still have some respects for those years of our personal time that we spend on your game, that you listen to my idea and make a vote. A vote for Dino storm players about this update. I hope I don't be forced to quit but I will wait and see what will happen. You lost your game popularity after the first update. Now you will lose your financial supporters and you will 100% close the game permanently because of it. Do you think really you have right to do so...?
Exactly, we even have to pass all the lower level areas swarming with quest bandits, powerful centros which were once level 15, all just slowing us down. It's just impossible to upgrade.
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