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PVP Protection Remover

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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PVP Protection I guess is essential for those who are new players that will enter the PVP area maps like Mokon Woods, Gold Fields and Green Volcano to able for them to explore the maps without killing by those higher-level players in the game and not be killed by farming and questing.
But then, some people sometimes using it for another advantage. Sometime some people can shoot and kill another player then they will get PVP Protection just able not to be shot back when that player revived. For me it is annoying, because they are duelist then they can immediately get PVP Protection right away. What is worst is they will laugh at you because you cannot fight back.

In addition, why is the level 40 player with level 40 dino, gun, implants and techs need PVP Protection? I think he/she have enough experience in the game and strong enough to depend and to fight back. Cowboy didn’t need protection if he/she is strong enough.

So, I am recommending that the PVP Protection can be removed to the player by using fame also. The amount of fame needed to remove the protection is either double or triple than the amount needed in getting protection. It means the fame has another usage and function. But, the protection can only be removed to the players which are level 35 and up.

I know there’s lot to be considered. It is just an idea.

Pulp Fiction

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Jul 24, 2013
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.........................................This is a joke, right?...........................................

You want to remove PvP Protection from other players so your mighty clan can attack anyone level 35+ who dares to leave Dinoville? :LOL: I'm not surprised that a suggestion like this is coming from you. You enjoy crushing other players and not allowing them to play without fighting.

Pulp Fiction

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Jul 24, 2013
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In addition, why is the level 40 player with level 40 dino, gun, implants and techs need PVP Protection? I think he/she have enough experience in the game and strong enough to depend and to fight back. Cowboy didn’t need protection if he/she is strong enough.
Everyone doesn't want to PvP, and everyone shouldn't have to PvP just because people like you think this is a war game. If people like you would leave the peaceful players alone, PvP Protection wouldn't be necessary. If no one attacks you, your clanmates or your buildings since your clan controls an entire server, that player should be able to roam each map without having to fight.

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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If you think that I am suggesting this just to kill randoms player, no. As I said, enemies are getting protection then they attack us kill my low-level members then they go back to they protection again. So is that "peace" for you?


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Mar 14, 2013
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funny,Pulp and ARIDER, how you based what you say about the server you are on. :sneaky: in am2 most of the bullies are actually the mid range players picking on the very new ones. And we actually go to help those that are being bullied :eek: the point Fries was making, is that higher lvl players are getting protection, dropping to kill people and then just get it right back.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
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Are your low-level players not also able to get protection?

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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docgreenthumb said:
funny,Pulp and ARIDER, how you based what you say about the server you are on. :sneaky: in am2 most of the bullies are actually the mid range players picking on the very new ones. And we actually go to help those that are being bullied :eek: the point Fries was making, is that higher lvl players are getting protection, dropping to kill people and then just get it right back.
:LOL: funny how I was not talking about Am1. and as arachyd asked, are your low-level clan members unable to buy PvP protection? Being in the clan that dominates an entire server doesn't make them safe, obviously, so you all want the devs to implement a feature to remove PvP protection from players so you can seek revenge.

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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Well for me, PVP Protection as I said is for beginners in able for them to upgrade and hunt in peace that only critters can attack them. So, why they need a protection when their stuffs is already all level 40? If you are all level 40, it means you are ready now to PVP either duel or clan wars, stuffs like that..

Tyrannosaur Ryan

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Dec 13, 2012
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Probably the best solution would be just to set it up so that you can't get protection until duelist/outlaw wears off

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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Maybe there should be a rule when a player that just get PVP Protection and got skulled should not get PVP Protection again for 10 or 15 minutes.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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Regular Fries said:
Well for me, PVP Protection as I said is for beginners in able for them to upgrade and hunt in peace that only critters can attack them. So, why they need a protection when their stuffs is already all level 40? If you are all level 40, it means you are ready now to PVP either duel or clan wars, stuffs like that..
No... just because you've reached level 40 and upgraded everything doesn't mean you want to duel or fight in wars. This isn't a war game... although you seem to think it is... this is just a MMORPG... massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Believe it or not, everyone does not want to win elections and become sheriff. Maybe most players want the t-rex, but they definitely do not want to fight to get it. So they should be left alone... let them hunt for fashionable item to upgrade to level 10 in peace.

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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Yeah, I know some players in my server just hunting and not getting involved in war. They are just here to do quest and to get done with achievements. But the thing is you need to fight for it when you like to be to the top of Election. And when you are duelist, there are some players that will shoot and kill you then they will get protection again. Or they will stay at your building with protection then attack it suddenly..

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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So they're playing a little dirty? Are they winning elections though? The players who attack and quickly buy protection? If they aren't winning elections from this tactic, changing the protection system isn't necessary. They're annoying you and your clan perhaps because they're upset at how you control the server... have you thought about that? If you share the server, maybe they'll stop...

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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Sometimes we need to accept that in this game that there are clans that are on the top. Each server are have dominating clan. All clan that controlling their respective server have earned themselves through war in other clan against them. Our enemy clan in our server is just not trying hard enough, they are easily giving up and not thinking good strategy. Also, they are not united and coordinated. They have numbers actually than us. So there is just two sides, either the clan is the top or wants to be in the top. It's up to them. If they want to be the new top clan, they should try their very best. Being the controlling clan in each server is not just been given away.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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Regular Fries said:
Sometimes we need to accept that in this game that there are clans that are on the top. Each server are have dominating clan. All clan that controlling their respective server have earned themselves through war in other clan against them. Our enemy clan in our server is just not trying hard enough, they are easily giving up and not thinking good strategy. Also, they are not united and coordinated. They have numbers actually than us. So there is just two sides, either the clan is the top or wants to be in the top. It's up to them. If they want to be the new top clan, they should try their very best. Being the controlling clan in each server is not just been given away.
Then you need to accept players who aren't in your clan will hate you and annoy you (by you I mean your clan). I'm sure there are members in your clan that do not want to even be in your clan, but they want a chance to win elections instead of being outsiders who have 0 chance of earning fame to win elections.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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also, Regular Fries, you should try to be objective...
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
stop thinking about what is only best and fun to/for you and your clan... start thinking about what is best and fun for the entire playerbase on your server.

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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LOL! Well, we are also helping other player outside the clan to go up in Election. But enemy I guess not, because their mouth is full of trash like sometimes they are including personal stuff which should out of the game.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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you mean your allies? of course you help allies, that's how you keep your power.

problem is your bragging on this forum and something you said on the facebook. i don't play in your server, so i can only go by what you and that other person say. you bragged about controlling a server... so i think you and your clan deserve to be bashed. :D

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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your ego alone would make me terrorize your clan like i did to Am1 dominating clan :D until they started whispering to me in spanish... spanish gives me a f'n headache.

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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I am not bragging it, it's the just whole truth. And I noticed you are like against dominating clan. We are not bullies. Just enemy clan is not just competitive.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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competition is healthy... ya see... you wouldn't have to suggestion removing PvP Protection from other players if you weren't a dictator. the other clans may not be effective because they really don't want to fight to win. maybe they believe in seniority... do you know what that word means? If someone has been in the server longer, they believe they should be sheriff before someone who joined after them.

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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But in our clan, it's accomplishment-based. If you did you best and show your loyalty, we will help that member to get into Sheriff. Yes, they are many players that been playing this game for long but still they have no rex. Maybe some of them are not interested for it. Some maybe are just like dueling with their friends. But there are many old player here in my clan, actually first than me, some of them got their rex already.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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keyword: in your clan. i'm talking about the whole server... have players who started playing, before the retired sheriffs in your clan, been able to compete in sheriff elections since your clan took over (unless your clan has dominated the server since the beginning)?

Regular Fries

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Jan 7, 2014
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Actually in our server, AM2, Strike Force dominate the server before. They been though many wars again many clans which mostly are BRs and Spanish. They all been defeated. So that's maybe why SF controls the server after. They earned it. Before Spanish is in Spanish clan, BRs are in BR clan. But now we accept some Spanish and BRs which are loyal and doing their best.

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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lol @ they earned it... they earned the entire server? this is a game, not a real war, therefore no clan should own a server like it's a country/nation. and you didn't answer my question... are players who are neither your allies or enemies able to compete in elections?

Pulp Fiction

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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and by compete, i don't mean applying for an office with 0% chance of winning... i mean compete as in close races.

Regular Fries

Active member
Jan 7, 2014
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Yep, no clan owning a server of course. It is owned by developer's of course. Maybe we can say just a clan which is on the top than the rest. Mostly, back then when Strike Force is still ruling, they have allies and several members from there win the Election like reaching the Sheriff position.