again it's best to start another fresh topic where we can discuss the upcoming planned changes as the previous feedback one already has over 50 pages

. We want to further improve the Site combat mechanics to make it more fun and fair to play with the following set of changes.
Automatic Yield Increase & Unlocked Site Defense Upgrades
With this change, you can decide more freely whether and how quickly you want to improve the defense of your sites.
- Yield level increases automatically with every conflict phase you manage to hold the site.
- Upgrading the site now only affects HP and Repair Level, and you can upgrade directly to the highest level without having to wait between upgrades.
Dino Diversity Boost for Site Drain and Repairs
This change rewards a varied team composition in both site attack and defense.
- Boost your team's drain/repair rates by up to 200% by having up to five different dinosaurs in the site's perimeter.
- Example for drain rate:
- 1 dino -> 100 drain (100%)
- 2 different dinos -> 135 drain (135%)
- 3 different dinos -> 165 drain (165%)
- 4 different dinos -> 185 drain (185%)
- 5 different dinos -> 200 drain (200%)
- 6 different dinos -> 200 drain (200%)
- 7 different dinos -> 200 drain (200%)
Drain Speed Based Only on Number of Defending Clan's Sites
This change simplifies how drain speeds are determined. We are no longer calculating a difference in held sites between clans, only the number of sites of the defending clan counts.
- The more sites a clan is holding, the faster attackers can drain them.
- As before, drain speed will change dynamically during conflict when the held sites count of the defending clan changes.
Here is a table on how it will affect the times with the changes on site based drain and the dino diversity boost at different levels. Max attacker boost times are similar on how it is live, while the overall repair power is increased by 100% compared to live on max boost.
View attachment 48120
(5 Attacker = max boost, 5 Defender = max boost, Repair+ means drain is lower than repair rate)
Let me also drop a little refresher here so it is easy to see how much with a single site is worth depending of the yield and when the DV takeover bonus is applied:
View attachment 48119
Let is know what you think and if something is still unclear how it works etc.