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Feedback Wanted: Site Conflict Adjustments (3.2)

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Nov 30, 2021
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I find it funny how a lot of people are mixing war with only fighting over a buildings.

If you guys say that after 10 min everyone goes offline then what kind of war is that XDDD

War happens when u try to destroy your enemies not only when there's conflict phase, you try to make them Wear protection all time, steal their hunt, basically u try to do everything just to make the game worse for them and maybe even kick them from the server. Also it usually last for around 1 year or even longer.

Pls stop mixing this two things, that's annoying tbh.
The main reason for wars is portal disputes, how are they two different things?

Everything you said is a fight for ego and toxicity (upsetting rivals to the point of abandoning the server), something very different from competitiveness. It's you who's confusing things.

Those who think it's normal for disputes over portals to last such a short time are those who are exchanging portals between allies or those who are managing to take portals without any effort.
Glad that your server has gotten more active now, but I'm left wondering how much that fact has to do with the update. For the past few years it became normal for 1 small server to take the spotlight, while others become stagnant in the meantime. Something happens outside of the game that influences all players to move to that server, act out their war there and then move on to the next, leaving that server empty again. It would be great if your server escaped that cycle due to the update and stayed active for a long time, but the small servers that I play on are all entering deep into the stagnant phase again.

For me personally it just feels like there are less and less things to do in the game. When a server is doing site swaps, you have to join the game right before each phase starts (as a site owner - to swap quickly, as an attacker - to have any chance to drain a single site before the swap is finished). I rarely get attacked by other players until there are only a few sites left on the map. All sites often become recently claimed in less than 20 minutes.

Years ago I used to love defending sites - I would immediately stop whatever I was doing in the game and run up to any site that became red, no matter who it belonged to, or how many enemies there were. Now it feels counter-productive to do anything besides sitting in the map with your sites for the whole phase (as a defender) or just straight up swapping sites with an ally to get the phase over with quicker and get back to doing anything else (farm dds, ores etc).

As an attacker I used to have a lot of fun even when I was losing, now I'm barely getting any enjoyment, even when I'm "winning" a couple sites during the Vulnerable phase. But it doesn't even feel like winning, most of the time no one is there to stop me - and if anyone does show up, they can't kill me (Adrenaline buff for attackers, the defender is busy draining other sites), so the person with the higher drain rate wins regardless of the fight. My enemies can literally follow me around sometimes and block from taking any sites thanks to their high drain rate and there is nothing I can do about it when I'm in that situation. Likewise, it feels pointless to go after any red sites as a small attacking group, as we can't be sure who's drain rate will be higher before we get there and if we would even be able to kill any enemies before the site is fully drained.

Many players left the game after they lost the hope of ever holding sites again, so it's good that we are thinking of ways to award attackers for their struggle. But I just feel like we are moving in a direction that removes a lot of the game's charm and fun. The rewards are useful and important, but they aren't the fun part.
This comment perfectly summarizes the situation, which many insist on denying


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Feb 1, 2021
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Glad that your server has gotten more active now, but I'm left wondering how much that fact has to do with the update. For the past few years it became normal for 1 small server to take the spotlight, while others become stagnant in the meantime. Something happens outside of the game that influences all players to move to that server, act out their war there and then move on to the next, leaving that server empty again. It would be great if your server escaped that cycle due to the update and stayed active for a long time, but the small servers that I play on are all entering deep into the stagnant phase again.

For me personally it just feels like there are less and less things to do in the game. When a server is doing site swaps, you have to join the game right before each phase starts (as a site owner - to swap quickly, as an attacker - to have any chance to drain a single site before the swap is finished). I rarely get attacked by other players until there are only a few sites left on the map. All sites often become recently claimed in less than 20 minutes.

Years ago I used to love defending sites - I would immediately stop whatever I was doing in the game and run up to any site that became red, no matter who it belonged to, or how many enemies there were. Now it feels counter-productive to do anything besides sitting in the map with your sites for the whole phase (as a defender) or just straight up swapping sites with an ally to get the phase over with quicker and get back to doing anything else (farm dds, ores etc).

As an attacker I used to have a lot of fun even when I was losing, now I'm barely getting any enjoyment, even when I'm "winning" a couple sites during the Vulnerable phase. But it doesn't even feel like winning, most of the time no one is there to stop me - and if anyone does show up, they can't kill me (Adrenaline buff for attackers, the defender is busy draining other sites), so the person with the higher drain rate wins regardless of the fight. My enemies can literally follow me around sometimes and block from taking any sites thanks to their high drain rate and there is nothing I can do about it when I'm in that situation. Likewise, it feels pointless to go after any red sites as a small attacking group, as we can't be sure who's drain rate will be higher before we get there and if we would even be able to kill any enemies before the site is fully drained.

Many players left the game after they lost the hope of ever holding sites again, so it's good that we are thinking of ways to award attackers for their struggle. But I just feel like we are moving in a direction that removes a lot of the game's charm and fun. The rewards are useful and important, but they aren't the fun part.
i see where you're coming from, but i do also think you're viewing things through rose tinted glasses.

that is to say, war was fun before all these updates, but also it was exhausting. there were days, weeks even, when maps were red all day and sometimes into the night. 2016-2017 in particular for me personally stands out. there were times when the server would flip every day and night. it was just too much. at some point, that stops being fun, and it starts becoming a job or a chore. being an attacker sucked hard after a while because you just couldn't do anything. you could turn sites red as many times as you wanted but at the end of the day any site you claimed just got immediately retaken. while the war may have been more fun, it was also a million times more frustrating, because it was more likely that you would come out of it with just about nothing. similarly on the defender side, you could be busy at work or school and get 50 messages to come defend maps because everyone else is also at work or school and now kos are running rampant. as someone who led a small clan and had a full time job during those times, it was a nightmare.

something that occurs to me often is that it seems that a good portion of the playerbase are young adults - specifically early 20s/late teens, when you don't have a whole of responsibilities and a lot of energy. it also seems to me that for a lot of people, this is their main (or maybe only) game. if i had to guess, that is probably where some of the complaints are coming from as well. while i wasn't fond of the combat phases at first, as i've become more active on ds again i've come to appreciate that i can reliably predict when war will be. i'm nearly 30 and have other games to play and so these short bursts of war throughout the day are more enjoyable for me personally. if i had to worry about my clan's buildings 24/7 when i want to do other things i would probably get extremely burnt out on the game. someone who mostly plays ds probably wants a lot more action than i do, and that is totally ok. :) to each their own.

there is a lot that still needs to be done with the game in terms of updates for endgame, but my main feelings right now are that the rework to the combat phases and buildings makes it overall more fair for everyone to get a shot at rex. i do believe there are still things that need to be changed however! something that i've thought about is maybe during combat phases, when you take a site, the protection phase is only temporary. maybe 10 minutes or so? before it can be attacked again. and then at the end of the combat phase, whoever has the site, has it for the protection phase. just an idea off the top of my head though.

we as a community need to make our voices heard to the devs. even if you disagree with someone, it's important that we all give our thoughts and ideas. complaining without offering any solutions or ideas just doesn't help anyone. yes, you don't like it, and we know why you don't like it, but what would you change? what would you like to see from the game, short-term or long-term? what do you think would revive the servers and make people want to play and make war?


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May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
The main reason for wars is portal disputes, how are they two different things?

Everything you said is a fight for ego and toxicity (upsetting rivals to the point of abandoning the server), something very different from competitiveness. It's you who's confusing things.

Those who think it's normal for disputes over portals to last such a short time are those who are exchanging portals between allies or those who are managing to take portals without any effort.

This comment perfectly summarizes the situation, which many insist on denying
Lets say you are right here. How will u explain then old wars that used to happen when literally noone cared about owning towers but instead of that all players met in the middle of the map just to fight with each other? (I dont deny the fact that builds WERE, ARE and WILL BE one of the reasons BUT they are NOT THE ONLY reason for war to happen).

Im so sorry for you that u see everything only in black and white colours. 'those who are managing to take portals without any effort' like bro, are you mad u are not one of them or what? Personally i dont see any reason to complain about the fact that someone managed to take some builds for himself and his clan. He had enough power to do and secure this, so let him be lol.


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Nov 30, 2021
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Im so sorry for you that u see everything only in black and white colours. 'those who are managing to take portals without any effort' like bro, are you mad u are not one of them or what? Personally i dont see any reason to complain about the fact that someone managed to take some builds for himself and his clan. He had enough power to do and secure this, so let him be lol.
You are literally confessing that people are getting portals without any effort, you just reinforced what I said. thanks.

But the criticism isn't about small clans getting portals, it's about how portal fights are extremely boring. Is it difficult to understand?

"Czarna"'s comment explains the situation very well.


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Jun 7, 2016
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i see where you're coming from, but i do also think you're viewing things through rose tinted glasses.

that is to say, war was fun before all these updates, but also it was exhausting. there were days, weeks even, when maps were red all day and sometimes into the night. 2016-2017 in particular for me personally stands out. there were times when the server would flip every day and night. it was just too much. at some point, that stops being fun, and it starts becoming a job or a chore. being an attacker sucked hard after a while because you just couldn't do anything. you could turn sites red as many times as you wanted but at the end of the day any site you claimed just got immediately retaken. while the war may have been more fun, it was also a million times more frustrating, because it was more likely that you would come out of it with just about nothing. similarly on the defender side, you could be busy at work or school and get 50 messages to come defend maps because everyone else is also at work or school and now kos are running rampant. as someone who led a small clan and had a full time job during those times, it was a nightmare.
Trust me, this resonates with me as well. I lost many friends during war, great people that I might never meet again after not exchanging enough contact info. And we all know how that happened - they spent many resources for little to no rewards and eventually got discouraged enough to leave. It is a good thing that the game is exploring ways of giving better rewards for attacking sites.

Some people treat the game much more seriously than others, it has been like this since a very long time. And while the 24-hour wars were exhausting and I probably spent much more time than I should participating in them, I had fun while I was online. I said in an early comment (when the phase concept was being introduced to us for the first time) that I think overall it's probably healthier for the community (the players' mental state) to introduce the phases and stop thinking about the game constantly.

PvP was very engaging for me and I didn't care that much who was holding the sites. Draining sites was a way for me to encourage others to join the fight, and not necessarily try to win something. I don't really understand players that only care about the rewards - why do you need the trex if there are no real opportunities to use the thing? But if I get to have a difficult fun fight with the enemy and get rewarded for my effort in some way? - sign me right up.


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May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
You are literally confessing that people are getting portals without any effort, you just reinforced what I said. thanks.

But the criticism isn't about small clans getting portals, it's about how portal fights are extremely boring. Is it difficult to understand?

"Czarna"'s comment explains the situation very well.
I wonder where did I confess that people are getting portals efortless? You are the one who said this statement. I just basically answered on it. You are welcome.

Also why are you trying to attack me with "is it difficult to understand" phase. Like bro wth XDDD

You literally said NOTHING BEFORE about what you are talking right now (i mean boring fights for portals) so that's making u switch the topic from what we were talking about.

go check it out before you will try to give objections of my own statements (youre free to do so, but sick it to the topic when u try to argue with me about it)


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
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PvP was very engaging for me and I didn't care that much who was holding the sites. Draining sites was a way for me to encourage others to join the fight, and not necessarily try to win something. I don't really understand players that only care about the rewards - why do you need the trex if there are no real opportunities to use the thing? But if I get to have a difficult fun fight with the enemy and get rewarded for my effort in some way? - sign me right up.
this is a very good point. i think it seems less that the devs are focused on the endgame stuff and moreso on making the game more fair for everyone but i do hope they start to revisit endgame stuff. the cycle as it is is win rex -> get maps -> someone else gets rex and that's all well and good but getting rex really does feel sort of pointless without war, or without any other goals. as i've said, i think there's still a lot to improve, and you are right that we could use more pvp on servers. it's just that i think we have to take baby steps to get there and the updates they've done in the meantime have been pretty good ones.

i wouldn't mind having more war, i just don't want it to be the sort of war that dominates all my free time and gets me panicked messages in the middle of my work shift.


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Nov 30, 2021
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I wonder where did I confess that people are getting portals efortless? You are the one who said this statement. I just basically answered on it. You are welcome.

Also why are you trying to attack me with "is it difficult to understand" phase. Like bro wth XDDD

You literally said NOTHING BEFORE about what you are talking right now (i mean boring fights for portals) so that's making u switch the topic from what we were talking about.

go check it out before you will try to give objections of my own statements (youre free to do so, but sick it to the topic when u try to argue with me about it)
I believe you have some difficulty in interpreting texts.

but I'll summarize:

maps being "Okay" after a few minutes of the conflict phase starting is boring.

You don't feel rewarded nor do you feel excited about being able to take portals, as it is extremely easy.

Any more questions?


Well-known member
May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
I believe you have some difficulty in interpreting texts.

but I'll summarize:

maps being "Okay" after a few minutes of the conflict phase starting is boring.

You don't feel rewarded nor do you feel excited about being able to take portals, as it is extremely easy.

Any more questions?
Why do i need to interprate text on dino storm forum? im simple human being, ur writting something so im answering on it.

but as i said

just stick it to the topic if u want to argue with me

not gonna reply you anymore


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Opening multiple accounts is still as good as before, it simply requires a few extra steps.

If you're unhappy about your opponent using alts (I know it ruins the gameplay for defenders), you should do it too. Put each account on 1 Site, granted they are high level and tanks.

Because from what I can guess, the multi-account problem will never be fixed. Otherwise, it would have been fixed a long time ago.
Nothing would change if defenders used multi-accounting to defend sites on a server like EU1, clans were not able to win wars because using alts won’t work as you need real players, alliance is too active for the need of alts and fekete will never understand this. But what other choice do they have? They’ve got around 5-10 real players who joined them after the alliance made them KOS and everything else especially lows are alts used to AFK drain in order to distract players somewhere as the highs drain somewhere else, they’ve been doing this since a year now and never got anything from it. It took them a while to figure out how to use multi-accounting after the last update done about it though.

Hence why we’re trying to suggest solutions for AFK draining, it’s getting exhausting and devs still disagree with the one possible solution which was posted here 2 days ago.


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Sep 20, 2018
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Before the update the big alliances were "no rex for you" to anybody they didn't like. They were used to hold on the maps and decide who can dream about rex/sheriff or not. Now when they're seeing their "power" is slipping away all out of nowhere they're "oh no this update it sucks big time i will leave game". They even use "I spent lots of money in this game" as other ppl didn't. Before this update on major facebook groups there were LOTS of people selling their accounts. This was working this way: 1 dude in that big alliance gets sheriff/rex and after that he will sell his account. He comes back creates a new account or buy a cheaper one and BAM another sheriff/rex and again selling that account. There are people "mad" about using alts/multiple accounts but those people are the ones who got banged up after the update(they cannot get sheriffs/rex on their accounts to sell them therefore their "business" went down the drain). The big alliances got smart and tried to use this update in their favor by splitting into smaller clans just before the update was launched. They took 4-5 buildings each but wait. They realised that they won't be able to help their alliance and now they're crying about this. They want so bad to get their power back to continue the account selling business because if no money you know ;). "Oh the enemies have brachies we cannot kill them" nothing far away from the truth. I used brachi with vita armour stabi agility and you guys came 7 v1 and i died.So dont use this as a reason. This update allows everybody to hope for sheriff/rex. You work hard you win. You dont work hard you lose.


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Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
I find it funny how a lot of people are mixing war with only fighting over a buildings.

If you guys say that after 10 min everyone goes offline then what kind of war is that XDDD

War happens when u try to destroy your enemies not only when there's conflict phase, you try to make them Wear protection all time, steal their hunt, basically u try to do everything just to make the game worse for them and maybe even kick them from the server. Also it usually last for around 1 year or even longer.

Pls stop mixing this two things, that's annoying tbh.
Thanks for perfect explanation of toxicity. Not even enemy would have explained it thod perfect or ally would not have accepted it.
Making enemies leave game is war and ally claims that to be fun and that fun is gone now. Dev's can clearly look what mentality the alliance has got here and no doubt why eu1 has no active enemy expect one last.

Nevertheless we don't want alliance leave game but bring peace but the alliance want enemies leave game thanks for the proof.


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Jun 30, 2020
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I'm surprised to see that nobody is talking about how the individual players have more options compared to a clan.

A player does not need to depend on a clan anymore for any election. If you're grinding for Ores, you can grind 50k - 70k in one day (could be more if you're putting in more hours), that's 350,000 fame in one month alone from farming Ores.

Now, if you include farming fame from wearables items, 6 wearables items at let's say Q5, which is the most accessible quality in the game for everyone, you're easily making 7,000 fame every single day. If you farm wearables fame for 1 month, you obtain around 200,000 fame. I did not count the title, and if a player has higher quality than Q5, then it is even higher.

Now, that same player can have the option to create his own clan and steal fame from Claims that are excellent. An excellent Claim itself gives around 7,500 fame per phase.

From what I can tell, the clan has become a bonus option if you want to help your friends win their elections. You're not really forced to be in a clan. But if you do, you need to share the trouble of defending all phases. Nevertheless, the individual player wins.

Nobody can deny the fact that it is easier to obtain fame. It is easier to win Rex, and it is easier to win the election, as an individual player alone. Much better than the previous system we've had.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
I'm surprised to see that nobody is talking about how the individual players have more options compared to a clan.

A player does not need to depend on a clan anymore for any election. If you're grinding for Ores, you can grind 50k - 70k in one day (could be more if you're putting in more hours), that's 350,000 fame in one month alone from farming Ores.

Now, if you include farming fame from wearables items, 6 wearables items at let's say Q5, which is the most accessible quality in the game for everyone, you're easily making 7,000 fame every single day. If you farm wearables fame for 1 month, you obtain around 200,000 fame. I did not count the title, and if a player has higher quality than Q5, then it is even higher.

Now, that same player can have the option to create his own clan and steal fame from Claims that are excellent. An excellent Claim itself gives around 7,500 fame per phase.

From what I can tell, the clan has become a bonus option if you want to help your friends win their elections. You're not really forced to be in a clan. But if you do, you need to share the trouble of defending all phases. But nonetheless, the individual player wins.
I'm sorry the individual players which u are talking about here is only allowed to farm fame if they are part of alliance.
+ All these calculations on paper is super good but the alliance players who has already won rex and Sherrif also farms fame to prevent anyone else ( individual players) from farming.
When u are talking about calculations u should be more specific and realistic and not speculative.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
I'm sorry the individual players which u are talking about here is only allowed to farm fame if they are part of alliance.
+ All these calculations on paper is super good but the alliance players who has already won rex and Sherrif also farms fame to prevent anyone else ( individual players) from farming.
When u are talking about calculations u should be more specific and realistic and not speculative.
Everyone is allowed to fame fame whether they have sheriff, rex or whatever. Even myself I've farmed 500k fame so far from mining and I've got sheriff. And also everyone is allowed to kill each other while they're farming fame, that's the point of it, you want to mine ores? Fight for it if someone is trying to take them instead, even allies kill each other
You keep writing here as this thread was opened specifically for EU1 and it's funny


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Jun 30, 2020
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I'm sorry the individual players which u are talking about here is only allowed to farm fame if they are part of alliance.
+ All these calculations on paper is super good but the alliance players who has already won rex and Sherrif also farms fame to prevent anyone else ( individual players) from farming.
When u are talking about calculations u should be more specific and realistic and not speculative.
My point still stands.

Individual player have more options. And about alliance member farming or guarding the Ores, it's not like they're guarding it 24/7. There are windows where you can take advantage of the Ores. For examples, during hours where activity drops.

You might even say that those values are too good to achieve realistically. Well I agree but again, point still stand.

Accessibility to fame is better than ever.

And there's no need for a clan. A player alone can win his own election on his own effort given enough time in comparison to what the previous system.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
In the previous sites system when supplies were a thing, attackers could drain as long as there’s no defender in the site, if there was a defender draining would be paused (not literally paused, it would keep draining at the normal rate back then)

But if the defender killed the attacker, the defender couldn’t “repair” the site until it turned green again (which is yellow now)

What if we brought this system back, AFK draining wouldn’t work anymore, and so the attackers wouldn’t say it’s unfair, defenders can’t repair their site immediately, maybe add a cooldown to it, when the site haven’t been drained for 15-30 seconds repairing can begin

There’s many ways to prevent AFK draining and force battles for a site actually so I’m just dropping the idea here


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
basically what you trying to say is "devs please allow us to take back entire servers so we can continue our fraudulent business" and also "devs we hate that you are trying so hard to make this game easier for everybody to achieve the ultimate goal-sherrif/rex" afk draining does not work on the new update. 5 ppl attacking the one "afk" draining=the drainer will die.
Simply dropping an idea here, and a very fair one but you seem to like afk draining, meanwhile many enjoy the game for the PvP part of it. I’m not dropping ideas here specifically for eu1, I am not only on eu1 but this idea will force battles on every server and players will fight instead of standing


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Mar 15, 2024
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-I- Felo -I-
Dark Max Retribution
After this update, players just afk near gates with high health dinos and attack, and me and 5 more were struggling to kill one player using anky!! This feels so unbalanced. Imagine if there were like 10 players in the attack zone!! That's just crazy... I hope something can be done about that. Thanks for listening <3


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Mar 17, 2024
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I think this whole page could use some summary of ideas and just pin it intead of arguying. It just makes everybody look bad and who would want to listen to such's advices


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
I will rewrite my idea here again as the thread has been flooded last minutes

In the old sites system attackers could drain as long as there’s no defender in site, but once a defender steps in, draining would be paused (not paused but drains at the normal % rate)

And defenders couldn’t repair their sites until it turns from red to green again, repairing was supplying back then.

Now what if we “merge” this feature from the old system to the new one, with a little extra to enforce fights for the site.
If the defending clan was unavailable, they will most certainly lose the site, but if the defending clan was able to reach site in time, draining / repairing gets paused and whoever wins the fight will proceed in their duty.

But since attackers are outnumbered in most cases, then it’s normal for defenders to have a cooldown of 10-30 seconds before they could start reparing the attacked site, and this won’t just prevent AFK draining but will also push strategies to overtake sites.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
the main issue i see with this personally is that attackers tend to be outnumbered by the defenders. the defender/attacker buff helps with staying alive but not necessarily winning a 10v1 situation and if the draining is paused through it then you just won't drain the site and we kind of end up back where we were before where attackers didn't stand much of a chance.
You made a valid point but I’m pretty sure if we share ideas from both sides (without arguments) then we can probably come up with one solution to benefit both sides, I dropped an idea here, you or others can suggest the same idea with a different approach


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Feb 1, 2021
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You made a valid point but I’m pretty sure if we share ideas from both sides (without arguments) then we can probably come up with one solution to benefit both sides, I dropped an idea here, you or others can suggest the same idea with a different approach
yup, i've offered quite a few ideas myself so far. :)

like several pages back before y'all were flooding the thread with arguments, i suggested maybe having shorter protection phases for gates during the overall combat phase, so there's more of a chance for gates to go back and forth. i have also suggested that maybe some of the tank dinos need a bit of a nerf to survivability just so people can't afk in sites and drain without taking 10 minutes to kill them.


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Jun 30, 2020
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i have also suggested that maybe some of the tank dinos need a bit of a nerf to survivability just so people can't afk in sites and drain without taking 10 minutes to kill them.
This should be addressed urgently because it breaks part of the gameplay. If a clan owns 6 Sites, an attacker clan with no site, using Tank to drain, then the Site is just gone, even if there are defenders.

Because there's simply no time to kill all the tank enemies within the circle.


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Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
Nope you’re wrong. It makes it attacking alliance versus defending clan. At the moment all attackers (attacking alliance) get the buff and the highest draining speed by just keeping one low level alt account with them while they drain, all that while only the defending clan gets the defender buff. This update hasn’t improved the quality of gameplay, rather just flipped the situation around and promoted afk draining with brachis.
1. There are no enough members from defending clan as alliance break into smaller clans and they all off. Alliance expects other clans to help the offline clan save the buildings thus calling it fair fight , fair game , fun game.
Basic rule of game - defending clan members offline = lose gates it quite simple.
Afk draining brachi? What are u saying here? While there are no defenders or other clan members in the building obv dino is gonna stand without fight.
Where there is real defender the brachi is really affected and when it's other clan it's 4x less damage and thats what concerns u. Then write about buff and not brachi


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Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag
Clan with 5 members want to hold 4 buildings with 400% with the help of alliance giving it permission as they are sole owners?
Doesn't work that way. Those 4 members need to fight against attackers and not the ally members.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Nope you’re wrong. It makes it attacking alliance versus defending clan. At the moment all attackers (attacking alliance) get the buff and the highest draining speed by just keeping one low level alt account with them while they drain, all that while only the defending clan gets the defender buff. This update hasn’t improved the quality of gameplay, rather just flipped the situation around and promoted afk draining with brachis.
Update helps small clans against big ones, and against alliances but one day these alliances will break (always worked like this) and once 2 allied clans will become rivals, then we're gonna watch how this update is actually performing, but it's pretty much obvious we'll just watch 2 clans swapping sites from phase to another. Now we can't judge 10 players for attacking a whole server and expect to see something good out of it, they're given insane advantages due to that, and honestly attackers make more fame than clans who are holding 4-5 gates. If attackers were able to steal a few excellent sites in one phase they'll literally make a decent amount of fame meanwhile those defending their 4 sites make the same amount in 2-3 phases (if they didn't lose sites)


Active member
Jul 12, 2020
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- K a r o l -
Dino storm went from being a war and defense game to a map trading game, where you talk to other leaders to increase the % of said towers to exchange as quickly as possible so that the enemy does not take them, where you exchange in each vulnerability phase. Where's the fun in that?.


Active member
Mar 17, 2024
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Guys calm your marbles and just resend the ideas. Then put like or dislike to make your soul feel better and move on.
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