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#10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance

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Oct 16, 2015
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Off topic! There will be preparation update for halloween event so maybe it would possible to make that after player gets DS+ he would get reward clothes with adjusted lvl by player's ranger lvl? For example, I'm 55 lvl so i would get 55 lvl DS+ clothes. If it's not possible to make, because of other reason beside just not having time to make it, i would like to know these reasons.


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since there is 5 herbivores in the game and 3 carnivores
why not to add 2 of carnivores so there will be a match

like these two Allosaurus and Spinosaurus what you think of that?



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Oct 19, 2020
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I will only complain about the nerf or the low efficiency that the brachiosaurus dinosaur currently has in the game, although the game gives relevance to its advantage in vitality with the other dinosaurs, this is no longer real, it is no longer good and the ankylosaur currently has the same amount of vitality and, on the other hand, built-in armor, a notable and unfair disadvantage indeed ...


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May 22, 2020
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I will only complain about the nerf or the low efficiency that the brachiosaurus dinosaur currently has in the game, although the game gives relevance to its advantage in vitality with the other dinosaurs, this is no longer real, it is no longer good and the ankylosaur currently has the same amount of vitality and, on the other hand, built-in armor, a notable and unfair disadvantage indeed ...
i only use brachi for events now. actually for few years now. has high health but put penetration tech in and the brachi and anky die so fast..


Jun 30, 2020
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Between, i didn't know where else to write this so i'm gonna write it here..
There is a bug in achievements where we can't see the halloween achievements of 2019.

Kind Regards! :sweatgrinning:


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Oct 20, 2020
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I want to know if you are going to change the attributes of Dinosaurs and Weapons, including Pachy and Gatling, as it is very annoying to see EVERYONE using the same combination.
Pachy really needs to be nerfed.

And please, give some kind of Buff or more attention to Parasaurus and Carno, because they are the most beautiful dinosaurs and there is no way to use them against other dinosaurs.

I would like to ask you to review certain abilities of some weapons that are very useless, such as Colt's second and Hammer's ranged attack.

Please post something about Buff and Dinos or Weapons Debuff if it happens, I'm really tired of everyone using the same combinations.

Another question that I have, can you tell next which month the balance will occur?

*** I would like to leave an observation that I have been thinking, if you can answer, why Pachy in the attributes of vitality has more life than the Center, the Center seems to be a dino much more Tank than Pachy, and Pachy seems to be more offensive than Centro, but Centro has more damage and less life than Pachy. ***


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First, as for Parasaurus, this dinosaur seems to have been created to be a true Joker and more flexible in terms of how to use it, he is neither the best dino with life, nor with strength, nor with vitality. (But it is also not the worst at all) In my opinion he should receive greater attention in relation to the effects of his abilities, being possible to build it with a more Offensive or Defensive Build in relation to his abilities, being from short or long distance .

Example: Skills that its effects favor over short distances (Something like increasing the dinosaur's defense or its ability to dodge attacks), and one that favors over long distances (3-second slow + 3-second Parasurus speed increase)


About this dinosaur it is clearly observed that he is basically a Dp's of the game, being better at close range.
In my opinion, they should change their attributes to favor it even more in a matter of short distance, such as increasing their ability to suck Vida a little while doing damage, and the second ability could be changed to something that makes it more difficult. of the opposing Dinosaur to move away from Carno (As for example Slowness * 5 seconds * + * bleed 3 seconds *), because Carno does not have much durability over a long distance.


In my opinion the skills that seemed to be changed that the Adm posted is balanced, it would only change so that it goes down more damage than the Center and has less life than the Center as well. (And that his paralysis was just to paralyze the dinosaur and not the gun shots too)


In my opinion, the change in the skills shown seems to be in good progress. It would only slightly increase the percentage of absorbing damage or the seconds it lasts. Confusion in place of paralysis seems to be fine for me too.


Centrosaurus in my opinion should have more life than damage, because he resembles a dinosaur of good durability (Changing for what Pachy is, as I said above).
Its changed effects seem to be in accordance with the balance, however, I think that a little increase in your ability to reflect (Just like Brachi in absorbing) being the% or the seconds.


His abilities and effects seem to be in perfect condition, but THE QUESTION OF HIM HAS ARMOR I think it is a little unbalanced, since the other dinos do not have to decrease his speed a little more or greater then the damage to compensate his restitution in damages Received .

As far as Coelo is concerned, his new abilities shown and attributes seem to be balanced, perhaps to increase the Speed a little (Along with Pachy, if Pachy is nerfed in Life and gains damage) to differentiate from Rex

I've never owned Rex so I can't give a high-quality opinion, I prefer to let other players say what they know.


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Oct 22, 2020
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Não existe balanceamento se os críticos na base da sorte ou a esquiva dos extras continuar no jogo.... gostaria muito de saber o ponto de vista de um Desenvolvedor/GM

Se o x1 for baseado em sorte, continuaremos reclamando.
Mas os críticos são meio que "sorte" mesmo, já que são definidos por % de chance. Mas tem uma parada que atrapalha que é eles não usarem um sistema de pontuação dos atributos que seja fácil de visualizar, porque qual seria a % de chance de dar crítico quando a tec tem 400 de valor? Acho que tá na hora de mudar isso, evita esse tipo de frustação por não ter as info de forma clara. E em relação a esquiva realmente tá uma m****, e novamente por não estar claro acredito que não há um counter, pois a tec de foco reduz a chance de erro mas a esquiva só ocorre quando você acerta o tiro (pelo menos essa é a lógica). Poderiam retirar a esquiva e restringir apenas ao impla de agilidade e substituir a por "erro", porque assim a tec de foco seria muito mais útil.
Bom, esse é meu ponto de vista sobre a situação atual, porque é complicado quando o alvo esquiva de 2 ou 3 extras seguidos a queima roupa e também acho que muita coisa seria resolvida se o sistema de atributos fossem de fácil leitura.


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Oct 22, 2020
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Feel free to write to us your feedback about Dinosaurs skill effects, we would appreciate it.

Here is some questions that should help you create it:
  • Do Skill effects match its Dinosaur role? (Tank, Hit & Run, etc)
  • Based on their usage, How long should these effects last?
  • At what percent should some of these effects be, in order for it to not be too strong to too weak compared to other effects?
  • Do you believe some effects should be swapped? and why? (It must match its dinosaur role)
  • Do you have a suggestion for better existing effects or completely new ones that could be developed? (It must match its dinosaur role)
  • Do you have additional thoughts or opinions you would like to add?
Thank you in advance.

Sou um velho amante do carnotauro e do estilo de jogo dele (dano bruto/melee), então gostaria de dar algumas sugestões que possam favorecer esses aspectos.

Atualmente o combate é baseado no dano das armas, então vou basear nisso as minhas sugestões, se houver um balanceamento ou mudança de meta peço que ainda considerem.

Bom, o carno e o rex são assassinos por natureza, então um kit de alto dano e baixa sobrevivência é essencial, mas com possibilidades de extenderem a luta caso seja favorável (ou como chance de contra atacar). Só que para esse estilo de gameplay ser seguido, deve haver estímulos para incentivar o jogador, coisa que está longe de acontecer hoje em dia.

Minha ideia de kit para o carno gira em torno das novas funções, fazendo ele ter alternativas contra outros dinos que naturalmente possuem mais vantagens ou ter formas de responder ao sistema de PvP atual (onde o que prevalece são os armamentos e combates a distância).

Ataque violento - Já está na hora de fazer ele ser realmente violento. Continuando com a dano e sangramento, mas com algumas alterações.

- Passar a dar 300% de dano ao invés dos 200% atuais. (esta habilidade é de longe uma das menos usadas, já que o ataque carnificina dá mais dano além do extra de cura que é bem mais atrativo com os status atuais)

- EXTRA (ou nativamente, mas acho no extra mais balanceado) - Continuar o sangramento atual mas com um bônus de redução de velocidade do inimigo enquanto durar o efeito. (aqui vem o motivo: carno necessita estar melee sempre para usar 100% do seu potencial, aplicar slow facilitará esse processo além de ser uma possível arma contra dinos hit&run ou quaisquer outros que gostem de atacar a distância e só se aproximam para usar habilidades)

Ataque carnificina - Vamos ampliar a capacidade do carno de permanecer em batalhas extensas (contra tanques e allrounders) ou de ter uma chance de contra atacar outros dinos de dano.

- Reduzir o dano da habilidade para 200% ou 150%, continuando a ser multi target. (fazendo com que dependendo da situação o ataque violento seja mais interessante de ser usado quando se está sem potencia extra)

- EXTRA - Continuar com o sanguessuga, mas restaurando algo entre 75-100% do dano causado pelo DINO e um novo status adicionado seria enquanto durar o sanguessuga o DINO causar entre 50-100% de dano a mais. (aqui nós temos uma habilidade de cura melhorada e que obriga o jogador a se manter melee, pois só irá curar o dano causado pelo dino, o que faz muito mais sentido. Também acredito que os valores poderiam até serem aumentados, dependendo do balanceamento das armas e do próprio carno)

Atualmente ele só é viável para caça e só quando se tem uma yager (devido a cura com o dano da arma) e uma arma não deveria ser a protagonista em um jogo de dinossauros. Por isso gostaria que essas ideias fossem pelo menos analisadas pelos DEV's e que mesmo não as aplicando possam pelo menos usar o conceito de um dinossauro corpo a corpo, super agressivo e frágil, além de ter uma habilidade única de roubo de vida.

Em relação dinâmica dele com os outros dinos ficaria bem equivalente, pois seu porto forte seria contra tanques (devido seu alto dano e possibilidade de se manter na luta) e dinos com pouca vida que não tenham tempo para revidar (já que um ataque violento com potência extra causaria uma explosão de dano e o slow não permite que o alvo fuja). E seus pontos fracos seriam os mesmos de hoje em dia, dinos que não deixam ele se aproximar e sua vida super baixa. Assim cada combate terá uma dinâmica diferente, fazendo o player avaliar a situação e escolher bem as formas de luta.

Nos últimos anos apenas a fraqueza dele foi melhorada, chegando ao ponto do rex ser o único capaz de usar o status de força efetivamente em combate graças ao seu grito, e acredito que essas mudanças são um ótimo caminho para trazer meu tão querido cornim de volta. Agradeço a atenção de quem leu até aqui e qualquer dúvida podem perguntar :)


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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Feel free to write to us your feedback about Dinosaurs skill effects, we would appreciate it.

Here is some questions that should help you create it:
  • Do Skill effects match its Dinosaur role? (Tank, Hit & Run, etc)
  • Based on their usage, How long should these effects last?
  • At what percent should some of these effects be, in order for it to not be too strong to too weak compared to other effects?
  • Do you believe some effects should be swapped? and why? (It must match its dinosaur role)
  • Do you have a suggestion for better existing effects or completely new ones that could be developed? (It must match its dinosaur role)
  • Do you have additional thoughts or opinions you would like to add?
Thank you in advance.
English (by google translator)
I am an old lover of carnotaurus and his style of play (gross damage / melee), so I would like to offer some suggestions that may favor these aspects.

Currently the combat is based on the damage of the weapons, so I will base this on my suggestions, if there is a balance or change I ask that you still consider it.

Well, carno and rex are killers by nature, so a high damage and low survival kit is essential, but with the possibility of extending the fight if it is favorable (or as a chance to counter attack). But for this style of gameplay to be followed, there must be incentives to encourage the player, something that is far from happening today.

My idea of a kit for the carnotaurus revolves around the new functions, making it have alternatives against other dinos that naturally have more advantages or have ways of responding to the current PvP system (where what prevails are weapons and ranged combat).

Violent attack - It is time to make him really violent. Continuing with the damage and bleeding, but with some changes.

- Start to deal 300% damage instead of the current 200%. (this ability is by far one of the least used, as the carnage attack does more damage than the extra healing that is much more attractive with current status)

- EXTRA (or natively, but I find the extra more balanced) - Continue the current bleeding but with an enemy speed reduction bonus for the duration of the effect. (here comes the reason: carnotaurus always needs to be melee to use 100% of its potential, applying slow will facilitate this process in addition to being a possible weapon against hit & run dinos or any others that like to attack from a distance and only approach to use skills)

Carnage attack - We will expand the carnotaur's ability to stay in extended battles (against tanks and allrounders) or to have a chance to attack other damage dyes.

- Reduce the damage of the ability to 200% or 150%, continuing to be multi target. (making the violent attack, depending on the situation, more interesting to use when you are without extra power)

- EXTRA - Continue with the leech, but restoring something between 75-100% of the damage done by the DINO and a new status added would be that while the leech lasts, the DINO would do between 50-100% more damage. (here we have an improved healing ability that forces the player to stay melee, as it will only heal the damage caused by the dino, which makes a lot more sense. I also believe that the values could even be increased, depending on the balance of the weapons and the carnotaurus itself)

Currently it is only viable for hunting and only when you have a yager (due to healing with weapon damage) and a weapon should not be the protagonist in a dinosaur game. So I would like these ideas to be at least analyzed by DEV's and that even if they are not applied, they can at least use the concept of a super aggressive and fragile melee dinosaur, in addition to having a unique life-stealing ability.

In his dynamic relationship with the other dinos, it would be quite equivalent, since his strong port would be against tanks (due to his high damage and the possibility of staying in the fight) and dinos with little life that do not have time to fight back (since a violent attack with extra power would cause an explosion of damage and slow does not allow the target to escape). And his weaknesses would be the same as today, dinos that don't let him get close and his life super low. So each fight will have a different dynamic, making the player assess the situation and choose the ways of fighting well.

In the past few years only his weakness has been improved, to the point where rex is the only one able to use the strength status effectively in combat thanks to his shout, and I believe that these changes are a great way to bring my beloved carnotaurus back. . I appreciate the attention of those who have read this far and any questions you may ask :)


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Oct 20, 2020
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Sou um velho amante do carnotauro e do estilo de jogo dele (dano bruto/melee), então gostaria de dar algumas sugestões que possam favorecer esses aspectos.

Atualmente o combate é baseado no dano das armas, então vou basear nisso as minhas sugestões, se houver um balanceamento ou mudança de meta peço que ainda considerem.

Bom, o carno e o rex são assassinos por natureza, então um kit de alto dano e baixa sobrevivência é essencial, mas com possibilidades de extenderem a luta caso seja favorável (ou como chance de contra atacar). Só que para esse estilo de gameplay ser seguido, deve haver estímulos para incentivar o jogador, coisa que está longe de acontecer hoje em dia.

Minha ideia de kit para o carno gira em torno das novas funções, fazendo ele ter alternativas contra outros dinos que naturalmente possuem mais vantagens ou ter formas de responder ao sistema de PvP atual (onde o que prevalece são os armamentos e combates a distância).

Ataque violento - Já está na hora de fazer ele ser realmente violento. Continuando com a dano e sangramento, mas com algumas alterações.

- Passar a dar 300% de dano ao invés dos 200% atuais. (esta habilidade é de longe uma das menos usadas, já que o ataque carnificina dá mais dano além do extra de cura que é bem mais atrativo com os status atuais)

- EXTRA (ou nativamente, mas acho no extra mais balanceado) - Continuar o sangramento atual mas com um bônus de redução de velocidade do inimigo enquanto durar o efeito. (aqui vem o motivo: carno necessita estar melee sempre para usar 100% do seu potencial, aplicar slow facilitará esse processo além de ser uma possível arma contra dinos hit&run ou quaisquer outros que gostem de atacar a distância e só se aproximam para usar habilidades)

Ataque carnificina - Vamos ampliar a capacidade do carno de permanecer em batalhas extensas (contra tanques e allrounders) ou de ter uma chance de contra atacar outros dinos de dano.

- Reduzir o dano da habilidade para 200% ou 150%, continuando a ser multi target. (fazendo com que dependendo da situação o ataque violento seja mais interessante de ser usado quando se está sem potencia extra)

- EXTRA - Continuar com o sanguessuga, mas restaurando algo entre 75-100% do dano causado pelo DINO e um novo status adicionado seria enquanto durar o sanguessuga o DINO causar entre 50-100% de dano a mais. (aqui nós temos uma habilidade de cura melhorada e que obriga o jogador a se manter melee, pois só irá curar o dano causado pelo dino, o que faz muito mais sentido. Também acredito que os valores poderiam até serem aumentados, dependendo do balanceamento das armas e do próprio carno)

Atualmente ele só é viável para caça e só quando se tem uma yager (devido a cura com o dano da arma) e uma arma não deveria ser a protagonista em um jogo de dinossauros. Por isso gostaria que essas ideias fossem pelo menos analisadas pelos DEV's e que mesmo não as aplicando possam pelo menos usar o conceito de um dinossauro corpo a corpo, super agressivo e frágil, além de ter uma habilidade única de roubo de vida.

Em relação dinâmica dele com os outros dinos ficaria bem equivalente, pois seu porto forte seria contra tanques (devido seu alto dano e possibilidade de se manter na luta) e dinos com pouca vida que não tenham tempo para revidar (já que um ataque violento com potência extra causaria uma explosão de dano e o slow não permite que o alvo fuja). E seus pontos fracos seriam os mesmos de hoje em dia, dinos que não deixam ele se aproximar e sua vida super baixa. Assim cada combate terá uma dinâmica diferente, fazendo o player avaliar a situação e escolher bem as formas de luta.

Nos últimos anos apenas a fraqueza dele foi melhorada, chegando ao ponto do rex ser o único capaz de usar o status de força efetivamente em combate graças ao seu grito, e acredito que essas mudanças são um ótimo caminho para trazer meu tão querido cornim de volta. Agradeço a atenção de quem leu até aqui e qualquer dúvida podem perguntar :)
Realmente precisam buffar o Carno porque ele está sendo bem inútil, as armas estão sendo muito mais protagonistas do que os Dinossauros, perde até a graça de jogar com coisas tão desbalanceadas


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Nov 3, 2015
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First, as for Parasaurus, this dinosaur seems to have been created to be a true Joker and more flexible in terms of how to use it, he is neither the best dino with life, nor with strength, nor with vitality. (But it is also not the worst at all) In my opinion he should receive greater attention in relation to the effects of his abilities, being possible to build it with a more Offensive or Defensive Build in relation to his abilities, being from short or long distance .

Example: Skills that its effects favor over short distances (Something like increasing the dinosaur's defense or its ability to dodge attacks), and one that favors over long distances (3-second slow + 3-second Parasurus speed increase)


About this dinosaur it is clearly observed that he is basically a Dp's of the game, being better at close range.
In my opinion, they should change their attributes to favor it even more in a matter of short distance, such as increasing their ability to suck Vida a little while doing damage, and the second ability could be changed to something that makes it more difficult. of the opposing Dinosaur to move away from Carno (As for example Slowness * 5 seconds * + * bleed 3 seconds *), because Carno does not have much durability over a long distance.


In my opinion the skills that seemed to be changed that the Adm posted is balanced, it would only change so that it goes down more damage than the Center and has less life than the Center as well. (And that his paralysis was just to paralyze the dinosaur and not the gun shots too)


In my opinion, the change in the skills shown seems to be in good progress. It would only slightly increase the percentage of absorbing damage or the seconds it lasts. Confusion in place of paralysis seems to be fine for me too.


Centrosaurus in my opinion should have more life than damage, because he resembles a dinosaur of good durability (Changing for what Pachy is, as I said above).
Its changed effects seem to be in accordance with the balance, however, I think that a little increase in your ability to reflect (Just like Brachi in absorbing) being the% or the seconds.


His abilities and effects seem to be in perfect condition, but THE QUESTION OF HIM HAS ARMOR I think it is a little unbalanced, since the other dinos do not have to decrease his speed a little more or greater then the damage to compensate his restitution in damages Received .

As far as Coelo is concerned, his new abilities shown and attributes seem to be balanced, perhaps to increase the Speed a little (Along with Pachy, if Pachy is nerfed in Life and gains damage) to differentiate from Rex

I've never owned Rex so I can't give a high-quality opinion, I prefer to let other players say what they know.
Agree what you said for Carno but bleed is not very effective.


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Nov 3, 2015
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-I- R A Z E R -I-
Moon Star
Carno's natural weapons are Horns in the game he don't have a skill to use his horns, i've got an idea to add a Dash attack where Carno using his horns like a Bull, and for skill effect i was thinking about stun or slow down.
let me know what you think about this.


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Mar 30, 2020
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¿Qué pasara con la habilidad de Curación en el equilibrio ¿Aumentaran su duración?.
Tengo entendido que el combate en pvp tendrá un tiempo ni muy largo ni muy corto, por lo que si llegan aumentar 12-15 segundos el efecto de curación tampoco estaría mal.

Otra duda que tengo.... es al respecto de la tecnología de penetración y el Ankylosaurus, sinceramente con o sin balance veo al pobre Ankylosaurus con una clara desventaja, si bien sus nuevas habilidades podrían evitar dicho efecto, en un combate cuerpo a cuerpo tiene ventaja, pero en distancia lo veo mas difícil para el dinosaurio ya que si no tienes una buena arma para evitar los daños de tu enemigo terminaras muriendo. Solo pregunto, ¿Qué pasara con ellos?


What will be of the healing in the balance? Will it last longer?

I have understand .... that the combat in pvp will have a time neither too long nor too short, so if they increase 12-15 seconds the healing effect would not be bad either.

Another question I have ... is about the penetration technology and the Ankylosaurus, honestly with or without balance I see poor Ankylosaurus with a clear disadvantage, although his new abilities could avoid this effect, in a close combat he has an advantage, but in the distance I see it more difficult for the dinosaur because if you don't have a good weapon to avoid the damage of your enemy, you will end up dying. I wonder, what about them?
Last edited:


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Nov 3, 2015
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-I- R A Z E R -I-
Moon Star
¿Qué pasara con la habilidad de Curación en el equilibrio ¿Aumentaran su duración?.
Tengo entendido que el combate en pvp tendrá un tiempo ni muy largo ni muy corto, por lo que si llegan aumentar 12-15 segundos el efecto de curación tampoco estaría mal.

Otra duda que tengo.... es al respecto de la tecnología de penetración y el Ankylosaurus, sinceramente con o sin balance veo al pobre Ankylosaurus con una clara desventaja, si bien sus nuevas habilidades podrían evitar dicho efecto, en un combate cuerpo a cuerpo tiene ventaja, pero en distancia lo veo mas difícil para el dinosaurio ya que si no tienes una buena arma para evitar los daños de tu enemigo terminaras muriendo. Solo pregunto, ¿Qué pasara con ellos?


What will be of the healing in the balance? Will it last longer?

I have understand .... that the combat in pvp will have a time neither too long nor too short, so if they increase 12-15 seconds the healing effect would not be bad either.

Another question I have ... is about the penetration technology and the Ankylosaurus, honestly with or without balance I see poor Ankylosaurus with a clear disadvantage, although his new abilities could avoid this effect, in a close combat he has an advantage, but in the distance I see it more difficult for the dinosaur because if you don't have a good weapon to avoid the damage of your enemy, you will end up dying. I wonder, what about them?
well you can fix this with shield or weapon reflectance


Community Manager
Sep 5, 2013
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Hello Everyone,

Our development team along with the help of our testing team are onto make the game balance in every possible aspect. For that we want to say thanks to the testing team for all their time, efforts and continuous support. We really hope to fix all the issues/ concerns as early as possible as giving a deadline for that might be a bit difficult. But we assure you that its our team's top most priority to handle and fix all outstanding issues at earliest as possible. We want to thank you for your patience and looking forward for you usual support.



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Oct 20, 2020
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Hello Everyone,

Our development team along with the help of our testing team are onto make the game balance in every possible aspect. For that we want to say thanks to the testing team for all their time, efforts and continuous support. We really hope to fix all the issues/ concerns as early as possible as giving a deadline for that might be a bit difficult. But we assure you that its our team's top most priority to handle and fix all outstanding issues at earliest as possible. We want to thank you for your patience and looking forward for you usual support.

Thank you! I love dinosaurs, I am very excited for the balance of the game.
Thank you for all the work that is being done.
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 47297, membro: 15481"]
Tenho algumas perguntas para a comunidade:

  • Atualmente, é possível vencer um combate usando o ataque corpo a corpo? (Força Dino)

  • Se não, você prefere que o ataque corpo-a-corpo volte? ou Ataque à distância (dano de arma apenas) é bom o suficiente para você?

  • E, o que você sugere para melhorar a jogabilidade de uma forma que torne o ataque corpo a corpo possível novamente?
Gostaria muito que o corpo a corpo voltasse, pois no meu ponto de vista, usamos apenas a armas e pouco dos dinossauros. Antes usávamos ambos, mas AGR com a distância tudo se resume a usar ankylossaurus com implante de resistência e se distanciar... Muitos outros donos saíram perdendo.


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Oct 20, 2020
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[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 47297, membro: 15481"]
Tenho algumas perguntas para a comunidade:

  • Atualmente, é possível vencer um combate usando o ataque corpo a corpo? (Força Dino)

  • Se não, você prefere que o ataque corpo-a-corpo volte? ou Ataque à distância (dano de arma apenas) é bom o suficiente para você?

  • E, o que você sugere para melhorar a jogabilidade de uma forma que torne o ataque corpo a corpo possível novamente?
Gostaria muito que o corpo a corpo voltasse, pois no meu ponto de vista, usamos apenas a armas e pouco dos dinossauros. Antes usávamos ambos, mas AGR com a distância tudo se resume a usar ankylossaurus com implante de resistência e se distanciar... Muitos outros donos saíram perdendo.
1- Muito difícil

2- Ataque corpo a corpo, porém que ainda exista o a distância, como em um equilíbrio

3- Diminuir as skills que paralisam os alvos, diminuir o dano das armas e talvez seu alcance um pouco, melhorar algumas skills de ataque corpo a corpo (Carnificina do Carno e etc). Balancear mais as armas em sua frequência/dano/distância bem como suas skills. E talvez mudar a forma de Desbloq alguns implantes, techs e armas, pois a maioria necessita de uns Lvl bem alto, o que desanima quem está no início.

- Madara -

New member
Nov 10, 2020
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- Madara -
[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 47297, membro: 15481"]
Tenho algumas perguntas para a comunidade:

  • Atualmente, é possível vencer um combate usando o ataque corpo a corpo? (Força Dino)

  • Se não, você prefere que o ataque corpo-a-corpo volte? ou Ataque à distância (dano de arma apenas) é bom o suficiente para você?

  • E, o que você sugere para melhorar a jogabilidade de uma forma que torne o ataque corpo a corpo possível novamente?
[QUOTE = "Thround, post: 47297, membro: 15481"]
Tenho algumas perguntas para a comunidade:

  • Atualmente, é possível vencer um combate usando o ataque corpo a corpo? (Força Dino)

  • Se não, você prefere que o ataque corpo-a-corpo volte? ou Ataque à distância (dano de arma apenas) é bom o suficiente para você?

  • E, o que você sugere para melhorar a jogabilidade de uma forma que torne o ataque corpo a corpo possível novamente?
tragam o corpo a corpo novamente pelo amor
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