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Feedback Wanted: Conflict/Protection cycle timing

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Oct 29, 2020
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I think cycle B was better , more hours to have fun and more medals for everyone and therefore the times of conflict that exist now are better


Well-known member
May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
How about (just a werid idea so better be ready for it)
If the day has 24 hours, how about splitting it into 2 phrases - 12 hours continiousely vulnerable and 12 hours safe.
And then lets switch this every week
7 days attacks availabe from 00 - 12 and protection from 12 - 24 aka 00
Another week protection from 00 - 12 and attacks availabe from 12 to 24 aka 00.

That should give the possibility for the attackers to attack when they want (which is strongly limited rn) so there's element of surprise in that since alliance members cant be online 24/7

And also it gives the possibility to attack during hours which are not peak ones BUT only for few days so those who want to stay during night and defend can rest next week.


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Jun 3, 2024
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Let me translate: Hunting? Hunting? Hunting? Hunting? PvP? (Mostly) hunting? Hunting?
The difference based on hours is only 1/1.5. What did you do normaly in between phases?


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Mar 18, 2021
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currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day, and the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
With all due respect,

I believe that your team has enough knowledge on how the game should work, but there are some things that are not logical to me.

On the first place, every update that is dropped, is an update that LIMITS players, instead of giving them more options, more freedom. We dont want to play with strategies game FORCES us to do. We want to think, to use our brain, to find most successful strategy on how to take gates etc. Even if i like this new system with gates being safe after being taken, times where we can drain are being limited, which forces me to play the game ONLY when the game wants me to play. As an example, before these updates, i would organise my clan to drain during server nights (2-3am), in which we could take gates from clans that had to sleep. That made it exciting, because u had to sacrifice something to achieve something, which makes the whole much more fun.

Besides that, i also dont understand the sense of making attacking phases only from 19.00 to 00.00 , especially in eu1 where all gates have already been taken after 5-10 minutes. Now, why would i open the game at 5am, 9am, 1pm or 5pm, if i am already full lvl 55 (every dino, gun, tech and implant lvl 55) on my main server? Is the goal to make us play less or where is the point? Realistically, there is nothing else i could do than have fun fighting wars etc.

I also think that players should think rationally on game updates. We cant adjust game updates to fit into benefiting our side in game. If my clan is losing all gates, it is probably not because of the update, it is probably because i dont have enough active members. That is a consequence and should be accepted.

If defending gates gets buffed, the clan that holds gates is being benefited, which gives them a chance to control the server and hold gates forever. If attacking gates get buffed however, both sides gain something. That means, if i take 20 gates in current phase, the other side has a chance to take 20 gates from me because draining is buffed. Perfectly logically, it makes sense and makes the chance for equally strong rivals to hold the same amount of gates. If one side is weaker however, they will still manage to take gates, just not as many as the stronger side. No one is damaged, everyone has fun and a reason to play.

To sum up: More freedom, less limitations, boosting server activities, balancing equally strong clans on taking each others gates


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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Totally predictable outcome if all phase is night time... Its not like you are going to facedifferent player or clan in matter of 1.5hrs after 1 phases ..

With this 3 phases being so close to each other you will just see the same face appearing and fight with you for next 7pm - 11pm.... And mostly have the same result every time the war begin

Where else the previous 5 cycle spreaded through out you can see the unpredictability of war where different people fight one another morning phases one party is strong night phases the other party is strong and around the afternoon both side will have somewhat equal balance of power.... All these make things interesting and somewhat unpredictable and most importantly element of superises....

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
With all due respect,

I believe that your team has enough knowledge on how the game should work, but there are some things that are not logical to me.

On the first place, every update that is dropped, is an update that LIMITS players, instead of giving them more options, more freedom. We dont want to play with strategies game FORCES us to do. We want to think, to use our brain, to find most successful strategy on how to take gates etc. Even if i like this new system with gates being safe after being taken, times where we can drain are being limited, which forces me to play the game ONLY when the game wants me to play. As an example, before these updates, i would organise my clan to drain during server nights (2-3am), in which we could take gates from clans that had to sleep. That made it exciting, because u had to sacrifice something to achieve something, which makes the whole much more fun.

Besides that, i also dont understand the sense of making attacking phases only from 19.00 to 00.00 , especially in eu1 where all gates have already been taken after 5-10 minutes. Now, why would i open the game at 5am, 9am, 1pm or 5pm, if i am already full lvl 55 (every dino, gun, tech and implant lvl 55) on my main server? Is the goal to make us play less or where is the point? Realistically, there is nothing else i could do than have fun fighting wars etc.

I also think that players should think rationally on game updates. We cant adjust game updates to fit into benefiting our side in game. If my clan is losing all gates, it is probably not because of the update, it is probably because i dont have enough active members. That is a consequence and should be accepted.

If defending gates gets buffed, the clan that holds gates is being benefited, which gives them a chance to control the server and hold gates forever. If attacking gates get buffed however, both sides gain something. That means, if i take 20 gates in current phase, the other side has a chance to take 20 gates from me because draining is buffed. Perfectly logically, it makes sense and makes the chance for equally strong rivals to hold the same amount of gates. If one side is weaker however, they will still manage to take gates, just not as many as the stronger side. No one is damaged, everyone has fun and a reason to play.

To sum up: More freedom, less limitations, boosting server activities, balancing equally strong clans on taking each others gates
i think i would need some clerifications here as someone that doesnt like pvp i can understand a few things you said

1. saying all updates are limiting is not right unless you specify which ones other two endgame updates made things more free if anything like elections and fame aquisition which endgame 3 did too by adding gold rocks to claims for solo players to have a chance at getting fame and as for the constant complaints about no longer being able to attack at night i dont get you people claim they miss large scale long pvp but then go on and complain they cant attack when the lowest chance to have it was (i think its well know early mornings have the lowest player activity) like do you actualy want the gate pvp or not if you actively try and avoid it? i might not understand something but to me its contradictory

2. i can see your point here really i can your max lvl you dont have much else to do then those things however you also need to realise that not everyone is the same theres people that can use that time to farm, lvl up, upgrade and so on not everyone is fully maxed but maybe in the future some more content could be added that could be done at that time but devs cant do everything people want instantly

3. fair point however i did do some math in the other forum and there you could see even with max tier gates your almost always forced to lose no matter what especialy if the attackers come back like if 15 attackers attack a gate by the time you get there you have 4 minutes to kill every single one of them and you need to do it pretty much alone at the moment no other clan can help you like mathematicaly its not possible in that situation your just forced to lose and thats the same for everyone you can check that feedback yourself where i gone into detail about it

4. thats just plain nonsense again go read my feedback if you dont understand why buffing draining is not good idea the point of gates is to hold them not to constantly exchange them as your basicaly sugesting to do thats just gate swaping with a different name a single clan would never be able to hold on to 20 gates you would need like 80 active high lvl players for that to even have a chance to hold on to some of them so the only way that could go is both sides constantly exchange the gates and no one gets anything

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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Ever since this phases were introduced for me it was either one side or the other gets gate each phase type of scenario at best yes fame isnt exactly high that way but fame from buildings on live is not high even with excellent gate as is on ptr so gates arent primary source of fame.

Draining needed buff so that small clans have a chance now you have a problem because usual building holders have subclans leaving them to not have enough "true" defenders to enter circle and stop attackers which is not attacker problem even but defenders defending with dino variety can work provided that true attackers are actually many and not their ally clan jumping in to defend gate that does NOT belong to them.


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Mar 18, 2021
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I don't have a clan
i think i would need some clerifications here as someone that doesnt like pvp i can understand a few things you said

1. saying all updates are limiting is not right unless you specify which ones other two endgame updates made things more free if anything like elections and fame aquisition which endgame 3 did too by adding gold rocks to claims for solo players to have a chance at getting fame and as for the constant complaints about no longer being able to attack at night i dont get you people claim they miss large scale long pvp but then go on and complain they cant attack when the lowest chance to have it was (i think its well know early mornings have the lowest player activity) like do you actualy want the gate pvp or not if you actively try and avoid it? i might not understand something but to me its contradictory

2. i can see your point here really i can your max lvl you dont have much else to do then those things however you also need to realise that not everyone is the same theres people that can use that time to farm, lvl up, upgrade and so on not everyone is fully maxed but maybe in the future some more content could be added that could be done at that time but devs cant do everything people want instantly

3. fair point however i did do some math in the other forum and there you could see even with max tier gates your almost always forced to lose no matter what especialy if the attackers come back like if 15 attackers attack a gate by the time you get there you have 4 minutes to kill every single one of them and you need to do it pretty much alone at the moment no other clan can help you like mathematicaly its not possible in that situation your just forced to lose and thats the same for everyone you can check that feedback yourself where i gone into detail about it

4. thats just plain nonsense again go read my feedback if you dont understand why buffing draining is not good idea the point of gates is to hold them not to constantly exchange them as your basicaly sugesting to do thats just gate swaping with a different name a single clan would never be able to hold on to 20 gates you would need like 80 active high lvl players for that to even have a chance to hold on to some of them so the only way that could go is both sides constantly exchange the gates and no one gets anything
Everything u said is a complete nonsense. As I said, stay rational and don't support the update only because it is in your favour. I also explained everything meant with limitation, which maybe u don't understand, but even nerfing stabi is a limitation instead of searching for another way to make players use stabi less. Those are things, the limitations that not only damage me, they damage you especially as a person that needs to hunt with useless stabi implant against bandits that all have stun or confuse option. I am full 55, I don't need it. You do.

As the last thing u say, fekete in eu1 doesn't have 80 active players and they still managed to take even 33 gates in one phase. Explains what? That your clan is simply not strong enough, which is alright, just needs to be accepted

No matter on which side I am, I think no one should be supposed to "hold" servers

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Ever since this phases were introduced for me it was either one side or the other gets gate each phase type of scenario at best yes fame isnt exactly high that way but fame from buildings on live is not high even with excellent gate as is on ptr so gates arent primary source of fame.

Draining needed buff so that small clans have a chance now you have a problem because usual building holders have subclans leaving them to not have enough "true" defenders to enter circle and stop attackers which is not attacker problem even but defenders defending with dino variety can work provided that true attackers are actually many and not their ally clan jumping in to defend gate that does NOT belong to them.
gates are the primary source of fame through especialy for large groups of people since if everyone goes mining your soon realise no one is actualy making anything since theres too many people and the claims cant supply such demand you can mine 8 hours a day which is way more then some people can and barely make anything if theres competition around theres 15 claims in the game now imagine your hourly profits if 8 people are mining at once if your luckly you might get like 5k fame most likely less thats not much so unless you farm very long a server thats swaping where all people are mining you wont make much mining only works on individual level if you need a lot of fame meanwhile if all gates and claims on the map were at excelent yeald they would produce around 2 milion fame a day good luck matching that with mining you have no chance even if you were mining completely alone let alone with competition

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Everything u said is a complete nonsense. As I said, stay rational and don't support the update only because it is in your favour. I also explained everything meant with limitation, which maybe u don't understand, but even nerfing stabi is a limitation instead of searching for another way to make players use stabi less. Those are things, the limitations that not only damage me, they damage you especially as a person that needs to hunt with useless stabi implant against bandits that all have stun or confuse option. I am full 55, I don't need it. You do.

As the last thing u say, fekete in eu1 doesn't have 80 active players and they still managed to take even 33 gates in one phase. Explains what? That your clan is simply not strong enough, which is alright, just needs to be accepted

No matter on which side I am, I think no one should be supposed to "hold" servers
i mean what is nonsense? the first two endgames freed the gate kept rex and made elections accesible to all as for stabilty nerf while i do miss being near imune to stun and fear i can understand why reducing these efects to like 1s duration on max lvl stability could be hard to balance also a litle side note im a full 55 too dont asume things you do not know i hunt because i want to not because i have to

and for fekete yeah they claimed 33 basic sites at 7 am when no one is around and those that are did not bother trying since they couldnt defend it you can do your own math if you didnt like mine for it but the numbers dont lie now that they can only attack when theres actual people against them and not ghost those results quickly went down


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2018
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fekete lovag
How about (just a werid idea so better be ready for it)
If the day has 24 hours, how about splitting it into 2 phrases - 12 hours continiousely vulnerable and 12 hours safe.
And then lets switch this every week
7 days attacks availabe from 00 - 12 and protection from 12 - 24 aka 00
Another week protection from 00 - 12 and attacks availabe from 12 to 24 aka 00.

That should give the possibility for the attackers to attack when they want (which is strongly limited rn) so there's element of surprise in that since alliance members cant be online 24/7

And also it gives the possibility to attack during hours which are not peak ones BUT only for few days so those who want to stay during night and defend can rest next week.
Well this is impossible and redundant. Once a building is taken over by draining you cant attack it anymore until the next attack phase when it becomes vulnerable. Which makes this useless for the rest of the 12 hours of attack phase


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Jun 28, 2024
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Dark Max Retribution
Well this is impossible and redundant. Once a building is taken over by draining you cant attack it anymore until the next attack phase when it becomes vulnerable. Which makes this useless for the rest of the 12 hours of attack phase
unless they make gates able to be captured even after a clan loses it, then the battles will be long bcuz once a clan loses a site they can fight back to retake it and then they gotta also defend it bcuz it could be lost and so on...


Apr 18, 2024
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Main Char
With all due respect,

I believe that your team has enough knowledge on how the game should work, but there are some things that are not logical to me.

On the first place, every update that is dropped, is an update that LIMITS players, instead of giving them more options, more freedom. We dont want to play with strategies game FORCES us to do. We want to think, to use our brain, to find most successful strategy on how to take gates etc. Even if i like this new system with gates being safe after being taken, times where we can drain are being limited, which forces me to play the game ONLY when the game wants me to play. As an example, before these updates, i would organise my clan to drain during server nights (2-3am), in which we could take gates from clans that had to sleep. That made it exciting, because u had to sacrifice something to achieve something, which makes the whole much more fun.

Besides that, i also dont understand the sense of making attacking phases only from 19.00 to 00.00 , especially in eu1 where all gates have already been taken after 5-10 minutes. Now, why would i open the game at 5am, 9am, 1pm or 5pm, if i am already full lvl 55 (every dino, gun, tech and implant lvl 55) on my main server? Is the goal to make us play less or where is the point? Realistically, there is nothing else i could do than have fun fighting wars etc.

I also think that players should think rationally on game updates. We cant adjust game updates to fit into benefiting our side in game. If my clan is losing all gates, it is probably not because of the update, it is probably because i dont have enough active members. That is a consequence and should be accepted.

If defending gates gets buffed, the clan that holds gates is being benefited, which gives them a chance to control the server and hold gates forever. If attacking gates get buffed however, both sides gain something. That means, if i take 20 gates in current phase, the other side has a chance to take 20 gates from me because draining is buffed. Perfectly logically, it makes sense and makes the chance for equally strong rivals to hold the same amount of gates. If one side is weaker however, they will still manage to take gates, just not as many as the stronger side. No one is damaged, everyone has fun and a reason to play.

To sum up: More freedom, less limitations, boosting server activities, balancing equally strong clans on taking each others gates
what did you even try to prove here, that you want a 3am - 5am phase just so you can take almost all the server when the world is asleep? i wish people would review their complains before actually coming up with them here tbh


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May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
Well this is impossible and redundant. Once a building is taken over by draining you cant attack it anymore until the next attack phase when it becomes vulnerable. Which makes this useless for the rest of the 12 hours of attack phase
Well I meant there that during those 12 vulnerable hours sites could be attacked all time


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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Amazing how we used to discuss a long thread abt phases and abt people getting chance to play im conflict phase and element of suprise a year ago
...and we still end up with this night only conflict.....


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Sep 20, 2018
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fekete lovag
Well I meant there that during those 12 vulnerable hours sites could be attacked all time
again redundant since once drained the building automatically gets into the protected phase. Also redundant because nobody will be able to attack for 12 hours straight every day.


Apr 18, 2024
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@Highway all this people who are complaining about the new times are actually mad because they can't take that much of gates anymore since this new times gives them more competition during the phases, so obviously they can't do this and post it on their stories anymore, this new times of phases are good and makes it fair for everyone, their clans are holding more than 10 gates during this new phases anyway, but being mad because bro can't hold 33 gates at 7am anymore to flex it later is crazy 7b6ac1d0-7a20-4f5a-a6da-b234fb6a2dd1.jpg


Well-known member
May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
again redundant since once drained the building automatically gets into the protected phase. Also redundant because nobody will be able to attack for 12 hours straight every day.
Well there could be something like cooldown before being able to attack site again, for example like 20 mins. And about second thing, that's not a point - in past sites could be attacked 24/7 and everything was going Well.


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Mar 18, 2021
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I don't have a clan

currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day, and the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
there are many more people who dislike the update



New member
Mar 18, 2021
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I don't have a clan
@Highway all this people who are complaining about the new times are actually mad because they can't take that much of gates anymore since this new times gives them more competition during the phases, so obviously they can't do this and post it on their stories anymore, this new times of phases are good and makes it fair for everyone, their clans are holding more than 10 gates during this new phases anyway, but being mad because bro can't hold 33 gates at 7am anymore to flex it later is crazy View attachment 48271
Your average clan has 5 active members per clan, of course clan that has many members will take more gates


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
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@I1 E 4 E H 9l T 0 P
@Highway all this people who are complaining about the new times are actually mad because they can't take that much of gates anymore since this new times gives them more competition during the phases, so obviously they can't do this and post it on their stories anymore, this new times of phases are good and makes it fair for everyone, their clans are holding more than 10 gates during this new phases anyway, but being mad because bro can't hold 33 gates at 7am anymore to flex it later is crazy View attachment 48271
these phases harm not only the attackers, but also the defenders, whose time zone is not suitable for participating in these very phases. it's not the attackers' fault that the defender is smaller than the attackers at this time, there were suggestions to the defenders to unite into large clans and try to defend themselves, they haven't done this, so far sub clans, although now it's just retaking

Luka Patajac

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2016
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these phases harm not only the attackers, but also the defenders, whose time zone is not suitable for participating in these very phases. it's not the attackers' fault that the defender is smaller than the attackers at this time, there were suggestions to the defenders to unite into large clans and try to defend themselves, they haven't done this, so far sub clans, although now it's just retaking
Exactly they dont wanna remove their subclans they just wanna be able to defend without true gates holder being active again like they did in past.


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Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
how about all eu1 attackers and defenders remain quiet for a few days and let other servers complain or give feedbacks because yall repeating the same topics everyday i think everyone understood ur points, one day u get something u love as an attacker then defenders complain, next day defenders get something and attackers will complain well they cant please both sides so just leave some space for others who are tired reading our spammings because im pretty sure devs understood what u or we complained about and looked into it already depending on their data since most of the time none of us provides actual data


Apr 18, 2024
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these phases harm not only the attackers, but also the defenders, whose time zone is not suitable for participating in these very phases. it's not the attackers' fault that the defender is smaller than the attackers at this time, there were suggestions to the defenders to unite into large clans and try to defend themselves, they haven't done this, so far sub clans, although now it's just retaking
There are no attackers and no defenders, correct yourself, everything is being swapped on the server during each phase, nobody is defending but everyone is attacking, so here we are all attackers, you are here complaining because you can take only 10 gates but not 33 during this new phases


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Jun 28, 2024
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Dark Max Retribution
there are many more people who dislike the update
Disliking and disagreeing without providing an actual reason to why means literally nothing, I can also tell my clan to come and react with this over here or anyone can create forum accounts to do such things, it's empty reactions when it's without valid reasoining


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Jun 28, 2024
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Dark Max Retribution
Your average clan has 5 active members per clan, of course clan that has many members will take more gates
If their average clan has 5 active members per clan then I think you (as you claimed to have 20+ players) can pretty much destroy them no matter at which time, what's your point?


Apr 18, 2024
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there are many more people who dislike the update
Did you get every member of your alliance to dislike the update just so you come here to say this now? I can also say that there are way a lot of people who love the new update


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Mar 17, 2021
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@I1 E 4 E H 9l T 0 P
how about all eu1 attackers and defenders remain quiet for a few days and let other servers complain or give feedbacks because yall repeating the same topics everyday i think everyone understood ur points, one day u get something u love as an attacker then defenders complain, next day defenders get something and attackers will complain well they cant please both sides so just leave some space for others who are tired reading our spammings because im pretty sure devs understood what u or we complained about and looked into it already depending on their data since most of the time none of us provides actual data
on this forum, probably 5-10% of people who are not tied to any beliefs that can offer a balance for everyone, the remaining 90% will wait more for advantages for attackers or defenders

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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gates are the primary source of fame through especialy for large groups of people since if everyone goes mining your soon realise no one is actualy making anything since theres too many people and the claims cant supply such demand you can mine 8 hours a day which is way more then some people can and barely make anything if theres competition around theres 15 claims in the game now imagine your hourly profits if 8 people are mining at once if your luckly you might get like 5k fame most likely less thats not much so unless you farm very long a server thats swaping where all people are mining you wont make much mining only works on individual level if you need a lot of fame meanwhile if all gates and claims on the map were at excelent yeald they would produce around 2 milion fame a day good luck matching that with mining you have no chance even if you were mining completely alone let alone with competition
Like i said since gates usually on live servers do not reach 400% yield nor stay that way that is not primary source of fame on live servers you can say eu1 had more "luck" to held them at 400% longer than other servers due to you being eu1 player but i was thinking when you look all live servers in existence not jut one of them.


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Mar 17, 2021
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@I1 E 4 E H 9l T 0 P
There are no attackers and no defenders, correct yourself, everything is being swapped on the server during each phase, nobody is defending but everyone is attacking, so here we are all attackers, you are here complaining because you can take only 10 gates but not 33 during this new phases
Dude, please read it carefully. I am now proposing an idea in which retake will take more time and make less sense, but to the advantage of defenders, they will counterattack the attackers who became the gate holder in this phase, even if your attacker took the most gates, you can return them in the same phase and get your x3 by dv take. you're probably the same 90% of the players who will only think about their side, you don't think about the players who don't live so close to Europe, these phases are impossible for them, the point is that the phases throughout the day gave everyone the opportunity to participate in them, now I propose the idea to improve the aspects of protection and to introduce a "counterattack" in which the defender can also act as a defender
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