This update idea is too easy for large alliances and many gaps, reading several Ally chats many plan to divide into secondary clans, in order to make faster rotations given that the secondary clan has 0 towers draining at the same time with 0 Towers they would win faster, then these drain the entire map at the same time while the main clan defeats the invaders then vice versa would kill the idea of this update instantly and many more ideas were given to kill that update because they are still the majority
My opinion: I have seen a lot of updating and very few balances for small clans, the best way to end that is by overloading the alliance instead of taking more work away from them.
How it would happen:
1- Remove the 1h conflict times, Add 3 Conflict times of 2 H Each
This is because? = the Attackers do not give them a chance in 1 H times to be able to do something well and take something, at least 2 towers, giving more time, it would add possibilities of taking towers more often, the alliance always has to be alert if they want to keep them.
2- Remove the Basic Mode from the towers, Make the towers Good, Very Good and Excellent and increase their HP, make these towers improve every 12 Hrs Automatically, They can also be improved every 4H Manually.
Is this because?: Attackers will find it more attractive to take towers with large amounts of fame and easier to drain, currently alliances do not improve anything and leave everything on basic to make everything difficult and attackers are not motivated because there is very little fame for many loss of Dds, this forces everyone to pay attention to towers no matter what and there will be more frequent attacks and the players will see more fun
This is a very basic idea from what I have seen.