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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Sep 23, 2016
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_MaD BullS_
It would not be a bad idea, at least if you are 8-10 minutes afk xd
tbh my 5-10mins "afk" usually take 1 hour because of my needy family >-> but I think we get kicked now after 1 hour(?) i remember in the old days people would stay logged for days


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May 22, 2020
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am4 TwerkTeam
It would not be a bad idea, at least if you are 8-10 minutes afk xd
was joking at first but considering the influx of people that come online in the summer time or for rex parties and stay in one spot...


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Oct 16, 2015
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tbh my 5-10mins "afk" usually take 1 hour because of my needy family >-> but I think we get kicked now after 1 hour(?) i remember in the old days people would stay logged for days

1h was only in ptr


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Oct 16, 2015
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It is very difficult for an idea to be considered if there is no support from other players. Just look at the thousands of good ideas lost and forgotten on this forum.
it would be good if devs would tell what ideas, from those which they are developing, were theirs and which were suggested by players. long time ago i had made thread about clan quests and one of the quests was about defending temporary tower from waves of bandits and the rewards would be also related with clan system (dd, clan boosters, fame items), something similar devs are going to develop in part 3


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Jun 11, 2021
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ich hab die schnautze gestrichen voll -.-"

ich höre erstmal auf zu spielen!

ein update welches seid fast 2 jahren diskutiert wird und wir aber keine einzige info dazu kriegen,

server die von alpha clans überannt sind, wo die entscheiden das du lvl45 haben musst um für die wahl zum governour gewinnen zu dürfen (grade auf eu3 das gespräch mit darklord pl gehabt...

erst sagte er ich könnte mich für die wahl garnicht anmelden unter lvl45...dann zeigte ich ihm das gegenteil worauf hin er meinte, er hätte es sogemeint das ich erst lvl45 sein muss bevor irgendeiner der alpha clans daran denkt mir mit der wahl zu helfen...

macht n neuen server auf, bearbeitet die regeln für die wahlen und die gates oder was auch immer aber stoppt endlich die alpha clans...
sonst habt ihr keine spieler mehr wenn ihr endlich mal mit dem update fertig seid -.-

vllt macht ihrs auch einfach so das 1 clan 1 gate...sagen wir 30tage halten kann und danach für 30 tage blockiert wird (sowohl in angriff als auch haltung)
genauso macht ihr das mit den wahlen, wenn jetzt zbs ghost division die letzte wahl gewonnen hat, kann dieser clan erst wieder diese wahl bestreiten (demnach ein anderer aus dem clan) wenn die nächste wahl vorrüber ist...

so würde jeder die chance haben die wahlen zu gewinnen!!!

und was die gates betrifft bin ich immernoch der selben meinung...
einfach eine blockade einbauen sodass die alpha clans gezwungen werden mit den kleinen clans zusammen zu spielen und sich das spielerlebnis im low lvl nicht nur darauf bezieht so schnell wie möglich nach oben zu kommen sondern auch mal nen gechillten zu machen und vllt nur gegen andere low lvl die gates zu verteidigen bzw er erobern (damit auch den lowies das pvp feeling, gate und claim feeling und vorallem clan zusammenhalt nahegelegt wird!!!)

zbs kann man mokon woods nur von lvl15 bis lvl24 halten, angreifen, verteidigen...

somit könn die alpha clans (die fast nur aus max lvl bestehen) sich im mountan murak die köpfe einhauen wie sie wollen und der rest kann das spiel spielen, spass haben und vorallem nich durch die alpha clans die lust daran verlieren...


MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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I would like you to have a lot of discussion on the next point.
What should be the amount of travel gates and claim that a clan with good activity should have?
A map could be dominated by several clans, and these local wars could be generated every day to see who gets one more travel gate or claim. and if a clan wanted to dominate an entire map, it would have to be an extremely active clan with an abundance of resources.
How about the mob units that attack buildings doesn't attack the clans that has ( x ) minimum number of travel gates/claims, and once the number increases these mobs start attacking, and the severity increases as the number of gates the clan hold increases? You know bandits love to go after high rewards :sweatgrinning:

Just a silly proposal but I still refuse to have an objective discussion about the next step without seeing what Developers have already planned for us and debate based on it. After all such idea as above could be nice to stop a totalitarian clan from seizing everything, but what if seizing everything is the only way to prevent chaos? A solution must be found somewhere and it doesn't help making matters worse.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I think that a good way to prevent a clan or an alliance from dominating is to give the attacker more advantage than the defender, you need to work on map rotation, so that the defending clans keep a map but do not keep it for a long time .


Game Master
Game Master
May 16, 2020
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Claro que debemos poner un alto a los clanes dominantes y detener el dominio de todos los servidores por estos clanes, pero para esto debemos establecer las guerras clan vs clan , y un limite de zonas por clanes, sin embargo existen cabos sueltos como impedir que los clanes alfas se creen mas clanes pequeños.
Esto es algo que esta tomando tiempo, pero si tienen ideas podrian aportarlas el objetivo es disminuir el poder de los clanes y que todos puedan tener acceso a la fama


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Claro que debemos poner un alto a los clanes dominantes y detener el dominio de todos los servidores por estos clanes, pero para esto debemos establecer las guerras clan vs clan , y un limite de zonas por clanes, sin embargo existen cabos sueltos como impedir que los clanes alfas se creen mas clanes pequeños.
Esto es algo que esta tomando tiempo, pero si tienen ideas podrian aportarlas el objetivo es disminuir el poder de los clanes y que todos puedan tener acceso a la fama
Okey, primero que nada, xq estar en un clan? las recompensas y beneficios que trae estar en un clan deberian ser nerfeadas, evidentemente en guerra si o si se necesita tener un clan para poder valer para algo, pero deberias tener suficiente fuerza con una cantidad no muy grande de jugadores.
Actualmente los clanes cumplen la funcion de almacen de cuentas compradas,quienes compran estas cuentas las dejan inactivas hasta que se necesite en guerra, todos sabemos que un clan al dia no consigue llegar a mas de 30 integrantes conectados a la vez.


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Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Podrias hacer que las guerras fueran un evento, donde los atacantes tengan ventaja sobre los defensores, y que para participar de la guerra se deba inscribir. Quien no se inscriba en la guerra no podra interactuar con otros jugadores ni con los portales.


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Jul 26, 2022
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Some ideas that can help balance the battle between attackers and defenders:

-The more portals a clan has, the more frequent mobs attacks should be. (already mentioned by other players, but worth reinforcing).

-Be possible to steal portals fame, without the need to drain them completely. (because it is difficult to get to drain portals to 0%, especially if there are few attackers).

-Increase the drain percentage of a portal. (with the new "jump gates" defenders would arrive faster, thus making it difficult for attackers to drain efficiently).

-The attacked portal will only return to its normal ''green'' state if at least one defender is healing for some time.
Attacked portals continue to produce fame, not as much as if they were in a normal state, of course. (but this would help the attackers to keep stealing fame during the map attack, otherwise, on the first attacked portal or even before the attack starts, the defenders they would simply collect the fame of the whole map and so the attackers would not have anything and would waste time and money, as is currently the case).

-Be possible to revive in attacked portals. The normal time to revive in a ''green'' portal is 15 seconds, in a red portal the time would increase to 45 seconds, just revive. (during wars the attackers are the ones who die the most, and in a completely attacked map, they are forced to revive in another map, or in dinoville, making them give up faster etc...)

-Increase the time to use Recovery Kits. (It's already hard to face dominants, and it gets even harder, when players keep using recovery kits every 5 seconds after they die.)

-Maps like Maujak and CCV are difficult to attack as they are expensive to revive and teleport and they contain the highest concentration of active players (the dominant ones). So fame production on these maps should be lower or be attacked more often by mobs.

Most players nowadays don't want to leave the ''comfort zone'' they want to have a map and dominate the elections and still have the good life of hunting in peace. they team up in massive alliances to crush enemies and have even less work defending maps.

I believe that to end the monopoly of alliances, defenders have to wear out as much as attackers, it's a simple logic, if a clan wants to have a map 24h, it will have to work 24h for it. And that would also help defenders to have more responsibility in choosing their leaders and choosing players who really try hard for positions. That way, ''corrupt'' leaders wouldn't have so much freedom to give positions to friends or players who don't deserve it.


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Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
-Maps like Maujak and CCV are difficult to attack as they are expensive to revive and teleport and they contain the highest concentration of active players (the dominant ones). So fame production on these maps should be lower or be attacked more often by mobs.
Doesn't make sense to reduce fame production just because a map is more active. In fact it should be increased. Since attackers hold the initiative when attacking, they can decide when and where to attack, they can repeatedly ambush defenders on the expensive maps. Defenders will be forced to prioritize defending high fame production map since its the most advantageous. After enough attacks are made and the defenders DD go in the red zone, it is more likely that they will take protection and abandon the map while they farm dd. Allowing the attackers to hold the map in turn.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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-Be possible to steal portals fame, without the need to drain them completely. (because it is difficult to get to drain portals to 0%, especially if there are few attackers).
I want to suggest something related to this. @Highway

We need a mechanic to steal things or boxes containing medals (fame), gold or minerals from mines.

The windows of the buildings are likely to change, so take this as a generic reference.

The boxes are elements that are collected separately from the other items produced in a building; medal and gold are stored in this box at a certain time. Unlike medals and gold, when a player collects crates, they can be looted or stolen by players as long as they kill the player carrying or transporting them (very similar to transport missions, but in this case it is pvp).

The box appears near the nick

Adding more methods or mechanics for stealing fame would help smaller clans, as well as provide a bit more fun and tactics between clans.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
Some ideas that can help balance the battle between attackers and defenders:

-The more portals a clan has, the more frequent mobs attacks should be. (already mentioned by other players, but worth reinforcing).

-Be possible to steal portals fame, without the need to drain them completely. (because it is difficult to get to drain portals to 0%, especially if there are few attackers).

-Increase the drain percentage of a portal. (with the new "jump gates" defenders would arrive faster, thus making it difficult for attackers to drain efficiently).

-The attacked portal will only return to its normal ''green'' state if at least one defender is healing for some time.
Attacked portals continue to produce fame, not as much as if they were in a normal state, of course. (but this would help the attackers to keep stealing fame during the map attack, otherwise, on the first attacked portal or even before the attack starts, the defenders they would simply collect the fame of the whole map and so the attackers would not have anything and would waste time and money, as is currently the case).

-Be possible to revive in attacked portals. The normal time to revive in a ''green'' portal is 15 seconds, in a red portal the time would increase to 45 seconds, just revive. (during wars the attackers are the ones who die the most, and in a completely attacked map, they are forced to revive in another map, or in dinoville, making them give up faster etc...)

-Increase the time to use Recovery Kits. (It's already hard to face dominants, and it gets even harder, when players keep using recovery kits every 5 seconds after they die.)

-Maps like Maujak and CCV are difficult to attack as they are expensive to revive and teleport and they contain the highest concentration of active players (the dominant ones). So fame production on these maps should be lower or be attacked more often by mobs.

Most players nowadays don't want to leave the ''comfort zone'' they want to have a map and dominate the elections and still have the good life of hunting in peace. they team up in massive alliances to crush enemies and have even less work defending maps.

I believe that to end the monopoly of alliances, defenders have to wear out as much as attackers, it's a simple logic, if a clan wants to have a map 24h, it will have to work 24h for it. And that would also help defenders to have more responsibility in choosing their leaders and choosing players who really try hard for positions. That way, ''corrupt'' leaders wouldn't have so much freedom to give positions to friends or players who don't deserve it.
I love your ideas!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
I want to suggest something related to this. @Highway

We need a mechanic to steal things or boxes containing medals (fame), gold or minerals from mines.

View attachment 44195
The windows of the buildings are likely to change, so take this as a generic reference.

The boxes are elements that are collected separately from the other items produced in a building; medal and gold are stored in this box at a certain time. Unlike medals and gold, when a player collects crates, they can be looted or stolen by players as long as they kill the player carrying or transporting them (very similar to transport missions, but in this case it is pvp).

View attachment 44194
The box appears near the nick

Adding more methods or mechanics for stealing fame would help smaller clans, as well as provide a bit more fun and tactics between clans.
I like this idea a lot!


Jan 31, 2022
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All shit
Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
@Highway Hello! If you can answer this message it would be very interesting to better understand what the developers of the game think about the future. Well, the idea of changing the way to win the tyrannosaurus rex can be interesting since the idea is to end alliances and clans monopolizing everything but you see, in a way we will still be stuck in office because they give the tokens to release things and wanting or not we will need the help of friends or even alliances to watch / keep the the facilities and ensure fame, good seeing how the alliances of this game are I kick that few players will really help themselves.. Because it seems that this update will only influence the selfishness of certain people who want everything just for them so I think wanting to break a system that has existed for years is almost impossible. I think the idea of the endgame and everything is great but it seems that we are regressing in time, after all the facilities will be individual as they were before, only it will be a little worse To keep them. Now let's get to the point of the election, do you really think that the sistem of investing all the fame in the election right? And if someone random passes you you won't even know? Out you won't even see who's winning? That's a long shot, you'll strive to have fame and can just have your effort thrown in the trash. And we're really going to get re-election? That's totally nothing to do, other than that they want to reset the positions of those who already have something, what's the point of it? I wish you had other ways to earn tokens. If we're going to have this flawed election system that you want because there's better to have another way to earn these tokens at an event maybe.. This update could be the milestone or chaos of this game. And I've been noting that the game is closing a lot, for all the players I know is like this, maybe improving performance is a good one before releasing some update next month.. I wanted more explanations of these systems because it seems that everything will make it difficult. Good luck with the ideas!
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