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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Mar 30, 2020
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Το rRex has to stay locked up because if they have all rex it won't matter And as the other one with a reputation has said, they're going to be picking for rex.
Many people believe that the rex will be free or getting it will be easy, or even that it will no longer be worth putting as much effort and performance as it is now. The reality is different, it will practically remain difficult or even much more difficult as it is now. There is the possibility of seeing players winning rex 0, 1, 2, 3 on one month, 2 month, etc.

There are many factors that involve it, town hall, savings, performance in the clan, etc.

The difference here is that the clans will not have 100% power in the elections, but each one can be responsible for obtaining rex, I mean, literally your performance in the game will be important (as usual).
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Jun 11, 2021
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Ok time to throw in the idea we could narrow down to with the team. We try to keep it as simple as possible and providing you enough info to think into this. How would it change your and your clans game play etc.? What would be when? etc. Drop your thoughts & feedback here to let us know what you think. :!:

Active Endgame with PVP & PVE Elements
Players need to participate with game buildings (PVP/PVE) to gain access to the Town Hall by gaining fame. Through the Town Hall players earn “dinoville tokens” that allow them to unlock the t-rex and other exclusive items purchased at a special store in dinoville.

  • Offer small steps towards the exclusive items unlocked by the town hall gameplay for PVP & PVE players (T-Rex & more)
  • Make the building gameplay active and more interesting to gain items
  • Reduce control of powerful clans in a way that makes it difficult to maintain all buildings and control the town hall

View attachment 41518

Game Buildings
The building gameplay is left out for now as the concept here is quite complex and still needs more time to get worked out properly. But what we want here is to offer a diverse gameplay around buildings that is less static that the current one. That needs the clans to be more active to get their rewards etc. and with it give more room for smaller clans to get their piece of the cake. But quite possible that this will be a seperate update.

Game Building Rewards
  • Show current items inside the building to all players and highlight it already on the map to show high reward targets.
    • Overtaking the building will not destroy the items and the attacker can pick them up after resupply.
  • Rewards can only be picked up from the building when it is not under attack
  • Will not deplete over time anymore
  • Clothing will not grant the user with fame anymore
  • The only source of fame will be from the game building rewards
  • Fame is directly spent when applying for an office in the town hall
  • Fame will not be shown to other users.

Town Hall
  • Fame is directly spent to apply for an office
    • Amount of fame to invest is chosen by the user to increase the chance to win the office.
      • minimal fame amount is needed based on office position (sheriff needs more than lower positions)
    • Once invested the fame will be consumed
    • Fame invested for an office can be further increased during the evaluation period
  • All applications are anonymous and only the amount of other applications are shown for the office.
    • Show if you are on the lead or not like on auctions could still be an option
  • If an office has been won the player earns “Dinoville Tokens” that will be used to be able to purchase exclusive items from the celebrity store
    • Amount of tokens is based on the office that was won by the player (sheriff gives the most)
    • Lost applicants will get 25% of their invested fame back
  • Allow re-elections on all office positions.

Dinoville Tokens
  • Only earned by winning an office in the town hall
  • These tokens are stored in the player inventory on an large stack
  • Player owned tokens are not visible to other players

Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.
  • It will also offer additional items that are only available for sheriff, like skins etc. to make that position still desirable
  • Remove the sheriff limitation for the normal T-Rex but it requires a large amount of “Dinoville Tokens” to purchase it. Balanced that it is a similar effort to unlock the T-Rex as before but with the ability to gain progress in small steps.
    • Baby t-rex remains sheriff exclusive to be purchased

Exclusive items
  • T-Rex
  • Items to shape the game world for all players
  • Customization items (Skins, clothing)
  • etc.

Sheriff Monument
  • Will use the achievement points score instead of fame to rank the sheriffs
  • Will list the top 50 Sheriffs sorted by their achievement points
  • A new elected Sheriff will be on the monument in the first place for 24 hours regardless of the achievement points.
  • Sheriffs that did not log in for 30 days are not shown in the list
ich hoffe es ist nicht schlimm wenn ich hier deutsch schreibe...

so an sich muss ich ehrlich sagen finde ich eure ideen ganz gut...

habe aber zwischendurch eine kleine anregung in gedanken gehabt...:


ihr habt zwar nicht genau beschrieben was ihr ändern wollt aussa das man die belohnungen nurnoch holen kann wenn nicht angegriffen wird...
(folgendes ist nur ein beispiel)
aber wie wollt ihr gewährleisten das clan XY, als stärkster clan und halter von ganz goldfield, clan vw als kleinster clan die chance lässt ein gate oder claim zu halten um fame zu bekommen? immerhin, wenn ich euer update vorschlag richtig verstanden habe, ist es dann 100% von nöten ein gate zu halten um an fame ran zu kommen da man sich sonst nicht für ein amt bewerben kann wenn der fame der kleidung dann auch weg fällt...

während ich den text hier geschrieben habe hat mein hund mich auf eine super idee gebracht...

wie währ es denn damit wenn ihr die gates und claims den karten anpasst? ihr habt die mobs den karten angepasst,
nun denke ich sind die gates und claims drann...

nur damit ihr wisst wovon ich rede, hier eine kleine vorstellung (wie gesagt ist noch nicht richtig durch dacht, kahm nur durch mein hund drauf)

siehe zbs das erste gate in goldfields...man kann ab lvl5 angreifen...wie währ es denn damit das man dann bis lvl10 dieses gate halten kann, ab lvl11 nichtmehr...

so würde die aktivität steigen, die zusammenarbeit der grossen mit den kleinen spielern sowie auch die zusammen arbeit der grossen mit den kleinen clans

die kleinen clans haben die möglichkeit schon sehr früh zu verstehen worum es dabei geht ein gate oder claim zu halten und können auch schon sehr früh damit vertraut werden wie es ist sein gate durch pvp zu schützen...

damit es aber fair bleibt (damit nich ein lvl55 aufpasst das der lvl5 der das gate angegriffen hat nich von lvl6 daran gehindert wird) würde ich dort eine blockade mit einbauen...

weiss noch nich genau wie diese aussehen könnte aber wie wär es damit:

goldfields geht ja bis lvl14...dann würde ich sagen könn auch nur bis lvl14 in goldfields pvp machen (wenn es um gate oder claim geht)...solang es nich um claim oder gate geht (also nurnoch den claim oder gate halter als duelland machen...alles andere als geächtet) dann können fun pvp oder clan kriege als geächtet absolviert werden.

greift jemand ein gate oder claim an, wird dieser geächtet (der totenschädel)

so hätten kleine clans die chance sich goldfields zu teilen oder auch kriege zu führen die aber immer fair bleiben WEIL:

ab lvl15 kann auf goldfields keinen gate oder claim+halter angegriffen werden.

die claim und gate halter haben dann wirklich die chance ein faires battle zu bekommen

hoffe das hat euch weiter geholfen und mit etwas glück findet ihr die idee genauso gut wie ich...

der GrowGuru


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May 16, 2021
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is going be easy to get trex or do have follow the clan rule to get one?


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Jun 11, 2021
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ich hoffe es ist nicht schlimm wenn ich hier deutsch schreibe...

so an sich muss ich ehrlich sagen finde ich eure ideen ganz gut...

habe aber zwischendurch eine kleine anregung in gedanken gehabt...:


ihr habt zwar nicht genau beschrieben was ihr ändern wollt aussa das man die belohnungen nurnoch holen kann wenn nicht angegriffen wird...
(folgendes ist nur ein beispiel)
aber wie wollt ihr gewährleisten das clan XY, als stärkster clan und halter von ganz goldfield, clan vw als kleinster clan die chance lässt ein gate oder claim zu halten um fame zu bekommen? immerhin, wenn ich euer update vorschlag richtig verstanden habe, ist es dann 100% von nöten ein gate zu halten um an fame ran zu kommen da man sich sonst nicht für ein amt bewerben kann wenn der fame der kleidung dann auch weg fällt...

während ich den text hier geschrieben habe hat mein hund mich auf eine super idee gebracht...

wie währ es denn damit wenn ihr die gates und claims den karten anpasst? ihr habt die mobs den karten angepasst,
nun denke ich sind die gates und claims drann...

nur damit ihr wisst wovon ich rede, hier eine kleine vorstellung (wie gesagt ist noch nicht richtig durch dacht, kahm nur durch mein hund drauf)

siehe zbs das erste gate in goldfields...man kann ab lvl5 angreifen...wie währ es denn damit das man dann bis lvl10 dieses gate halten kann, ab lvl11 nichtmehr...

so würde die aktivität steigen, die zusammenarbeit der grossen mit den kleinen spielern sowie auch die zusammen arbeit der grossen mit den kleinen clans

die kleinen clans haben die möglichkeit schon sehr früh zu verstehen worum es dabei geht ein gate oder claim zu halten und können auch schon sehr früh damit vertraut werden wie es ist sein gate durch pvp zu schützen...

damit es aber fair bleibt (damit nich ein lvl55 aufpasst das der lvl5 der das gate angegriffen hat nich von lvl6 daran gehindert wird) würde ich dort eine blockade mit einbauen...

weiss noch nich genau wie diese aussehen könnte aber wie wär es damit:

goldfields geht ja bis lvl14...dann würde ich sagen könn auch nur bis lvl14 in goldfields pvp machen (wenn es um gate oder claim geht)...solang es nich um claim oder gate geht (also nurnoch den claim oder gate halter als duelland machen...alles andere als geächtet) dann können fun pvp oder clan kriege als geächtet absolviert werden.

greift jemand ein gate oder claim an, wird dieser geächtet (der totenschädel)

so hätten kleine clans die chance sich goldfields zu teilen oder auch kriege zu führen die aber immer fair bleiben WEIL:

ab lvl15 kann auf goldfields keinen gate oder claim+halter angegriffen werden.

die claim und gate halter haben dann wirklich die chance ein faires battle zu bekommen

hoffe das hat euch weiter geholfen und mit etwas glück findet ihr die idee genauso gut wie ich...

der GrowGuru
achso und wegen dem fame von den gates...
dazu is mir auch grad was eingefallen...passend zu der idee wie mans fairer gestalten könnte während man die kleinen genauso unterstüzzt wie die grossen ;-P

vllt baut ihr im clan inventar einfach ein filter ein...sodass die bestehenden logs einfach erweitert werden...
zumindest die für den clan anführer und deren officiere bzw rechte hand...

dazu würde ein...naja ok zwei filter kommen...
diese filtern die fame punkte aus den gates und die clan booster von den jeweiligen lvln (5-14, 15-24, ...)
somit besteht dort dann auch die fairness allen spielern gegen über :)

das(dieser und der makierte text) währe praktisch etwas was ihr in eurer idee einbaun könntet :D

der GrowGuru


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Mar 30, 2020
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Some time ago I suggested some ideas of articles for the token store (celebrity store), this time I share the 2nd part:

  • Multiple drop: your item drop rate increases with drop chance of x1, x2 ... x7 (1 day).
  • Catch Net: your dinosaur is trapped by a net visualized on the head (your dinosaur can't use his abilities for a specified period of time). To avoid abuse of this item, it will take a few minutes to use it again.
  • Recovery kit disabler: Your enemy cannot use the compact recovery kit for a specified time.
  • Beeper: With this item, you can locate your enemy for a certain time.
  • Rewards pack: Depending on the quality of the package, the rewards will be high and exclusivity.
  • Vitaly pack: both you and your allies, you can send them this life pack to recover on combat
  • Trap-mob: With this mob, you can catch/cheat your enemies when they attack the mob. The mob applies various long-lasting effects.
  • Teleportation disabler: your enemy will not be able to teleport for a specified time.
  • Backpack: capacity to carry more objects (you can buy backpacks with smaller and greater capacity for articles).
  • Weapons Skin: change the appearance or the firing color of your weapons. For example:
    • Burning Colt's jet of fire can be blue, purple etc.
  • Dinosaur Cosmetics: small accessories for your dinosaurs.
    • Mechanical parts, metal, plumage etc.
I do not know how difficult or easy it is to configure the 3d dinosaurs, but another option could be, skins that simulate that cosmetic aspect that I mentioned before, or the skins could be customized by parts (tail, head, body, legs, etc).

Another suggestion, the items from the token store will cost tokens + gems or gold (additional currency).

I think it would be a good idea to add as additional currency the objects that fall from the mobs but that we do not use (Branches, fruits, relics, energy containers, meat, fossils etc).
  • Another option could be achievement points, dinosaur acquired, choice won (active) etc.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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is going be easy to get trex or do have follow the clan rule to get one?
even if rex will be easy to get, does it matter? devs said that rex wont be main endgame thing, that there will be a lot more other staff to get with tokens, ppl stop focusing only on rex ;d


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Some time ago I suggested some ideas of articles for the token store (celebrity store), this time I share the 2nd part:

  • Multiple drop: your item drop rate increases with drop chance of x1, x2 ... x7 (1 day).

  • Catch Net: your dinosaur is trapped by a net visualized on the head (your dinosaur can't use his abilities for a specified period of time). To avoid abuse of this item, it will take a few minutes to use it again.
this seems to be useless as brachy and gat have those skills and if everyone would be able to have possibility to block skills then brachy and gat would be less useful and kind of would lose their uniqueness

  • Recovery kit disabler: Your enemy cannot use the compact recovery kit for a specified time.
  • Beeper: With this item, you can locate your enemy for a certain time.
ideas seems to be good, but how would it work?

  • Rewards pack: Depending on the quality of the package, the rewards will be high and exclusivity.

  • Vitaly pack: both you and your allies, you can send them this life pack to recover on combat
how this would work? i dont really get point of this existing

  • Trap-mob: With this mob, you can catch/cheat your enemies when they attack the mob. The mob applies various long-lasting effects.
this is bad idea as when players would like to collect dd in peace with this item they would be abused what would lead to leaving game...

  • Teleportation disabler: your enemy will not be able to teleport for a specified time.
  • Backpack: capacity to carry more objects (you can buy backpacks with smaller and greater capacity for articles).

  • Weapons Skin: change the appearance or the firing color of your weapons. For example:
    • Burning Colt's jet of fire can be blue, purple etc.

  • Dinosaur Cosmetics: small accessories for your dinosaurs.
    • Mechanical parts, metal, plumage etc.
as i remember these things were in game before, but somebody explained me that they were causing a lot of lag so they were removed, so i think this kind of items wont exist or at least not in "near" future

Another suggestion, the items from the token store will cost tokens + gems or gold (additional currency).
Celebrity Store (in Dinoville)
  • Offers exclusive items that can only be purchased with “Dinoville Tokens” and additional currency like dollars, gold, gems etc.

I think it would be a good idea to add as additional currency the objects that fall from the mobs but that we do not use (Branches, fruits, relics, energy containers, meat, fossils etc).
  • Another option could be achievement points, dinosaur acquired, choice won (active) etc.
i dont get it


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Oct 22, 2020
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as i remember these things were in game before, but somebody explained me that they were causing a lot of lag so they were removed, so i think this kind of items wont exist or at least not in "near" future
Exactly. The idea of customizing weapons was already suggested before and this same problem was pointed out, as imagine the following situation: you are in MM in a 30x30 war (we know that on some servers wars are much bigger than that), now add it to your screen 60 dinosaur models with their combat effects, 60 dinosaur skins, 60 dinosaur customization packs, 60 weapon models with their combat effects, 60 weapon skins, and 60 shooting effect and skill customization packs. Well, my fps dropped just typing this, imagine in game. I agree that it would be really cool, but the game would need some optimization to work at least at an acceptable level for everyone.

Going back to what @OrionZG suggested, you talk a lot about "allies" and "enemies", but who would they be? A pre-defined group by yourself or the allies would be your clan and enemies other players? I don't know if the objective of the game is to prioritize the formation of clans, but those players who want to play alone shouldn't be excluded from such strong benefits. Perhaps changing the way they are used or directing these rewards specifically to a clan store would be a good alternative (clan store that should be added, it would give more importance to the clan DD and encourage hunting and per table the permanence of more people playing).


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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how this would work? i dont really get point of this existing
It would be the same system when we deliver balls, only that they apply an effect.

as i remember these things were in game before, but somebody explained me that they were causing a lot of lag so they were removed, so i think this kind of items wont exist or at least not in "near" future
That is why there is the option of skins that simulate that aspect.

i dont get it
Basically, as mentioned, there could be extra stuff + tokens to buy items.
For example, If I want to buy a specific item in the store, I need: tokens + achievement points, election won, objects thrown by mobs that are useless (branches, fruits, meat etc.)
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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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Going back to what @OrionZG suggested, you talk a lot about "allies" and "enemies", but who would they be? A pre-defined group by yourself or the allies would be your clan and enemies other players? I don't know if the objective of the game is to prioritize the formation of clans, but those players who want to play alone shouldn't be excluded from such strong benefits. Perhaps changing the way they are used or directing these rewards specifically to a clan store would be a good alternative (clan store that should be added, it would give more importance to the clan DD and encourage hunting and per table the permanence of more people playing).
Players in general.

I remember... highway said there would be pvp and pve articles.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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I remember... highway said there would be pvp and pve articles.
Highway mentioned that there will be a diversity of articles and more, everything is possible.**


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Jul 31, 2015
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how will that be about people who already have sherif ? will they have access to sherif/promi shop too or have to collect tokens first ?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2016
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how will that be about people who already have sherif ? will they have access to sherif/promi shop too or have to collect tokens first ?
Everyone will have access to new item shop, but they will need to have enough amount of tokens to purchase "VERY SPECIAL" items. (Especially if you are sheriff)

Rex will require very high amount of tokens for non-sheriff players, while sheriff players will be able to buy rex with gem-stones and gold coins.

But it does not mean that getting elected as sheriff would lose it's respect. There will be "REALLY COOL" items in token store just for sheriff players.


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Jul 31, 2015
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Everyone will have access to new item shop, but they will need to have enough amount of tokens to purchase "VERY SPECIAL" items. (Especially if you are sheriff)

Rex will require very high amount of tokens for non-sheriff players, while sheriff players will be able to buy rex with gem-stones and gold coins.

But it does not mean that getting elected as sheriff would lose it's respect. There will be "REALLY COOL" items in token store just for sheriff players.
well means even if have already sherif need to collect tokens if want something from there.. well k ..guess more to do for me if theres good stuff...


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Rex will require very high amount of tokens for non-sheriff players, while sheriff players will be able to buy rex with gem-stones and gold coins.
no, sheriff players too will be able to buy rex only tokens+gems or tokens+gc, sheriff wont have anything to do with rex, just sheriff players will have access to buy baby rexes, thats all


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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well means even if have already sherif need to collect tokens if want something from there.. well k ..guess more to do for me if theres good stuff...
it doesnt matter if you are sheriff or not, everyone will need tokens. as i understood what highway has shown, to buy anything in that new store tokens will be required for everyone, just sheriff players will have access to sheriff exclusive items, but they will be possible to buy only with tokens+"something" or maybe just tokens

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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I would like to put the light on an important matter, which is the aftermath of implementing this endgame mechanics update. I know that probably it's currently under development and probably we will be shocked by its sudden arrival without taking the chance for any preparations, so that's where I have to stop you "figuratively".

  • Elections offices & Tokens
If in the future, winning election offices is going to provide tokens, and anyone who already won office won't be receiving tokens, then there is a problem of those who are about to go for sheriff after already climbing the road from Ranger, all the way to Marshall. All these offices could have provided tokens, and winning Sheriff alone is not going to bring enough tokens to unlock Tyrannosaurus Rex, now would it?

Suggestion: Before update is deployed with at least a month or more, allow generating Tokens through winning elections offices. These tokens will not be used until the main update comes, but at least these offices wouldn't be gone to waste for players who are so close from getting their Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  • Fame
As we were informed, fame will not decay over time after the update, and we will be forced to spend our fame through investments, means that players who have had a lot of fame before update will have an advantage. But because of the current decay, players can't just be giving fame without them actually being prepared for upcoming elections, as the ones who don't have elections soon would waste their given fame over time.

Suggestion: Before update is deployed with at least a month or more, remove fame decay, so that clans can hand out fame to the correct players, according to their real needs in preparations for the future, without worrying that it would decay and have a head start before the update is implemented.

  • Election offices runtime
If the update is implement, that means all elections offices will reset. Players who have already applied, and perhaps have reached deadline will end up losing their opportunity or not, depends on exactly the day that update will come, which could be very problematic and unfair, especially since other servers have different end time for their sheriff elections.

Suggestion: Before update is deployed with at least two weeks (Sheriff office runtime), disable all offices after completion, means there will be no election after the office have been claimed until the update is implemented.

  • Whatever you still haven't told us
Make sure that any other critical change we weren't informed about that could have a negative effect on the current game play that it be treated accordingly to the previous points.


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
I would like to give the idea of implementing value to useless items, such as smilodon bones, teeth, fruits...


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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  • Elections offices & Tokens
If in the future, winning election offices is going to provide tokens, and anyone who already won office won't be receiving tokens, then there is a problem of those who are about to go for sheriff after already climbing the road from Ranger, all the way to Marshall. All these offices could have provided tokens, and winning Sheriff alone is not going to bring enough tokens to unlock Tyrannosaurus Rex, now would it?

Suggestion: Before update is deployed with at least a month or more, allow generating Tokens through winning elections offices. These tokens will not be used until the main update comes, but at least these offices wouldn't be gone to waste for players who are so close from getting their Tyrannosaurus Rex.
its fair for those who are currently winning elections, but for other players who already have won elections, specially sheriff elections, will be unfair so this point is same good as bad

  • Election offices runtime
If the update is implement, that means all elections offices will reset. Players who have already applied, and perhaps have reached deadline will end up losing their opportunity or not, depends on exactly the day that update will come, which could be very problematic and unfair, especially since other servers have different end time for their sheriff elections.

Suggestion: Before update is deployed with at least two weeks (Sheriff office runtime), disable all offices after completion, means there will be no election after the office have been claimed until the update is implemented.
as devs have said they didnt decide yet what to do with going on elections, although your suggestion is quit good


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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I would like to give the idea of implementing value to useless items, such as smilodon bones, teeth, fruits...

tokens + maybe these: bag.JPGcrate.JPG gray fabric.JPGplatinum ore.JPGred sediment.JPG could be required to buy/craft those
Item to construct map shortcuts

these: bundle of grain.JPGweed.JPGprickly pear.JPG or different anky meat.JPG
to buy/craft those
Item to lure monstrosities to visit a map

this letter.JPG or new item "paper" to buy/acquire this
Item to contract pay Outlaw headhunters to protect an area from outlaws on a map
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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  • Fame
As we were informed, fame will not decay over time after the update, and we will be forced to spend our fame through investments, means that players who have had a lot of fame before update will have an advantage. But because of the current decay, players can't just be giving fame without them actually being prepared for upcoming elections, as the ones who don't have elections soon would waste their given fame over time.

Suggestion: Before update is deployed with at least a month or more, remove fame decay, so that clans can hand out fame to the correct players, according to their real needs in preparations for the future, without worrying that it would decay and have a head start before the update is implemented.
if fame wont decay then players who participate in elections by your suggestions will receive tokens and wont lose fame, so either fame shouldnt decay or there should be no token rewards


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
functions for dinosaurs would be wonderful, example:
Use the coelo to bring parcels to Maujak (walk only/no teleports)
Break rocks with Ankylosaurus



Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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as devs have said they didnt decide yet what to do with going on elections
There is also the possibility of seeing small updates for the mechanics of the end of the game:

More upcoming changes will also lay the foundation for the planned endgame design outlined here for Dino Storm.
The division of achievement points and event points is an example.

Perhaps within those updates it will be related to the points or sequels that MX Power mentioned :unsure:

MX Power

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
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its fair for those who are currently winning elections, but for other players who already have won elections, specially sheriff elections, will be unfair so this point is same good as bad
Players who already won sheriff elections already purchased their T-Rex, those who didn't will still have to collect all necessary tokens which I expect that winning sheriff election alone wouldn't be enough to guarantee it.
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