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#12 Endgame Game Mechanics Discussion

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Oct 16, 2015
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i dont want go against any opinion but as before balance and still now i dont have any problems with basics, i get them all the time and sometimes i drop them away bcs i have too much. im using rex all time


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
We are thankful for all the incoming feedback, as it is both important and valuable for Dino Storm development. The suggestions you’ve sent us so far have shown us that our plans for adjusting the game’s maps would not really affect the root of the issues at hand, and therefore not have the effects desired by the community.
Although there are many different facets and perspectives to your feedback, most of you wrote about attacking and controlling sites in order to earn fame and ultimately be elected Sheriff in the town hall, which also provides access to the precious tyrannosaurus rex. However, the most obvious aspects in gameplay are not always the ones at the root of the problem, which is why we attempt to dig deeper and gain additional analytical data—from the game, testers and GMs alike. This way, we want to reach the core of the issue. Going from the observations we have made so far, we are not convinced that revising the game’s maps alone would improve gameplay enough to be satisfactory.

In the last few days we had been intensively discussing a number of design iterations and concepts—but the further we went and discussed possible solutions, the more it became obvious that we would actually need to think about changing the main gameplay path for unlocking T-Rex. We already had ideas for changing the endgame mechanics and concepts on our to-do list, and now we needed to figure out whether we will have to tackle these ideas before or after any potential map adjustments are made.

We condensed the list of issues and points that need to be addressed down to:
  • Server-spanning alliances misusing their influence, deciding who gets and doesn’t get the T-Rex
  • Stalling endgame as soon as T-Rex has been unlocked
  • Rather boring and predictable gameplay around sites (Travel Gates, Claims)

Let us know what you think, or if we are missing important key points! ;)
Here u are wrong HighSky and u know that not all using dino storm forum u can put a vote inside game if we want open maps to have coolest wars and easiest paths instead of not doing it here is ur fault that DinoStorm dont have a weekly vote system so ppls can vote every week what they like inside game and what not bcz not all using the forum and once again u have to think that many wait for the maps to come back in game and after that dont forget that rex is the reason that ppls keep playing if u change something and make it more easy then the rex players will leave and in mount off 1-2 years thatt all will get Trex thenn all will leave game and Dinostorm Team knows very well all this game sometimes is put effort for rex make it more easy u just will make all have rex and after a year leave game and also all that have rex will leave and u will destroye the company effort and start think what we did. u have ideas put vote inside game ..Weekly Voting.. for things skins maps whatever dont stay inside the forum only not all come here have a nice day.


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Feb 19, 2021
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Shadow Entity
We are thankful for all the incoming feedback, as it is both important and valuable for Dino Storm development. The suggestions you’ve sent us so far have shown us that our plans for adjusting the game’s maps would not really affect the root of the issues at hand, and therefore not have the effects desired by the community.
Although there are many different facets and perspectives to your feedback, most of you wrote about attacking and controlling sites in order to earn fame and ultimately be elected Sheriff in the town hall, which also provides access to the precious tyrannosaurus rex. However, the most obvious aspects in gameplay are not always the ones at the root of the problem, which is why we attempt to dig deeper and gain additional analytical data—from the game, testers and GMs alike. This way, we want to reach the core of the issue. Going from the observations we have made so far, we are not convinced that revising the game’s maps alone would improve gameplay enough to be satisfactory.

In the last few days we had been intensively discussing a number of design iterations and concepts—but the further we went and discussed possible solutions, the more it became obvious that we would actually need to think about changing the main gameplay path for unlocking T-Rex. We already had ideas for changing the endgame mechanics and concepts on our to-do list, and now we needed to figure out whether we will have to tackle these ideas before or after any potential map adjustments are made.

We condensed the list of issues and points that need to be addressed down to:
  • Server-spanning alliances misusing their influence, deciding who gets and doesn’t get the T-Rex
  • Stalling endgame as soon as T-Rex has been unlocked
  • Rather boring and predictable gameplay around sites (Travel Gates, Claims)

Let us know what you think, or if we are missing important key points! ;)
And one last thing my man belive it or not DinoStorm for many off us when we was 10 or 11 or whatever age we played with grown ppls we learn to be patient to listen leaders to open our mouth when have to and do the best with ppls u grow this how u learn if u in the bad side of ds comunity then u will be an Total Empty Tree brain all know ds have story and at end of day to our childs to friends we talk for the game and wars and what have hapend on old day we say our stories how old ds was and what we do now and we will keep do that bcz all are perfect dont change the rex dont change the elections or i will destroye the game ds is life lesson this transporters this unlocks this leaders and right hands when i first went 55 i thought i was ready for sheriff but after year when u max more weapons more guns implants unlock all maps u say ok now im ready bcz what 55 i was then what 55 im now and thats the trueth isnt it ?? u look in past and u say i was really weak not ready so think good before act dont change nothing we wait the maps to have better cool wars and big fights


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2020
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Here u are wrong HighSky and u know that not all using dino storm forum u can put a vote inside game if we want open maps to have coolest wars and easiest paths instead of not doing it here is ur fault that DinoStorm dont have a weekly vote system so ppls can vote every week what they like inside game and what not bcz not all using the forum and once again u have to think that many wait for the maps to come back in game and after that dont forget that rex is the reason that ppls keep playing if u change something and make it more easy then the rex players will leave and in mount off 1-2 years thatt all will get Trex thenn all will leave game and Dinostorm Team knows very well all this game sometimes is put effort for rex make it more easy u just will make all have rex and after a year leave game and also all that have rex will leave and u will destroye the company effort and start think what we did. u have ideas put vote inside game ..Weekly Voting.. for things skins maps whatever dont stay inside the forum only not all come here have a nice day.
what is the difficulty of accessing the forum? i do it in 2 minutes :unsure:


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Here u are wrong HighSky and u know that not all using dino storm forum u can put a vote inside game if we want open maps to have coolest wars and easiest paths instead of not doing it here is ur fault that DinoStorm dont have a weekly vote system so ppls can vote every week what they like inside game and what not bcz not all using the forum and once again u have to think that many wait for the maps to come back in game and after that dont forget that rex is the reason that ppls keep playing if u change something and make it more easy then the rex players will leave and in mount off 1-2 years thatt all will get Trex thenn all will leave game and Dinostorm Team knows very well all this game sometimes is put effort for rex make it more easy u just will make all have rex and after a year leave game and also all that have rex will leave and u will destroye the company effort and start think what we did. u have ideas put vote inside game ..Weekly Voting.. for things skins maps whatever dont stay inside the forum only not all come here have a nice day.
i guess it's people's problem that they dont come to forum and complain only after updates are brought

St. Coelo

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Dec 1, 2020
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St. Coelo
Clan Steel Romero Mex
bom ponto, mas do meu ponto de vista, os desenvolvedores começaram a trabalhar em mapas e agora com o jogo final, então é melhor terminá-los e depois seguir em frente com outras sugestões, como da forma como os desenvolvedores podem pensar em mais algumas coisas para fazer o que no final irá leva muito tempo para fazer tudo junto
I agree with your opinion, if we are open to several ideas now, one of the focuses that were addressed will be easily overlooked by the community.
it is good to approach theme by theme separately and when this problem is solved we move on to another.
divide to conquer
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
First of all, yes, this idea is definitely crazy!
Analyzing main points of the game, and the suggestions of the developers. I found it interesting to move a little on the DinoVille map, since there are main points within the game which is Hunting. I would like to see Canyon Dinoville alive, after all, there are residents, but it does not mean that there are no teleport portals, or even some home of the exession of Hope Simmons, Dan Wright, and Tom Wolfe.
I added 3 new "deposits" in DinoVille, as the price for increased inventory and deposit is extremely high, 3 deposits for, clothing, items, and furs. The central deposit of Dinoville would serve as much for items, clothes, furs etc ...

Just like in good old mystery games, everything has a story. Examples, we have a Pirate Galaxy spaceship, it would be nice to have a connection between everything, you know in detective games? "You found evidence", in the case at DinoStorm "you found a memory" (since everyone lives in space). Adding the "Stories" achievement list, completing the hidden stories across the maps! Esteareggs are not difficult to create, you just need creativity!
When you find a place that contains some "story", it would be interesting to show up some NPC to offer you special group missions for everyone to play together!
And of course, as we are talking about at the end of the game, the stories would have to be unlocked only by players with a maximum level of 55. @Highway

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
porque no hay mejor ponen en ves de 2 sheriff a la semana porque no cada 9 días y gober cada 7 días ?, pero yo personalmente no veo una solución clara a esto, porque el motivo del juego lo principal es ganar guerra para cargos pero los enemigos son pocos además no se si ustedes se han dado cuenta, los jugadores de hoy en día tienen alrededor de 20-50 años la mayoría son jugadores viejos, solo con cuentas nuevas porque han sido baneadas o robadas en el pasado, que trato de decir bueno mucha gente esta en la universidad en su trabajo o en su gozo personas dino storm no es una forma de vida pero ya hay mayor gente vieja jugando hasta yo que inicie desde que se lanzo porque no después de estas actualización intentar traer gente nueva a sus servidores intentar nueva comunidad los mismo que están en un servidor son los mismo en otro servidor, y los jugadores nuevo porque no demoran ni 3 semanas jugando.

1 quieren explorar el mapa pero no pueden porque es lineal entonces tienen si o si ir en linio recta lo que lo hace aburrido pero eso ya lo hablaron en el otro dev así que no diré mucho

2 cuando son niveles altos y quieren Guerra o crearse un clan por lo general son muy pocos los que se atreven y hay entra el cambio de días en el gober y rex porque si ustedes llegan atraer una nueva población de jugadores poblando los servidores les dará un mayor ingreso a ustedes, y dará una nueva mirada al juego con mayor comunidad obvio serán igual de toxica que en el 2012, las personas antes se divertían haciendo misiones en grupos y no solos antes que el juego se pusiera mucho mas difícil de subir de nivel y si ustedes quieren hacer eso de poner mas sheriff a la lista y mas gobernadores pronto morirá el juego no por falta de sheriff si no por exceso de sheriff y tampoco es que sea muy buena la idea de no hacerlo porque aun así habrá gente que abandonara el servidor por no lograr su cargo,
si hacen lo de mejorar el tiempo de ganar rex y gober entonces tendrán que buscar nueva gente haya nueva guerra nueva comunidad y no solo somo los mismo de siempre, quien quita que venga alguien nuevo revolucionario y tumbe un server pero con pura gente nueva o alguien que tenga buenas ideas para el foro

bueno así es como veo yo la actualización de endgame una buena opción mientras para mejorar el juego

yo prefiero tener Guerra y no aburrirme y tener un servidor activo que a un juego aburrido que solo hacen guerra 1 ves al mes o guerra nunca.

solo se que si no hacen algo dentro 5 años o 6 años las personas que ganan cargo en ese tiempo se van a retirar, y como ya todos han ganado ya no habrá nuevo sheriff.

en caso tal hagan eso de tener mas lista para sheriff y para gober entonces ya no serán 6 si no 3 años en que se termine, y en ese tiempo el servidor quedara vacío. y morirá el servidor

esto es una critica que posiblemente puede pasar con una u otra cosa


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
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The Revolution
If there is such a problem with leaders/right hands not giving out fair fame to members that participated in the battles for it; why do the members not rebel against them? it is not much to say, fuck it, and create your own clan and deal with things in another way?
precisely because they are a minority, nobody does that.


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Jul 22, 2020
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- Morty -
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Jul 22, 2020
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- Morty -
Since 2013
First of all, yes, this idea is definitely crazy!
Analyzing main points of the game, and the suggestions of the developers. I found it interesting to move a little on the DinoVille map, since there are main points within the game which is Hunting. I would like to see Canyon Dinoville alive, after all, there are residents, but it does not mean that there are no teleport portals, or even some home of the exession of Hope Simmons, Dan Wright, and Tom Wolfe.
I added 3 new "deposits" in DinoVille, as the price for increased inventory and deposit is extremely high, 3 deposits for, clothing, items, and furs. The central deposit of Dinoville would serve as much for items, clothes, furs etc ...

Just like in good old mystery games, everything has a story. Examples, we have a Pirate Galaxy spaceship, it would be nice to have a connection between everything, you know in detective games? "You found evidence", in the case at DinoStorm "you found a memory" (since everyone lives in space). Adding the "Stories" achievement list, completing the hidden stories across the maps! Esteareggs are not difficult to create, you just need creativity!
When you find a place that contains some "story", it would be interesting to show up some NPC to offer you special group missions for everyone to play together!
And of course, as we are talking about at the end of the game, the stories would have to be unlocked only by players with a maximum level of 55. @Highway
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Gostei bastante das ideias, principalmente dos depósitos, eu já não tenho espaço nem pra caçar direito, e não irei joga meus itens de eventos e itens que tanto gosto fora, já tentei varias vezes falar sobre isso com suporte ate mesmo aqui no fórum, com o preço que ta e muito injusto pagar muitas moedas em um slot.


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Feb 28, 2018
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_The Revolution_
que tal um mapa antes do canyon?


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Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
2 Sheriff ,3 Gobernador
Esto se llamará: T-rex Storm :sweatgrinning:
concuerdo XD como dije el problema no es que haya que esperar el problema es que hay muchos clanes en 5 mapas XD y esperar 1 cargo después de 4 cargo es el problema porque si dominaran 1 clan todo el mapa se harían fácilmente 42 rex al año


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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2 Sheriff ,3 Gobernador
Esto se llamará: T-rex Storm :sweatgrinning:
I agree, one of the things to keep in mind those asking for the Rex raise is that DS doesn't constantly have new players, so increasing Sheriffs production will lead to a single dinosaur (Rex) saturation in the long run. I am not going to deny that it is a bad idea, but you have to analyze it. A more optimal option is to reduce the nomination 2-3 days, in the case of governor ... I would like him to make a new town where that position is won.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
I agree, one of the things to keep in mind those asking for the Rex raise is that DS doesn't constantly have new players, so increasing Sheriffs production will lead to a single dinosaur (Rex) saturation in the long run. I am not going to deny that it is a bad idea, but you have to analyze it. A more optimal option is to reduce the nomination 2-3 days, in the case of governor ... I would like him to make a new town where that position is won.
callate alex :V


May 4, 2021
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Blue Eyes Chaos-MAX
I have not a clan
Hello.. First of all thank you to the game developers for this thought.

The things that many players have dreamed of or thought about for a long time have finally been written..
(As we all know, there is an unfair system in the game regarding Trex.)

Many players have been waiting or losing for this dinosaur for years
(Many players are unable to access trex due to problems such as clan leaders or allied clans disagreements or being left half-way.)

(And these players either quit the game or resort to different paths)

My suggestion is to offer you the opportunity to unlock trexin in a fairer way and an alternative way.

(A rebellion in the Clan unfortunately does not solve these problems, certain players who join you may not be enough, or with a fake agreement, the leaders of the clan give up their ideas and enter the war again.)

Even if we can keep the buildings in the game, it becomes very complicated when the allies that make it different are involved in these battles.

(My suggestion is to offer the opportunity to open the trex with some more gold than other dinosaurs.)

(Another Or, as always, designate a specific task force to open the trex..NPC )
(As in the test server, you have seen the reactions to you, valuable game developers.)

And please do not hesitate to present this valuable offer to the players..

Many players want use rex..

Best regards...


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
Hello.. First of all thank you to the game developers for this thought.

The things that many players have dreamed of or thought about for a long time have finally been written..
(As we all know, there is an unfair system in the game regarding Trex.)

Many players have been waiting or losing for this dinosaur for years
(Many players are unable to access trex due to problems such as clan leaders or allied clans disagreements or being left half-way.)

(And these players either quit the game or resort to different paths)

My suggestion is to offer you the opportunity to unlock trexin in a fairer way and an alternative way.

(A rebellion in the Clan unfortunately does not solve these problems, certain players who join you may not be enough, or with a fake agreement, the leaders of the clan give up their ideas and enter the war again.)

Even if we can keep the buildings in the game, it becomes very complicated when the allies that make it different are involved in these battles.

(My suggestion is to offer the opportunity to open the trex with some more gold than other dinosaurs.)

(Another Or, as always, designate a specific task force to open the trex..NPC )
(As in the test server, you have seen the reactions to you, valuable game developers.)

And please do not hesitate to present this valuable offer to the players..

Many players want use rex..

Best regards...
America 4 there are many * rich * people who put gold for all their friends breaking the rules of the game, that is to destroy the Dino Storm! It would be more than 30 Rex in 1 day of purchase


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
Dino Storm: Se torne o xerife de Dinoville
A corrida do ouro em de Dino Storm\! Todo mundo quer ser o Cowboy da cidade neste jogo de dinossauro. O jogo gira em torno de influência e reputação. Apenas o melhor será capaz de se tornar o xerife da cidade neste jogo grátis de dinossauro.


Rex free :



May 4, 2021
Reaction score
Main Char
Blue Eyes Chaos-MAX
I have not a clan
America 4 there are many * rich * people who put gold for all their friends breaking the rules of the game, that is to destroy the Dino Storm! It would be more than 30 Rex in 1 day of purchase
I think difrent bc ı see many players lose election for clan leaders or with problems Leaders or rıght hand kıck he player for personel problem... And this guy ply this game 4 years So another players can use when why cannot use another ?


May 4, 2021
Reaction score
Main Char
Blue Eyes Chaos-MAX
I have not a clan
Dino Storm: Dinoville'in İzini Sürmek
Dino Storm'umuzu bir korrida yapıyoruz! Todo mundo quer ser o Cowboy da cidade neste jogo de dinossauro. O jogo gira em torno de influência e reputação. Bu tür bir kasırga ya da kasırga ya da kasırga ya da cidade, jogo grátis de dinossauro.

View attachment 41435

Rex içermez:

View attachment 41436
Lıke ı said this can be change why not ? Plase care my comment and care or think another players... Why not another
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Lead Game Master
Lead Game Master
May 29, 2020
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GM Evyus
GM Team
Well, ... like @Alewx talked with me today

The focus is more fight .. more wars.. and no big alliance controlling all maps.. thats confuse, but lets see.. everything gonna be perfect



Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
I think difrent bc ı see many players lose election for clan leaders or with problems Leaders or rıght hand kıck he player for personel problem... And this guy ply this game 4 years So another players can use when why cannot use another ?
I see no other way to make it easier, it is impossible without totally breaking the system. I agree with your idea, and these problems have also happened to me. Now let's go with examples:
Any poor adjustment, makes the leader useless in any clan, well, if they put the old option, the player get the fame for themselves, in this case, the fame goes right to the inventory of those who collected it, there is no way to control who helps in the clan.
Anything that could be resolved would be alliance chat within the game, everyone knows that within an alliance, communication can only be done through unofficial dino storm apps and that there is nothing related to it.
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