What I reccomend to do Raxcave is you forge another muscle and lava, not nesicarily the same color but just a muscle and lava, then you must for green muscle have some level 20 or more green item, a hat,bandana anything so long as you have two muscle skins, I used to have a yellow muscle and red muscle lvl 1 so I used a cowboy lvl 20 hat and god muscle lvl 5 q 4. If you want a specific atrribute then you should try your best to put items, or mus le or lava skins with that attribute, If it is 3 attributes you have a 33 percent chance of either, if you dont like the result use gold to dissamble it, but be aware of the double to single efffect, used to make muscle, like you use two sunglasses and red tiger you usually get the red sunglasses, so be carefull !.