You are just looking for excuses that makes no sense at this point. Who ever plays on 10 accounts, needs to farm dd, control those 10 accounts independently and have to repeatedly do the same action 10s of times. Let say that it actually work for 1 gate then what you think you can do that for a whole map? As far as I know there are no multi box tool to link several accounts and control them all at the same time yet. Your argument just come from the point of view of an entitled person, you might as well just say that your enemy shouldn't ever drain your gates it would make more sense. I just won't bother arguing anymore.
I'm saying this thing would enable ''draining'' but it costs dd, and it drains allies...people can just buy violents on low lvl accs, share to other people and then after 1 day of wrecking every mob they see on sight, they go and wreck your gates, your neighbour's gates which is not good at all, in an active server, people will suffer a lot...but sure I am the one entitled when you're looking for the logic of transporting dinosaurs...but why does coel have more hp than rex? :/ you see this is a game, it does not require much logic, some things must stay simple

you are saying 0.01% per tp so this means dead servers will be dominant in such condition whilst servers like e1, am1 etc will become poor
I am ok with enemy draining camps that I hold, but I am not okay with them draining for dd, a resource everyone can easily access