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Feedback Wanted: Conflict/Protection cycle timing

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Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day, and the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
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Active member
Jun 19, 2023
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Drained From Inside
I would prefer cycle B but just because it has 6 hour of conflict ( while cycle A has 4,5 ) and more distributed to day without long spaces between.

Besides that having 30 min protected phase kinda solves the issue of gates to be taken once and feels like the times in ptr.

But as a result i guess i need more time for proper feedback, still there might be issues i am unable to see in first look.


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Mar 17, 2024
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- Goldilocks -
Beloved and Hated
I am quite fond of Cycle A, mainly because I can't bring myself to play the game longer. The times are where most people are active which is positive, even though I may not be able to attend it fully. It is much better than the phases we have which are at 1 am etc.

I think it is better than cycle B as it gives people more time to relax after work/school before going to play.

It may not fix all the issues, but it is pleasant change (to me at least) because it won't feel like a all-day chore.


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May 23, 2024
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currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
well, it sounds good, many people will come, and will try at these hours (A), but still same result, it will be swapping


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May 23, 2024
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The actual gameplay in conflicts cant be because regardless of what you do, if gate is low and enemies keep spawning at, it will be taken, the aim of attackers to actually take the gate not real fighting


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Making one or two long conflict phases hardly changes anything as alliances will swap first 10 minutes and log off and attackers are left with nothing to attack

Even one 2 hours phase at peak time is enough with a normally balanced system however more than one are preferred for the best

Solve site swapping = longer conflicts
Slower drainage = longer battles on sites

And as was mentioned multiple times already, attackers benefit from their allies meanwhile defenders are limited when it comes to third-parties supporting them, another weird system

If we could have an open PTR with the following changes so we test how things will go compared to live servers conflicts:
- Weaker buff / No buff at all
- Slower drainage (as it was on last ptr)
- Attacks costing a small amount of dds depending on yields (could be a solution for site swapping abuse?)

Also we’re gonna need a solution for those who stand while draining a site, maybe we can try @Alewx idea about the site applying Fear effect on those drainers enough to push them out of the site’s circle

Many servers are swapping their sites and keeping everything on basic yield, even eu1 started doing that now, not because they want to but keeping gates is useless, paying for the hp is useless not even enough rewarding for it to be lost to a clan for free, their only way to abuse the current system is by being the attackers themselves (draining their own sites)
The current conflict phases you're suggesting are looking good, especially Cycle A as it lasts more towards midnight (which attackers can use for their benefit in case there's less defenders awake)

However it will be abused with site swapping, as I posted in the other thread and you can look at it yourselves


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan

currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
I don't know if it makes sense to change conflict times while certain problems are still not corrected.

-Passive exchange of Portals between alliance sub clans.

-impossible to compete between attacker vs attacker.

-conflict often does not last even 20 minutes, especially at peak times.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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All of these timings are in the most active hours of the game, so people who usually farm at those times can't, because they have to fight. There is also no time for low dd players to be prepard for an attack phase in 30 mins.

Keep the current timing, it gives a chance to low dd players and small clans too in the inactive hours.

Attack phases this close together also allow for map trading to be easier as many players are ready to trade whole maps at once.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
All of these timings are in the most active hours of the game, so people who usually farm at those times can't, because they have to fight. There is also no time for low dd players to be prepard for an attack phase in 30 mins.

Keep the current timing, it gives a chance to low dd players and small clans too in the inactive hours.

Attack phases this close together also allow for map trading to be easier as many players are ready to trade whole maps at once.
Low dd players aren't forced to attack on a daily basis nonstop either don't you think? They can use a couple days of farming dds preparing for their attacks

And yes agreed on map trading as well, many are asking for a solution anyways
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
Highway você tem que levar em consideração que a gente caça, que a gente upa que temos outras questões e o jogo em si o jogo é muito “ demorado “ se você quer aumentar as vazes, otimize o modo de caça do jogo pois é sem condições caçar, defender, drenar e etc nem pra gente que estamos com os portais e nem pra o kos, quem vai ter tempo de caçar ? Pois oque ainda movimento esse jogo é as guerras, então por favor leve em consideração todos os aspectos e não apenas um.
Perdão pelo “ porco “ não foi oque eu digitei,

Highway you have to take into account that we hunt, that we understand that we have other issues and the game itself the game is very “time consuming” if you want to increase the number of times, optimize the hunting mode of the game as it is without conditions hunting, defending, draining, etc., not for those of us with the portals and not for Kos, who will have time to hunt? Because what still moves this game is the wars, so please take into consideration all aspects and not just one.
Sorry about the “pig” that’s not what I typed,

Edited to English by Evyus!
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Active member
Jun 7, 2024
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You can't expert al

currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
All the people who have time only morning night can quit playing ds after this second fix the issue ally trade maps 3 Focus on GETTING New people in game And not on Keep change everything what gone happen if this great idea added? 20 mins trade 2h sleep 💀


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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And let's not forget players who can only come in the morning for whatever reason.

- Leyenda -

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Jan 14, 2024
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- Leyenda -
Cycle A: It would give a war or a more constant pvp for the possession of the buildings, in addition to being stages that have a greater number of online players, this would enlarge the pvp with 30 minutes, it would give time to organize the clans


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2024
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Fekete lovag

currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
This basically isn't comfortable for attackers as these times huge amount of defenders are too online , this just makes more easier for defenders and no need to defend at early morning times . Im basically from India so I also prefer to attack at early mrng phases of IST. I wouldn't have problem with these new phases as long as u also add early mrng phases too.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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Ive recently started grinding America server as an asia player cause of the inbalanced in the asia server.... And was happy to capture building during the 7 am and 11am phase during asia night time in america... With this implemnted cycle... I am not able to partake any wars.. and conflict phase...


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
I think it is not really necessary to change the schedules, the ones we have are pretty good, especially because if it is applied in the peak hours (afternoon and evening), it would only mean that most players could not farm quietly, and I doubt very much that the Players would farm in the morning because almost nobody would connect, at least now yes, because of the vacations, but later it will be complicated.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
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-I- R A Z E R -I-
Moon Star
I think the more reasonable one is Cycle A because we can't always be playing the whole day we have life to live. I wish if you could make it 1 phase a day so it feels like an event instead of mini attacks from no life ppl that are available 24h/7 to attack and its boring


Apr 18, 2024
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Main Char
This basically isn't comfortable for attackers as these times huge amount of defenders are too online , this just makes more easier for defenders and no need to defend at early morning times . Im basically from India so I also prefer to attack at early mrng phases of IST. I wouldn't have problem with these new phases as long as u also add early mrng phases too.
If you are from India you should play on Asia_1, the game made this server specially for your time zone.
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- Venimeuse -

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Jan 31, 2021
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Elite Anarchy X
If i should choose, i won't, i think its better to mix a bit the Cycle A and B :
- 15:00 is to early for ppl who finish school/work at 16:00 (which is the everage)
- We need a pause at around 19:00 to eat (dinner time)
So here is what i propose (3 phases) :

17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
2 hours protection pause

20:30-22:00 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 mins protection pause
22:30-00:00 (1.5 hours conflict)

if need, the first conflict phase can start 30 mins earlier or can expend the 30 mins of protection
i propose this for europe servers! ( i don't know if american and asia servers have the same "in real life business" )
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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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I still think a morning session is needed.... At least from 11am -12 afternoon for people who have odd hr working shift....


Well-known member
May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
I would add like one attacking phase 10 - 12 maybe and shorten last phase from 1.5h to 1 hour or even 45 min - that would make gameplay more intense also ngl at least for now on most of the servers all phrases last for 30 min and then all gates are retaken or taken away xD. And thats not going to change at least for now since claims dont produce much fame anyways, also remember that 1.5h conflict phrase means not being able to use some tp (if you activly play you know what I mean)


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2018
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fekete lovag
As people from all around the world with different time zones are playing on all servers you should consider a morning attack as well. I am not in the favor for cycle a or b as the current cycles are ok.


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Mar 15, 2024
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-I- Felo -I-
Dark Max Retribution

currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day, and the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.
My opinion is: just bring back old sites, they were much more better


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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Main Char
This is just lazy solution to making defending "possible" by limiting the phases for people to participate.....

Each clan has his active and non active hours... And by limiting the hours to just evening and night might favor the clan that peak in those certain hours......


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2022
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Its not fair "maphoggers" get to peak in their hours while the minority " rebels " are forced to fight their huge hoard during their peak and active hours...

We will go back to square one having a predicatable war and end results after conflict phase finish
Mar 20, 2017
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Taxi Carrara
Regarding the time of conflict, I think they are okay, but aiming at the drainage currently the time of taking would be short, because the portals and the war would have to last that very long, how would this be optimized? Would there be a new update so that we can last longer in drain and defend ? One suggestion would be that when taking inside the vulnerable phase, it could drain again so that we can " compete " for the portal and at the end of the drain the clan they are seeing with the portal being the " champion ".That would be an idea to think about, considering that my server is very busyI'm talking about America_1
Cycle A


Aug 26, 2022
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-Dxrk Rise-
If i have to vote i'll vote for A, tho im wondering what an indian doing in a eu server, anyways . But fr so far (from eu1 view) the server just got destroyed and many people quitting daily because of these updates that really don't make any sense and they completely in the favor of attackers which are not even 5% of the server. Devs not siding attackers and try to balance it agree but it demotivates the players and i think by the time it will be balanced (tho i don't think it will ever be as the old sites were perfect and now the game will become a gates swapping and no side will get any fame) the game will come to it's end. Anyways as a suggestion the attacker buff matter should be canceled or get balanced.


Dec 9, 2023
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Legion Infernal
Or now everyone just has a truce in place and will rotate the maps for fame. No one fights anymore. So you are just losing money cause there is no need to buy Recovery Kits anymore. Everyone walks around without protection and there is no more fighting lol
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