Defenders get attacker buff too. Boom, they are protected and now they have more time than ever to kill us off because of 1 tower clans.
Show me 1 ally clan that holds 1 tower, im curious, because as far as I know most clans are holding 5 sites
Also I’ll remind u of something because I’m honestly fed up of this bs
You complained you’re outnumbered by defenders, boom devs made big clans split and added a buff
Now that you start to realize the outcome you’re complaining again
Another reminder, big clans split into sub clans = less defenders from each clan
and their main clans can’t support them much much while you drain because of the buff, if you go ahead and look on each sub clan right now you won’t even find 3-5 high level players will you? And they hold 3-4 sites, if you’re gonna tell me here you can’t capture their sites with 20 attackers (as you claimed to have) I’d say you’re full of sh*t
Want the original clans to merge back into their mains? You need to make draining slower as they’re gonna have enough defenders to hold 6+ sites and they don’t want to lose any in 3 minutes (impossible to save in time) so yeah it’s a tactic, and you’re complaining about any tactics that is used against you but when it’s you using a tactic, you’re gonna spam without any data in order to support your statement