its (A)View attachment 45178
"That apple looks delicious! Through which of the three looong necks will it pass?"
~ 5 × 500 Gold Coins in Prizes ~
Post the right answer and win!
This is how it works:
- Post your answer as a reply to this thread. A forum account is required for this. Only post once!
- Your user profile must include both server and ranger name in its exact spelling - otherwise your post will not be considered in the winners draw!
- Five winners will be drawn from all correct replies on Tuesday, January 24.
- Open your user profile.
- Enter your server and ranger name (and clan name, if applicable).
- Scroll down and click on "Save".
TIP: You can safely remove any quoted text from your reply. Ideally, your reply only contains the answer to our question.
aView attachment 45178
"That apple looks delicious! Through which of the three looong necks will it pass?"
~ 5 × 500 Gold Coins in Prizes ~
Post the right answer and win!
This is how it works:
- Post your answer as a reply to this thread. A forum account is required for this. Only post once!
- Your user profile must include both server and ranger name in its exact spelling - otherwise your post will not be considered in the winners draw!
- Five winners will be drawn from all correct replies on Tuesday, January 24.
- Open your user profile.
- Enter your server and ranger name (and clan name, if applicable).
- Scroll down and click on "Save".
TIP: You can safely remove any quoted text from your reply. Ideally, your reply only contains the answer to our question.
A for sureView attachment 45178
"That apple looks delicious! Through which of the three looong necks will it pass?"
~ 5 × 500 Gold Coins in Prizes ~
Post the right answer and win!
This is how it works:
- Post your answer as a reply to this thread. A forum account is required for this. Only post once!
- Your user profile must include both server and ranger name in its exact spelling - otherwise your post will not be considered in the winners draw!
- Five winners will be drawn from all correct replies on Tuesday, January 24.
- Open your user profile.
- Enter your server and ranger name (and clan name, if applicable).
- Scroll down and click on "Save".
TIP: You can safely remove any quoted text from your reply. Ideally, your reply only contains the answer to our question.
View attachment 45178
"To jablko vypadá lahodně! Přes který ze tří dlouhých krků projde?"
~ 5 × 500 zlatých mincí v cenách ~
Zveřejněte správnou odpověď a vyhrajte!
Funguje to takto:
- Zveřejněte svou odpověď jako odpověď na toto vlákno. K tomu je potřeba účet na fóru . Zveřejněte pouze jednou!
- Váš uživatelský profil musí obsahovat jak jméno serveru, tak jméno rangera v přesném pravopisu - jinak nebude váš příspěvek zohledněn při losování výherců!
- Ze všech správných odpovědí bude v úterý 24. ledna vylosováno pět výherců.
[/rušič vztlaku]
- Otevřete svůj uživatelský profil.
- Zadejte jméno svého serveru a rangera (případně jméno klanu).
- Přejděte dolů a klikněte na „Uložit“.
TIP: Ze své odpovědi můžete bezpečně odstranit jakýkoli citovaný text. V ideálním případě vaše odpověď obsahuje pouze odpověď na naši otázku.
AView attachment 45178
"That apple looks delicious! Through which of the three looong necks will it pass?"
~ 5 × 500 Gold Coins in Prizes ~
Post the right answer and win!
This is how it works:
- Post your answer as a reply to this thread. A forum account is required for this. Only post once!
- Your user profile must include both server and ranger name in its exact spelling - otherwise your post will not be considered in the winners draw!
- Five winners will be drawn from all correct replies on Tuesday, January 24.
- Open your user profile.
- Enter your server and ranger name (and clan name, if applicable).
- Scroll down and click on "Save".
TIP: You can safely remove any quoted text from your reply. Ideally, your reply only contains the answer to our question.
AView attachment 45178
"O elma lezzetli görünüyor! Üç looong boynundan hangisinden geçecek?"
~ 5 × 500 Altın Para Ödülü ~
Doğru cevabı gönderin ve kazanın!
Süreç şu şekilde işler:
- Yanıtınızı bu konuya yanıt olarak gönderin. Bunun için bir forum hesabı gereklidir. Sadece bir kez gönderin!
- Kullanıcı profiliniz tam yazımında hem sunucu hem de korucu adını içermelidir - aksi takdirde gönderiniz kazananlar çekilişinde dikkate alınmayacaktır!
- 24 Ocak Salı günü tüm doğru cevaplardan beş kazanan belirlenecek.
:Bilgi: İPUCU: Alıntılanan herhangi bir metni yanıtınızdan güvenle kaldırabilirsiniz. İdeal olarak, cevabınız sadece sorumuzun cevabını içerir.
- Kullanıcı profilinizi açın.
- Sunucu ve korucu adınızı (ve varsa klan adınızı) girin.
- Aşağı kaydırın ve "Kaydet" e tıklayın.
AView attachment 45178
"That apple looks delicious! Through which of the three looong necks will it pass?"
~ 5 × 500 Gold Coins in Prizes ~
Post the right answer and win!
This is how it works:
- Post your answer as a reply to this thread. A forum account is required for this. Only post once!
- Your user profile must include both server and ranger name in its exact spelling - otherwise your post will not be considered in the winners draw!
- Five winners will be drawn from all correct replies on Tuesday, January 24.
:Bilgi: İPUCU: Alıntılanan herhangi bir metni yanıtınızdan güvenle kaldırabilirsiniz. İdeal olarak, cevabınız sadece sorumuzun cevabını içerir.
- Open your user profile.
- Enter your server and ranger name (and clan name, if applicable).
- Aşağı kaydırın ve "Kaydet" e tıklayın.
View attachment 45178
"Essa maçã parece deliciosa! Por qual dos três pescoços loooongos ela vai passar?"
~ 5 × 500 moedas de ouro em prêmios ~
Poste a resposta certa e ganhe!
É assim que funciona:
- Poste sua resposta como resposta a este tópico. Uma conta no fórum é necessária para isso. Poste apenas uma vez!
- Seu perfil de usuário deve incluir o nome do servidor e do ranger em sua ortografia exata - caso contrário, sua postagem não será considerada no sorteio dos vencedores!
- Cinco vencedores serão sorteados de todas as respostas corretas na terça-feira, 24 de janeiro.
:informação: DICA: você pode remover com segurança qualquer texto citado de sua resposta. Idealmente, sua resposta contém apenas a resposta à nossa pergunta.
- Abra seu perfil de usuário.
- Digite seu nome de servidor e ranger (e nome do clã, se aplicável).
- Role para baixo e clique em "Salvar".