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Various suggestions


New member
Oct 7, 2017
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The suggestions are ordered from easy to difficult to implement.
1) I've been playing dino storm from early 2013, and as many know, the max level limit has been pushed to 45. Thing is, dinosaurs and weapons were not updated to match these new levels in terms of aesthetic changes. What I suggest is:

For dinosaurs
lvl 1 to 9: Baby
lvl 10 to 18: Juvenile
lvl 19 to 29: Adult
lvl 30 to 44: SubAlpha
lvl 45: Alpha.

For weapons
lvl 1 to 29: Newly built
lvl 30 to 44: Upgraded
lvl 45: Best Upgradeable state possible.

This is a great way to re-do all of the upgrade requirements from scratch, so that they can be re-done and hopefully fixed with the new mindset the developers want to have when trying to upgrade.

This would greatly change expecially how dinosaurs are seen, and it would help to recognize what level the player is. In the current state of the game, you cannot tell a lvl 20 carnotaurus from a lvl 45, which really doesn't make sense.

2) To go with the suggestion above, I suggest that the dinosaur/weapon unlocking system is changed back to what it was before. (AKA: you unlock dinosaurs and weapons trough various achievements. For example, brachiosaurus would be unlocked by becoming a ranger, ect). This will make people get into the greater part of the game sooner while trying to unlock something they want. When you unlock something trough an achievement, it will be given to you for free at lvl 1. You can always decide to buy a pre-leveled one at the dino store/weapon store, but you need to have unlocked that dinosaur/weapon before. I'd also suggest that you make it so you can always buy things at any level above you that you want. (Example: you're level 45, but you can still buy level 1, 5, 10, 15 things) By doing this, you would be able to buy something for cheaper at the cost of having to level it up later.

3) Bring back weapon/dinosaur level requirements for tech/implants and abilities. Possibly add some new abilities, too. (Before, it used to be that lets say a level 1 coelophysis wasn't able to use any of the abilities and it couldn't install any implants, but now, there's no limitations).


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Main Char
Suggestion nr. 1 is good
Apr 1, 2017
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Main Char
So ... It seems that you suggest that the game return to be like in 2013 ... my heart would not resist ... better let's leave DS like this :sneaky: ;) :LOL: