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Tutorial for playing Dino Storm on MacBook/iMac

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2013
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There are two ways to play Dino Storm on MacBook/iMac :-

First, by setting up a parallel space on your Mac and Install Windows there.

Second, by setting up a completely different partition for Windows, in your Mac using Bootcamp assistant.

The first method is quick to setup and easy to switch between Mac OS and Windows, but you may suffer lag while playing as it runs windows as Virtual machine. Also, the application is free for 14 days but later requires subscription.

The second method will require you to follow the instructions of Bootcamp assistant which is preinstalled on Mac.

In any case, you will require the Windows 10 ISO file (Setup).

Method 1 (Parallels Desktop Lite) :-

1> Install Parallels Desktop Lite from App Store or directly from here : https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/parallels-desktop-lite/id1085114709?mt=12

2> In the Finderbar, Click File > New when Parallels Desktop Lite window is active.

3> You have two options :

a> To use your already downloaded Windows 10 ISO file.
b> To download Windows.

[A] If you use option a > Browse your Windows 10 ISO file from your Mac or from an External Drive.
Enter your license key or you can enter it later.
Choose "Games only" on the next screen
On the next screen, uncheck "Customize settings" and click "Create".

If you use option b > You will be offered to download Windows 10.
Click "Download Windows 10"

4> Let it do its task and soon you will be able to boot into Windows setup. It will automatically install windows. If the setup asks you which operating system you want to install, choose "Windows 10 Pro" and click Next. You will see that it will start copying files, installing windows and so on.. Once done, you will be able to boot into windows.

5> From there, you can install Java and Dinostorm client to access it.

Method 2 (Bootcamp Assistant) :-

It is a complex procedure and requires good knowledge about partitioning of Mac/Windows. Please stick with method 1 if you don't have confidence.

1> Make sure to disable File Vault before proceeding. Launch Bootcamp assistant from Utilities.

2> Click Next

3> Choose your Windows 10 ISO file and Move the slider at the bottom to adjust the partition size for Windows and Mac. I would recommend minimum 100 GB to be allowed for Windows 10.

4> Once you are done selecting the iso file and adjusting the partition size, Click Next.

5> On the next screen, it will start downloading Windows Support Software.

6> It will take some time depending on your internet connection. Expect the file size to be between 500 MB and 1 GB.

7> After it's done. Mac will reboot into Windows setup. Once again, if it prompts to select an OS.. Select Windows 10 Pro. Click Next > Adjust time/date etc and keep going Next.

8> If the setup asks you for a License key. Enter the license or click I don't have a license key.

9> Once you are done doing the basic setup of Windows, you will be directed to Windows desktop screen.

10> A windows will appear saying "Welcome to Boot camp installer". Click Next and Install it.

11> Search for "Apple software update" from start menu and update the drivers and iCloud from there.

12> From here, you need to install Java and Dino storm client to play the game.

13> To reboot into Mac, Shutdown Windows 10 from start menu.

14> Press power button on your Mac, and keep holding the "Option" key. You will be offered option to boot into Macintosh HD or Windows. Use Left and Right arrows to select them. Select Macintosh HD and press return.

15> Repeat step 14 and select Windows for booting into Mac OS.

For any problems faced in setting up Bootcamp :-

Contact Apple Support : https://support.apple.com/en-in/contact
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