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Troubles in Paradise


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Dec 14, 2014
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Hello I'm pretty new here. I've only been playing the game for a week and have reached level 16 in the American 1 server, but I have an issue. Lately it's been getting harder and herder to enjoy the game or to get any hunting/quests done without being jumped every 5 minuets. I've noticed...that I get continually attacked by Latin players. Especially Steel MEX. ON one map I saw a Steel killing only English players, anyone who had a Latin based flag on their user passed without issue, but this guy continually spawn killed anyone with an American/English flag. This is really concerning for me as I want to enjoy the game without getting jumped by Latin players all the time just because my user shows an American flag. Is there a server where English players get less attacked or are more welcomed? Should I just quit this game?
Nov 27, 2012
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Sadly, I'm one of the the few old soldiers of the English/Spanish War of 2012-2013, When I came in the war(game) was a third underway there was four main English groups trying to safeguard English players Knight's Templar(Matt {leader}), Martyr(Dot {leader}), Jedi Council (Old Ben {leader}), Dino Troopers(Big Al {leader}(if you see any on the range today they're spanish and may kill you). The Spanish players enjoyed more gold coin for reduced cost,(English players payed the full amount of cash for gold coin). It was some ugly fighting with what I know near the end of the war with a group of spanish players called the revolution which was an arm of steel clan. They had some hackers as well in that clan and may still have some still in steel today I can't say where blame was laid but a mistake(think we all made that), was made offering a truce with steel clan. What that allowed the steel clan to get stronger while we were fighting off revolution. We made mistakes by taking in spanish players,(some from steel clan), most where spies & space takers, only a few may have been true. Some of the Leadership had to quit for health reasons, other English clans either bickered with each other, eventually disbanded, or they grew too large and buckled under due to stresses in command. There's more to the story but it's not my place to tell it and others may or may not fill in the gaps which I don't mind mostly cause my memory is getting rustier as the years go on. Most English players quit,(figuring it was just not worth spending huge sums of money just to get to Sheriff and the Rex), but there may be pockets of resistances, but it don't matter cause as of now they're too entrenched, it would cost too much money to fight another war. It would have been bitter ashes in my mouth, but at least in the Dino Troopers we all sacrificed and got the leader Big Al his Rex. so I consider that a Pyrrhic victory. I sometimes go out on America 1 I've been cussed at in Spanish, threatened, and killed once by a spanish hacker who hacked the guardian protection. So I'm in one since the Flying Dutchman not welcome anywhere on America 1
The other is that saying "Old Soldiers Never Die They Just Fade Away"



Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
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lI SniPers Il
I was one of the old ones from Jedi Council. What Gun said is correct as far as I remember. The cost of the gold coins and the incredible racism made it so there really was no reason to play on America_1 anymore. Why play just to feed someone else's spawn camp?