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The Great Hypocrisy

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MX Power

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1. Account and Avatar(s)
{c} Transfer / Trading of Accounts and Account Sharing

The transfer or trading of accounts is strictly prohibited; all game accounts represent virtual property of Splitscreen Studios GmbH and their affiliates. This includes any form of account sharing, which is defined as the use of a single account by one or more additional players that are not directly associated with the account.

4. Terms of Use
{c} Use of Third-Party Software

The use and distribution of software that is capable of offering systematic and/or automated means of control and/or evaluation of performance or function (e.g. through bots, macros, scripts etc.) is not permitted.

I guess most of us are already familiar with the rules, but nobody seems to care. Because in the recent years Splitscreen Studios have adapted a new policy when it comes to enforcing their rules.
  • In-Game Evidence is required to report/penalize someone. After all if you don't admit it then you can get away with literally anything.
  • First time breaking a strictly forbidden rule that deserves permanent suspension? 1 month temporary bann.
  • Using VPN to get cheap market values for gold shop compared to your currency? None to stop you buddy.
For lack of actions from Support, players have taken advantage of it and exploited the game in ways never could have been imagined before.

So here is some of things I noticed people doing:

A group of players band together and start new accounts on different and not so populated server, they all use VPN (Virtual private Network) program to change their location from their country to a country where they can buy cheap gold coins. It's only required to do that once because once you have a gold shop on creation, you can only change it by support team's help.
Next thing they do exploit that cheap gold coins advantage to climb too high in the levels and reach max level, sometimes one player can level up multiple accounts and he and his friends can all enter same account and grind for that account. After all, you can't stop them without in-game evidence and they aren't dumb to admit anything.
Next thing they use a program that allow them to open multiple accounts at the same time, and when they have the level to fight, they join one side on a server war, each one fight with 3-7 accounts and make sure they win and have a hand on that server sheriff elections.
If you thought it is bad well, you ain't seeing nothing yet son (or girl). After they get their opportunity to get elections, they give sheriff and win T-Rex on these accounts and then sell them at high price in real money values (Dollars/Euros) to other players, they use that money to expand their business, bring in more players to help them, pay for more gold on new cheap gold shop accounts and increase their numbers in devouring servers scale, and move to the next server and do the same thing all over again.
Now the only reasonable way for most people on these servers to actually use the T-Rex is to buy an account from these people, and that's actually cheaper than having to fight them off and control back their servers.

As you see, the game rules have been savagely broken on ridiculous rate & all that been happening and will continue to happen while Splitscreen studios watch and do nothing about it, and even if they want to do something about it they choose not to. That's the great hypocrisy in my opinion.


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Aug 6, 2016
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  • Using VPN to get cheap market values for gold shop compared to your currency? None to stop you buddy.
solution for local pricing abuse is simple; just check player IPs (or whatever, I'm not master at it) and see if their market currency matches with their country, if not; permanently penalize them for abusing.


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Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
100% true


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
solution for local pricing abuse is simple; just check player IPs (or whatever, I'm not master at it) and see if their market currency matches with their country, if not; permanently penalize them for abusing.
They won't look at anyone's IP if you don't have proof that this is happening, believe me, I tried.


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Sep 26, 2020
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1. Account and Avatar(s)
{c} Transfer / Trading of Accounts and Account Sharing

The transfer or trading of accounts is strictly prohibited; all game accounts represent virtual property of Splitscreen Studios GmbH and their affiliates. This includes any form of account sharing, which is defined as the use of a single account by one or more additional players that are not directly associated with the account.

4. Terms of Use
{c} Use of Third-Party Software

The use and distribution of software that is capable of offering systematic and/or automated means of control and/or evaluation of performance or function (e.g. through bots, macros, scripts etc.) is not permitted.

I guess most of us are already familiar with the rules, but nobody seems to care. Because in the recent years Splitscreen Studios have adapted a new policy when it comes to enforcing their rules.
  • In-Game Evidence is required to report/penalize someone. After all if you don't admit it then you can get away with literally anything.
  • First time breaking a strictly forbidden rule that deserves permanent suspension? 1 month temporary bann.
  • Using VPN to get cheap market values for gold shop compared to your currency? None to stop you buddy.
For lack of actions from Support, players have taken advantage of it and exploited the game in ways never could have been imagined before.

So here is some of things I noticed people doing:

A group of players band together and start new accounts on different and not so populated server, they all use VPN (Virtual private Network) program to change their location from their country to a country where they can buy cheap gold coins. It's only required to do that once because once you have a gold shop on creation, you can only change it by support team's help.
Next thing they do exploit that cheap gold coins advantage to climb too high in the levels and reach max level, sometimes one player can level up multiple accounts and he and his friends can all enter same account and grind for that account. After all, you can't stop them without in-game evidence and they aren't dumb to admit anything.
Next thing they use a program that allow them to open multiple accounts at the same time, and when they have the level to fight, they join one side on a server war, each one fight with 3-7 accounts and make sure they win and have a hand on that server sheriff elections.
If you thought it is bad well, you ain't seeing nothing yet son (or girl). After they get their opportunity to get elections, they give sheriff and win T-Rex on these accounts and then sell them at high price in real money values (Dollars/Euros) to other players, they use that money to expand their business, bring in more players to help them, pay for more gold on new cheap gold shop accounts and increase their numbers in devouring servers scale, and move to the next server and do the same thing all over again.
Now the only reasonable way for most people on these servers to actually use the T-Rex is to buy an account from these people, and that's actually cheaper than having to fight them off and control back their servers.

As you see, the game rules have been savagely broken on ridiculous rate & all that been happening and will continue to happen while Splitscreen studios watch and do nothing about it, and even if they want to do something about it they choose not to. That's the great hypocrisy in my opinion.
a simple solution would be to be able to make reports without the need for evidence.
if a player is reported and his acc is "clean" nothing will happen to him,
but if any infraction is identified, he would be punished.

and these problems are one of the causes of large alliance monopolies as well.

the amount of player who breaks the rules of the game is absurdly large...

account sharing, account buying and selling, buy coins using VPN, all of this influences the imbalance in war for server.

@Highway this topic is important...


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
a simple solution would be to be able to make reports without the need for evidence.
if a player is reported and his acc is "clean" nothing will happen to him,
but if any infraction is identified, he would be punished.

and these problems are one of the causes of large alliance monopolies as well.

the amount of player who breaks the rules of the game is absurdly large...

account sharing, account buying and selling, buy coins using VPN, all of this influences the imbalance in war for server.

@Highway this topic is important...
Note: If everyone is banned without the evidence (in this case mentioning the report), who broke the rules, the DS would have a huge negative impact. 60% of accounts would be banned. Many accounts these days are either purchased or used VPN.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2020
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No clan
Note: If everyone is banned without the evidence (in this case mentioning the report), who broke the rules, the DS would have a huge negative impact. 60% of accounts would be banned. Many accounts these days are either purchased or used VPN.
most of these players who break the rules are toxic players, the game environment would be much nicer without them... and the wars much less unbalanced


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2021
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Lucas Apenaz
Fact. However, you cannot globalize the term "everyone is toxic", as not everyone who buys accounts is toxic, the clan or alliance that makes them that way. The banning of this large number of accounts that broke the rules would result in a great disappointment and rule breaking in the Consumer Defense Code requirement. Since it is by law, you can only be banned in a game with evidence.


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Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
- Banning old players without being able to get new players= game will be taken down.
- Fixing the abuse of regional pricing= make it fair for all consumers.
- Stopping RWT= drop in revenue and reduction in player activity. (restricting an account to only being able to have only two registered IP address. This limits RWT while still keeping it monitored.)
- Making quest fun= More player activity, less likely to rwt and attracts new player. (In pirate galaxy you have a side quest that is about racing across the map, its very fun)
- More content= More player activity, more fun, attracts new player.


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Aug 6, 2016
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They won't look at anyone's IP if you don't have proof that this is happening, believe me, I tried.
I know, that's why there are no-life clans abusing local pricing and trying to dominate entire DS servers


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Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
Split screen should do advertisement on social media platform to attract new players but only after they fix major flaws of the game.


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Jun 30, 2020
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I'm laughing at some comments because some of you don't even realise what you're writing.

Think twice before posting.

First of all, the people who run Splitscreen Studio aren't dumb. They created this game, they know everything that's happening, they see the data of everything and they track everything. All in all, they know about this type of abuse.

Second thing, if what you people are proposing— banning players on the charge of sharing accounts simply because of suspicion and with lack of evidence— would affect Dinostorm heavily in a negative way.

On the front page of Dinostorm.com, it is advertised that 10 million accounts has been registered, but how many people are active in one server only when there's war?


Hell no.

In case of no war or event, there's no more than 100 people on the server online

(Taking the example of America_1 at peak time)

Servers will literally shut down and be inactive.

Third point is revenue. Use your logic.
Compare the 2 demographic.

Players who go from server to server, purchasing accounts, paying people to upgrade new accounts to use later compare to a regular player who play quietly on one server only.

Which demographic spend the most in the game? Of course it's the former type!

(Now you're going to say that they have cheaper shop, so they spend a lot)

Well about that, I have news for you.

I am ready to take a long shot guess and say that the former demographic are the ones who spends the most in this game with all their wars and I am ready to bet that they have a major contribution to the game's revenue.

The LTV (Lifetime Value) of that first demographic is too high for the company to let go of them. If the developers decided to take actions against these accounts abused as suggested by you all—punishing without evidence, I can concretely say that 50% of [Accounts Active Daily] will be wiped out from this game.

Everyone knows that this dear game is dying, the player base has been shrinking yearly. Splitscreen could compare their revenue report and see how much they made as from 2020 (2020 was the year that cheap shop started to become a thing) compared to previous years.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
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While some of you are thinking that I defend this type of abuse with what I just wrote, I'd like to clarify by saying the following.

I certainly DO NOT support this type of abuse. I do not support it nor take part of it.

Yes, the fact that players are buying accounts with ease and conquering servers is ruining it for the other demographic of players.

By writing those 3 main points I would like to remind you all that this issue is not easy to tackle. It would be a shot in the foot of the game if your proposed solution were to come to fruition.

With the next update, I expect this thing to be gone and be a thing of the past. Players won't do server vs server wars because they will be too busy fighting and defending what's their in their servers.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2015
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You summarized everything I was thinking but was too lazy to create a post. IMO every account that has been used by more than one person should be banned permanently.

Sadly though splitscreen will not do anything about it, this practice is most likely their biggest and most reliable source of income from gold coins. Meanwhile people banned for account sharing several years ago come to the forum and get told "yOu sHoULd HavE ReAd ThE tOs, gEt rEkT" by GMs. Hypocrites.

MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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M X Power
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I'm laughing at some comments because some of you don't even realise what you're writing.
You laughed at my post too, and I don't see where I suggest anything but merely pointing out the hypocrisy as the topic name says. and I know for a fact that they know all this already wrote this:
all that been happening and will continue to happen while Splitscreen studios watch and do nothing about it, and even if they want to do something about it they choose not to
One thing you don't realize that if from day one after the new European law took effect and Splitscreen Studios find a working alternative to keep their rules enforced then we wouldn't have had all this mess and we wouldn't risk lose 50% if not even 80% of this game player base that took the liberty to break rules knowing that they are safe anyway and won't be punished.

I didn't purpose a solution because there is no solution, it is something that Splitscreen Studios allowed to happen under their watch, and like @istencsaszar said here:
Meanwhile people banned for account sharing several years ago come to the forum and get told "yOu sHoULd HavE ReAd ThE tOs, gEt rEkT" by GMs. Hypocrites.
Totally agreed by the way (/)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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While some of you are thinking that I defend this type of abuse with what I just wrote, I'd like to clarify by saying the following.

I certainly DO NOT support this type of abuse. I do not support it nor take part of it.

Yes, the fact that players are buying accounts with ease and conquering servers is ruining it for the other demographic of players.

By writing those 3 main points I would like to remind you all that this issue is not easy to tackle. It would be a shot in the foot of the game if your proposed solution were to come to fruition.

With the next update, I expect this thing to be gone and be a thing of the past. Players won't do server vs server wars because they will be too busy fighting and defending what's their in their servers.
I don't know who is more naive, the people who think that "Splistscreen" doesn't know about these things and will do something about it or you who think that the next update will solve this problem.
if with the game having only rex as item exclusive already there is a huge black market.
what do you think will happen when they add more exclusive items to sheriff?
Sheriff's acc will be worth a fortune and the mafia will only increase.

its so obvious 🤣


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
I'm laughing at some comments because some of you don't even realise what you're writing.

Think twice before posting.

First of all, the people who run Splitscreen Studio aren't dumb. They created this game, they know everything that's happening, they see the data of everything and they track everything. All in all, they know about this type of abuse.

Second thing, if what you people are proposing— banning players on the charge of sharing accounts simply because of suspicion and with lack of evidence— would affect Dinostorm heavily in a negative way.

On the front page of Dinostorm.com, it is advertised that 10 million accounts has been registered, but how many people are active in one server only when there's war?


Hell no.

In case of no war or event, there's no more than 100 people on the server online

(Taking the example of America_1 at peak time)

Servers will literally shut down and be inactive.

Third point is revenue. Use your logic.
Compare the 2 demographic.

Players who go from server to server, purchasing accounts, paying people to upgrade new accounts to use later compare to a regular player who play quietly on one server only.

Which demographic spend the most in the game? Of course it's the former type!

(Now you're going to say that they have cheaper shop, so they spend a lot)

Well about that, I have news for you.

I am ready to take a long shot guess and say that the former demographic are the ones who spends the most in this game with all their wars and I am ready to bet that they have a major contribution to the game's revenue.

The LTV (Lifetime Value) of that first demographic is too high for the company to let go of them. If the developers decided to take actions against these accounts abused as suggested by you all—punishing without evidence, I can concretely say that 50% of [Accounts Active Daily] will be wiped out from this game.

Everyone knows that this dear game is dying, the player base has been shrinking yearly. Splitscreen could compare their revenue report and see how much they made as from 2020 (2020 was the year that cheap shop started to become a thing) compared to previous years.
- Stopping RWT= drop in revenue and reduction in player activity. (restricting an account to only being able to have only two registered IP address. This limits RWT while still keeping it monitored.)
Two Ip address one from the guy that created the account and the other one from the guy that bought it. They cannot share after that or it gets banned.
I don't support RWT too.


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Oct 28, 2018
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Flo Rida
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Can you all stop attempting to ban people , this already annoying enough , good idea lets ban every player , and call them toxic players, if DS let it happen it mean there is a reason , it maybe not affect his much the game as u guys think , i think it even make the game better , more people , more war , more fun , you would prefer be alone? then you can go play minecraft


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Jun 30, 2020
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You laughed at my post too, and I don't see where I suggest anything but merely pointing out the hypocrisy as the topic name says. and I know for a fact that they know all this already wrote this:
all that been happening and will continue to happen while Splitscreen studios watch and do nothing about it, and even if they want to do something about it they choose not to.
Put yourself in their position, what options are you presented with?

It's not that they choose not to do something about it, I would argue that there's no proper way to tackle this issue without their revenue taking a massive hit. Basically collapsing the game altogether since Dinostorm 2022 is built on traded accounts and shared accounts.

you who think that the next update will solve this problem.
I believe that the next update will solve this issue, here's my thesis so far.

In order to come up with a solution to the problem of "People Invading Servers" it's important to point out why this abuse even happen in the first place.

Here's some factor which I believe have led to this problem:
  • People being bored in their current server. (They got an inactive server with no action there)
  • Players starts looking for allies to help them in their current server, so they go to other server and help them and the help is returned.
  • Ability to create cheap shop from outside their locations with ease.
  • Ability to trade/ share accounts with ease and no strict penalty.
(perhaps I missed a point, feel free to add)

Now for the solution why I believe the Endgame Mechanic update will minimize this abuse.

(inviting everyone who's reading to counter my argument)

Endgame Mechanic update, Town Hall application being anonymous & the change in maps will promote more wars in a specific server. Players will detached themselves from that alliance/ clan which no longer have their benefit in mind and will go against the majority. (Because that's what this update is about, making the election system fair)

You could be in a clan and apply in the same election as your clan member. And the best part is that nobody would know.

It will create a never ending conflicts in a server between the players who are currently dominating as players who were "oppressed" would finally find a way to win their elections without having to depend on big alliance of that server.

With this in effect, the first & second point would no longer be a reason why people would leave their server and invade others.

The fourth points can easily be tackled if more strict rules are put in place.
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2019
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The whole game works on Bribe, and the only one to blame is the dev team for letting it happen, back in the days you could say hi to a girl and get banned nowadays you can make a nuclear bomb in dv and u won't get banned, as I said before this dev team should be disqualified and sued...........


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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Put yourself in their position, what options are you presented with?

It's not that they choose not to do something about it, I would argue that there's no proper way to tackle this issue without their revenue taking a massive hit. Basically collapsing the game altogether since Dinostorm 2022 is built on traded accounts and shared accounts.

I believe that the next update will solve this issue, here's my thesis so far.

In order to come up with a solution to the problem of "People Invading Servers" it's important to point out why this abuse even happen in the first place.

Here's some factor which I believe have led to this problem:
  • People being bored in their current server. (They got an inactive server with no action there)
  • Players starts looking for allies to help them in their current server, so they go to other server and help them and the help is returned.
  • Ability to create cheap shop from outside their locations with ease.
  • Ability to trade/ share accounts with ease and no strict penalty.
(perhaps I missed a point, feel free to add)

Now for the solution why I believe the Endgame Mechanic update will minimize this abuse.

(inviting everyone who's reading to counter my argument)

Endgame Mechanic update, Town Hall application being anonymous & the change in maps will promote more wars in a specific server. Players will detached themselves from that alliance/ clan which no longer have their benefit in mind and will go against the majority. (Because that's what this update is about, making the election system fair)

You could be in a clan and apply in the same election as your clan member. And the best part is that nobody would know.

It will create a never ending conflicts in a server between the players who are currently dominating as players who were "oppressed" would finally find a way to win their elections without having to depend on big alliance of that server.

With this in effect, the first & second point would no longer be a reason why people would leave their server and invade others.

The fourth points can easily be tackled if more strict rules are put in place.
1- anonymous elections, the players (the grand alliance) can simply plan among themselves to prove that they are not invading allied elections, with screenshots etc.
and it would be unlikely that they would risk destabilizing the alliance to steal just one post.

2- but to gain fame the minority would have to dominate maps and thus gain fame.
how will the minority win maps from the majority?

3- it is impossible for a single clan to dominate 5 maps, there is no way to exist "every man for himself", you will need allies.

4- at some point the server of the invaders of servers, will have peace and they will return to invade other servers, the wars in this game are very exhausting, mainly for the attackers.
and as the game will have new exclusive items, the dominants will do everything not to miss the maps.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Since nobody is punished with permaban even having 6 "1 month ban", would be better if Splitscreen modify the rules to the current times permiting account sharing, selling and etc that is needed. Because those things are unstopeable now and is something common on many games


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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2- but to gain fame the minority would have to dominate maps and thus gain fame.
how will the minority win maps from the majority?
dont forget that in 3rd part fame stealing will be a thing


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
Since nobody is punished with permaban even having 6 "1 month ban", would be better if Splitscreen modify the rules to the current times permiting account sharing, selling and etc that is needed. Because those things are unstopeable now and is something common on many games
The problem is not buying and selling of accounts. The problem is what arise from buying and selling of accounts.

Someone with a lot of money buys 10 accounts and SHARES them to other individuals.
The accounts that are SHARED have regional pricing which allows people to have an unfair advantage compared to regular consumers who do not abuse the regional pricing system.

Also it might be common for other games to have account sharing as well as RWT but the admins of those games are always cracking down on them; finding and banning those players. Other game also have system to find rule breakers and they don't always require you (the player) to make a report before they decide to investigate.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2016
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_MaD BullS_
why are you laughing, you shouldn't be laughing, you should be banning players oh wait nvm i'm talking to a wall.
because she trying to keep us employed! we got bills!😂💸 shushhh
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