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Robot Pal

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Nov 9, 2020
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Hello guys, so while i was farming I came up with a great idea because of the sheer ammount of items i had on the ground and couldn't pick them up in time. I was thinking that I would have had it easier to farm if there was a system that helps pick up items while farming. So meet Space Vendor, who finally got out of his wrecked spaceship that crashed in ccv! This guy sells a robot that helps pick up items and that we can upgrade, just like our guns!

This robot will have 5 upgrade stages!
Tier 1 it will pick up only gels

Tier 2 will pick up gels and boosters

Tier 3 will pick gels, boosters and clothes

Tier 4 will pick up gels, boosters, clothes and upgrade materials

Tier 5 will pick up every item

This robot will have its own inventory space and it will get +5 inventory space for each upgrade. Additionally players can buy more robot inventory space using gold coins. Once full, players will have to sell the items or drop them, or the robot won't collect anything because it's full. Now the robot can get some filters attributed, for example a player with tier 5 robot can have it collect only white items and stones, but any other item gets collected and destroyed, meaning there won't be any item on the ground.

Players will have to complete some quests to unlock the robot, and buy it using random item that spawn around every map. There can be more items scattered around the map, some will be used as upgrade and other to buy the robot. Bandits can also drop these items! To give it more use, completing Space Vendor quests unlocks cyborg and supreme variants, alongside the elections, basically just one more step for unlocking them.

The robot can have a random attribute but luckily the vendor sells an item that can change only the robot's attribute, and to not have it too op, it only has half the attribute of any cloth, for example lvl 55 q10 endu has 120 endurance, but the robot with endurance attribute will have 60 endurace.
Space Vendor will be located near his spaceship waiting for the players to defend him from aggresive carnivores and scared herbivores!

P.S: This ideea really benefits duo hunt which is a great way to get stones, dd, items, basically anything that we need, and having such a system means there will be more players doing this hunting strategy for sure, and there may be less time spent on farming but more on fighting!
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